Chapter 17
Jia Ke was sitting quietly in the room, when Chuncao came in through the curtain and said to Jia Ke, "Master sent someone to ask you to go to the teaching ground, saying that many nobles have come."

Jia Ke nodded and said, "Understood."

Then, he got up and straightened his clothes, took a deep breath, today was the most important day in his time in the world of Red Chamber, he performed martial arts in front of four princes and eight princes, and showed his skills.Must succeed, Jia Ke encouraged herself.Must be impressive.I will definitely live up to Lu Bu's martial arts.

When Jia Ke came to the gate of the courtyard, she saw a nanny waiting. Jia Ke followed her to the second gate, only to see Jia Zheng's messenger, who was Jia Zheng's personal servant.Seeing Jia Ke rushing forward to salute, the young man anxiously said to Jia Ke: "My lord, hurry up, the nobles have been waiting for a long time." Seeing that he was in a hurry, Jia Ke also Don't embarrass him.Walk quickly to the teaching ground with him.

When I came to the teaching ground, I saw a huge crowd of people inside and outside the teaching ground, not only the servants and servants of Jia's mansion, but also the long-term attendants, guards and others brought by the nobles.In the middle of the teaching field, a colorful shed was set up, in which more than a dozen people of different ages sat upright.

The servant led Jia Ke to the colorful shed. Jia Ke first entered the color shed and saluted Jia Zheng: "I listened to my father's call, and my son rushed over. I wonder if it's too late?"

Jia Zheng stepped forward, pulled Jia Ke up and said, "It's a good time to come." Then he took Jia Ke's hand and walked to the princes and descendants to introduce them one by one.When he arrived in front of the King of Jingjing, the King of Jingjing looked at Jia Ke with his eyes, and saw that his facial features were well-proportioned, his eyebrows were divided into eight colors, and his eyes were like stars. He really liked to say to Jia Ke: "Brother Jia's son is a good teacher. , heroic, not ordinary. I also have an unworthy son in my family, who is doted on by his grandmother and mother, and fears he will become useless when he grows up." He said that he still held Jia Ke's hand and sighed.

Only then did Jia Ke look up at King Beijing, and saw that he was wearing a pure white hairpin tassel and silver-winged king hat, a five-clawed dragon white python robe from Jiangya seawater, and a jasper red belt. His face was like white jade, and his long beard Chest, about 40 years old, such an elderly demeanor.

Jia Zheng led Jia Ke to show everyone the ceremony, and sat down again.Jia Zheng asked his servants to invite the veterans from Caozhuang.After a while, several white-haired old men came to the stage to salute Jia Zheng.

Jia Zheng hurriedly got up and said to them, "You don't have to be polite, old people." Then he asked people to arrange seats under the colorful shed for them to sit.He also apologized to the princes and said: "These are the soldiers left behind by my grandfather and father, so I just watch them. Please forgive my disrespect."

All the princes said nothing happened.

That's when Jia Zhengcai said to Jia Ke: "Don't you know your own martial arts? Now let's show it off and show it to all the adults."

Jia Ke bowed and said, "Baby takes orders."

Jia Ke came to the field with the big halberd as usual on the weapon rack next to the teaching field.

Seeing that Jia Ke was about to start, everyone watched with bated breath, wanting to see what this ten-year-old doll could do to make Jia Zheng go through so much trouble.

Lu Bu's halberd technique is divided into inner and outer ways. The outer way is used to fight with horses. There are 72 ways. .

The inner road is used for foot combat, there are 36 roads, which pay attention to maneuvering and changing, and are used for close combat.

Now Jia Ke is practicing infantry combat. I saw Jia Ke spread out the halberd. The movement of the halberd was swift and fierce, fast and accurate, and it was still like a mountain standing still. The force of the halberd was as heavy as a knife and axe. The same hacking, swiping and sweeping like a stick, such as spearing, piercing, and picking, are varied.

After Jia Ke finished dancing with the halberd all the way, the surrounding people were all pale and speechless.Jia Ke was Megatron on the spot.

That's really: the male halberd, pure gold and steel.The name matches the more thorny.Use case go-getters.Yan Feng's strong skills, capture the neck and shine.

After Jia Ke danced the halberd, he felt that he hadn't shown his full martial arts skills, so he carried the halberd upside down and went to the colorful stage. The guards of the princes and princes in the audience were scattered on both sides like tigers and leopards, not daring to look at each other.

Jia Ke went to Jia Zheng's table and respectfully said to Jia Zheng, "My lord, please give me a war horse, so that everyone can see my son and work hard."

Jia Zheng stood up beside him and said, "My son must not be brave."

Jia Ke winked at Jia Zheng and said, "Your child is sure, father need not worry too much."

Hearing what he said, Jia Zheng said to the boy next to him, "Go to the stable and bring that green-maned horse." The horse is a descendant of the horse that Rong Guogong rode, and it is very handsome.

After a while, the groom brought the horse.When Jia Ke saw it, he walked towards the horse. When Jia Ke got to the horse, he got on the horse and broke the horse to run back and forth in the training ground to get familiar with the horse's nature.

After a while, with Lu Bu's ability to tame a horse, the horse was tamed. At this time, Jia Ke waved the halberd, and saw that the halberd was full of strength, strange and upright, sharp in advance, fast in retreat, and short in stature; , move like a thunder!
Jia Ke is on the horse, advancing and retreating in an orderly manner, combining movement and stillness, swift and fierce, fast and accurate, with various and complicated moves, mysterious and light, full of killing and strength.

Jia Kewu's arousal made him forget where he was, as if he was in front of Hulao Pass, facing the heroes of the world, and shouted: "This general is here, who dares to fight." The sound shook all around, and the arrogance Arrogant.So Nalu Bu is alive.

Just after calling Jia Ke, she woke up, feeling bad that she was infected by Lu Bu's fighting will just now, and became arrogant and domineering unconsciously.Now that I'm awake, I hurriedly shut up, I wanted to ride around the teaching ground, and then get off the horse and go back to the color shed.Presumably no one cares about him.

But at this moment, one of the guards was annoyed. This person was a general under the old Nan'an County King. He was the vanguard of the army several times during the old Nan'an County King's army campaigns.The first emperor wanted to confer him because of his meritorious service, but he refused on the grounds that he was from the old Nan'an County palace. Now he is 60 years old and he is healthy enough to ride a horse and wield a sword.His surname is Zhao and his name is Jie.

This old general came to Jia's mansion with the king of Nan'an County to see the descendants of the four kings and eight princes. At first, he admired Jia Ke very much, thinking that he was a rare hero among the descendants of the founding heroes.I don't want him to call out in the teaching field, he is defiant.

This old Zhao Jie wanted to teach him a lesson, so he went to the color shed first and replied to the King of Nan'an County: "Since the young master is calling for battle, the old man will go out and compete with the young master before he ends up."

Jia Zheng knew Zhao Jie, and as soon as he heard what he said, he immediately stepped forward and said to Zhao Jie: "Zheng has heard about the old general's reputation a long time ago, please don't be as familiar as a child, Zheng is here to accompany him."

The king of Nan'an County also hurriedly said: "It's just a child's arrogance, the old general can't take it seriously."

Old Zhao Jie didn't agree, saying that since he acted like no one came forward, he would have underestimated the guards of the various mansions, so he had to go out to fight, and Nan'an County King had no choice but to agree. In fact, he might not have no annoyance towards Jia Ke in his heart.

Seeing that the king of Nan'an County, Jia Zheng couldn't persuade him, knowing that Zhao Jie had to teach Jia Ke a lesson.I had no choice but to go forward and say to Zhao Jie: "Old general, my son is arrogant, and I don't know the heights of heaven and earth. I hope that the old general will show mercy."

Old Zhao Jie went back to Jia Zheng and said, "Your Excellency, you don't have to worry, someone knows." After speaking, he went to the weapon rack by the side of the teaching ground and took a big knife. Jacques is here.

Jia Ke just rode around the teaching ground, and was secretly happy to see that no one paid attention to him, thinking that it seemed that he had passed the test, because no one had the same experience as him.When I got to the color shed by myself, I got off my horse and went in to accompany all the adults and princes, and it was over.

But at this moment, he saw an old general coming towards him with a knife in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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