Chapter 4 Visitation
While Jia Ke was talking with Chuncao, Aunt Zhou came to Rongxi Hall, and saw that Rongxi Hall had five main rooms, wing rooms on both sides, deer tops, and ear doors into the mountains, extending in all directions, grand and magnificent, different from other places.Aunt Zhou went in to the east. It turned out that Mrs. Wang often lived in this room and did not have banquets, but only in the three ear rooms to the east.When Aunt Zhou came to the door, she saw a few little maids standing in front of the door, she hurriedly went up and said: "Girls, please go in and report back, and say that I want to see you."

The maidservants knew that Grandpa Jia Ke hadn't been well for the past few days. Seeing Aunt Zhou came today, could it be that Jia Ke had failed, but Aunt Zhou's face was happy but she didn't look like it.Several people glanced at each other, and one of them who was a little older asked, "Auntie, it's something I'm not in the house to take care of the uncle and come to see the wife."

Aunt Zhou said with a smile: "After taking the medicine prescribed by Doctor Wang yesterday, the old man woke up today, and the fever on his body has subsided. Bodhisattva blesses me, so I can see you well. I dare to come and report to the old lady."

The maid smiled and said a few words of congratulations, then turned and went into the room.

Not long after, the servant girl came out and said that the wife let Aunt Zhou go in.

Aunt Zhou hurriedly followed her maid into the room, and when she entered the main room, she saw a Kang table on the front kang with books and tea sets piled on it, and half-worn blue satin backrests and pillows on the east wall and west.Mrs. Wang is sitting at the bottom of the west, and she is also a half-old blue satin on the back.

Aunt Zhou entered the door, hurriedly came to Mrs. Wang's head, said Wanfu and saluted, and stood at the bottom respectfully and said to Mrs. Wang: "Ma'am, my uncle took the medicine from Wang Taiyi yesterday, and his body is already dead. It’s much better, and I’m awake. I’m here to announce the good news to the master and wife.”

Mrs. Wang pondered for a while and said: "Yesterday I just changed the prescription and ate it, but today it looks better. Are you confused?" In fact, she was very surprised when the maid came in to report just now.If you can think of yesterday, you will soon die. Not only did you wake up today, but the fever also subsided.

Aunt Zhou dared to say: "Ma'am, even if I have the courage, I dare not lie to Master, Ma'am. Master, did you really see each other?"

Seeing that she was sure of what she said, Mrs. Wang believed it eight or nine points.So he stood up and said, "Master, before I go to the Yamen, I will go to see my brother first, and I will report back when the master comes back."

As he said that, he walked out the door. The maids and mother-in-law rushed to open the curtain to lead the way.Not long after coming to Jia Ke's room, I heard the voice of Jia Ke and the little maid talking inside, and realized that Jia Ke was really good.Otherwise, you can't speak so clearly.

Aunt Zhou stepped forward to open the door and let Mrs. Wang in.When the maid Chuncao saw Mrs. Wang coming, she hurriedly knelt down and saluted.When Mrs. Wang saw it, she just said, "Get up."Then he walked towards the head of the bed.

Chuncao got up, hurriedly put the embroidered stool on the bedside, and invited Mrs. Wang to sit down.

Mrs. Wang sat on the embroidered stool, looking sideways at Jia Ke.And Jia Ke hurriedly got up to salute, Madam Wang quickly stopped Jia Ke and said, "Quickly don't do those vain salutes, your recovery is better than anything else. People are scared to death these days, how dare you be naughty?" "

Jia Ke found the memory of Mrs. Wang in the original body's memory, but there was no vicious and treacherous scene like Mrs. Wang in the time-traveling novels.At most, Jia Ke had a cold attitude towards him. Jia Ke didn't know whether it was because the original body was still young and ignorant of the world, or Mrs. Wang was not as bad as people imagined. "Let's observe again," Jia Ke couldn't help thinking.

Thinking of listening to Mrs. Wang's question here, she hurriedly replied: "No more. With this lesson learned, my son will not dare to be naughty in the future and make the master and wife anxious. My son is too unfilial like that."

Mrs. Wang heard his sincerity, so she smiled and said: "Don't run around in the future, play with your brother Zhu when you have time, and study together so that you can support each other in the future."

Listening to Mrs. Wang's words, Jia Ke immediately understood the meaning, which meant to let him get closer to Jia Zhu so that he could assist Jia Zhu in the future.

In Yuanshen's memory, he thought that being the eldest son was no worse than Jia Zhu's legitimate son, so Jia Zhu often competed with each other. This was Mrs. Wang's warning.Mrs. Wang gave a warning when the concubine's condition had just improved, so it seems that there may be something hidden about Yuan's body falling into the pond.

Jia Ke immediately threw Yuan Shen's views on Mrs. Wang out of the blue. It seems that although Mrs. Wang may not have the heart of a poisonous woman, she is not a fuel-efficient lamp.However, Mrs. Wang is afraid that Jia Ke will use her status as the eldest son to compete with Jia Zhu for the inheritance rights. Family property is in the eye.

With three golden fingers, he is sure to make a fortune and leave Jia's mansion behind. In the future, these people in Jia's mansion will only want to see Jia Ke's face.If it's good, just let it go, if it's not good, just throw it away and see what happens to him.

Therefore, Jia Ke is not angry that Mrs. Wang regards Jia's mansion as Jia Zhu's family property.Also temporarily suppress the heart of revenge.Besides, Jia Zhu died not long after getting married in the Red Chamber Book, and the phoenix egg of Jia's mansion is coming soon.Even if Jia Zhu hadn't died, the future family property would probably have to be tied to the phoenix egg with a "big history".

Moreover, Jia Zheng's house wants to inherit the family business, and there is also the stumbling block of the elder Jia She, if it can't be overcome, in the ancient times when the clan etiquette and the heaven, earth, king, relatives and teachers controlled everything, it would be a mirror image.

It's better to be a favor, so I dared to go back to Mrs. Wang and said: "Ma'am, I was confused before. From now on, my wife will just watch. I will definitely follow the example of brother Zhu."

Mrs. Wang was overjoyed when she heard what he said, she felt that Jia Ke was very different from the way she used to speak, and she didn't doubt it, she just thought he was a child and everyone was scared.If he is obedient and knows how to be a concubine, the Jia family will not deny him a bite of food, but just give him some money when he gets married.

Mrs. Wang said a few more homely things to Jia Ke, just to take care of her health, she got up and went back to her room, Aunt Zhou dared to see her off.

"By the way, I will ask the servant girl to send some ginseng and velvet antler to my brother to make up for it. I have suffered a lot." Mrs. Wang turned to Aunt Zhou when she was about to leave the house.

Aunt Zhou dared to thank her in a hurry: "I will thank the wife for the reward on behalf of the uncle, and let him kowtow to the wife when he is fully recovered."

Mrs. Wang nodded in satisfaction, and left with a smile on her face.

Aunt Zhou sent Mrs. Wang back to the house, sat by Jia Ke's bed and said, "Amitabha, if you had been as smart as you are today, you would not have suffered so much. It made me restless for a moment."

"Auntie, don't worry in the future. I used to think I was wrong. I thought I was the eldest son of my father, and my father treated me no worse than Jia Zhu, so I was a little arrogant. Now I have woken up after a narrow escape. The mansion can't compete with Jia Zhu, so it's better to retreat and save your life. After you get married, you can share some of the family property and live. If you are lucky, you may be more comfortable than in Jia's mansion. When the time comes, I will take you out, Auntie, so that Auntie, you should also be an old lady." Jia Ke replied.

"I can't enjoy the blessings of the old lady. I'll be satisfied if you don't make me mad." Aunt Zhou said.

"My son, are you hungry? You haven't had any water or rice for several days." Aunt Zhou continued.

As soon as Aunt Zhou finished speaking, she heard Jia Ke's stomach growl.Jia Ke said embarrassingly, "My son was hungry a long time ago, but his wife was here just now, so he endured it all the time."

"It's good to be hungry. If you are hungry and want to eat, you will be cured. You lie down for a while, and mother will go to the kitchen to get you some porridge. You can't eat those greasy ones yet," Aunt Zhou said happily.

Aunt Zhou asked Chuncao to watch Jia Ke carefully, and then she went out like flying.

(End of this chapter)

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