The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 7 Going to School

Chapter 7 Going to School
For a while, Jia Ke and Mrs. Wang were flattering Mother Jia, chatting and laughing, and at this time, they heard the little maid outside reporting: "The eldest lady has come to greet the old lady." Said that the door curtain opened, and a young woman in her twenties walked in. , Jia Ke knew that this was Jia Amnesty's wife, Mrs. Jia Amnesty.

Mrs. Xing saluted Jia Mu and sat down. Jia Ke immediately stood up and saluted. Mrs. Xing nodded and smiled, "Brother Ke, that's great. Your younger brother Lian'er has been talking about you several times in the past few days."

Originally, Jia Ke's studies were similar to Jia Lian's, and his studies were not as good as Jia Zhu's, so he felt sorry for each other, and his relationship with Jia Zhu was actually better than that of Jia Zhu.Therefore, I have a lot of concerns about Jia Ke.

Jia Ke smiled and returned to Mrs. Xing: "My nephew's illness has recovered, thank you for your aunt's concern, my nephew also misses Lian'er very much, I will go to school tomorrow to thank him face to face."

Everyone chatted and laughed for a while and then dispersed. Mrs. Wang took Jia Ke and Aunt Zhou back to the usual residence on the east side of Rongxi Hall, and asked Jia Ke to go back to review her homework.

Jia Ke went back to the small courtyard, took out a book that hadn't been turned over for many days in the room, and looked through it carefully. It was okay at first, but after a while, he felt dizzy and couldn't read a word. The memory of the body, but I am a modern person after all, and my head will explode when facing a bunch of people who know about it.

Suo Xing threw the book aside, thinking about how to persuade Jia Zheng to let him abandon literature and use martial arts.After thinking about it, I can only explain it to Mr. Li who taught them.

Now Jia Ke, Jia Zhu, and Jia Lian are not studying in the family school.Instead, he invited Li Wenbin, who was waiting for the exam in Beijing, to teach alone.Mr. Li has a magnificent demeanor, is not rigid, and has a quick mind.Jia Zheng respected him very much. If Mr. Li lobbied, the matter would be eight or nine points.If he properly displays his talent in martial arts, he will surely impress Jia Zheng.Let me practice martial arts openly and aboveboard in the future, and practice Lu Bu's brave moves, weapons, fists and feet as soon as possible.You can also have time to move your blood every day and practice the method of guiding.

I stopped reading after thinking about it, and called Chuncao to let her guard the door for me.Now the maid Chuncao is only in charge of serving him, and Chuncao is a few years older than Jia Ke.Knowing some personnel affairs, she knew that she would be Jia Ke's roommate in the future, and Aunt Zhou also secretly promised to give Chuncao a title in the future, so now Chuncao is more dedicated to Jia Ke.

It was the first time for Jia Ke to perform exercises alone in the room, so she didn't dare to be careless, and concentrated on slowly moving the invisible energy in the body according to the route of the exercises?The next time, Lu Bu Zhiyong's light ball was brighter, and every cycle the light ball became brighter, and the energy integrated into Jia Ke's body became faster, and Jia Ke's body became stronger.

I don't know how much time passed, Jia Ke woke up from the exercise, and saw Chuncao kept looking in from the door, with a very anxious expression.Seeing Jia Ke woke up, he dared to come in quickly, and said to Jia Ke, "Master, what's the matter? From the time I greeted you in the morning, to the time when the sun was about to set before I woke up, my aunt asked me several times, I'm almost round But that's all."

Jia Ke went over to hold Chuncao's hand, and said apologetically, "It's my fault, I forgot the time, and it won't happen in the future."

Chuncao was held by Jia Ke, she blushed, and said coyly, "I am my master's man, so naturally I have to do something for my master."

Jia Ke looked at Chuncao, the first woman he saw when he woke up, although she was not beautiful, she was also pretty.The main reason was that he was single-minded to himself, so he couldn't help being moved, and blurted out: "If you don't dislike me as a bastard, I will definitely give you an explanation in the future."

When Chuncao heard Jia Ke say such words, she felt that it was worth all the suffering she had suffered, and she couldn't help tears in her eyes, but she didn't want it to flow down, so she turned and walked out, saying, "I'll get you dinner."

Jia Ke went to look at the spring grass, stood up and moved his body, only to feel that his physical fitness has improved greatly, especially his speed has increased the most. If this continues, after three years, he will absorb all of Lu Bu's courage, and his speed will be terrifying to what extent.It is no wonder that many generals in the Three Kingdoms charge forward and move freely among thousands of armies. If they are not fast, how can they face attacks from all directions.

At dinner, Chuncao cared more about Jia Ke, and was not as reserved as before. She served Jia Ke with vegetables and rice, and the smile on her face never stopped.Jia Ke felt that if Chun Cao was loyal to him in the game, it must be more than [-]%.

Early the next morning, around five o'clock, Jia Ke was woken up by the spring grass. Looking outside the window, the sky had just dawned. He knew from Yuan's memory that this was the beginning of an ancient student's day.

After a hasty breakfast, I came to Mrs. Wang's room and listened to the noises inside.I know that Jia Zheng and Mrs. Wang are just getting up.And at the bottom of the steps stood a young man, with a handsome face and elegant posture, which made people forget the vulgarity.She is probably a little younger than Jia Ke, but she has an old-fashioned demeanor. She looks at Jia Ke's eyes and looks at her younger brother. This is Jia Zhu.

Seeing Jia Ke approaching, Jia Zhu waved to him and said softly, "Brother is here, but has he recovered?"

Jia Ke replied that it was ready.

Jia Zhu said again: "A few days ago, I heard that you didn't drink water and rice, and your high fever didn't go away. I was going to visit, but my mother and nanny didn't allow it. Don't be offended, brother."

Jia Ke relied on her memory to know that Jia Zhu often visited Yuan when she first fell ill.Later, if she didn't come, Madam Wang might see that Yuan was dying, and Jia Zhu would be sick, so she wouldn't let him visit.From the original body's point of view, Jia Zhu is a modest gentleman, but Jia Ke now thinks that Jia Zhu is still a gentleman.

"Brother Zhu said, where did you come from? I don't know what a good brother is like. I don't know how to be a good brother. The honesty of a gentleman is much better than being a brother. I have to thank Brother Zhu for being a brother."

I visited many times before. "

While the two brothers were talking, a servant girl came out and said to their brothers: "Master and Madam let the two masters go in and answer."

Jia Ke and Jia Zhu entered the room one after another.On the kang in the front, there is a kang table with books and tea sets piled on it, and half-old blue satin backrest pillows are set on the east wall and west.Jia Zheng took the first seat on the east side, and Mrs. Wang sat on the west side to accompany the prime minister.

The brothers came in and saluted Jia Zheng and Mrs. Wang together.

Seeing that the brothers were in harmony, Jia Zheng was very pleased.He couldn't help but encourage him, and then asked Jia Zhu about his homework. He was very happy to see Jia Zhu answered fluently, and told Jia Zhu not to be complacent.Jia Zhu should be.

As for Jia Ke, Jia Zheng only said a few words about his hard work, and there was nothing else to say.I think he was disappointed with his talent, and because he studied very hard, he couldn't be blamed.But thinking that Jia Zhu is very talented, Jia Ke will be relieved to help Jia Zhu manage the family affairs in the future.

After Jia Zheng finished speaking, Mrs. Wang gave some more instructions, nothing more than eating and dressing.Then let their brothers go.

The two brothers came out of the Rongxi Hall to the front yard. There was a courtyard on the left side of the main entrance, with five main rooms, side rooms on both sides, deer roofs, extending in all directions, and connected by corridors. This is Jia's study.

Brother Jia Ke entered the courtyard of the study. A servant had already taken the package from the two of them, and led them to the east side of the main room. After entering the door, they saw a high table directly above it, and a grand master's chair behind the table.Below are four low tables and small stools.The two of them each sat on the two short tables in front.Take out the book and review it while waiting for Mr. to come over.

Just as the two of them sat down, there was a sudden commotion and noise outside, and the door was suddenly opened.A handsome young man came in, it wasn't Jia Lian who it was.

Seeing that there were only two of them, Jia Lian breathed a sigh of relief before her husband arrived, so she straightened her clothes and sat safely behind Jia Ke.

Jia Lian sat down, patted Jia Ke on the shoulder in front of him, and said, "I heard that my brother was dying, and I was worried for a long time. Now that my brother is recovering, I feel relieved." Jia Ke was about to thank him for his concern, Then I heard him say to himself again: "Brother Ke, you are not here these days, but I have suffered a lot, my husband scolded me before, and I was tied up by you, brother. With your illness, only my younger brother is scolded, and there is no day. Take it easy."

Just as Jia Ke was about to chat and joke with him, she saw a middle-aged man come in. This man was tall and dignified. This was Mr. Li.

As soon as Mr. Jia Ke came, Jia Lian immediately shut up and sat upright.When the teacher saw Jia Ke, he said, "If you come today, you are well. Although you are sick, you have missed a lot of homework. You have to make up for it. If you don't understand something, you can come to me after class."

After finishing speaking, he began to give lectures. He said it was a lecture but the husband still took care of Jia Zhu's progress. Jia Ke and Jia Lian didn't know what to say.

This strengthened Jia Ke's determination to abandon literature and pursue martial arts.According to the inquiries during this period, Jia Zhu is only likely to pass the Jinshi exam, and the gap between himself and Jia Zhu is high school students and elementary school students.High school students still have the opportunity to be admitted to university, a primary school student would not even think about it.Jia Ke felt that she should do what she should do.

(End of this chapter)

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