Chapter 8 Please delay
Mr. Li has been lecturing all morning, focusing on the Four Books, because it is a compulsory part of the imperial examination.What Jia Zhu listened to was like drinking nectar, but Jia Ke and Jia Lian were like sitting on pins and needles.

After class at noon, they ate in the study, three of them shared four dishes, two meat and two vegetables.But Mr. Li ate alone in the wing room, with eight dishes.

After lunch, the husband can rest in the wing room, while the three of them can only crawl on the desk for a while.

In the afternoon, the teacher assigns homework, and then self-study, that is, copying copybooks, endorsing books and so on.In the afternoon, the teacher will check before get out of class ends.

Jia Ke tried his best to finish copying the big characters. As for the endorsement, he couldn't finish it no matter what, and he could barely remember more than half of it by the end of class.

When the teacher checked the homework after class, Jia Zhu not only completed the task, but also recited an extra paragraph.It was Jia Ke's turn to complete the copying, and he stumbled and memorized more than half of the book.Jia Ke was waiting for his husband to scold him, and then beat him with his hands. Unexpectedly, not only did he not punish him, but he also praised Jia Ke a few times, thinking that he was still hardworking.When Jia Lian arrived, the husband was furious. It turned out that Jia Lian had only completed the copying and had no endorsement at all.

The husband loves and hates Jia Lian. He loves Jia Lian because he is talented and intelligent, and he is no worse than Jia Zhu.What I hate is that Jia Lian didn't devote his heart to studying, and coming to study every day is just coping.

Normally, there is Jia Ke who is not very obvious in comparison, but today even Jia Ke has memorized most of the books, but Jia Lian has none at all.This is okay, and immediately ordered Jia Zhu to get the ruler, but Jia Lian looked at Jia Ke with an aggrieved expression, thinking that Jia Ke had betrayed their friendship.In this way, Jia Lian was slapped five times by his husband, and seeing his handsome face changed, Jia Ke felt pain for him.

After school, Jia Ke went to comfort Jia Lian. After all, Jia Lian was beaten alone today, and Jia Ke did not accompany her as before.But Jia Lian looked at Jia Ke and didn't speak, his face was full of grief and indignation, as if Jia Ke had done something outrageous.

In the end, it was Jia Ke who agreed to keep up with him, and then said arrogantly that he would forgive Jia Ke reluctantly today.

But Jia Ke decided to have a showdown with her husband tomorrow, otherwise this day would be impossible.As for agreeing to Jia Lian's joint advance and retreat, he thinks that if Mr. Tomorrow agrees to explain to Jia Zheng, then his reading progress may not be as good as Jia Lian's in the future, so it is not a breach of trust.

Back in my small courtyard, I went to Aunt Zhou's room to have a conversation with her, and saw a new maid named Xia Mai in her room, and I knew it was Aunt Zhou's name again.

Jia Ke wondered why the new maid came only today, as she said a few days ago.Seeing him in his room, Chuncao poured him tea and said, "I want to ask you something, why did the maid who came to our house come only now? Didn't the master let me arrange it a few days ago?"

"My lord, how do you know this? There is a fixed number of maidservants in our mansion, and one must be dispatched after entering. Since the founding of the country, the number of children in the family has increased several times, so they can all come into the mansion. Auntie today Adding one person, I don’t know how many people below please drag, pull the door. I want to stuff my own daughter here.”

Jia Ke asked again: "How nice it is to be at home, find a job by yourself, as long as you are willing to do it, you won't starve to death. Why do you have to go to the mansion to serve people?"

"Can it be the same? The food and clothing expenses in our house are different from those of other families. It is my little maid who can't compare to me in other families. What's more, the third-class maid has a monthly salary of [-] Wen." Said Then put the teacup in front of Jia Ke.

Jia Ke casually grabbed Chuncao's hand, and asked her with a smile, "Then what are you waiting for?"

Chuncao pulled her hand a few times before letting him hold it, blushing and proudly said: "Since I joined the master, I have been promoted to second-class, and I have a monthly salary of [-] Wen. "

When Jia Ke heard it, she also felt a lot.He seemed to remember what Liu Laolao said in the book of the Red Chamber, their family’s annual expenses are 20 taels of silver, but their family is not an ordinary farm family, but a family of small landlords, there is a maid at home, and her son-in-law can often eat liquor.It can be seen that Chuncao's monthly payment of [-] Wen is quite a lot.

Then I asked Aunt Zhou how much her monthly money was, and Chuncao said it was two taels of silver.

Jia Ke smiled and said, "I'll give you two taels of silver a month later."

Chuncao was so ashamed that she pulled out her hand fiercely and walked out of the house.While walking, he said, "I'll get you food from the big kitchen." As soon as he reached the threshold, he bowed his head and said, "I'll wait for you to pay me two taels of monthly money." Then he ran out.

In the evening, Jia Zheng came to Aunt Zhou's room to spend the night.After Jia Ke went to pay his respects, he left the main room and returned to his own room.Seeing that nothing happened, let Chuncao go back to rest first.In the room, I follow Lu Bu's method to transfer Qi and blood, and practice Daoyin.

Compared with other people, Jia Ke practiced much happier. When others practice martial arts, they first need to exercise their muscles and bones, and then train their energy and strength.And Jia Ke has the plug-in of Lu Bu's bravery to constantly transform his body, even if he does nothing for three years, he can reach the peak combat power of Lu Bu.If you practice Qi Daoyin every day, you may surpass Lu Bu in three years.

The next morning, Jia Ke went to Aunt Zhou's room to greet Jia Zheng, and then went to class as usual after breakfast.When I went to the study to see Jia Zhu, Jia Lian hadn't arrived yet, so I went to Mr. Li's room.

Now that I have decided to explain to my husband today, it is better to finish the matter as soon as possible, die early and take care of myself early.

Mr. Li does not have a house in Beijing. Since it is not easy to live in the capital, Mr. Li taught in Jia’s mansion, which not only solved the problem of food and lodging, but also paid for it. That’s why Jia Ke thought that Mr. Li was not pedantic, unlike other scholars who looked down on nobles .And Jia Fu also found a good teacher for his children.Both sides can be said to be a win-win situation.

When Jia Ke arrived, Master Li (the three students' respectful name for Li Wenbin) had just eaten and was reading a book at the desk.I was very surprised to see Jia Ke coming in. Jia Ke didn't come to ask for advice as often as Jia Zhu, and usually only met in the study, and rarely interacted with each other at other times.Seeing Jia Ke coming alone today, I don't know what to say.

Jia Ke came to the door and said loudly, "Student Jia Ke, please see me."

Mr. Li said in the room: "Come in and talk."

Jia Ke entered the door and greeted Mr. Li again. After the ceremony, he stood at the bottom and waited for Mr. Li to ask questions.

Li Wenbin asked after seeing him, "You're not studying in the study, what are you doing here?"

Jia Ke bowed and said, "Master Li, the students have something to ask, but they don't know how to ask."

Li Wenbin said: "You can talk about it if you have something to do, but I'm just a small example, and it's not certain if I can do it."

Jia Ke quickly said, "It's not about other things, it's about the students' studies."

Li Wenbin said: "So, let me listen."

Jia Ke bowed and said: "Sir, the students are not very talented in reading. They have worked hard to study these years, mostly because their father loves scholars, so they study hard and hope to succeed in their careers. But these days, the students think a lot when they are sick. I'm afraid it will be difficult to achieve success in your career. I don't know if this is the case, sir?"

Li Wenbin nodded: "You are usually very hardworking, but you are talented. When you get older in the future, it is still possible to go to school with more experience."

Jia Ke taunted in her heart, did she need to be blunt? Doesn't this mean that I am in my dozen years old?

Jia Ke continued: "Actually, students, there is a secret. Since students are born, they feel that they are infinitely powerful, and they can use all kinds of weapons at will. There is nothing wrong with it. In their spare time, they also watch servants and nurses practicing martial arts. Therefore, I would like to ask my husband to talk to my father, let the students learn martial arts, and joining the army is also a way out."

Li Wenbin thought for a while and said: "It's just that you say it yourself, and I don't believe it. If you want me and Master Jia to tell you, let me believe you after a drill."

Jia Ke said: "Please come out of the house, sir, I will let him watch my martial arts."

(End of this chapter)

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