The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 13 Extremely Expensive

Chapter 13 Extremely Expensive
Seeing that Zhang Taoist's eyes were bleeding, Jia Zheng was startled and at a loss.

Taoist Zhang comforted Jia Zheng and said, "Don't worry, it's just a small injury, and it will recover in a month or two."

Although Taoist Zhang said this, he was just comforting Jia Zheng, but his heart was shocked.He didn't know how many nobles he had looked down upon, but he had never seen Jia Ke's appearance like this.The air is colorful, the shape is like a canopy, the body is red, like fire and flames, people can't look directly at it, this is the appearance of a rich and noble person, there are only a few people in the court who have this appearance, each of them is If you have great luck, even ordinary princes can't match it.But such a scene is not quite right for a ten-year-old child.Moreover, he vaguely seemed to see something lurking in the red light inside Jia Ke's body.

At this time, Zhang Daoshi was backlashed by the spell, and his eyes hurt extremely, but he is the substitute of Xianrong Guogong, and he is the same as the Jia family.He is worried if he doesn't understand.So he took out the Zhenpai's treasure source light mirror from the Qingxuguan lineage from his bosom.This source of light mirror is not a spell or magic weapon like round light.This treasure was given by the founder of the Jianpai because he saved a fairy who had fallen from heaven and man.This treasure can see the fate of people in the world in the past, and there has been no mistake in the past thousand years.At the end of the previous dynasty, during the struggle for dragons, the master of the Qingxu Temple at that time used this treasure to search the world's heroes, and finally found the Taizu of this dynasty who was just an ordinary wealthy household in the south of the Yangtze River, so he did his best to help him. Only then did Qingxuguan have the glory of ruling the world's Taoist sects.

Zhang Daoshi thought that with the source light mirror, he would be able to see Jia Ke's reality.

Daoist Zhang shined the source light mirror on Jia Ke with a silent spell, and in an instant the magic power of the source light mirror penetrated the red light outside Jia Ke's body, and two images of one gold and one purple appeared in the source light mirror. A wandering dragon, swimming in Jia Ke's body, the two dragons neither repel each other nor merge, they just swim back and forth end to end.

Taoist Zhang wanted to watch again, and suddenly he saw countless mysterious auras emerging around Jia Ke, and it seemed that countless gods appeared in the sky, roaring at Taoist Zhang together.

Daoist Zhang was shocked. For some reason, his soul knew that these gods were transformed by the laws of heaven, and now they appeared together to protect Jia Ke's body, and all kinds of spells and evil spirits could not get close.

Taoist Zhang was about to take back the source light mirror, but it was already too late.A burst of invisible fluctuations surged, and the source light mirror shattered into dozens of pieces with only a "click".But Zhang Daoshi only felt that his magic power was starting to backfire, and he felt that a mouthful of blood could no longer be held back, and spurted out.The injuries on his body became more serious.

For some reason, Jia Zheng saw Taoist Zhang spit out a mouthful of blood, and Jia Zheng hurriedly supported Taoist Zhang.

Daoist Zhang waved his hands and said, "Let's go, let's go."

So Jia Zheng helped Zhang Taoist and stumbled to Jia's mother.

Taoist Zhang's heart was still beating on the way. If the source light mirror hadn't been caught by him just now, and the mana fluctuations, he might have returned to the underworld by now.It's really thrilling.

But it also made him think clearly about what he saw just now. The two dragons he saw were probably the manifestation of two dragon veins. It's not what he can know.And the Mantian God is probably here to protect Jia Ke. As the saying goes, the holy emperor is protected by a hundred spirits. You have never seen it before, but you will know it when you see it today.Now my mana has been greatly damaged, and I am afraid that I will not be able to recover from the serious injury in the short term. The next generation of Qingxuguan has not yet grown up.But the dynasty is about to change, this Jia Ke must be the founding emperor of a generation, and he must make a way out for the Qingxuguan lineage.It is also true to view the ancestors of past dynasties in Qingxu.

In fact, Daoist Zhang's guess was not entirely correct. The two dragons he saw just now were not the dragon energy, but the manifestation of the small rejuvenation charm and the magic weapon of the soul-absorbing orb in Jia Ke's body.

The multicolored air and the shape of an umbrella cover are the rewards for Jia Ke in this small world of the Red Mansion. It turns out that the little rejuvenation charm and the soul-absorbing pearl that Jia Ke brought from the underworld are all from the prehistoric universe. The magic weapon of the prehistoric universe is above the three thousand great worlds. No matter whether the magic weapon of the prehistoric universe is boundless or incomparably powerful, the laws in it are indeed perfect and flawless.It should be detected by Tiandao from the small world of the Red Mansion. Tiandao has no wisdom and only operates on instinct. Therefore, Tiandao instinctively surrounds Jia Ke to pry into the mysteries of the two magic weapons in order to advance as soon as possible.Therefore, the way of heaven in this world is inferior to Jia Ke's great cause and effect. Therefore, before Jia Ke left the small world of the Red Chamber, what Jia Ke did was the general trend of heaven.If you want to be a generation of virtuous ministers, you must be a general, and if you have a rebellious heart, you must be the founder of the country.How to develop in the future is only in Jia Ke's mind.

Besides, Jia Zheng and Taoist Zhang came to Jia's mother's courtyard in a panic, but no one came to greet them. The courtyard where people usually come and go is silent now.At this time, I saw Nanny Lai waiting in front of the door, and was shocked to see their distressed appearance.The Taoist priest Zhang was the son of the Jia family before he became a monk, and he was also the proud man in front of Rong Guogong. Later, he became a substitute for Rong Guogong, and his status as a monk was more expensive. Later, he was in charge of Daolu Siyin, and the princes and towns called him a god. .And Jia Zheng is the actual controller of the Rongguo Mansion.What made the two of them so embarrassed.

Nanny Lai knew the matter was important, so she didn't dare to ask.Directly let the two of them into the house.

Zhang Daoshi didn't salute as soon as he entered the room, and collapsed on the chair directly.Jia Zheng was also in shock. He didn't know what happened, but he was frightened by Taoist Zhang's appearance.

Jia's mother was on the soft couch. Seeing them, Taoist Zhang was still bleeding from the corners of his mouth.Thinking that they found Jia Ke to be a great evildoer, they also felt weak because of this.After a long while, it was Jia Mu who asked first: "Old Immortal, could it be that that wicked barrier is really some kind of monstrosity."

Taoist Zhang said, "It's not evil."

Jia Mu asked again: "Then what is the fate of this child that makes you so panicked?"

Daoist Zhang did not speak directly, but said: "I used to be the substitute of the Duke of the State to practice and practice. I came to the mansion today thinking that there were evildoers. I tried my best to get rid of the mansion. It is my duty. But what happened today It's too important, and if I say it today, the karma between the Duke and me will be cancelled." After speaking, he looked at my mother and waited for her answer.

Mother Jia was shocked when she heard Taoist Zhang say that she wanted to write off the kindness of Jia's mansion and him. Taoist Zhang was an important helper of Jia Daishan, the Duke of Rong Guo, for Jia's mansion. Jia's family did not know how much it cost to record the secretary's seal.Now Daoshi Zhang has to write it off before he agrees to make it clear, making her hesitate.

Mother Jia looked at Jia Zheng and asked him, "What do you think?"

Jia Zheng replied that he obeyed his mother's orders.

Seeing that he had lost his mind, Jia Mu made her own decision and said to Taoist Zhang, "If that's the case, it's up to you, but don't lie to me."

When Daoist Zhang saw Jia's mother agreeing, he felt that a heavy burden had been lifted from his body, and he felt unspeakably relieved, so he also smiled and said, "Don't dare to deceive each other with lies."

Jia's mother asked, "what's the reason for my grandson?"

Zhang Taoist looked at Jia's mother and said only two words: "extremely expensive".

Jia's mother was overjoyed at first, and then she became suspicious. If it was said to be an extremely noble family, Jia Daishan could have been called extremely noble when he was alive, but Taoist Zhang didn't need to be so solemn, there must be some concealment.

So Mother Jia was not in a hurry to speak, but picked up the tea bowl next to her, took a sip of tea, then played with the tea bowl and said to Daoist Zhang, "What am I supposed to be? This is it? It's the same as if I didn't say anything. Daoist Zhang, I'm afraid Are you hiding it?"

Daoist Zhang was not timid, and said: "These two words are enough to repay Duke Rong's kindness. If you want me to say, the Jia family has not given me a corresponding reward yet."

Jia Mu frowned and said, "Then what do you want?"

"Unless the old lady promises me three things on behalf of the Jia family. Otherwise, I won't say anything." Taoist Zhang said.

Seeing Taoist Zhang's appearance, Jia's mother guessed that there must be a secret in it, so she said, "As long as it doesn't hurt my Jia family, I will promise you."

Daoist Zhang was overjoyed to hear Jiamu's promise, he couldn't help laughing, knowing that the Qingxu Temple would flourish again, so he didn't want to ruin the mirror of Yuanguang because of it.

Mother Jia saw Taoist Zhang laughing and didn't stop him, knowing that the happier he laughed, the greater the secret.

Daoist Zhang smiled for a while, put away his smile, became serious, stared at Jiamu's glasses, and said four words one by one: "Expensive, no, yes, and words."

(End of this chapter)

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