Chapter 1
After delivering the meal to the last customer, Liu Hai was sitting at the side of the roadside noodle stall waiting for the stall owner to serve beef noodles.

"Well, today's life is not bad, and the beef is doubled." As a post-[-]s, Liu Hai is a person with three nos (no house, no car, no savings), and naturally has no woman. They spent it all, and borrowed a large sum of money from relatives and friends. Liu Hai and his elder brother worked hard for several years to repay the money, and both of them delayed their lifelong events.Liu Hai also has no expectations for the future, one day is one day.

"Boss, today's meeting is so slow." Liu Hai waited for a while to see that the meeting hadn't arrived, so he turned back and said to the boss.

"Immediately, wait a minute, brother, I'm sorry," the boss replied.As soon as he finished answering, the boss's face changed drastically, and he jumped to the side.

Before Liu Hai could react, he dared to feel a loud bang in his ears, and then his eyes went dark, and he didn't know anything.

I don't know how long it took, our pig's horns fluttered and came to an ancient city gate in a chaotic manner. When he looked up, he saw three large characters "City of Death in vain" on the gate.

At this time, Liu Hai was startled, and suddenly he woke up from the chaos just now, knowing inexplicably that he had already arrived in the underworld.

At this time, a ghost guard at the gate of Wushi City saw Liu Hai, and immediately came over to ask, "Hey, where did you come from, little ghost over there? Where is the ghost guard escorting you?"

When Liu Hai heard the question, he replied tremblingly, "Brother Guancha, I didn't see that brother Guicha came to take me. I came here unknowingly after I was hit by a car."

The ghost messenger was shocked when he heard what he said.Since he thought that since he was working at the gate of the dead city, this kind of thing has never happened. Afraid of taking responsibility, he immediately took out an iron chain from his waist and shook it to his bangs. When he arrived in front of Liu Hai, Liu Hai instinctively wanted to hide, but he couldn't hide, and the iron chain bound him tightly in the blink of an eye.

I heard the ghost officer say: "Where did the wild ghost dare to lie to a certain family, it must have sneaked out by that ghost officer. When a certain family rejects you to the judge, the judge will make a clear decision."

After speaking, he pulled the iron chain and pulled Liu Hai to the front of him, and the wooden stick in the other hand slammed on Liu Hai.Liu Hai only felt the pain from being beaten like boiling oil, Liu Hai was terrified, and shouted: "Big Brother, Big Brother, I really didn't see a ghost, I came here by myself, no matter what, I'm surrendering, Big Brother spared my life, Take it easy."

The ghost messenger ignored him and dragged him towards the city of Wushi.Pulled by the ghost messenger, Liu Hai scrambled and followed into the city of death. While he was on his way, he peeked at the scenery along the way, and he saw gloomy clouds everywhere, and the faces of passers-by were full of bitterness.Although there are many shops on both sides, it is silent, not like the scene in the world.

Soon the two came to a government office, and saw people coming and going, ghosts and servants of all kinds coming in and out.The two of them entered the corner door and walked along the corridor before they came to a large hall.I saw a few new ghosts chained to a stone post in front of the hall. The ghost messenger handed the chains to a guard in front of the hall gate and said, "Put this guy in prison. I'll go in and report to your lord."

The guard cupped his hands and said, "Go ahead, brother, you can't escape him."

The ghost messenger returned to the hall and entered the hall.The guard took Liu Hai and tied him to the stone pillar, saying: "Be honest, or the whip of the master will not be polite."

Liu Hai quickly returned: "Brother, don't worry, I will never trouble you." The guard nodded and went to rest on a bench.

Besides, the ghost messenger entered the hall, and stood in the middle of the hall with his head bowed, peeking up at the red-robed official who was dealing with official duties behind the desk in front of him, and he didn't dare to make a sound, just waited quietly.

After a long time, the official put down the brush in his hand, Fang looked up at the ghost guard, and said: "Old Ma, you are not on duty at the city gate, what are you doing here?"

The old ghost horse bowed and said: "I don't dare to disturb your lord, I just have an important matter to report to your lord."

The official said: "If you have anything important, report it quickly."

Only then did the ghost messenger explain to the official everything about his encounter with Liu Hai at the gate of Wushi City.

The official was surprised when he heard this, and asked the ghost messenger to bring Liu Hai into the palace to meet him.

Not long after the ghost messenger came down to the hall, Liu Hai was brought to the hall.The officials looked at it, and then Liu Hai asked Ming's birth date and hometown address.Opening a back book next to him and looking carefully, I don't know what I saw on a page, and I frowned.

The official looked up at Liu Hai, and summoned the scribe next to him to say something in a low voice, the clerk nodded and left the hall.The hall fell into silence again.

Liu Hai panicked in His Highness, peeking at the official from time to time.Not long after, the scribe whispered something in the official's ear.The official looked distressed, bowed his head and muttered silently.

Why do you think, it turns out that the official in the palace is the famous prehistoric judge Cui of the dead city, just now I checked the life and death book and saw that Liu Hai's life is not changed, and his lifespan is eighty to five, but he came to Yincao in his early thirties. A famous scribe went to the Sansheng Stone to check the Yangshi, and the scribe replied that Liu Hai was still alive in the Yangshi, but he had changed his soul in his body, but the golden light of the soul was dazzling and his magic power was low so he couldn't see his true face clearly.

Judgment Cui heard what the clerk said, and he knew that the celestial immortal couldn't bear the loneliness, so he used magic to take away Liu Hai's body.

Cui Juan didn't want to offend the immortal officials in the heavenly court, so he pondered for a long time and made up his mind, since immortals can take away human bodies, he might as well find a freshly dead body and let Liu Hai be reborn once.It happened that His Highness had a child who had just died in vain crying, thinking that the child's body had just died.So he asked the ghost messenger to come forward and explain so and so.

The ghost messenger stepped forward and lifted Liu Hai out of the main hall, but it was only ten halls, and went straight to the six reincarnations.

At this time, in the first hall of King Qin Guang, there was a judge who was Judge Lu. .Knowing the past and the consequences, he secretly thinks about the good, the previous time he went to the world of Liaozhai to drink with brother Jieyi, only to be troubled by his brother's self-proclaimed hard work and no progress in his career.

He asked Cui Pan to find a Seven-Aperture Exquisite Heart among the countless heart apertures in the underworld, and replace it with his brother, and used that stupid heart to make up for it.Seeing that although Cui Pan made a favor with the official that day, he sent that ghost to that world. Although it was a rich and noble town, it was overthrown in the blink of an eye. The soul must be dissatisfied with this suffering.When I come again, I must go through the ten halls to see Lord Yan of the ten halls. If I report to the emperor Yan Luo at that time, then Cui Pan and the immortal official will be punished. Why don't I give the soul some benefits, and the soul will benefit , when I come again, naturally I won't talk nonsense, and I have the right to repay Cui Pan's favor.

As for the little fairies in that world, he has not paid much attention to them, and as for the stubborn stones who want to enjoy the prosperity of the world, they are only bewitched by others when Nuwa Empress is wandering.Those little fairies only know how to please Shenying, but they don't know how to explain to Nuwa Empress that Shenying couldn't survive the mystery of the womb and ruined countless years of hard work.Reincarnation and reincarnation are two different things.

Thinking of this, Lu Pan returned to the palace and went to the treasure house in the palace.Not long after he came out of the vault, he had three crystal ball-like light clusters in his hands.Lu Pan came to the front of the hall, looked for the direction of the six reincarnations, and threw the light ball in his hand, and the three light balls turned into three streamers and went away.

He was talking about Liu Hai being led by the ghost messenger to the six realms of reincarnation. On the way, he asked the ghost messenger softly: "Brother, where are we going?" If you are in a good mood, you don’t need to go to the Emperor Yan Luo to be tried, and you will be reincarnated directly, and go to a Fugui family.”

While speaking, he talked about Naihe Bridge, and saw a woman who looked like an old woman serving soup to the ghosts crossing the bridge.The ghost messenger bypassed the woman and stopped at a vortex.He took out a small ball of souls from his bosom, and there was a villain inside, which was the child crying in front of the hall.

As soon as the ghost messenger sent this small group of souls to Liu Hai, the soul became one with Liu Hairong.Liu Hai is about to cry, what is this for?Seeing that Liu Hai was so frightened, the ghost guard comforted him and said, "You don't have to be afraid. With this little group of souls, you will not only get the memory of that child, but also deceive the way of heaven and earth, which will be of great benefit to you." .”

After speaking, he violently pushed his bangs into the vortex.At this time, three beams of light flew from a distance, pouring into Liu Hai's body and disappearing.As soon as Liu Hai entered the vortex, he immediately lost consciousness.

 Please give me more help in writing the first book, and give me more pointers if there is anything wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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