Chapter 15
On the outskirts of the capital, there is a hill called Caoshan, and at the foot of the hill there is a small village called Xiacaozhuang because it is at the foot of the mountain.Now Caozhuang is one of the best Zhuangzi in Jia's mansion near the capital.

The householders in Xiacao Village were all soldiers of two generations of Rong Guogong, but Jia Daishan, the previous Rong Guogong, was arranged to live in this small village after he lost his armor when he was old.People have passed away over the years, and there are only a few veterans left.On this day, these old people were playing chess and chatting under the big tree at the entrance of the village as usual.The content of the chat was nothing more than nostalgia for the glory of the previous two generations of Duke Rong.

"Back then, my master and I were surrounded by barbarians from the grassland on a small hill outside Yanmen Pass. We ate everything we could eat for five days. In the end, the Duke killed his own BMW. As soon as everyone fought against the barbarians, then thought it was Mr. Shi who brought troops to rescue us? It was so miserable at that time. At the end, there were only a thousand soldiers left after five thousand soldiers and three hundred soldiers. Even Grandpa Guo also has three scars on his body. See if the scar on my face is gone, it is from that time." The talking old man showed off the scar on his face.

Another old man couldn't stand it anymore and said: "Old Liu, you can pull it down. You have been talking about this shitty thing for decades. Look at the old people sitting here, which one is not covered with injuries, and you There is a scar on the face all over the body, which has made you blow for decades."

Old Liu didn't want to, and said, "I'm not injured, that's because I'm good at it, unlike you, Xiaoqian, who was injured every time he fought. I don't know how he got into the army back then." He also looked at him disdainfully.

When the old money heard what he said, he quit, and said, "I can't, you forgot who trained you when you first joined the guards."

As soon as Lao Liu heard his words, his scars had been uncovered, and he stood up and stared like a bull's eye: "At that time, if you hadn't cheated on me, you old boy, would I have fallen into your hands?"

Lao Qian does not show weakness, and stands up to fight.

At this time, the old man with white beard and hair sitting in the middle of the big tree said: "Stop it all, you are still like a child after a lot of age. What are you doing? Sit down."

As soon as they heard the old man speak, they both stopped and sat down again.While sitting, Old Liu muttered: "Is it because he always pokes people's lungs?" The old man gave him a look, and Old Liu shut up immediately.

This old man with white beard and hair is also surnamed Liu, he is the uncle of the old Liu just now, and he is also the only surviving member of the old Rong Guogong's soldiers, so he has the highest prestige in the village, and everyone else listens to him.

Just as the old man was talking and joking, a carriage came in the distance.The carriage came to a stop, and Lin Zhixiao, the steward of the outer courtyard, got out of the carriage.

Lin Zhixiao walked up to the old men, and immediately saluted and said, "The old men are all well, and I greet the old men."

Seeing that it was Lin Zhixiao, the old man Liu who was sitting in the middle said, "I said, Xiao Lin, it's not a festival, and it's not the time to collect rent. What kind of wind brought you here."

Lin Zhixiao didn't dare to put on airs in front of these old people, and said respectfully: "It's not that there is something wrong in the house, and I want some old people to take care of me."

That old Liu didn't look at Lin Zhixiao, but just lowered his head and said: "We old people, now we only have to eat, sleep, kick our legs and close our eyes. What's the use, I'm afraid Manager Lin has found the wrong person. "

Lin Zhixiao is very familiar with the several old people present. Every year, Lin Zhixiao comes to collect the rent from his sons in Xiacao Village. In fact, it is said that the rent collection is actually to represent the Rongguo Mansion to visit these old people who have been born and died for the two generations of Rongguo. For the soldiers, the rent collected every year is returned to the family in the village in the name of pensions and pensions.This is to avoid the jealousy of other Zhuangzi and cause trouble, and also to make other big landlords who own land nearby have nothing to say.And there are other rewards during festivals, so Xiacaozhuang is a well-known wealthy village in the nearby four miles and eight townships.The villagers in the nearby villages are all proud of being married to Xiacaozhuang. Although they have to sign a contract with the Rongguo Mansion once they marry in Xiacaozhuang, the nearby villagers still flock to it.One is that there are no taxes and corvees in Xiacaozhuang, and the other is that renting children is equivalent to nothing?Life is several times better than in nearby villages.In the past three years, the annual rewards have been harvested for half a year.

What made Old Liu and the others dissatisfied was that all the men in the Rongguo Mansion now wanted to take the imperial examination to establish their careers, and those who did not join the army never recruited guards in Xia Caozhuang.Let their children learn martial arts but can only be a farmer.

Lin Zhixiao came here several times a year, and heard them complain a lot. Of course he knew what they were thinking, so he said: "This time, I am afraid that some old people really need to come forward. Aunt Zhou's son is going to join the army now, but he just learned some martial arts, and I don't know how deep he is, so I want the old people to give me some pointers."

The old man Liu thought for a while and said, "Aunt Zhou is the granddaughter of the old Zhou Tou in the west of the village?"

Lin Zhixiao replied, "It's his family."

Old man Liu said: "A few years ago, I heard that the eldest daughter of his family was selected into the mansion, and then the whole family moved to the city. It turned out that there was such a chance."

Lin Zhixiao said to him again: "Aunt Zhou's son is the eldest son of Mr. Jia Zheng, who is now in charge of the house. I have never heard that he is going to join the army. He just learned martial arts from somewhere. It is difficult to start a career, so the master let go and let people try his skills first."

Old man Liu said: "Could it be that there is no one in the house, and they still call us some old immortals."

"I originally called the leader Tao of the nursing home to ask, but the master is still not at ease, because the masters are well-informed and rolled out of the bloody rain of corpses, so I invite you to come over to the house .Let's see how the young master's martial arts are."

Hearing what Lin Zhixiao said, the little old man Liu couldn't bear it any longer and said, "What are you waiting for, let's go to the mansion right now."

Hearing what he said, old man Liu became furious and reprimanded loudly: "If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb. If you can't speak, just shut up and listen honestly. There's nothing wrong with it."

Then he said to Lin Zhixiao: "I know Tao boy, his father's true martial arts has been passed down. His father Tao's martial arts was also well-known in Beijing. Then what did Tao boy say?"

Lin Zhixiao answered him: "Toadmaster Tao said in front of the master that the eldest son's martial arts is several times better than him. There is no opponent in Beijing. If he grows up, he can go to the world with a BMW and a eucalyptus."

Old man Liu was unmoved and said: "I don't believe how the eldest son can have such martial arts at such an age."

Lin Zhixiao retorted with a serious face: "The old man is wrong. Mr. Li, who taught at that time, didn't believe it, so the eldest son demonstrated for him in the courtyard. When the eldest son demonstrated martial arts, Tao Tao and I were also there. Although I don't know martial arts, I still know the basic good and bad. At that time, I just felt that the eucalyptus was shining like the autumn wind sweeping the leaves. It moved and changed innumerably, and disappeared as quickly as lightning. The murderous aura kept wandering around. After the eldest son finished his practice, my whole body was soaked in cold sweat. Thinking about it now makes my hair stand on end."

Old man Liu heard that what Lin Zhixiao said certainly didn't sound like a lie, so he pondered for a while and said: "Since you are sure, then you can't be wrong. I know who you are. If that's the case, I'll go back home with you. "

Hearing Old Liu's promise, Lin Zhixiao happily told him other requests: "Master not only wants a few old men to show the eldest son, but also wants the old man to bring all the young men who are good at martial arts in the village. It's time to compete with the eldest son. I don't know what the old man thinks."

(End of this chapter)

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