Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 591 Jin Yiwei also has idols to worship

Chapter 591 Jin Yiwei also has idols to worship
"Report to the town governor, this is the investigation and treatment of Qianhu in Songjiang since the incident occurred. However, due to the dense population of Songjiang Prefecture, it was rainy the next day after the incident, and all traces were difficult to identify, so it has not been possible Find the traces of the perpetrators, so far it is really difficult to determine who did it. I am incompetent and lowly, please ask the appeasement envoy to come down!"

In the second hall of the Jinyiwei Songjiang Thousand Household Office, Li Lie, the governor of Jinyiwei North Town Fusi, sat on the throne in casual clothes, looking awe-inspiring between his gazes. The households were divided into servants, Bian Wuchang and Zhang Liang of the Qianhu Office of Songjiang Prefecture knelt on one knee in the center of the hall.

After Li Lie received Zhu Youjian's oral order, he immediately led the elite Fusi troops from Beizhen to sail south from Tongzhou Wharf.After arriving in Shanghai County, Li Lie dispatched all of Beizhen Fusi's experts who were proficient in investigations to the city and the countryside, and strictly ordered them to try their best to find out all the news about the case, in order to find out the truth of the case as soon as possible. And he himself led the relevant people into Songjiang City ahead of Lu Xiang.

"Get up!

The emperor has designated this matter as treason, so it is necessary to find out the truth as soon as possible and arrest the culprit, so as to make the emperor less angry!

Since you have not found relevant clues, it is useless to read these files or not.

Although the emperor asked me to go to the army and ask for everything to be conclusive, but you two have been in Songjiang for more than a year, and you should know the customs of this place. I will ask you two, do you have any doubts in your heart? man of?Just pick from those sea merchants! "

Since the case was handed over by Zhu Youjian himself, and the nature of the case is extremely bad, how to solve the case has become the top priority at the moment. Otherwise, I have just been promoted to the important position of the governor of Beizhen Fusi. If I can't solve the case in time, then in the future In Weizhong, the prestige will be lost.

Therefore, Li Lie has no time to pursue the responsibility of the Thousand Households Office of Songjiang Prefecture for the time being, and the disposal of the relevant personnel will have to wait until the case is solved.

"I report to the governor of the town that there are a lot of merchants engaged in sea trade in Songjiang Prefecture due to the huge profits from sea trade. In Su Songchang and other places, there are more than a hundred households who have become rich because of this.

The involvement of these maritime merchants is not limited to maritime trade. They have all kinds of assets under their names, such as restaurants, shops, workshops and pawns. Counting only small households, there are dozens of households with millions or millions.The subordinates also thought hard and discussed all day long, trying to find out the suspects, and later sent the school lieutenant to follow up and visit, but in the end they found nothing.

If we infer according to what the town governor said, I think the top ten households including Gu, Lu, Zhou, Xu, Fang, Huang, Sun, Liu, Kuai, and Feng are the most suspicious! "

Ever since the case of attacking officials, Bian Wuchang and Zhang Liang always felt pressured. After sending out all the people who could be sent in the guard, the two also gathered together to discuss with the news they got from time to time, but they always Didn't find any clues.

The two men had already thought about the most suspected question of maritime merchants mentioned by Li Lie, and then focused their investigation on the top ten surnames mentioned just now.However, according to the intelligence analysis sent by the school captains every day, before and after the incident, none of the ten wealthy merchants had any abnormal behavior inside or outside the house. These news made Bian Wuchang and Zhang Liang very disappointed.

Just when they were frowning, the arrival of Li Lie, the new great god, made them feel even more anxious and uneasy. They knew in their hearts that if the case could not be solved as soon as possible, their future would be bleak. , will most likely be completely marginalized in the end.

"Success! Let's check these ten companies as the key points! Do you have relevant credit information for these ten companies? Let's see what kind of good things these big businessmen have done on weekdays! Maybe this matter will fall on them. Once it is verified that someone Involved in it, the internal money will be a lot of money for no reason, the emperor may not be happy!"

Li Lie has also heard a lot of rumors about how wealthy merchants in the south of the Yangtze River are rich, but when he heard that these big households spend millions of dollars, Li Lie and the two hundred households couldn't help but be speechless: This is what he said. Are you so rich?It is much richer than the noble family property that has been passed down in the capital for more than a hundred years. It would be a great achievement to find out what happened!

"Report to the Governor, since the establishment of the Songjiang Thousand Households Office more than a year ago, his subordinates have begun to investigate and collect information about important local people. So far, we have sorted out a lot. Please also ask the Governor Wait, I will send someone to fetch it!"

After spending more than an hour, Li Lie and others finally finished reading all the information about the ten surnames collected by Qianhu.

"These credits are very detailed. It can be seen that the two of you have put your heart into handling errands on weekdays. I will tell you about this point. The two of you plan to hand over the names of the relevant generals and captains to me later, and both will instruct you." You will be rewarded accordingly.”

Li Lie stretched out his fingers and rubbed his temples to express his attitude. Bian Wuchang and Zhang Liang quickly clasped their fists and bowed to salute, expressing their deep appreciation.

They both know that as long as this matter is mentioned in Li Lie's report, if the principal culprit is one of these ten surnames, then when the case is solved in the future, although the Songjiang Thousand Households Office does not have the first merit, it will also be involved. In this light, the future of the two will become clear again.

"After a day of busy work, there is also a famine in my stomach. Old Bian, what food does this Songjiang Mansion have? You seldom go south, and only heard that people in the south of the Yangtze River like to eat light food. We are not used to this in the army. Kouer, you can arrange some meals here. I don’t like meat, so please don’t clean up those clear soups with little water and blandishments. Otherwise, when I return to Beijing, I will go and sue you in front of the commander. You said that you treated Shangguan harshly! Hahahaha!"

After reading many documents, Li Lie already had some ideas about the case in his mind.

If you implement it according to your own ideas and everything goes well, you should be able to see results soon.So in a good mood, Li Lie also let go of his airs as a superior, and joked with Bian Wuchang and others.

"The governor is joking! Just now, I have sent someone to the best restaurant in the city to book a table and wait for a table, and it is estimated that it will be delivered to the office in a few moments. I know that I will wait for the North Because of the taste of human beings, I specially told the dishes to focus on mellow taste, so as to ensure that all Shangguans can eat comfortably!"

Bian Wuchang was able to get the position of Qianhu in Jinyiwei, and of course he was also a person with sharp features.When Li Lie and the others were concentrating on reading and exchanging opinions, he quietly sent someone to book a banquet.

"Success! Then let's chat and wait!"
By the way, I don't know what's going on with Master Lu.Later, we will discuss while eating, and after the agreement is reached, I must make a trip in person to visit Master Lu, and respectfully invite the old man to make a decision!
Although our pro-military and civil servants have always been enemies, but to be honest, among the many civil servants, a certain person admires Lu Dashi and Sun Cifu from the bottom of his heart!

Especially Lu Xueshi, at the critical moment of our Emperor Ming, with the appearance of a civil servant and the matter of a marching general, he abandoned his family and business for ten years and fought bloody battles. A look at Bachelor Lu!
I can tell you that no matter when you see Bachelor Lu, you have to be respectful and respectful. If anyone dares to show any disrespect to Bachelor Lu, I will really deal with him ruthlessly! "

(End of this chapter)

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