Chapter 6
That night, after dinner, Jia Ke and Aunt Zhou said: "Auntie, I have been recuperating for these days, and I drink that bitter yellow soup every day. My son can't bear it anymore, and his illness has recovered. There is no need to continue to eat it." Medicine."

"The prescription was prescribed by Doctor Wang. It is very effective. I see that your life is almost gone. You still took this medicine to bring your life back. I think you should take it for a few more days. If you think the medicine is bitter, I will let you go." Your uncle (Aunt Zhou's younger brother) went to the street to buy some candied fruit, and take a few after taking the medicine." Aunt Zhou said worriedly after hearing what he said.

Jia Ke thought in his heart: "I'm afraid it's not the prescription of Imperial Physician Wang that works, but Judge Cui's magic." He saw with his own eyes that the real soul of Jia Ke went to the City of Death to report.

"Auntie, this is three-point poisonous medicine. There is no way to take medicine when I am sick. I am still taking medicine now that I am well. I am afraid that it will not only be ineffective for the body but also harmful to health. If Auntie is worried, why don't you ask a doctor to take a look? I don't need to take medicine when I recover." Jia Ke had no choice but to persuade him, and knowing that Aunt Zhou was very concerned about his future in school, she persuaded him again: "Besides, I have been ill for a long time, and I don't know how much my homework has fallen behind. I can't compare Others (Jia Zhu) are smart, but now they have missed so much homework, what should we do?"

Aunt Zhou thought about it for the same reason, and looking at the past few days, Jia Ke was indeed fine.Then he said: "Then I will go back to my master and wife tomorrow, and I will ask an old doctor to come over and have a look at you. If you have recovered, I will take care of you."

After finishing speaking, she lamented that she could no longer invite Imperial Physician Wang to treat Jia Ke. It was because Aunt Zhou was able to invite Imperial Physician Wang to treat Jia Ke because she was originally a maid whom Jia Mu valued. Son, made an exception and invited Wang Taiyi with his own post.If so, how can others invite the imperial physician.

After a night of silence, Aunt Zhou went to Mrs. Wang's room early the next morning to say hello. She saw that Jia Zheng and Mrs. Wang had finished washing and washing, and were sitting in the main hall, ready to have breakfast.Aunt Zhou hurriedly asked the two front-servants to have dinner.

After the two of them had finished their meal, they sat down again.Aunt Zhou stood by and saw that there was nothing else to do, so she went up to Jia Zheng and Mrs. Wang and said, "Master, Madam, the uncle seems to have recovered in the past few days. I don't know if I should invite a doctor to come and have a look. If it is really recovered , so that the master and wife don’t have to worry about it, he can continue to study and make progress, and if he becomes successful in the future, he can also repay the master and wife’s kindness in nurturing.”

"Ke'er has really seen each other in the past few days. If you don't say it, I will invite the doctor to come in a few days, otherwise I don't know how much homework will be delayed." Jia Zheng listened to Aunt Zhou's words and agreed.

When Mrs. Wang saw that Jia Zheng had answered, she ordered Zhou Rui's family, who stood beside her, to accompany her: "You go to Hu Qingtang today and ask old doctor Hu to come and check the pulse of the uncle. It's very good, don't delay your studies."

Zhou Rui's family responded in a hurry.

"When old doctor Hu comes back, I'll go and listen." Jia Zhengyan said, after a moment of pondering, he continued, "Aunt Zhou and Ke'er are only served by a small maid, so I'm afraid they won't be able to handle it. You can tell Aunt Zhou Let’s add a servant girl, that’s called Chuncao, I think she is quite motivated to serve Ke’er, so let her be dedicated to serve Ke’er.”

Mrs. Wang hurriedly stood up and said: "It's my fault. I was worried about family affairs, and I was confused for a while. Zhu'er already has two maids to serve, why don't you add another maid for eldest brother?"

"No need, Ke'er is different from Zhu'er, it won't be too late to add them when they get older." Jia Zheng said.

After hearing this, Mrs. Wang knew that it was Jia Zheng who told her that the concubines were different, so as to reassure her.Take it easy.

Nothing happened for a while, Jia Zheng went to the front study, and Mrs. Wang asked Aunt Zhou to leave.

At this time, Zhou Rui's family said to Mrs. Wang: "Madam, I think the master is still on your side. This time, he just cares a little more because the one over there almost died. Madam, don't worry about it."

Mrs. Wang said: "A few days ago, I went there to visit and found that Brother Ke's speech was not the same as before. It seems that he has awakened. If we can live in peace, our family will not lack his share of property."

"Let's put away those little tricks from now on, there's no need to make people laugh." Mrs. Wang said with a smile to Zhou Rui's family.Zhou Rui's family agreed.

Near noon, Old Doctor Hu was invited, accompanied by Jia Zheng himself to Jia Ke's room.

Jia Ke saw Jia Zheng coming into the courtyard accompanied by an old man with gray beard and hair, and immediately got up to greet him.

Seeing Jia Ke's thoughtful manners, Jia Zheng was quite satisfied, and nodded to Jia Ke with a smile.Turning around, he said to Old Doctor Hu: "This is my evil son. She was seriously ill a few days ago. Her grandmother was worried, so she invited the imperial doctor Wang in the palace to prescribe a prescription. It seems that she has recovered a few days ago, but she can't. Definitely, so I invite the old gentleman to check the pulse and see if he is fully recovered."

Dr. Hu did not check the pulse first, but asked for a prescription from Wang Taiyi.After reading it, he said to Jia Zheng: "I have read the prescription of Wang Taiyi. This medicine is very dangerous. It can be seen that the young master's condition was dangerous at that time. When I came in today, I saw that the young master's complexion was ruddy and his seal was shining. It doesn't look sick. If I check the pulse again, if there is nothing wrong, my lord will be at ease."

After speaking, Jia Ke was asked to sit down at the table, and the maid Chuncao hurriedly moved the embroidered stool for Jia Zheng and the doctor to sit on.Old Doctor Hu put his hand on Jia Ke's pulse door, and carefully identified it.Not long after, he went to Jia Ke to fight back, and felt his pulse again.

After the pulse was diagnosed again, he got up and saluted Jia Zheng: "Don't worry, my lord, the young master's pulse condition is strong and powerful, and the qi and blood in the five internal organs are flowing smoothly, which is much stronger than ordinary people. The young master's illness has been cured."

Jia Zheng was overjoyed when he heard that, thanked old doctor Hu, asked his attendants to send the consultation fee, and asked to send old doctor Hu away.Turning around, she said to Jia Ke: "The illness has been cured, so don't slack off. Tomorrow, you will follow your mother (Ms. Wang) to kowtow to your grandmother, and then go to the study to study. I have already told my husband that you must take Make up for the missed homework. You have to work hard, or I will peel your skin carefully."

Originally, Jia Zheng was going to be born in Kejia, but unexpectedly his father Jia Daishan left the book on his deathbed. The emperor felt sorry for his predecessors and bestowed on Jia Zheng an additional title of head, asking him to study in the Ministry.Jia Zhengjun's order cannot be violated, and he deeply regrets it from then on.He put his hope on the next generation, so he was quite strict with Jia Ke and Jia Zhu's studies.

Jia Ke naturally obeyed, saying that he would not let his father down, he must stand out.Only then did Jia Zheng leave satisfied.

On the second day, Jia Ke followed Aunt Zhou to Mrs. Wang's place first, to greet Mrs. Wang.After a few words of encouragement, Mrs. Wang brought Jia Ke and Aunt Zhou to Mother Jia when she saw that nothing had happened.

When they entered the hanging flower gate, they saw that there were Chaoshou verandahs on both sides, and the hallway in the middle, where there was a rosewood shelf and marble screen.Turning around the screen, there are three small halls, and behind the halls is the main courtyard.The five upper rooms on the front are all carved beams and painted buildings, and the side rooms on both sides of the mountain corridor are hung with parrots, thrushes and other birds.There were a few girls in red and green sitting on the steps. When they saw them coming, they all came up with smiles and said, "The old lady was still reciting just now! Coincidentally, she came here." Several people scrambled to open the curtain, and someone shouted at them. Li reported: "Madam and Uncle Ke are here."

When several people entered the room, they saw this kind-hearted old lady sitting on the chair. Mrs. Wang, Jia Ke and Aunt Zhou rushed forward to pay respects.Jia Ke knew that this was Jia Mu.

After they had finished their salutes, Mother Jia asked them to sit down. Jia Ke got up again and knelt down in the middle, and knelt down in the direction of Mother Jia, and said: "The grandson is sick this time, thanks to the old ancestor who invited the imperial doctor, so the grandson's life was saved." Come on. Everything about the grandson belongs to the ancestors, so there is no other gift, just kowtow to the ancestors here to express the grandson's filial piety."

After speaking, grab the ground with your head, kowtow non-stop, and when your head collides with the floor tiles, there is a sound of "bang, bang".

When Mother Jia saw that Jia Ke was being helped up by the maid in such a hurry, she was very relieved and felt that it was worthwhile to invite the imperial physician for him. At the same time, she was also quite proud, thinking that Aunt Zhou must always teach him to be so filial, and Aunt Zhou was the one who taught him all the time. The credible people who came out of the seasoning can see the love of their mother and son for themselves.Mother Jia thought so in her heart and complained, "You monkey cats make me worry. Your illness is just right. If anything happens, my wife won't feel sorry for you. Get up quickly, your health is important."

Just then Jia Ke got up, thanked Jia Mu and went back to sit next to Mrs. Wang, and Aunt Zhou, who was standing beside her, looked over with concern, fearing that he would be hurt.

In fact, Jia Ke has been indoctrinated by Lu Bu's courage these days, and his body is stronger than ordinary people. The kowtow did not hurt him at all, but it was just to please Jia Mu.

(End of this chapter)

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