Chapter 9
Jia Ke came out of Mr. Li's room and went to the courtyard.Call a few servants and ask them to move all the obstacles in the courtyard aside.

Jia Ke personally went to the compound where the nursing home was staying, and asked to borrow some weapons.

When Jia Ke went to borrow weapons, someone was talking too much, and everyone around him spread the word.Everyone knows that the second bedroom master is going to perform martial arts, and there is a lot of discussion.

"I said big brother, have you heard? Uncle is going to practice martial arts in front of the study?"

"I said Wei San'er, just talk nonsense. The supervisor will clean you up later, if you dare to arrange for the uncle, you will die."

"Brother, even if I have a lot of courage, I dare not say anything wrong with the uncle. It is true. Just now the uncle asked us to clean up the yard, remove the flowerpots and water tanks from the study, and say It’s going to take up space for a while, and now I’m going to borrow weapons myself.”

"Impossible? Uncle is usually quite a quiet person. What's the matter today? Why don't we go and have a look?"

"Brother, you go first, I'll tell Xiao Li."

In this way, one pass ten, ten pass one hundred, no big deal
Hundreds of people gathered in front of the Kung Fu study.Noisy and noisy are just to watch the excitement.At this time, Lin Zhixiao, one of the stewards of the outer courtyard, rushed over with a report.Seeing so many people around the door of the study, they said angrily: "I don't work anymore, what are you doing here, let my wife know, and be careful with your skin."

"Uncle Lin, don't be angry, there is a strange thing, everyone come and have a look."

Lin Zhixiao was about to scold the boy in front of him, he usually looked very clever, but today he was going against the heavens and dared to refute his words.But before he could speak, laughter came from beside him.

"If there is something strange, let me hear it from the second master"

Lin Zhixiao turned around to see that Jia Lian and Jia Zhu had arrived.Lin Zhixiao dared to salute.

Jia Lian waved his hand to excuse him, and then waved to the boy just now to come over.The young man had seen Jia Zhu earlier, and Jia Zhu had come to please the two young masters, and he had just said those words just now.Seeing Jia Lian now, he asked him to come over immediately to salute Jia Zhu and Jia Lian.

"If there's anything strange, tell me about it." Jia Lian asked.

"My lords, you don't know yet. Uncle Ke is going to perform martial arts. It doesn't matter that everyone has come to cheer for Uncle Ke."

"Martial art?" Jia Lian looked surprised, and turned to Jia Zhu, "Second Brother Zhu, Brother Ke still has this ability."

"I meet him every day, haven't you heard of it?" Jia Zhu also looked depressed.

Besides, when Jia Ke went to the nursing home, he saw a few people who looked like martial artists inside the door, punching and watching the tigers and tigers show their might, but judging from Jia Ke's battlefield experience, there were flaws everywhere, completely full of punches and embroidered legs, that is, Looks like goods.

As soon as Jia Ke came in, someone saw Jia Ke dressed and knew that she was the young master of the mansion.One of the leaders seemed to think that the young master was curious to come over to watch the fun, so he hurried over to salute Jia Ke, and said cautiously: "I don't know which house this young master is from. What orders do you have when you come to our place? There are no eyes here, just in case." It's our fault if you hurt the young master."

Although Jia Ke listened to his words with respect, she wanted to dare him to leave.

So Jia Ke didn't talk nonsense with him, and directly revealed his identity: "I am Jia Ke from the second room, and I have something to do with you."

The leader knew that Jia Ke was the eldest son of Jia Zheng, so he dared to be negligent and quickly brought a chair for him to sit down.

After Jia Ke sat down and looked around, he saw two weapon racks next to them. There were various weapons on them, such as knives, spears, swords, halberds, axes, battleaxes, hooks, forks, whips, maces, hammers, claws, and hammers. Eighteen kinds of weapons, such as sticks, lances, sticks, kidnappers, and shooting stars.

Jia Ke asked the leader to fetch the eucalyptus, weighed it in his hand, it was about twenty catties.Almost right in hand.

Then he said to the leader, "Lend me this halberd, and I'll return it to you later."

How dare the leader let a boy in his teens take away the weapon? If he hurts someone, he, as the chief martial artist, will be too much to walk around, so he said in a hurry: "This halberd is not light. I asked a few people to help Send it, young master." Without waiting for Jia Ke to agree, he took the halberd from Jia Ke's hand, and asked several martial artists to let them carry the halberd to help Jia Ke deliver it to the place.He also secretly decided that he must be careful not to cause any accidents.

Seeing someone helping her carry the halberd, Jia Ke felt relieved.So Jia Ke walked in front, and several martial artists followed behind.

When I got to the study, I saw that many people had already surrounded it.

"Get out of the way, Uncle Ke is back." The sharp-eyed person saw Jia Ke and shouted quickly.

The crowd made way for Jia Ke. Jia Ke looked bewildered and wondered why there were so many people, and then saw Jia Lian winking at him in the crowd.Jia Ke hurried over to him and asked him, "What's the matter, why are people here?"

"I heard that you are going to practice martial arts in front of your husband, and everyone will watch the fun."

Jia Zhu also came over and asked, "Brother, when did you learn martial arts?"

Jia Ke said helplessly: "I practiced blindly. I wanted to let my husband see it, so that I could say a few words in front of my father. I don't want so many people to come."

After Jia Ke finished speaking, she walked towards Li Wenbin, bowed to him first, and then said: "Sir, I brought the weapon, sir, wait here for a while, and then I will practice it."

Jia Ke asked the martial artist for the halberd, but the martial artist went to see their leader. This leader was surnamed Tao, who was also a famous martial artist. He had served Jia's family for four generations, so he had a high prestige. Without his consent, the martial artist would not dare to give the halberd to him. Jia Ke's.

Chief Tao nodded when he saw that Jia Ke was just going to perform, not hurt anyone, and the martial artist handed the halberd to Jia Ke.In his opinion, Jia Ke is just a kid playing house games, so he doesn't know any martial arts.

Jia Ke stood in the stance with a halberd in his hand, and took a deep breath. Although Jia Ke is young, but under the instillation of Lu Bu Zhiyong, his strength is somewhat stronger than that of ordinary martial artists. The bearing is strict.

Seeing Jia Ke waving the halberd, the halberd turned into a dragon in a short time, with its head able to hold its head, its mouth to be sharp, its body to lean on and lean on, its claws to grasp, and its tail to swing.There are also blue dragons poking their claws, black dragons entering holes, lazy dragons turning over, and oolongs wagging their tails.The momentum is majestic, hard and soft, urgent like a cavalry protruding, slow like winding water.Jia Kewu became sexually aroused, and forgot where she was, and unconsciously, the experience and killing spirit of Lu Bu's bravery were fully displayed.

After completing the practice of halberd technique all the way, there was complete silence all around.They were all stunned by Jia Ke's halberd technique.Surprise or secondly, the main thing is to be scared.In particular, Chief Tao was even more astonished, as the saying goes, once an expert makes a move, he will know if there is one.The martial arts that Jia Ke displayed just now were several times that of his.Not to mention him alone, even together with a dozen or so other martial artists from Jia's residence, they might not be Jia Ke's opponent if they fight together.If this is on the battlefield, at least he is a hero.

Although Li Wenbin didn't know martial arts, he just saw Jia Ke's halberd flying, and the cold light was shining.Li Wenbin only felt as if he was on the battlefield, with murderous aura rolling around him, his hairs stood on end in shock.

After Jia Ke finished the practice, he felt that his breathing was a little unstable, and his body was still too weak. If he wanted to become the reincarnation of Lu Bu, or even surpass him, he had to keep exercising non-stop.It seems that I was too optimistic before, thinking that I only need to wait three years to be invincible.Now it seems that if I don't work hard, I may always be a little behind Lu Bu.

He had such an idea because just now, he found out that he and Lu Bu's experience in martial arts did not perfectly integrate with his body. After all, it was improved by Lu Bu based on his own body. If he wants to go further, he must practice continuously , Let Lu Bu's martial arts experience fully integrate into himself and form a habit.

Jia Ke was thinking while walking towards Li Wenbin. When passing people, everyone couldn't help but get out of the way. The fear in people's hearts has not subsided.

When Jia Ke arrived in front of Li Wenbin, Li Wenbin had already replied, and before Jia Ke could speak, Li Wenbin spoke first: "As expected of a general, I agreed to your request, and I will explain it to Master Jia soon. But Before that, I still have to go to class, now go to the study." After speaking, he stroked his beard and walked into the study.

(End of this chapter)

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