Chapter 3
Although Jia Ke has all the memories of his original body at this time, Aunt Zhou has been very strict with him over the years. One is to fear that something will happen to him, and the other is to let him study hard to please Jia Zheng.Therefore, I don’t walk around the mansion very often. A few days ago, I had no homework for my birthday, so I could play freely for a day. The original body heard the little maid secretly say that the golden carp in the garden pond is very beautiful, so he secretly ran to see it. fell into the pool.Therefore, I don't know much about the specific situation of Jia's mansion, so Yu Shi chatted with Chuncao on purpose.

The current Jia Mansion is nominally run by the patriarch Jia Shexi, but in fact his father Jia Zheng is in charge of the house.As for why, she, a little maid, couldn't possibly know.

And now there are only two males in their second room, he and Jia Zhu, and Jia Baoyu has not yet been born.Among the two of them, Jia Zhu's talented family teachers praised him a lot, thinking that it was only a matter of time before he entered school (passing the examination as a scholar), even if it was not difficult to get a career, he was expected to be a scholar in the two rankings.

But Jia Ke's original body was much worse. According to the overheard news from Chuncao, Jia Ke's original body was not very talented, and at most he would be a scholar in this life.And the current Jia Ke is not much better. It is not good for Jia Ke to study in modern times. She just graduated from high school and went out to work. Even with the memory of her original body, Jia Ke has no confidence to compete with ancient people in the imperial examination.

If it was Jia Ke who passed out before he passed out, he must have been in despair. He planned to separate the family after he got married in the future, and then secretly took Aunt Zhou to a place where no one would recognize them, and lived carefully.

But just now he wasn't afraid anymore, because he got the benefits that all traversers have - cheats, cheats.

Just now he not only absorbed the memory of the original body, but also received a message.

He had just received the information that he had confirmed that Judge Cui of the City of Dead Death really tricked him. He did not die normally, but was taken away by a certain heavenly official, but that heavenly official did not let him know for some reason. When his soul was scattered, when his soul wandered to the underworld, Judge Cui sent him to this world in order to wipe the ass of that heavenly official, but he didn't check carefully. The arrangement came, but I didn't expect that the child came from Jia's family in the world of Red Mansions.

As for why it is the world of Dream of Red Mansions that so many seniors have traveled through.He doesn't know.And this kind of big secret is not something that a mere mortal like him can know.

But this world of Red Mansions is not easy to mess with, there are gods and spells.

I'm afraid that Jia Ke's life will not be satisfactory if he goes there, and he will be beaten to death after a few hits.If he returns to the underworld, he will definitely sue Prince Yan Luobao to get it. At that time, not only Judge Cui will be punished, but even the immortal official will suffer.

However, this matter was found out by Judge Cui's friend, the famous Judge Lu (played in Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio).

Judge Lu was afraid that when Jia Ke returned to the Tenth Hall for trial, he would sue the Emperor Yama of the Tenth Hall, so he gave Jia Ke a few tricks to gag Jia Ke.This is to wipe Judge Cui's ass, and also to repay Qiqiao Linglongxin's favor last time.The second is to make big things small, so that Jia Ke will not cause trouble to the underworld.But Jia Ke won't sue anymore after getting the benefits.

Now Jia Ke can clearly feel the three light clusters in his mind, these are the three tricks that Lu sentenced him to.

The first one is Lv Bu's Bravery. Once this plug-in is activated, Jia Ke can immediately obtain the martial arts and combat experience of Lv Bu at its peak, and allow Jia Ke to reach the physical strength of Lv Bu at his peak within three years. .And it should be because of Lu Bu's method of performing exercises, Jia Ke can continue to strengthen it.At that time, I am afraid that Lu Bu's combat power will be much stronger than that at his peak.

The second one is a spell --- the small rejuvenation technique. This small rejuvenation technique is a bit tasteless. It can only treat some of Jia Ke's own physical diseases, such as injuries, poisoning, and various ailments.But it has no effect on others.Moreover, the use of the talisman that must be a minor rejuvenation technique automatically absorbs the spiritual energy from the outside world, and the minor rejuvenation technique can only be used three times if the minor rejuvenation technique is full of aura.And it may take three days for the small rejuvenation technique to absorb aura, which is usually enough, but seeing the first cheat Lu Bu Zhiyong given by Lu Dan, combined with Jia Ke's own situation, if you want to get ahead quickly With the power to protect oneself, I am afraid that he will go to the battlefield.If once on the battlefield, the soldiers are in danger of fighting, I am afraid that the number of times of using the small rejuvenation technique will be saved.

And the third cheat is a bit powerful. Compared with the first two Lu Bu Zhiyong and the Little Rejuvenation Talisman, this third thing can be called a magic weapon.This treasure is called the soul-absorbing orb, which can forcefully collect a trace of the soul of a person or a spirit beast into the orb, and has been controlled by the magic weapon since then.Loyal to the Lord of Orbs, never betrayed.And the master of the magic weapon can issue orders to the person under his control through the soul-absorbing orb, and if necessary, he can even immediately make the person under charge be driven out of his wits.

Jia Ke felt that even without Lu Bu's bravery and the little rejuvenation technique, he would be able to thrive with just the magic weapon, the soul-absorbing pearl.Even saving the entire Jia family is no problem.

Moreover, the magic weapon Soul-absorbing Orb does not rely on its own talisman to absorb spiritual energy to store energy for the small rejuvenation technique. Instead, it can absorb energy automatically, or use the power of qi and blood in the body to replenish it after Jia Ke has successfully practiced. .Although Jia Ke would be temporarily weak in this way, eating a lot of food and digesting with internal energy would quickly make up for it.

But Jia Ke must promise to get these three cheats, so shut up.In the future, cause and effect will eliminate each other, and they will not owe each other.

Jia Ke was thinking in his heart, the immortal official did not break his three souls and seven souls once and for all when he took away his body, nor did he break his home.And even if I filed a complaint with King Yan, even if King Yama punished Judge Cui, there might not be anything to do with that fairy official, otherwise Judge Lu would not think that he was causing trouble for the underworld by filing a complaint with King Yan.Besides, it's a win.Yan Jun can also punish that fairy official, and it will not do him any good.In case these relatives and friends of the gods retaliate against themselves, I'm afraid no one will take care of them.

And at this time, if I accept these three treasures, although I will never owe them to each other from now on, there will be some kind of favor when we meet in the future.And I can also have the power to protect myself in this world of Red Mansions. If I am careful, I might be able to become a marquis and worship a minister, and live a lifetime of wealth and glory.

After thinking it over clearly, Jia Ke had no other choice, so she pushed the boat along with the flow and reluctantly agreed.

Just as Jia Ke thought about agreeing to the conditions, the three light clusters in his mind brightened together.One of the balls began to melt into Jia Ke's body, and the other two balls also showed their true colors.One is a piece of talisman gold paper, and the other is colorful orbs.

At this time, Jia Ke only felt a heat flow continuously into his body, and countless memories kept popping up from the bottom of his heart.What is the countless experience of fighting on the battlefield and the usage of halberd weapons, as well as the method of transferring blood and accumulating internal strength.

And that golden talisman is the small rejuvenation technique.The orb is exactly the magic weapon, the soul-absorbing orb.As mentioned in the previous information, the minor rejuvenation technique needs to absorb the aura around it to recharge, and once fully charged, the minor rejuvenation technique can be used three times.And the magic treasure soul-absorbing beads can not only absorb the surrounding aura, but also use its own blood energy to recharge.But the magic treasure soul-absorbing beads can not absorb the souls of people indefinitely. Da Gai can absorb the souls of 300 people. If you have already absorbed the souls of 300 people and want to absorb more souls, you must destroy the souls you have already absorbed or release them. .But once the soul is destroyed, the soul-destroyed person will be scattered, and he will not even be able to reincarnate.And if the opponent's soul is released, although he can't know the reason, he will instinctively stay away from Jia Ke.

And destroying the soul is evil, and if you go to the underworld, you may suffer in hell, and if you release the soul of the other party and turn the other party into an enemy, no one will be willing, so this magic treasure soul-absorbing orb is very useful, otherwise it will be backfire .This may be Lu Juan's test of himself, or another hole he dug for himself.Jia Ke felt that the other party was more likely to dig a hole for him, and he had to be wary of these gods, otherwise he would be happy to help them count the money if they were sold.

Jia Ke decided to focus on Lu Bu's bravery, knowing that only what he can control is his own, and the three treasures can only be achieved by Lu Bu's bravery who can integrate into himself.

(End of this chapter)

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