The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 5 The First Meeting of Jia Zheng

Chapter 5 The First Meeting of Jia Zheng
When Jia Ke saw Aunt Zhou leave the room, she felt weak and felt sleepy, so she closed her eyes unconsciously.Chuncao, who was drowsy, listened and said: "If you are sleepy, you will sleep for a while. I will wake you up when your aunt comes back." Then she fell asleep completely.

After an unknown amount of time, Jia Ke heard someone calling incessantly, struggled to open his eyes, and looked around in confusion.I saw that the lights in the house had been lit, but it was dark outside the window.

And it was Aunt Zhou calling to herself softly beside the bed.Aunt Zhou saw that Jia Ke had woken up, so she said with a smile on her face: "Just now when I came back, I saw that my brother was fast asleep, so I didn't wake you up, I asked you to sleep a little longer, and I let the kitchen cook dinner on a low fire. You can eat it as soon as my brother wakes up."

After saying that, she asked Chuncao to wash Jia Ke, and went to fetch food for Jia Ke by herself.Jia Ke woke up completely after washing, and was supported by Chuncao to the table. Aunt Zhou probably came in with a food box, and put the food in the food box on the table one by one, but there were several delicious dishes. Side dishes, a bowl of porridge.

Looking at it, Jia Ke couldn't help but whet his appetite, picked up the bowl and ate half a bowl of porridge.Aunt Zhou looked at it and persuaded: "Brother, eat slowly, be careful not to choke, there are still a lot."

After hearing what Aunt Zhou said, Jia Ke slowed down and chewed slowly.

At this time, Jia Ke seemed to think of something, and asked Aunt Zhou too: "Aunt, you can eat."

Aunt Zhou replied, "I ate it. You ate it when you fell asleep just now." She picked up the food with chopsticks and put it in Jia Ke's bowl, and said, "Eat some vegetables, and the porridge will taste bad in your mouth."

While the mother and son were talking, they heard noises outside, and then saw the curtain being pulled up, and a middle-aged man walked in.

When Aunt Zhou saw this, she immediately stepped forward to salute, and said: "When the master comes, don't send the servant girl, so I can go to the door to meet him."

Knowing that it was Jia Zheng who came, Jia Ke hurriedly got up to salute, saying, "It's really a crime for Lao Lao to come here."

Jia Zheng asked the mother and son to get up, and Aunt Zhou helped them down to sit on the grand teacher's chair in the middle of the room.He looked at Jia Ke first, and couldn't help smiling, and said, "You are better when you are sick, don't stand by the rules, come and sit down."

Only then did Jia Ke let the front sit down, and when she was settled, she raised her head and looked at Jia Zheng. Jia Zheng had thick eyebrows and big eyes, a handsome appearance, and a bookish air about him.It is worthy of being praised by Mr. Cao as "cool to read, and he is upright and upright".

Jia Ke discovered in the memory of the original body that Jia Zheng still liked the eldest son, after all, he was his first child.Although the original body was not talented in reading, the original body did not give up and still studied hard. Jia Zheng saw that the original body's perseverance was not bad, and he treated the original body just like Jia Zhu.This made the original body have some delusions.

Jia Zheng sat at the top and kept asking about Jia's body until he knew that Jia Ke was fine.His face was full of smiles, at first Jia Zheng thought he was going to lose a son, but these days he couldn't sleep well, his heart was like fire.Now that the eldest son is well, the dark clouds in my heart have cleared, and I am in a good mood.

Seeing that Jia Ke was in good health, he talked about learning and asked Jia Ke to rest for a few days before going to study in the study room. He said that he was not very talented, and he had missed a lot of homework due to illness during this period. You have to work harder.

Jia Ke answered one by one below, and promised to work harder after recovering from illness.

Jia Zheng asked Aunt Zhou to concentrate on taking care of Jia Ke in the past few days and not to greet Jia Ke every day. Aunt Zhou was very touched by Jia Zheng. Jia Zheng also had special feelings for Aunt Zhou. After all, Aunt Zhou It was Jia Zheng's first woman, and a man had special feelings for him for the first time.

Jia Ke looked at the flirtatious exchange between the two, and saw that there was still affection between the two.

Jia Zheng talked to Aunt Zhou for a few more homework, and then went out. Aunt Zhou sent Jia Zheng outside the courtyard, and then came back reluctantly.

Only then did Jia Ke continue to eat. This meal can be said to be the most delicious meal Jia Ke had in his life.Jia Ke just woke up and wanted to read a book to exercise his brain.But she was forcibly stopped by Aunt Zhou on the grounds that Jia Ke's illness had just improved and she couldn't work hard.Thinking of Aunt Zhou's love and love, Jia Ke also rested.

In the next few days, Jia Ke would recuperate in the house, occasionally taking a walk in the courtyard.However, Jia Ke has not been idle these days, he reorganized the memory of Lu Bu in his mind.

After reading it, Jia Ke couldn't help admiring Lu Bu. Although Lu Bu's character was poor, his talent in martial arts was unbelievably strong.It turns out that Lu Bu's martial arts was practiced by himself by accidentally obtaining a few volumes of bamboo slips from the Chu and Han Dynasties.

Moreover, the bamboo slips were still incomplete, and after being obtained by Lu Bu, he supplemented them with his own understanding. Not only did it not reduce its power, but on the contrary, the green came from the blue and the blue was better than the blue.It is with this unknown martial art that Lu Bu is invincible in the Three Kingdoms.

And Jia Ke only needs to master the martial arts in his mind until he slowly absorbs the light ball of Lu Bu's bravery in his mind, and then he will be the second Lu Bu.

Jia Ke decided to go to the blacksmith's shop when he recovered from his "illness" in a few days, and first make a small Fang Tianhua Halberd for use first.

And the little rejuvenation technique was full the day before yesterday, so he decided to try it in the next few days to see the effect.As for not trying it the day before yesterday, it was because I was afraid that the effect of the small rejuvenation technique would be too good for people to see.

Even if Jia Ke recovered from her illness, it was impossible for her to be cured. One day she was weak and weak, but the next day she was running around. Anyone could see that there was something tricky about it.Jia Ke decided to bring her secrets into the coffin.

On this day, Aunt Zhou went to ask Mrs. Wang to set up rules. Although Jia Zheng asked her to rest for a few days, she still went to Mrs. Wang every day after Jia Ke recovered from her illness.Jia Ke found another random reason to send Chuncao away.Only then did he close the door alone.Lying on the bed, I was afraid that the minor rejuvenation would have any side effects. After all, this was the first time Jia Ke had used a spell in two lifetimes.

Everything was ready, Jia Ke focused on the Little Rejuvenation Talisman Record, only felt that the Little Rejuvenation was completely a part of her, without any reason, just like her own arms and legs, she would move it naturally if she wanted to move it.

Jia Ke couldn't help feeling that cultivating immortals was different, much more convenient than practicing martial arts.Take Jia Ke as an example. It will take three years for him to integrate into himself after obtaining Lu Bu's courage. He has to practice moves for a long time, and he will also practice equestrianism in the future.But you can see that people cultivating immortals can develop a whole body of skills as long as they meditate every day.If there is any magic weapon, the baby can absorb the spiritual energy by itself, and you don’t have to do it yourself when you encounter enemies, just throw the baby out and it’s over. You haven’t seen how many thousand-year-old monsters have been trained for thousands of years in Fengshen. The boy of the year was killed in seconds.

Thinking of this, Jia Ke felt much better, and now she can be regarded as a kid with a baby.I also have a small rejuvenation talisman record, a magic weapon and a soul-absorbing bead.In a few years, I will practice Lu Bu's bravery by myself, and then I will be able to go to the whole world of Red Mansions.

Thinking of the beauty in Jia Ke's heart here, but the most important thing now is to try the little rejuvenation technique.Jia Ke's heart moved, and the small rejuvenation technique was activated. He only felt a heat flow through his whole body. Jia Ke felt that not only his physical discomfort disappeared with this heat flow, but also his body was full of strength, and his physical condition had fully recovered to the strongest peak.If it comes to the battlefield, it will be a perpetual motion machine.At that time, no matter whether you are physically exhausted or seriously injured, a small rejuvenation technique will be applied, and you will be revived immediately with full blood.

Jia Ke was very satisfied with this time, and then thought that there is an even more powerful magic weapon, the Dementing Soul Orb, but the number of people that the Dementing Soul Orb can control is limited, so you can't just try it casually, see, and try again when you have a chance.

Jia Ke got out of bed and opened the door, walked to the yard, seeing the bright sunshine in the yard, made Jia Ke feel better.I feel that I can announce to the outside world that his illness is cured and he can lead a normal life.

This way he can start his plan, the future still looks interesting to him.

(End of this chapter)

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