Chapter 16
Old man Liu was surprised when he heard that he wanted to choose the best players in the village to go with him.I'm afraid it's not just a competition with the eldest son, but also the idea of ​​choosing a bodyguard.It seems that the eldest son must join the army.

But old Liu did not refuse, saying that he learned civil and martial arts, and the goods were sold to the emperor's family. The same is true for the children of their families, who learned civil and martial arts, and sold goods to the master's family.Employing people in the house now is the opportunity for the boys. If the eldest son is successful in the future, they might still be able to follow suit.As for the casualties, it was out of their minds. They had been honored by the Jia Mansion all these years, not because they had exchanged life and death with two generations of Duke Rong.Otherwise their children and grandchildren can have the present life.Let the folks in these ten miles and eight towns be envious.Now it's time for the kid to fight.Otherwise, when these old people are buried in the soil, the descendants may not be able to enjoy this blessing
So old man Liu ordered several veterans to pick out dozens of young men with good martial arts skills from the village, so that they could go to the mansion with them.

It took less than an hour to pick people, all relatives and children of these veterans, who practiced killing methods on the battlefield with them since childhood.These young people were also very excited, they could finally experience the prosperity of the capital.

Lin Zhixiao asked Zhuangtou (Old Man Liu's son) to hitch a mule cart, and asked several old people to sit in the carriage and the mule cart respectively.After being sent off by the elders of the whole village, he took dozens of people to Jia's mansion in Zhongjing, Beijing.

Besides, Jia Ke's life these days is still the same as before?Spend it in peace, going to school, being punished, and leaving school without any change.

Several times, Jia Ke almost couldn't help but wanted to ask Jia Zheng how he changed to martial arts.It's not that he is impatient, it's just that studying in ancient times is too painful.Jia Ke has completely understood Jia Lian in the past few days, unlike the day before when she went to school and secretly disdained Jia Lian for not seeking to make progress, and at the same time admired Jia Zhu even more.Now Jia Ke believes that everyone who can pass the imperial examination and become an official in ancient times, no matter whether he is a virtuous minister or a stupid official in the future, is a genius within the scope of the imperial examination.

Modern students pay more attention to creativity and pay less and less attention to rote memorization.But learning in ancient times can only rely on rote memorization, and what is memorized is not one or two articles, but a whole book, and what is memorized is not a book, but the Four Books and Five Classics.And it’s not over after memorizing the Four Books and Five Classics, there are more than ten times the annotations of various celebrities beside it, and the thoughts of sages are waiting for you to memorize.Just thinking about it makes me dizzy.

Now Jia Ke and Jia Lian have become a couple again, and they are beaten together every day.I also know why Jia Zhu only lived to be in her 20s.Jia Zhu entered school before the age of 14 (passed the examination for a scholar), no matter how talented Jia Zhu is, it takes a lot of hard work, what do modern people do at the age of 14, and at that time Jia Zhu had already memorized dozens of books and could understand other things. It can also lead to promotion (writing stereotyped articles).You must know that many gray-haired old people have not passed the examination of scholar after they are old all their lives, so they can only call themselves Tongsheng (children who have not entered school).

A few days later, one morning he went to Aunt Zhou's room to greet Jia Zheng. During this time, Jia Zheng often slept in Aunt Zhou's room, which made Mrs. Wang very unhappy. Give her a good look.

When Jia Ke came in, Jia Zheng sat on the table as usual, and Aunt Zhou was pouring tea and water for him, very busy, but Aunt Zhou smiled and didn't complain at all.

After Jia Ke stepped forward to greet him, he stood aside and waited for him to speak, which is also the usual practice.I used to see each other every day, just to ask about my studies.After that, Jia Ke got used to the swearing, and now it goes in one ear and out the other, so it doesn't matter
But today Jia Zheng did not inquire about his studies, but said to him: "You said a few days ago that you wanted to give up your career and seek a career in the army. I have thought about it these days, and I have also asked Mr. Li. Your talent for reading is indeed very bad. If you do your best, you may not get results. You say that you want to gain fame in the army, but you must know that going to the battlefield is no different than being at home, and your life is in danger at any time. At home. If you want to come to the house, there will be no shortage of your furniture."

Aunt Zhou next to him heard what Jia Zheng said, and kept winking at Jia Ke to get him to agree.

Although Jia Ke saw Aunt Zhou's wink, she didn't look back. She just looked straight at Jia Zheng and said firmly, "My son has made up his mind. My son doesn't want to be like those side branches. We need to rely on the money to get some money. For the rest of my life, if I am unworthy, I will go back to the main branch to fight the autumn wind in the end, and my son also has great ambitions to make contributions, and today's virtuous people will definitely not lose the reward of the title." And Jia Ke still has something in his heart, he is not afraid of going to the battlefield because he not only has Lu Bu With his bravery and the protection of the little rejuvenation technique, what enemy could hurt him?
Jia Zheng saw that his tone was firm and ancestral.I can't help but sigh that God favors Jia Zheng so much that he has two outstanding sons, civil and military.

Seeing that he did not change his mind, Jia Zheng said, "If you have made up your mind, I will give you a try today. There are still a few of your grandfather's soldiers alive. I have invited them here, and you will practice in front of them." Martial arts, let them see if you have the talent to join the army, if they think you have no talent, you might as well stay at home." After a pause, he said: "Today is not only my family, but also The descendants of the four kings and eight lords, although these families have declined, but the centipedes are dead but not stiff, if you want to look at you for the sake of the elders, you will be much smoother in the army in the future."

Jia Ke listened to what Jia Zheng had said, and her heart of love was self-evident.Answer firmly: "I will never let my father down."

Jia Zheng said to him: "You don't have to go to school today, go back to your room to rest now, I'll have someone call you later."

When Jia Ke returned to her room, Chuncao brought him a teacup and asked him, "Master, when will you go to the study room? If you don't leave, it will be too late. Watch out for the teacher's board."

Jia Ke smiled and said, "I have something to do today, so I won't go to the study. The master will call me later." After speaking, Jia Ke asked Chuncao to wait outside the room, and came in to report if the master called him.

After Chuncao went out, Jia Ke sat on the bed and silently checked the situation in his body. The courage of Lu Bu in his body was constantly strengthening his physique. Make the integration speed a lot faster.At this time, his physique was much stronger than before, but his moves were not fully proficient due to lack of practice.

While Jia Ke was waiting, Jia Zheng ordered the National People’s Congress to open the main gate of the Rongguo Mansion, and guests opened up after a while. These people were all descendants of the four princes and eight princes, including the King of Beijing: Surnamed Shui, the King of Dong’an County: Surnamed Mu, The king of Nan'an County: surnamed Sun (fabricated), the king of Xining County: surnamed Li (fabricated), and the first-class uncle Niu Jizong, the grandson of Zhen Guogong Niu Qing, the first-class son Liu Fang, the grandson of Li Guogong Liu Biao, and the first-class son of Qi Guogong The grandson of Chen Yi is the hereditary third-rank Weizhen general Chen Ruiwen, the hereditary third-rank Weiyuan general Ma Shang is the grandson of the ruler Ma Kui, the hereditary first-class son Hou Xiaokang is the grandson of Xiu Guogong Hou Xiaoming, and the hereditary first-class son Shi Guangzhu is the grandson of Shan Guogong.

These six families, together with Rongning and Ningfu, are called Eight Dukes, and Jia Zhen of Ningfu has already arranged colorful sheds, chairs, and tables in the teaching ground of Rongguofu.

When everyone arrived at the teaching ground and sat down one by one, Jia Zheng said: "I invite everyone to come to the house today, and I also ask you. My eldest son decided to develop in the army a few days ago. I think he also has some Wu Yi had the cheek to invite everyone here. One is to ask everyone to take care of them in the army, and the other is to ask everyone to help in the examination and examination. If there is any inappropriateness, I hope everyone will see it for the sake of their ancestors and not to blame Jia Zheng. I care about it. I'm here to worship." He said and got up and bowed deeply to everyone.

All the family members dare not even say that, and say that we were family friends when we founded the country, but now everyone has declined a lot, and among the four kings, only the king of Beijingshui still inherits the title of king.It's time to help each other, and it's natural to help each other.

Seeing that it was not early, Jia Zheng ordered his chief attendant to inform Jia Ke to come to the teaching ground.

(End of this chapter)

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