Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 599 Guessing the Emperor's Thoughts

Chapter 599 Guessing the Emperor's Thoughts

"The Holy Majesty's move is truly an unprecedented feat, and the veteran is really grateful! May I ask the Holy Majesty, do you have any other plans and plans?"

Although Wang Chengen's voice was quiet, it still brought everyone back to reality from the state of trance. After the first assistant Wen Tiren rolled his eyes, he immediately asked his own question.

Wen Tiren, who is best at figuring out the emperor's mind, smelled something different from Zhu Youjian's words just now. Although he hadn't thought of what the emperor's move meant, it didn't prevent him from quickly inferring that the emperor had other plans. .

To Wen Tiren, although the emperor's remarks just now were shocking, but after careful consideration, the emperor seemed to be making a gesture.The little tax paid by Huangzhuang and the commercial bank is nothing to the rich and powerful emperor today.

The emperor is too rich, and too good at making money.

Whether it was Taizu Taizong or later Shizong Shenzong, they all racked their brains and tried every means to increase the income of internal money and Taicang, but the results were too unsatisfactory. In the end, the ancestors did not gain a good reputation, nor did they have much more money in their pockets than usual.

But this one is completely different. Since the eighth year of Chongzhen, he first copied the accumulation of the eight major Shanxi merchants for many years, and then used the factory guards to seize the salt interest, and also slaughtered a few big fat sheep involved in the salt interest.

The next step is to send Jinyiwei to supervise the Canal Banknote Customs to collect taxes, so that the original annual banknote tax revenue of only 50 taels has soared to more than [-] million taels a year, setting a new record for Ming Dynasty taxation.

As for the Four Seas Trading Company, it is a cornucopia of daily income.Although it is not clear how much silver taels are brought to the palace every year, since the second half of the eighth year of Chongzhen, almost all of the money and food consumed by more than [-] officers and soldiers were spent from internal funds, and most of the expenses should have been earned by the Four Seas Commercial Bank. .

If the customs offices along the coast are established one after another, Taicang's income will be filled even more rapidly.With money and provisions, as well as a loyal army of [-] soldiers, the country that was in jeopardy a few years ago has taken on a new look, and the emperor's seat is even more secure.

But Wen Tiren judged intuitively that the emperor seemed to have some amazing moves to do, and today's events gave people a feeling that there was more to come.

"I have decided that the number of land granted to the feudal vassals shall be limited to [-] mu, and the rest will pay rent to the imperial court at [-]% per year!

From then on, all feudal vassals can freely come and go to all parts of Daming. Except for the pro-vassals, the rest of the clan can engage in the work of the four peoples, and there is no limit to everything! "

After the deliberations were over that day, all the ministers returned to the refurbished cabinet office to handle their official duties. Soon after, a team of royal guards also rushed to various places with Zhu Youjian's will on the reform of the vassal clan.

In fact, Zhu Youjian's intention to reform the vassal system is different from what he publicly announced in Zhaoren Hall.

In order not to cause a big backlash, and to enable this measure to be implemented smoothly as soon as possible, Zhu Youjian made a compromise to a certain extent.

For the various businesses operated under the names of the feudal vassals, Zhu Youjian adopted the method of explicit collection and covert compensation, which is similar to the export tax rebate policy of later generations.

To put it simply, commercial firms and shops under the name of the vassal clan still have to pay taxes according to the regulations, but at the end of each year, Zhu Youjian will take out silver taels equal to or even greater than the amount of tax paid from the internal funds in the name of rewards. Return it to each Prince's Mansion.It is believed that this move will effectively alleviate the resistance of the vassals, although the resistance is also ineffective.

Zhu Youjian did not make any concessions regarding the payment of rents and taxes for the production of more than [-] mu of land.

For him, what is lacking now is food, and the money in the internal funds is really too much to spend. The most urgent task is to do everything possible to feed the people in the world. This is the most important thing for those who rule the world. duty.If the most basic right to survival of ordinary people cannot be guaranteed, then what is the point of this time travel?
Zhu Youjian was not worried about what kind of troubles these pro-vassals would cause. Jin Yiwei, who was stationed in the clan mansion and the prince's mansion, suppressed them. What kind of trouble did the princes who didn't have any weapons at home except kitchen knives make trouble?
In addition to yelling and swearing, in extreme cases, there may be a bloody prince who expresses his protest, dissatisfaction and anger at the Zhu family emperor by self-mutilation or suicide, but these things are simply impossible. The world that has been rendered is well known.

Zhu Youjian expressed to the more than [-] princes in his decree that if everyone is willing to sell the land under his name, the Four Seas Commercial Bank will purchase it at a price that is twice the market price, and the Four Seas Commercial Bank will also buy the grain produced by the palace. Purchased at a premium.

With the development of the matter to the point where it is now, it is necessary to take serious action against these malignant tumors on Daming's body.

After the rent and taxes are levied on the pro-vassal fields, it will be the turn of the scholars all over the world.

Wen Tiren might have sensed something, and that's why he asked later, but Zhu Youjian swallowed the words that came to his lips in a flash of thought.

In the afternoon of the same day, Shoufu Wen Tiren left the Forbidden City in his special car to return home.

Now Lao Wen's carriage is not unique to Beijing.

Soon after the new cabinet members gathered, Zhu Youjian gave each cabinet minister a carriage.According to what Wen Tiren heard, years ago, all civil and military officials of the second rank, as well as those Hou Boxungui, would each be given a carriage with the logo of their respective houses.

Wen Tiren returned to the mansion with his mind full of doubts.

Today the emperor did not respond positively to the question he raised later, which has never happened before.

Old Wen knew very well that what the emperor was most satisfied with about him was that he was obedient and willing to take the blame.

The emperor hesitated to speak today, probably because the matter was too important and he was not ready to let anyone take the blame.

After the carriage that drove into the courtyard stopped, the butler Wen Yuan who had been waiting here opened the door from the outside, and then took out the wide, flat brocade stool and put it away. Wen Yuan stepped on the brocade stool with his outstretched arm and got out of the carriage.

"My lord, today is your 67th birthday, Madam specially cooked some dishes for you, Huadiao is also simmering on the stove, you must have a few cups to relax and relax tonight! hehe!"

Wen Yuan's words pulled Wen Tiren back from his thoughts, and while walking towards the backyard with his hands behind his back, he said, "Hehe, the old man has been busy with his business recently, so he forgot about it!
Wen Yuan, later, I will give each of the servants in the mansion a five-coin silver red seal, so that everyone can be happy, and your share will be given to you by the eldest son himself! "

"Okay! On behalf of the slaves, I thank the master for the reward! I wish the master a happy birthday and a long life!"

Wen Yuan congratulated with a smile as he walked.

He used to be Wen Tiren's school boy, and he has been serving Wen Tiren since he was ten years old. He has been in Wen's residence for 40 years, and his relationship with Wen Tiren is like a relative, so the two talk very casually.

"It's a pity that the second son is far away in Jingxiang, and I don't know if he can come back during the Chinese New Year. Master, you are the chief assistant, why don't you transfer him back to the capital?"

After the harvest of summer grain in the Gyeonggi area, Wen Kan, under the instruction of Wen Tiren, has volunteered to take the relevant personnel of Sinong Temple to Hubei to preside over the next large-scale development project of the Jianghan Plain. It has been several months since this trip .

"The old man is the chief assistant, and he should lead by example! Kan'er is in his prime, the age to make a lot of achievements, how can he think about being clean and rich at a young age?

Although my son has not achieved the three successes of the old man in learning, but when it comes to the knowledge of economics and economics, the old man dares to boast that today's gentleness is far superior to most court officials and their children!After the old man retires, the future of the Wen family will rest on the second child! "

 Thanks to shajia, the cake robber for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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