Chapter 10 Telling
Seeing Li Wenbin enter the study, Jia Ke and his three brothers hurried in. Mr. Li's dignity was still very heavy. When Jia Ke and the three of them first entered the Mongolian school, they were all frightened by Mr. Li.Especially Jia Ke and Jia Lian were beaten almost every day.

The shocked and frightened people outside finally woke up.All of them showed incredible expressions.You look at me and I look at you, thinking that you are in a dream.

"Xiao Liu, pinch me."

"Brother Song, why?"

"I'll see if it's a dream."


"Did you pinch?"


"Then why don't I feel pain? It really seems like a dream, ha, ha. Let me tell you why Master Mako is so powerful."

"You're not dreaming." At this moment, Lin Zhixiao's voice came from the side.

"Butler Lin, you're here too. I'm really dreaming. I didn't even feel Xiao Liu pinching me just now."

"That's because he pinched in the wrong direction. He pinched me, but it hurts me so much that I must be pinched purple. Let's see how I deal with you bastards." Lin Zhixiao said furiously.

Everyone saw that Lin Zhixiao was annoyed, and immediately scattered like birds and beasts, and ran away completely.

Lin Zhixiao grabbed a boy and said, "Aren't you from the study, where are you going?"

Only then did the boy realize that, yes, I am an errand in the study, where can I go.So he hurried to accompany Lin Zhixiao.

Lin Zhixiao said impatiently: "Go and get them back, and regulate the things in the study yard." After speaking, he walked away with his hands behind his back.

Leader Tao was still staring at the halberd that Jia Ke had casually thrown aside, in a daze.Thinking of the martial arts that Jia Ke showed just now, and looking at myself at the age of [-], I am in my prime, but if I meet Jia Ke on the battlefield, I am afraid that I will lose my life after a few rounds.Sure enough, they were two dukes of the same family. Looking at Jia Ke's appearance, he knew the demeanor of Ning and Rong.

Jia Ke and others spent the day in class, eating, attending classes, and Jia Lian being beaten as usual.

After school in the afternoon, Li Wenbin didn't want to go back to his room to read books and study stereotyped articles as usual.Instead, he changed his clothes and went to Mengpozhai, Jia Zheng's small study, alone. When he arrived outside the door, Jia Zheng's long entourage went in to report to Jia Zheng.

Jia Zheng is playing chess with Zhan Guang, Shan Pinren, Cheng Rixing and Wang Zuomei, guests of the Siqing Dynasty, talking about ancient times.Hearing people say that Li Wenbin is here, he immediately came to the door to greet him personally. Li Wenbin saw it and saluted immediately: "How can I be born late, Mr. Lao greeted me personally."

Jia Zheng stretched out his hand to support him, and said: "Mr. is a talented man, but he is devoting himself to the three children of Jia's family. Some of the three of them have learned something from the master's work. Hurry up and serve tea."

When Li Wenbin entered the room, he saw Zhan Guang, Shan Pinren, Cheng Rixing, and Wang Zuomei who were all from the Four Qing Dynasty were nodding their heads slightly, and they were not polite. It turned out that Li Wenbin despised these Qing people very much because of these scholars, or because of the influence of the world. Li, or because of ill-fated fate, seeks for Daoliang to take care of his wife and children, and those who are not talented and arrogant can't be thorough, so they have no choice but to cling to the rich and powerful, play the autumn wind, pretend to be guests, please the wealth with leisure and fun, and be the face of the master and boss. Put gold on it.It's just an ancient doorman, although there is no name for selling one's body, there is a reality of selling one's body.

Zhan Guang, Shan Pingren, Cheng Rixing, Wang Zuomei, and Li Wenbin, the guests from the Four Qing Dynasty came and looked at each other, knowing that Li Wenbin didn't want to see them, so they got up and said to Jia Zheng: "Dong Weng has something to do, so I will take my leave first. "

Knowing Li Wenbin's temperament, Jia Zheng didn't try to keep him, but said that he would meet again someday.Let them be sent out.

Then in the house Jia Zheng and Li Wenbin settled down as guests and hosts, and the servants brought tea.

Jia Zheng then asked: "Mr. is not studying in the study. He is waiting for the next year's exam. He came to my Mengpo Zhai. I think there is something important. Could it be that the three children in the family can't play well and make Mr. angry?"

"It's not that the three young masters are playing tricks, but a happy event happened, so I would like to congratulate you." Li Wenbin said.

"Oh, what's my happy event? Could it be that the three children have made great progress in their studies, so Mr. came to congratulate me. If it is this, it would be a great happy event for me."

"Of the three sons, the second son, Jia Zhu, is the best academically. The Four Books are already quite popular. As long as you work hard on the Five Classics and practice stereotyped essays, you can try it after a few years of proficiency. In total, there are three or three books. Four years of effort." Li Wenbin said.

Jia Zheng was overjoyed. You must know that Jia Zhu is not yet ten years old. According to An Li Wenbin, it is not possible to be a scholar at the age of thirteen or fourteen. This means that in Jiangnan where the literary style is at its peak, he can be regarded as a child prodigy.How could this not make Jia Zheng ecstatic.

Jia Zheng immediately got up and bowed to salute: "Thank you for your cultivation, sir. It's like a child who will one day be determined not to forget your kindness."

Li Wenbin hurriedly stood up and returned the gift: "Jia Zhu is today because of his own hard work and extraordinary talent."

"Nothing is possible without the grace of my teacher's teaching."

After that, the two sat down again.

"Come to see your lord today, congratulations to another son of your mansion who is also very talented."

"Lian'er's talent is good, but he was raised by his grandmother, so he was very lazy in this regard. Could it be that he changed his course and tried his best to let him in."

Li Wenbin shook his head and said: "Although Jia Lian has good talent, if he doesn't change his temperament, I'm afraid it will be like this." Then he said: "I'm talking about Jia Ke, the eldest son of your mansion, I'm afraid the talent is even higher than that of the second son Jia Zhu. .”

Jia Zheng was slightly startled. He thought of many people, even his family members, but he didn't think it was Jia Ke. As the saying goes, a good friend is like a father. Jia Zheng still knows what happened to Jia Ke. He is a good boy, and he works hard in his studies, but his talent is a little bit short, which is the capital of the middle man.Jia Zheng is the first one who doesn't believe Jia Ke's extraordinary talent.

"Sir, I'm joking. I still know what's going on with the dog." Jia Zheng shook his head and smiled wryly.

Seeing Jia Zheng's misunderstanding, Li Wenbin hastily explained: "My lord misunderstood. The eldest son is not good at academics, and the students don't know about it. But today the eldest son showed his talent and shocked the whole government. Didn't your lord hear it?"

"Today, just now when I went down to the office, I just had a brief chat with a few gentlemen, and it's not worth listening to people's report. If you know it, you should explain it to me."

Li Wenbin replied: "This morning, the eldest son Jia Ke continued the conversation with me, saying that although his knowledge is not as good as Jia Zhu, but he is infinitely powerful and has the courage that a man should not be. I said he was lying, and he hurriedly said , Master Tiandi, how can you lie to the teacher. I wanted to demonstrate it and let me have a look. So in the courtyard of the big study, I used a borrowed halberd to practice martial arts in front of a large audience. It is not that the students are short-sighted , I see that the eldest son's martial arts is really amazing, I am afraid that even the first Jiagong is second to none. At that time, everyone who watched was shocked at Mo Ming, and thought he was on the battlefield for a while. If you don't believe me, you can send someone to inquire about it. I will know."

Jia Zheng was also surprised, so he sent someone to inquire.Not long after, the boy came back to report, saying that it was so, and now the whole Jia's mansion has passed it on.

When he heard the report, Jia Zheng didn't hesitate, so he called Lin Zhixiao and leader Tao to see him.

Not long after, the two came to the door to meet, and Jia Zheng let them in.

Just now when the two stood still, Jia Zheng asked, "Your uncle is performing martial arts in the big study today, do you know?"

Both of them know.Then Jia Zheng asked him what had happened.

Lin Zhixiao first replied: "When I arrived, my uncle went to Tao Touling to borrow weapons. It was Tao Touling who brought him here in person. Afterwards, I practiced the halberd technique. I don't know how good it is. I have never seen it before." Such a heroic man."

Jia Zheng looked at Chief Tao and asked, "Is Ke Er's martial arts really so powerful?"

Leader Tao replied truthfully: "This is the first time I have seen the martial arts of my uncle. I didn't believe that there is such a martial art in the world even if I beat him to death. I am not bragging. I am also a famous martial artist in Beijing, and I have seen many famous teachers and generals. But from my point of view, they are all far behind the eldest son. If there is a BMW, the eldest son of the world can go there."

Jia Zheng was also very pleasantly surprised. Jia Ke's literary talent was not good, and he was very worried about how he would live once the family was separated.When I heard the news today, I was overjoyed.It seems that although Jia Ke is not well-educated, he has inherited the martial arts of his grandfather and great-grandfather.In the future, Jia Wen will have Jia Zhu, and Wu will have Jia Ke, so why not prosper?With these two unicorns, even if he saw his father under the Nine Springs, his grandfather would be worthy.

(End of this chapter)

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