Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 590 Conspiracy is an unforgivable crime

Chapter 590 Conspiracy is a heinous crime

The person who spoke was Huang Shengju, the general judge of Songjiang Prefecture who was less than thirty years old.

Although he was young and energetic, he admired Lu Xiangsheng's demeanor, but after seeing this well-known scholar, since he arrived in Songjiang, his words seemed to be pointing all the time, and Xie Ruyun, the prefect who was the chief official of the prefecture, seemed weak in his response. Powerless, so Huang Shengju stood up decisively and responded to Lu Xiangsheng's remarks with a more forceful attitude. His words faintly revealed that he suspected that the important officials of the court wanted to take the opportunity to make things difficult for the officials of the Songjiang Mansion.

"I would like to report to Bachelor Lu, although the words of Shicai Tong's judgment are extreme, they are still not unreasonable in general.

Since the incident of the murder by the attacking officer happened, the subordinate officials also sent all the experts in the Yamen to investigate the case with all their strength.Judging from the scene of the attack on officials, although several officials were injured or injured on the spot, there were no weapons left at the place where the incident occurred. Don't prepare a sharp knife for the perpetrator?
As for the number of perpetrators, there should be more than ten to twenty. Since the sky was dark when the incident happened, the young and strong who were working on the wharf scattered and fled in panic, so no one could tell whether there were any acquaintances among them. Those who were attacked were all relied on by the capital, let alone anyone else.

All of these led to no trace of the case. However, the lower officials reported to the Ministry of Punishment, requesting the imperial court to name the suspects arrested by local governments, in order to understand the matter as soon as possible. "

After Huang Shengju raised his head, the pusher Geng Yuanren followed the trend, trying to divert Lu Xiangsheng's attention to other places.Under the divergent opinions, once Lu Xiangsheng's thinking is confused, the report to the emperor will be inclined to the conclusion given by the people in Songjiang Mansion. In this way, this matter may be reclassified as a general criminal case, which is against Songjiang The most favorable outcome for the entire government.

"Hehe! Although what your government and the officials said is not unreasonable, but one of them cannot be concealed!
Since Longwan opened the sea, Jiangnan has become more and more prosperous, and there are more rich people. It can be seen that there are not many people who profit from maritime trade, but there is no difference between maritime merchants and Cao merchants!It is understandable that they all obtain commercial profits through trafficking between the two places.

However, everyone should know that all merchants passing through the canal have to collect taxes at the banknote customs, but what about maritime merchants?His commercial income was several times or even ten times that of Cao merchants, but the imperial court did not get the slightest profit from it!

Based on this alone, the Holy Majesty and a group of courtiers can conclude that the purpose of the attackers and murderers is to prevent the court from opening customs to collect taxes!Haven't you all seen that the port and wharf in Shanghai County have not been moved yet?This point is exactly the second point I will say!

The Holy Majesty stated that from now on, the Songjiang Mansion must act on behalf of the imperial court, find and hire people who are proficient in civil engineering from the local area, and hire them with a lot of money to participate in the construction of the port. Promoted to the Ministry of Industry as a real position.

After the meeting of your government, you must immediately arrange for people to write and post announcements to make this policy known to the public as soon as possible.

What's more, the Ministry of Industry is ordered to send officials to go south with the official this time. The emperor has strictly ordered that the Shanghai County Wharf must be completed and put into use within half a year. Songjiang Prefecture should do its best to cooperate in this matter. Completion will be severely punished! "

Lu Xiangsheng did not express his position on what everyone said just now, but his expression and words seemed to be loose, which finally made Xie Ruyun and others relax a little.

"Scholar, because the incident of attacking an official is too bad, the Songjiang Mansion has been focusing on pursuing the murderer with all its energy for the next month or so. In addition, no one knows the art of civil engineering, which is why it has come to a standstill. Strictly order, the subordinate officials and colleagues should take it as the top priority at the moment to catch them!

However, the lower officials still have doubts in their minds. I don't know if the bachelor can solve the doubts for the lower officials. "

After Xie Ruyun explained and reassured, he raised a question again.

"If you have something to say, you may as well speak up. As long as it is related to official affairs, I will know everything!"

Seeing that Lu Xiangsheng's attitude became more and more gentle, Xie Ruyun became more confident.

"The bachelor said just now that the Holy Majesty and the courtiers believed that the attack on officials happened because the opening of the sea to collect taxes touched the interests of maritime merchants. What I want to ask is, if the Songjiang Mansion complies with the order, it will be released in half a year. If the construction of the port is completed within a few days, does that prove from another side that there are no maritime merchants involved? Can the crime of treason prescribed by the Holy Majesty be changed to an accidental crime?"

"What your mansion mentioned seems to have some truth, let's skip it beforehand, everything has to be watched as we go! This time, the Ministry of Criminal Justice has also sent someone to accompany me on business. It is better for Officer Geng Tui to contact him as soon as possible."

Faced with the relevant questions raised by Xie Ruyun, Lu Xiangsheng pondered for a while and did not give a definite answer, but his tone softened, which made everyone present feel more at ease, and then everyone chatted casually At that time, the officials of Songjiang Mansion got up, saluted and said goodbye.

"Wenchang, Weimao, what do you two think of Lu Jiandou's attitude today? What's next?"

In the closed study room in the backyard of Songjiang Mansion, Xie Ruyun looked at Huang Shengju and Geng Yuanren, and asked by their names.

After returning to the office, the three gathered here to discuss how to deal with this tough move by the court.

"Fu Zun, I think this matter is not trivial, I never thought that the imperial court would send people down so quickly! This is enough to show that the emperor and the cabinet ministers are really angry!
The lower officials think that if we want to resolve this matter and reduce its harm to us, we must start with Lu Jiandou and get rid of the crime of treason!Otherwise, it would be easy to implicate us in it!
Although Gu, Lu and others respect us for four seasons, we must not risk our lives because of this matter!

The lower official believes that it is necessary to make Gu, Lu and other four families realize the seriousness of the matter as soon as possible, give up the fantasy of trying to resist and evade taxes, and use practical actions to help the construction of the port, and take the opportunity to clear away the suspicion!

The sooner the port is put into use, the sooner the commercial tax collected by the imperial court will enter Taicang, and the crime of treason will be out of the question.As long as we pass this level, we'd better use our relationship to be transferred to another place as soon as possible, and then we will have nothing to do with us anymore! "

Huang Shengju's suggestion made Xie Ruyun and Geng Yuanren nod their heads.

Gu Shenqing and the others get very close to the three of them on weekdays, and whenever there are various big and small events such as birthdays, full moons and hundred days, weddings and funerals, etc., the four big merchants will send generous gifts to the three of them. This close relationship is why Gu Shenqing and others can run amok in Songjiang Mansion.

Xie Ruyun and others were also very clear about the attack and killing of officials this time, because Gu Shenqing and others had made a special trip to consult their opinions on this matter, but the final result was beyond their expectations.

At the beginning, Gu Shenqing assured them that it was just to drive or injure the officials sent by the Ministry of Industry, so that these people from the court could withdraw after fear, but unexpectedly it turned into a vicious murder in the end. Xie Ruyun and others were greatly dissatisfied with his actions.However, due to the close contact between the two parties, they almost merged into one body, so they could only admit the matter while pinching their noses, and described it as a civil uprising in the report.

"Wenchang's proposal is very appropriate. I will send someone to visit Gu's house later! Furthermore, the port reconstruction project mentioned by Lu Jiandou should be dealt with as a major event, and Wenchang will be fully responsible for this matter! But it looks like it will be done tomorrow. Personally accompany the Ministry of Punishment to search for clues everywhere, and there is no need to cover up during the process!"

After Xie Ruyun finished speaking, Huang Shengju and Geng Yuanren nodded in response.

Because all the relevant people involved in this matter have been cleared away, Xie Ruyun and others are not worried that the people sent by the Ministry of Criminal Justice will find any clues to solve the case.

Even the Jinyiwei Qianhu Office of Songjiang Mansion has not found any evidence related to the case so far, let alone these Beijing officials who are not familiar with the place.

But what Xie Ruyun and others didn't expect was that besides the officials of the Ministry of Punishment in the Ming Dynasty, another more terrifying place had quietly descended on Songjiang Mansion.

 This pneumonia epidemic has spread across the country, readers must take more precautions, masks can play a very important role, but don't buy disposable thin masks; try not to go to places with a lot of traffic in confined spaces, stay at home Bar.Many readers have not experienced SARS in 03. Now it is almost the same as that time. It has not yet reached the outbreak period, so don't be careless!Life is the most precious!
  May God bless China!
  Thanks to Taoist Yuming for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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