The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 11 Interrogation

Chapter 11 Interrogation
Besides, when Jia Ke returned home from school, he saw Aunt Zhou and Chun Cao outside the courtyard gate looking in the direction he came from.Seeing Jia Ke coming back, he welcomed him into Aunt Zhou's room.

"I heard that you performed martial arts in the study compound today?" Aunt Zhou asked impatiently.

"Yes, I did a little demonstration." Jia Ke said in a very flat tone, but her expression seemed to say come and praise me, very arrogant.

Chuncao next to her looked at Jia Ke with admiration.

"You really want to practice martial arts. Do you know that the master likes scholars. If you don't study hard, why do you dislike those who dance with knives and guns? Our mother and son are being bullied to death, how can we live in this mansion." Aunt Zhou's anxious tears were about to flow down.

"Auntie, don't worry, our ancestors started their family with martial arts. My father has seen my grandfather make great achievements in martial arts, so he will definitely not dislike us." Jia Ke comforted Aunt Zhou while giving her an analysis.

At this time, the little maid Xia Mai came back from fetching food, and as soon as she entered the door, she excitedly said to several people: "Auntie, grandpa, you don't know, don't you? They are just as powerful, maybe in the future they will be granted the title of Marquis and Prime Minister."

Aunt Zhou glared at her and said, "Why don't you make a Marquis or not? I only hope that he will be Amitabha when he is safe and sound."

After finishing speaking, it was called Chuncao, and Xia Mai served rice.

In the evening, Jia Ke was reading a book in his room when he saw Chuncao coming in from the outside. Before Jia Ke could ask a question, he said anxiously, "Master is here, ask him to see him." His face was full of worry.

Jia Ke knew that he would show off his martial arts in the morning, so he knew that he would face Jia Zheng one day, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.But he already had a countermeasure. People at this time are very superstitious, not to mention that there are gods in the world of Red Mansions. As a wealthy family, Jia's family should more or less know about some mysterious and secret things.Jia Ke was determined to start from this aspect, and made Jia Zheng believe that his talent was a gift from God, which could strengthen his position in Jia's mansion.

Jia Ke said to Chuncao: "It's nothing, it's just that the master wants to ask me something."

Jia Ke calmly walked towards Aunt Zhou's room.

When I entered the house, I saw Aunt Zhou busily pouring tea and water for Jia Zheng, serving attentively, while Jia Zheng sat in the middle and let Aunt Zhou play with her. When Aunt Zhou saw Jia Ke coming in, she was worried about him. She winked and told him to be careful.

Jia Ke also agreed, and immediately saluted Jia Zheng, then stood aside and waited for Jia Zheng to speak.

Jia Zheng looked at Jia Ke while drinking tea, and saw that he was quite honest, and he didn't get carried away because of his limelight in the morning.

"I heard that you were so majestic in the morning that you shocked the whole house." Jia Zheng put down his tea bowl and said calmly.

"Don't dare to hide it from my father. My son is really not talented in the imperial examination. If he goes to take the imperial examination, he may not pass the exam for the rest of his life. For the future, I have to make other plans. Fortunately, my son still has some talent in martial arts , so I reported it to my father under the guise of Mr. Li."

After Jia Zheng listened, he nodded and said, "You're pretty honest, you didn't lie to me. Let me ask you, who did you learn your martial arts from? Our family doesn't have such a master now."

Jia Ke had been waiting for Jia Zheng's words for a long time, but he didn't answer but just looked to the left and right without saying a word.

Jia Zheng then understood Jia Ke's meaning, which meant that there was a secret that could not be revealed to outsiders.Jia Zheng said to Aunt Zhou: "Take your maid to watch outside, and don't let anyone who dares not come in."

Aunt Zhou asked, and immediately took the spring grass and Xia Mai out.Aunt Zhou asked Chuncao and Xia Mai to watch at the gate of the courtyard, but she herself guarded the door.

Seeing that everyone had gone out, Jia Zheng said to Jia Ke, "Speak, let's see what amazing words you can come up with."

Jia Ke said to Jia Zheng: "It's not that my son is hiding it. It's really incredible. When my son was four or five years old, he often had a similar dream at night. In the dream, the child was a general. He often wore a trident on his head. Wearing a purple gold crown with hair tied, a red brocade robe with hundreds of flowers on the body, a chain armor with animal face swallowing the head, and an exquisite lion belt around the waist; the bow and arrow are carried with you, holding a painted halberd, and sitting on a red rabbit horse that neighs in the wind. A man who is good at fighting without precedent, he often rushes and kills things in the enemy's line, as if entering no one's land. For decades, no one can fight in the world. Hearing my name, the heroes of the world are heartbroken. People's martial arts learning, I just feel very familiar, as if I knew it. It's just because the father is strict and the son dare not report to his father. If it is not true that he has no talent in the imperial examination, how can the son dare to use this little cleverness."

"I often hear Taoist priests talk about reincarnation. Seeing Jia Ke's appearance today, could it be that there is real reincarnation? This is the awakening of Jia Ke's martial arts from his previous life." Jia Zheng thought while sitting on it.

Jia Zheng asked again, "What do you remember?"

Jia Ke was afraid that Jia Zheng's suspicions would come out of nowhere, so he said, "I only remember fighting on the battlefield, arranging troops, and strategies of war. There's nothing else."

Jia Zheng thought to himself that his eldest son might have a history.What will happen in the future.I am very happy in my heart, his Jia family will surely prosper in his hands.

Jia Zheng has been in charge of the Rongguo Mansion for these years. On the surface, he looks very majestic. In fact, he has never been worried for a day. Mrs. Wang only knows about the power struggle in the inner house. Although he himself thinks he is not a frivolous official, he is not capable enough I had no choice but to pretend to be a scholar, respect the virtuous and corporal, and help the weak and the needy, just to support them.He worked hard in the court, and he was promoted from head of the Ministry of Industry to Yuanwailang, which can only be regarded as a small achievement.As for Jia Jianing and Rong Erfu, they are just trying to save face.Except for him, whoever is not a sensual dog and horse in the two mansions is forgetful.He saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.Talking about poetry and Fu with Qing Ke every day is nothing but self-evasion.

He is strict with his son, but he only pins his hope of shaking Jia's family on his son. In the past, only Jia Zhu was smart, so he pinned his hopes on Jia Zhu.The eldest son, who is now inconspicuous, also possesses unique skills and superb martial arts.In this way, the Jia family has double insurance. In the future, when the eldest son develops in the army, he can inherit the connections of the two old princes in the army, and the second son will take the route of the imperial examination.The two brothers took care of each other, so maybe in his lifetime, he could still see the grand occasion of Mrs. Wang's Jia's mansion, one family and two kingdoms.Thinking of this, Jia Zheng couldn't help but feel elated.

Seeing that Jia Zheng was silent for a long time after Jia Ke finished speaking, he couldn't help but look up, and saw a smile gradually appearing on Jia Zheng's serious face, knowing that he had passed the test, he felt relieved.

Seeing Jia Ke looking at him, Jia Zheng woke up suddenly.Serenity returned to his face.

"Who did you tell about learning martial arts in your dream?"

Jia Ke replied, "I didn't tell anyone except my father."

"Your mother can't even talk about it?" Jia Zheng asked.
Jia Ke was confused, he didn't know Mrs. Wang well and he was fine, so he insisted on sending his case to Mrs. Wang and telling her something.

Jia Zheng knew at a glance that he had misunderstood. In Jia's mansion, the etiquette was strict, and Jia Ke was only a concubine, but his mother could only be Mrs. Wang, and he could only call Mrs. Wang "mother".But his own mother can only be called "Auntie".

So Jia Zheng pointed to Aunt Zhou outside, and Jia Ke finally understood, and replied, "No."

"From now on, don't tell anyone about it. If anyone asks, it's just like what you said before. You are born with supernatural power and martial arts. You just figured it out on your own. Remember?" Jia Zheng said seriously.

Jia Ke also replied solemnly: "Remember."

Jia Zheng nodded in satisfaction.He also said: "I have to tell the old lady about your martial arts practice. Only the three of us in Jia's mansion know about your martial arts training in your dreams."

After speaking, seeing that it was getting late, he asked Jia Ke to go back to rest.And call Aunt Zhou to come in.

Jia Zheng tossed and turned on the bed at night, unable to sleep, and Aunt Zhou persuaded him, "But Ke'er did something wrong to make the master angry? What's wrong with the master, you just scold him more, don't be angry."

Jia Zheng didn't say much, just said: "You gave birth to a good son." Then he grabbed Aunt Zhou's hand and stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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