The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 14 Secret Discussion

Chapter 14 Secret Discussion
When Jia Mu heard what Taoist Zhang said, the tea bowl in her hand fell to the ground and shattered.

And Jia Zheng was so frightened that his face paled and he collapsed on the ground.

There was no sound in the room, only the sound of heavy breathing.

After all, Jia's mother had gone through some troubles, so she slowed down first, and reprimanded Jia Zheng: "How old you are, don't get up quickly. What is it like?" After speaking, she said to Zhang Taoist: "You can see clearly , nothing wrong?"

Taoist Zhang said: "There is no mistake. If you want to say that this technique of hopeful luck, my Qingxu concept is also famous in this world. What's more, because of checking the eldest son's luck, the treasure of my Qingxu concept has also been destroyed. , just saw the scene, the aura on the top of the eldest son's head is divided into five colors, shaped like an umbrella cover, this is the aura of the emperor, can't it be proved, not to mention that the eldest son is surrounded by a hundred gods to protect him, all evils will not invade, and ten thousand dharmas will not be touched. I Not only was the spell backfired on the Eldest Prince just now, but it also destroyed the Supreme Treasure Source Light Mirror. This is only available to the ancient sages."

"Besides, throughout the ages, each dynasty has only one dragon vein to supply luck. Therefore, if the dragon energy in the dragon vein is insufficient, the dynasty must be changed. However, the eldest son has two dragon veins to supply the dragon energy. If the eldest son opens the dynasty, the country The duration of the dynasty must be twice that of other dynasties."

Jia Zheng heard Zhang Daoshi's words, and he was no longer as limp as before, and said excitedly: "But it is true?"

Taoist Zhang said: "Are you sure?"

Jia's mother was not as optimistic as Jia Zheng, and asked Taoist Zhang, "Is there any change?"

Daoist Zhang said: "Don't worry, the eldest son is a potential dragon in the abyss now, just wait and see the changes, and when the Daolong Qi bursts out, the world will surely be determined by a single battle."

How did Daoist Zhang have such confidence?It should be because he compared Jia Ke's situation with the records of the ancestors of Qingxu Temple that he had seen, and found that Jia Ke's luck was unprecedented, and he must be foolproof.

When Daoist Zhang was smiling and thinking about the future with Jia Zheng, he suddenly felt a palpitation. For no reason, he remembered that the ancestors of the past dynasties mentioned in their notes many times that if they leaked the secrets, they would be sent by heaven, and they must be people with great luck. You can avoid it only by protecting each other.Without hesitation, he rushed towards Jia Zheng who was next to him. As soon as he threw Jia Zheng to the ground, he heard a thunder. I had to chop it a little crookedly to cut a hole in the ground next to it.

Looking at the hole in the ground, Jia's mother was dumbfounded, not knowing why.Only then did Taoist Zhang and Jia Zheng get up separately.

Mother Jia said eagerly, "What's going on? Why is there thunder in the house?"

Taoist Zhang got up and bowed to Jia Zheng to thank him: "Thank you, Mr. Zheng, for your protection." Then he turned to Mother Jia and said, "Today, too many secrets were revealed, so I was sent by heaven. Thankfully, Mr. Zheng is the elder brother's father, so I got his protection." Just escaped this disaster."

Jia's mother and Jia Zheng couldn't help but sigh with emotion, saying that it is true that heaven cannot be bullied.

Daoist Zhang was also lucky to have escaped, and Jia Mu and Jia Zheng wanted to say goodbye after talking for a while.Jia's mother asked Jia Zheng to send him back to the temple.As soon as Jia Zheng and Taoist Zhang came out of Jia Mu's room, they saw a puff of gray air flying from the sky, and this gray air penetrated into Taoist Zhang's body in an instant. Taoist Zhang yelled and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Jia Zheng hurriedly helped him into the room. Seeing this, Jia's mother dared to ask Taoist Zhang what was going on.

Jia Zheng let a puff of gray air into Zhang Daoshi's body just now, and Zhang Daoshi fell unconscious on the ground and told Jia's mother.

Daoist Zhang woke up after a while, only to feel that the source of cultivation in his body had all disappeared, decades of hard work had been destroyed, and he looked decades older than before.I couldn't help crying loudly and weeping bitterly.

Jia's mother and Jia Zheng saw Taoist Zhang's situation and knew that he still hadn't escaped the catastrophe.

Jia's mother stepped forward and said to Taoist Zhang: "You have suffered so much for the Jia family. My Jia family is a charitable and trustworthy family. I promise you three things, and I will never regret it."

Hearing what Jia Mu said, Taoist Zhang looked at Jia Mu as if grasping at straws and said, "The old lady's words are true, take it seriously." You must know that now he has lost all his mana, and there is nothing he can do if Jia Mu repents.

Jia's mother replied solemnly, "Really."

Only then did Taoist Zhang rest assured that with Jia's mother's words, there might not be a positive result in the future.

Jia's mother asked Jia Zheng to send Taoist Zhang Haosheng back to Qingxu Temple, and come back after settling down.

Jia Zheng personally helped Taoist priest Zhang go out. When he reached the second gate, he got into the car or walked through the west corner gate to leave Rongguo mansion.After a while, he returned to the view of the pure and empty.When they arrived at the temple, Taoist priests in Guannei panicked when they saw that Taoist priest Zhang was fine when he left, but he looked like this when he came back.Daoist Zhang, whose disciples were at a loss, was placed in the residence of the abbot (the abbot came from Taoism and was borrowed by Buddhism). In the end, only three disciples of Daoist Zhang remained.

Taoist Zhang pointed to these three people and said to Jia Zheng: "They have been learning Taoism with me for two to thirty years. If there is something to do in the future, let them do it." Then he said to the three people: "From now on, Master Jia's words will be mine. , be sure to obey his orders.”

Jia Zheng saw that Taoist Zhang had been settled, so he hurried back to the mansion to see Jia's mother for discussion, and then left.

After Jia Zheng left, Taoist Zhang's three disciples hurriedly asked the master what happened, and they became like this.

Taoist Zhang didn't answer, but just said to them: "From now on, you will be very close to the Jia family, so don't neglect it. In the future, when Jia Zheng wants to find you, he must do his best, and there must be no delay. Don't ask anything else. "After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and stopped talking.After a while, I fell asleep.

Besides, Jia Zheng returned to Jia's mansion in a hurry, and then went to Jia's mother's courtyard. After a while, the window frame was restored to its original state.But there was still no one in the room, presumably she was sent away again by Mother Jia.

Grandma Lai was still guarding the door, and Jia Zheng went straight into Jia's mother's room without notifying her.

At this time, Jia Mu was lying crookedly on the soft couch. Jia Zheng came forward to say hello. Jia Mu opened her eyes and said to Jia Zheng, "Did Taoist Zhang send it back?"

Jia Zhenghui said: "It has been sent back to the temple. Nothing happened."

After Jia Zheng finished speaking, he asked Jia's mother eagerly: "Does my mother think Taoist Zhang is trustworthy?"

Jia's mother said calmly: "Daoist Zhang is your father's substitute, and my Jia family is as honorable and as honorable as my Jia family. I will not lie to us. Besides, you don't see how much backlash Taoist Zhang has suffered today. Thinking that this is God’s punishment to Taoist Zhang, He Chang is not God’s reminder to us. It seems that real dragons are about to emerge in our family.”

Jia Zheng was overjoyed, but he said doubtfully, "It's less than a hundred years since the founding of this dynasty, and the country is prosperous and the people are safe. At this time, a real dragon will appear, and my son is still worried."

Jia Mu said: "What's the big deal? From now on, you will treat your eldest brother the same as before, but don't control him too much. It depends on his own ability and what he can do."

Jia Zheng agreed to say yes.

Jia's mother said to him again: "Didn't the eldest brother say that he is good at martial arts? You go to Caozhuang in a few days and call your father's old soldiers and their outstanding children. Let them try it." One is to see if the big brother has some martial arts skills as he said. The second is to make him famous. Isn’t the one who has achieved great things famous? That is, he can’t achieve great things. You can have a good future, right?"

Jia Zheng promised to leave one by one.He doesn't have a moment of leisure today, and now he has to go to the Yamen.

As soon as Jia Zheng arrived at the door, he was called back by Jia's mother, who told him again: "We, mother and son, know about this matter, so we should keep quiet. In the future, be nicer to Aunt Zhou, so that people can see that you dote on Aunt Zhou. It makes people think that the care of the elder brother is because of Aunt Zhou."

Jia Zheng quickly thanked him and said, "If my mother hadn't reminded me, I would have missed a big deal."

After Jia Zheng finished speaking, he saluted again, and then went out.When Jia Mu saw that Jia Zheng had left, she sat alone in the dark, not knowing what to think.

(End of this chapter)

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