Chapter 12 Surprised
Early the next morning, Jia Zheng went to visit Jia's mother to pay his respects.When he came, Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Xing had already arrived and were serving Jia Mu for dinner. Jia Mu ate half a tofu skin bun and some eggplant (No. ), although there were many daughters-in-law and maids serving inside and outside, they didn't even hear a cough.

When Jiamu finished her meal, she withdrew the leftovers.Some maids brought tea in small tea trays, and others brought gargles. Jia Mu rinsed her mouth and finished washing her hands.Then the servant girl brought tea again, this is the tea to eat.

Only then did Jia Zheng go up to greet An and ask his mother if she was in good health and how much she had eaten.Mother Jia asked him to get up and sit beside her.Jia Zheng sat next to Jia's mother, instead of chatting about homework, he talked non-stop, seeing that it was time to go to the Yamen, he was not in a hurry, and Mrs. Xing and Mrs. Wang hadn't had breakfast yet, but seeing Jia Zheng talking non-stop , I had to sit and laugh with him.

When Jia Mu saw that Jia Zheng was not as usual today, she knew that he had a secret matter to discuss with her, and that there were other people who were difficult to talk to. Jia Mu said to Mrs. Xing and Mrs. Wang, "You go, let us mother and son talk freely. Son." Mrs. Xing and Mrs. Wang got up, said a few more gossips, and left.

Jia Mu said to the maid and daughter-in-law in the house again: "It's boring for many people to be in the house. You all go out and relax. It doesn't matter if my son is here." At this time, he winked at one of the women, which woman understood, and after exiting the door, she found a maid who was waiting outside the door to fight.But he was sitting on a stone bench a dozen steps outside the door.This woman was originally the maid of Jia Mu's dowry, and was betrothed by Jia Mu to a steward surnamed Lai. Ying was old and no longer in charge, but she still went to Jia Mu's place every day to say hello.He is the most loyal to Jia Mu.She was responsible for many things of Jia's mother. Because of her loyalty, Jia's mother nominated her eldest son as the chief manager of Rongguo Mansion, and also recommended her second son as the chief manager of Ningguo Mansion.

When Jia's mother saw that there was no one in the house, she said to Jia Zheng, "What's the matter? How big is the fight?"

Jia Zheng said: "But there is an important matter that needs to be discussed with my mother, and in the end, my mother must decide."

"What's the matter, let me hear what you tell me." Jia Mu said.

Jia Zheng then said: "Aunt Zhou's eldest son, Jia Ke, recently gave birth to Zhuang Xiangrui, but he was afraid of being known to kill him before he grew up, so he was so abrupt, mother forgive me."

"Oh, speaking of Aunt Zhou, she was trained by me this week, so it's a peace of mind. It's just Brother Ke, what auspiciousness can he have with a small person, don't scare me." Jia Mu said.

Jia Zhenglian said he didn't dare, so he compared Jia Ke's martial arts practice in Jia Ke's study room yesterday, Li Wenbin, Lin Zhixiao, and Chief Tao's evaluation of Jia Ke, and his interrogation of Jia Ke last night, and Jia Ke said that he learned in a dream. Talk to Jia Mu.

"Isn't this auspicious? Ke'er, it's either an immortal preaching in a dream, or Su Hui was awakened. It seems to have a history." Jia Zheng concluded excitedly.

But Mother Jia didn't have a trace of joy on her face, instead she frowned.Seeing Jia Mu's expression like this, Jia Zheng couldn't help but also changed his face. He knew that his mother was valued by two generations of Rong Guogong and was well-informed.That is to say, there must be something wrong with the mother's serious expression.

Jia Zheng hurriedly asked, "Is there something wrong with Mother?"

Jia's mother said to him: "Although you are in charge of the family now, you have passed your thirties, but after all, you have grown up in grand events. You don't know about those crooked ways, ghosts and ghosts when the country was founded, and ghosts and ghosts. You said he was auspicious. How do you know that he is not evil spirit coming to harm our family."

Jia Zheng was frightened out of his wits when he heard Jia Mu's words, and he left the excitement when he first came to the clouds.He hurriedly saluted Jia Mu non-stop, and asked Jia Mu to decide and find a way.

Seeing Jia Zheng's flustered appearance, Jia's mother reprimanded, "Why panic, the sky hasn't fallen yet. Even if it's an evil spirit, I can do it myself. You don't have to panic."

As soon as Jia Zheng heard that Jia Mu had a solution, he felt at ease, and hurriedly asked Jia Mu what to do.

Mother Jia said unhurriedly: "In a while, go to Qingxu Temple and invite Taoist Zhang. He is your father's substitute. The Duke of the country thought of this back then. He was afraid that something bad happened to our family. There is nowhere to find someone, so I pressed this foreshadowing. However, Taoist Zhang has practiced more and more over the years, and the former emperor personally called him the "Illusion Immortal". ", different from the past, when you go, you have to behave like a nephew, don't neglect."

So Jia Zheng was going to invite him immediately, but was stopped by Jia Mu and said: "What's the hurry, I have something to say. You invite Taoist Zhang, don't come to see me first, hide in the back of the study, and wait for the eldest brother." Let him take a look after school before coming to my place."

Jia Zheng agreed, and went out without paying attention.

After a while, Nanny Lai came in and told Mother Jia, "Master has gone out of the house."

Jia Mu didn't speak, just leaned on the soft couch and nodded.

Nanny Lai also stood waiting for Mother Jia's order. After a while, Mother Jia said, "Zheng'er picked up Taoist Zhang in a while, please make arrangements so that no one will know. Tell the maids in the house not to talk nonsense. "Nurse Lai quickly agreed, turned around and went out to make arrangements.

Besides, Jia Zheng went out of Jia Mu's place, went straight to the front yard, and called the boy to ask for the ready car to be used immediately. When he was young, someone came to report that the car was ready.Without any entourage, Jia Zheng came to the gate of Rongguo Mansion alone, got into a chariot, and asked the coachman to go to Qingxu Temple.

Not long after, we arrived at the gate of Qingxu Temple.Seeing that it was Jia Zheng, the intellectual judge at the door dared not neglect, and invited Jia Zheng to use tea for vipassana. Jia Zheng had no intention of drinking tea, so he asked Taoist Zhang to report that Jia Zheng asked for an audience.

Not long after Taoist Zhang came in, he saw this Taoist priest with white hair and a childlike face. If it wasn't for his white hair, he would have thought it was a 30-year-old man.Jia Zheng hurriedly got up to salute, and Taoist Zhang hurried to help.The two sat down, Taoist Zhang said first: "Buddha of Infinite Life! The ancestors have always lived happily ever after?"

Jia Zheng said, "The old lady is well."

Daoist Zhang said, "I don't know what the second master came to see."

Jia Zheng said: "Recently there is a strange thing in the mansion. The old lady can't determine it, so let me ask Uncle Zhang to go and take a look."

"Could it be that something unclean has been contaminated in the mansion." Daoist Zhang said with a frown.

Jia Zheng said, "Hey, I don't know if it's a disaster or a blessing." Then Taoist Zhang told the story of Jia Ke back and forth.

"It's a bit weird to say that, but I've been away from the mansion for decades, so I'll go home and have a look today." After Taoist Zhang finished speaking, he asked Jia Zheng to wait a while, saying that he was going to the inner hall to get some money. A magic weapon.

After a while, Taoist Zhang came out and went to watch the outside with Jia Zheng.The Taoist priests passing by gave way to salute.

The two left the Qingxu Temple and got into the car.Then he came to Rongguo Mansion.

When I came to the gate of Rongguo Mansion, the carriage did not stop, and went straight in from the west corner gate. Jia Zheng and Taoist Zhang got off the carriage.

Jia Zheng said to Taoist Zhang: "Uncle Zhang, please wait a moment. The old lady told me before she let me go, let us take a look at the evil in a secluded place first, and then go to see her if it is human or strange."

Daoist Zhang did not refuse, so he followed Jia Zheng to a utility room opposite the study. At noon, he rested after lunch, and saw Jia Ke and Jia Lian leaving the study for a walk in the garden.

Jia Zheng hurriedly pointed Jia Ke to Taoist Zhang. Taoist Zhang first recited a mantra and drew a talisman, and then pointed his middle finger between his eyebrows.

Jia Zheng, who was next to him, felt that Taoist Zhang had a divine light in his eyes, which he couldn't see.

Daoist Zhang looked at Jia Ke with divine light.He only felt that there was a red light on Jia Ke's body. The red light was different from the haze seen in other places, but it was like flames, surrounding him. Wherever he passed was like a sun passing through the sky, the brilliance was indescribable.I also saw that the aura on the top of his head was multicolored, and its shape was like an umbrella covering Jia Ke's head.

Daoist Zhang wanted to look again, but he felt as if he was looking at the sun with his eyes. His glasses hurt so much that his eyes bled without realizing it.

(End of this chapter)

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