Chapter 598

"Introduction to the Holy Majesty, the matter of the vassals is related to the private affairs of the heavenly family, and it is also related to the relationship between relatives, so the old ministers dare not comment lightly. But what the Holy Majesty said is indeed the truth. For 200 years, the vassals have enjoyed their success, but in Huangming There is no benefit, and during the period, there are countless quarrels with the court and the people, and it is really time to reform the old and eliminate the evils. As for how to deal with it, the ministers will respectfully listen to the holy order."

After hearing Zhu Youjian's sudden remarks, the ministers who hadn't found out the news beforehand were stunned for a while, and then they quickly exchanged glances, and Wen Tiren stood up first to salute and play.

The emperor wants to take the clan that everyone in the world hates. Of course, this is an act that civil servants like to hear. Wen Tiren's words are just to remind Zhu Youjian from the side: Although we agree with your decision, but because it involves hiding relatives If you do this, you will probably leave a bad reputation in history. As for how to choose, it is up to you to figure it out.

Close relatives have been a traditional concept of the Han people for thousands of years. The simple explanation of this word means that relatives cannot turn their elbows outward. To help him cover his defense.

The opposite concept is believed to be more familiar to future generations: killing relatives with righteousness.

This behavior, which is extremely commendable in later generations, is absolutely against human ethics in the present, and will be cast aside by everyone.

Of course, Zhu Youjian doesn't care too much about these things. The so-called leaving a name in history can sometimes be turned around, and the strong can do anything.

"I have no objection to the matter of cutting down the permanent jobs enjoyed by the feudal vassals, but I think it needs to be carefully considered by the vassals to leave the fiefdom.

There is no need to say too much about the kindness of the holy house, but not all people in the clan have the same character as the holy man.Now the Holy Majesty wants to use the opening of the sea to rectify the south of the Yangtze River. I think that although this move is beneficial to the country and the people, it may cause unforeseen turmoil. People who are bewitched by it may cause even greater disasters. "

Li Banghua, who seldom spoke, stood up to salute, and spoke out about the possible consequences of revoking the suzerain vassal and not leaving the fief without reason, but his words did not resonate with the rest of the important officials, and Chen Qiyu stood up with disdain and retorted: : "Brother Meng An's words are a little overwhelmed.

The generations in the south of the Yangtze River have lived in prosperity for a long time, and their blood has long been dissipated in the mellow wine and beautiful women, and the misty rain. Now that Sun Baigu, Lu Jiandou and other important officials who have been in the battlefield for a long time are personally supervising the battle, who would dare to act rashly?

If someone tries to provoke, not to mention the factory guards watching secretly, even if there are only three or two generals by their side, they will be able to kill them all!
The same is true of Zong Fan.Although his status is noble, but he has huge wealth but no support of the people, neither the advantage of military armor nor the hope of greedy heaven, so how can disaster happen?
With the wisdom of the Holy One, how could he not have considered this point?
Therefore, no matter what strategy the Holy Majesty intends to adopt, the feudal vassals can only bow their hands and bow, and the rest don't need to worry about it! "

After Chen Qiyu finished speaking, Zhu Youjian couldn't help but nodded secretly.

In terms of seeing the general situation, Li Banghua is indeed not as good as Chen Qiyu.Li Banghua is honest and dare to speak out, his character is not good, but his thinking is still too fixed, he always uses the examples that happened in the past dynasties to infer the current events, and lacks innovative thinking that keeps pace with the times.

It seems that Lao Li is still more suitable for the role of speaker, and he is indeed lacking in government issues.

"Yu Xuan's words are reasonable, the old man has really thought about it, and I would like to be taught!"

Li Banghua was a frank man, and after hearing Chen Qiyu's analysis, he immediately bowed his hands and saluted him to show respect, and he didn't look angry at all because of being refuted by the other party.This kind of gentleman's demeanor made everyone, including Zhu Youjian, admire him greatly, and Chen Qiyu hurriedly bowed his hands in return.

"Li Qing really has the demeanor of a famous minister in the past dynasties. I am very relieved! All the ministers are talking about the public, and this kind of atmosphere has already taken on the appearance of the prosperous Tang Dynasty. I hope that the ministers will continue as before in the future. Bright new chapter!"

"Your servants must abide by the sacred metaphor!"

All the ministers stood up and saluted in response.

"Inspired by the Holy Majesty, I don't know what strategy the Holy Majesty wants to promote to the various vassals?
As far as I know, the land donated by Zhou Fan has become the public land of Kaifeng Prefecture, and it is divided into 12 households for farming. Up to now, a total of [-] shi has been paid for rent, and the output has been included in the Changping warehouse of Kaifeng Prefecture. Inside.

If the Holy One intensifies the cuts, then the grain accumulation in government warehouses in various places will increase year after year. This is really a blessing for the people of the world! "

Hou Xun saw that Zhu Youjian had finally made up his mind to take action against the vassal. He was afraid that his measures would be too small, so he hurriedly cited the benefits that King Zhou had brought to the court after donating 30 mu of land, trying to confuse Zhu Youjian with This is the standard, and all the vassals are asked to donate half of their fields.

"Hou Qing's words are trivial. This time, I want to have a thorough understanding of the affairs of the vassals, so as to eliminate the harm caused by the vassals to the Ming Dynasty forever, and I will regard it as a permanent example!"

Zhu Youjian smiled slightly, and within a few words, everyone's appetite was whetted.Everyone in the hall put away their thoughts and focused all their eyes on Zhu Youjian's face.

"As far as I know, in the past 200 years, the feudal lords have accumulated a huge amount, and most of their huge wealth comes from business income, and the land under each person's name is not the main income of each prefecture.

Since the second half of the ninth year of Chongzhen, when the imperial court began to levy commercial taxes on the canal, all merchant ships that sailed the canal, except the Four Seas Commercial Firms and the Prince's Mansions, paid taxes according to the regulations. This income has also become one of the sources of Taicang's prosperity.

In view of this, I would like to decree that from now on, all the goods trafficked through the canal, whether it is the Four Seas Commercial Firm or the Prince's Mansion, will be subject to the same commercial tax as ordinary merchants. "

As soon as Zhu Youjian's words fell, all the ministers were secretly surprised: "Fuck, the emperor is really cruel to himself. He even dared to collect his own tax. This is an unprecedented anecdote!"
However, since the emperor came and made such a move, who would dare not pay taxes?Who has the nerve not to pay taxes?

Now those gentlemen in the south of the Yangtze River who are pointing and cursing all day should shut their mouths, right?How can you scold me?
"That's not enough. As we all know, what the Ming Dynasty lacks the most is food. Regardless of whether it is Huangzhuang or the vassals, all the land they own is tax-free land. In this way, the imperial court has lost nearly 200 million hectares of land that should be paid. tax.

Therefore, I have decided that from now on, all the land under the name of Huangzhuang and the vassals, except for the Yongye land that they are entitled to, will pay rent and tax according to the regulations of the imperial court! "

As Zhu Youjian's shocking words fell to the ground, the air in the hall seemed to freeze suddenly, and everyone including Wang Chengen was petrified on the spot.

Since ancient times, the emperor has been the lord of the world, and only the royal family has always asked others for it. There has never been a royal family paying taxes to others. However, the young emperor in front of him broke this eternal rule and prepared to pay the imperial court Tax.

"My lord, think about it so hard! This world belongs to our family, and all the people in the world should support the Tian family. How can there be any reason for the Tian family to give money and food to others to pay taxes! In this way, isn't our Tian family Is it no different from ordinary people?"

First of all, Wang Chengen, who recovered from the shock, could no longer care about the rules, and tugged Zhu Youjian's sleeve with an anxious expression on his face, and whispered persuasion.

 Thanks to shajia, the cake robber for the reward.Don't give rewards, everyone, save your money and prepare to live a tight life. This year's life is not easy, the economic downturn cycle, and this kind of epidemic situation, normal people will come to the correct conclusion.

(End of this chapter)

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