Chapter 2 Crossing
The ghost messenger was very surprised to see three rays of light entering Liu Hai's body.Don't dare to neglect, immediately go back to the dead city and report to Judge Cui.

Besides, Liu Hai opened his eyes in a daze, and found himself lying on the bed. He couldn't help but looked around, and saw carved beams and painted buildings, tables, chairs, and beds were all different.

Liu Hai couldn't help supporting it with his arms, and wanted to get up from the bed. At this moment, there was a huge pain in his brain, and countless memories flooded out. Liu Hai couldn't help but fell back on the bed again. He yelled "ah" because of the headache, and fell into a coma again.

This is a little maid who came in from outside the house, presumably she heard Liu Hai's cry and came in to check.

The little maid saw Liu Hai on the bed frowning and moaning from self-pain in her sleep, not only was she not worried, she even showed joy on her face.He stepped forward and touched Liu Hai's head, only to feel a chill on his head, and surprise appeared on his face.Immediately, Liu Hai gently covered the brocade quilt again, turned around and walked out the door, and walked quickly to the main room next to him.

"Auntie, Auntie, go and see the uncle." The little maid yelled loudly as soon as she entered the door.

I saw a [-]-year-old young woman kneeling in front of the Buddhist altar in the center of the main room. The young woman was shocked when she heard the little maid's cry, and then collapsed on the ground, with endless pain in her heart, she couldn't help but crying loudly.

Seeing this, the little servant girl knew that the young woman had misunderstood her, so she hurriedly stepped forward to help the young woman, and explained: "Auntie made a mistake, the young master is fine, not only is it fine, but now the fever on her body has also subsided, so it can be seen that the medicine of the imperial physician Wang took effect yesterday. gone."

Only then did the young woman feel relieved, she stared at the little maid and said, "Chuncao, you didn't lie to me, my son is really getting better."

"How dare Chuncao lie to Auntie? I just heard some movement in the young master's room. I went in to check and found that although the young master is still awake, the fever on his body has faded." The little girl Chuncao dared to reply.

The young woman asked if she could hear the strength, she got up from the ground at once, and ran to the next room in a stumbling manner.

As soon as the young woman entered the room, she saw Liu Hai on the bed slowly opening her eyes, and she was overjoyed immediately, but tears flowed down her eyes involuntarily.

The young woman came to the bed and hugged Liu Hai, and couldn't help crying: "You hateful thing, you scared my mother to death. How can you let my mother live after you go."

At this time, Liu Hai had already woken up and absorbed the memory in his brain.

It turns out that he is no longer in the world of the earth, he is now in the world of Dream of the Red Chamber, that's right, it is the book known as the first of the four great classics.And the identity of the person he possessed is not ordinary, but Jia Ke, the son of Jia Zheng's concubine Aunt Zhou who died young in the book.

In the Dream of Red Mansions, Aunt Zhou does not fight or snatch, she is despised and does not speak, and her color is only delicate, not as beautiful as Aunt Zhao, so she is not favored by Jia Zheng, and she is like an invisible person in Jia's mansion.Now that I think about it, I'm afraid it's because of her son's early death, which has dealt too much blow to her, and her heart feels ashamed.

Seeing Aunt Zhou's love and care for him, Liu Hai was also moved for a while, thinking that whoever said that he was so careless would be rewarded with three springs, which was really good.

I also thought that it would be impossible to return to the original world.The judge in the city of vain death was probably hiding something from him because he didn't want him to know.

In the original world, his mother died of dystocia when giving birth to him, and it was his father who acted as father and mother who raised him and his elder brother.Not long after he and his eldest brother started working and the conditions at home had improved a lot, his father was diagnosed with lung cancer, and the two brothers were in great pain.After the father found out about his illness, he was going back to his hometown to die, but the two brothers discussed it, and felt that their father had suffered for their brothers all their lives, and if they got sick when they got old, they should only have too much money, and it would still be human to listen to their father's return and let their father wait to die. .

So the two brothers went bankrupt to treat their father, and tried their best to enlighten his father, but they still couldn't save his father's life.After his father became ill for more than two years, he still sent his father away.

But the family left a huge debt.But neither he nor his eldest brother regretted it.The two brothers worked from dawn to dusk, and it took them nearly ten years to pay off their debts.

As soon as he relaxed, he should have gone to the underworld for unknown reasons.He felt that he was framed by the judge.

Although it is said that the person that the judge asked him to possess was the family of the princes, he had seen the Dream of Red Mansions, and the final ending of the Jia family was "the white expanse is so clean".Even the Jia family in Gao E's continuation is not much better.Although the Jia Ke he possessed was not Jia Zheng's direct son, if he didn't die halfway, he might not have a good end.

Now we can only take one step at a time. The Jia Ke he possesses is Jia Zheng's eldest son, and his mother, Aunt Zhou, was originally Jia's mother's maid.

Not wanting to get pregnant with Jia Ke after having intercourse a few times, Mrs. Wang wanted to abort the child because she didn't follow the rules.It was Aunt Zhou who knelt down outside Jiamu's room for a day and a night, and her former sisters begged for mercy in front of Jiamu to save the child in her womb.

All these years, Aunt Zhou was very cautious, not daring to make mistakes, so Jia Ke survived.

Mrs. Wang soon became pregnant again, and gave birth to a son and a daughter. The boy's name was Jia Zhu, and the girl was called Jia Yuanchun because she should have been born on the first day of the Lunar New Year. Come and raise him yourself.

It's been ten years. Aunt Zhou thought it was nothing serious. She didn't want Jia Ke to accidentally fall into the pond in the garden on Jia Ke's tenth birthday. When she was found by a servant and rescued ashore, she vented more air than breathed in. .Although Jia Zheng didn't care much about the eldest son, he was his own flesh and blood after all, so he also invited famous doctors from Beijing to come and treat him. My mother also felt sorry for her eldest grandson, so she took her post and asked Imperial Physician Wang, who was taking her pulse, to come and treat her. Imperial Physician Wang read the prescription and said that if she wakes up within three days, it doesn't matter.Unexpectedly, Jia Ke was about to lose her breath for a day, so Aunt Zhou had to take care of Jia Ke day and night, taking a little rest to pray for Jia Ke day and night in front of the Buddha, and made a wish that she would exchange her life for Jia Ke's life.

Liu Hai feels that he has nothing to worry about on earth, and enjoys the never-before-seen maternal love with Aunt Zhou. He can't help thinking that he will become Jia Ke from now on, take him through this life, and honor Aunt Zhou on his behalf.As soon as he finished thinking about it, he felt his body relax.He immediately understood that it was Jia Ke's remnant soul that had been dispersed.He then swore in his heart that from now on there would only be Jia Ke, and there would be no more bangs.

At this moment, Jia Ke felt that Aunt Zhou was holding him tightly in her arms and kept crying, which made him feel embarrassed. Although this body was only ten years old, and it was still the son of this young woman, inside he was a man in his thirties. What's more, this day gave him too much stimulation.

Seeing Aunt Zhou crying non-stop, he felt that he should comfort her.So he touched Aunt Zhou's back and comforted him in a low voice: "Mother, I'm already healed, don't cry, you won't be pretty if you cry too much."

Only then did Aunt Zhou put away her mournful voice, looking at the rosy face of the baby on the bed, it was obvious that she was recovering, she couldn't help but look happy, she stretched out her hand to stroke Liu Hai's head and face non-stop.It's like touching a treasure.

During these days when Jia Ke was seriously ill, Aunt Zhou took care of Jia Ke's bedside day and night. Even if the master asked her to rest for a while, she just prayed to Jia Ke in the next room, not daring to relax.

But watching his child's condition worsen day by day, his heart felt like a knife.Seeing the baby happy now is just a dream.

Seeing Aunt Zhou's dazed expression, Chuncao next to her hurriedly stepped forward to persuade her, "Auntie, don't be like this. It's a good thing that the uncle is doing well now. You should go and report to the master and get rid of all those bad things. Besides, it's been a long time since the uncle I haven’t eaten any more, and now it’s time for the big kitchen to cook some porridge, so that the uncle can eat a little, and he will recover sooner.” It turned out that during the time when Jia Ke was dying, Jia’s mansion began to prepare for Jia Ke’s funeral. .

Then Aunt Zhou came to her senses, stood up and said to Jia Ke: "My child, please lie on the bed first, don't be naughty, let Chuncao do something, mother will go ahead and report to the master and wife, and go to the kitchen to make some porridge for you." Come."

After finishing speaking, he reluctantly left the room.

Seeing that Aunt Zhou had gone, Jia Ke turned her head and looked at the servant girl Chuncao. She saw that the young maid was twelve years old and clean and neat at the age of three. Small.

(End of this chapter)

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