Chapter 136 Welcome
In order to obtain this set of military tactics, He Tong even wanted to use military tactics several times to force Zheng Kai to reveal the secrets.

But Zheng Kai didn't take these things seriously at all. He and He Tong had different attributes, and now He Tong had nothing to do with him.

After He Tong couldn't get the answer he wanted from Zheng Kai, he could only start to carefully observe Zheng Kai's method of leading the team, hoping to find out the secret.

But after two days of observation, nothing special was found.The only difference is that the soldiers under Zheng Kai's command are very obedient, and it can be said that they are strictly prohibited.

In this way, everyone marched together for two days, and Zheng Kai gave He Tong a great shock.On the third day, they finally entered the confines of Kaiping town.

Zheng Kai sent cavalry [-] miles away from Kaiping Town, and quickly reported the situation to Jia Ke.

At noon, He Tong ordered the troops to bury the pot and cook food. They rested for a while after lunch, and then marched forward again.

After walking forward for another ten miles, suddenly the scout horse he sent came back in a panic and reported, "My lord, there is a large army lined up three miles ahead, please make a decision, my lord."

He Tong, you are surprised to hear that this is still within the territory of the country, and there are actually a large number of enemy troops.He was just about to order the troops to line up to meet the enemy.

Zheng Kai hurried over and said, "My lord, wait a minute. I think the team in front should be led by my lord to welcome them."

He Tong asked him solemnly: "Are you sure? You must know that if you make a mistake, you need military law to deal with it."

Zheng Kai replied: "The cavalry I sent just now went to Kaiping Town to report to the Lord. According to the time, he should lead the team to meet Commander He."

He Tong frowned and thought about it carefully, and felt that prudence is the most important thing, so he ordered the whole army to line up.At the same time, Zheng Kai was ordered to lead the cavalry to investigate.

So the two troops lined up three miles apart, and Zheng Kai led the cavalry to the front quickly.What he saw was 2000 horses standing there like nails, majestic and murderous, and it was Jia Ke standing in front of them on horseback.

Zheng Kai led the troops, and the Pegasus came to Jia Ke, and said loudly to Jia Ke: "My lord, the Jiedu envoy sent the command envoy He Tong to lead 8000 troops, and they have arrived three miles away."

Jia Ke asked strangely: "Since it's been three years, why aren't you moving forward?"

"My lord, Commander He Tong sent scouts and found your lord lined up here. He thought it was the enemy's ambush again, so he didn't dare to move forward, so he lined up three miles away. He ordered me to lead a team to investigate." Zheng Kai replied.

Jia Ke laughed when he heard what he said, raised his whip, pointed to the front and said, "Since Commander He dare not come, let's go forward to meet him."

The purpose of Jia Ke doing this is to frighten these new soldiers, let them know what an elite soldier is and what they will be like in the future, so that they will have less trouble in training in the future.The second is to let the top generals in Xuanfu Town know that Jia Ke's military achievements are not for nothing, but also achieved by killing with one knife and one gun.

After receiving the order to let the troops march forward, the army formation moved forward. The 2000 people seemed to be lined up by one person. The team kept moving forward, but there was no trace of chaos.

Jia Ke was very proud when he saw that this was the army he had personally trained.He couldn't help getting excited, and shouted to the following: "Soldiers, sing the persuasion army."

This song of persuasion to the army was changed by Jia Ke from the Beiyang military song, mainly because this military song is more in line with the characteristics of this era, and it is also very powerful when sung. It can effectively improve morale and form its own style. It is his troops that are different from the others.

As soon as Jia Ke finished giving orders, all the soldiers sang together: Be filial for your son, be loyal for your minister.The imperial court taxed the army to support the army, and did not hesitate to pay heavily to support the army.A soldier eats and wears dozens of taels, and the salary of a sixth-rank official is generally the same.If you don't contribute to the country, the ghosts and gods of heaven and earth will not tolerate it.Since ancient times, many generals have been in the army, so don't look down on being a soldier.First, learn and practice with your heart, so that you can do good deeds when you learn the skills; the armor is your protective body, so it needs to be cleaned frequently.Second, you must fight bravely, and you will die naturally; if you shrink back and do military orders, you will lose your reputation with a clean cut.The third is to treat the people with kindness, and rely on them to farm food and salaries; as long as the soldiers and the people form a family, the common people will help each other.Fourth, if you don’t insult women, which one is not born by parents?
With the high-pitched singing and the orderly pace of the troops, the aura of Mount Lu rushed forward like overwhelming mountains and seas.

He Tong lined up three miles away with 8000 troops, but there was no movement at first.Just far away in the sky, I saw a black line moving forward slowly.After a while, there was a high-pitched singing voice.

As the team got closer, He Tong saw more and more clearly.This black line is the marching army in neat formation.The army sang high as it marched.

This troop was small in number, only about [-] people, but they were very imposing. They sang and moved forward, but all the steps were not scattered, all the weapons were at the same angle, and everyone wore uniform armor.

And directly in front of this army, there was a man wearing a golden crown and a golden armor, holding a Fangtian painted halberd, and a red charcoal fire dragon horse under his crotch. The rays of light, the eyes of those who shine, can't open their eyes, making people feel like gods.

The 8000 men and horses led by He Tong had only been trained for the first time. They only persisted for a short while against the two thousand Kaiping town soldiers who were constantly advancing, and then there was a commotion.

He Tong knew that this was Jia Ke, and he wanted to give him an insult, so he tried his best to suppress it, but it didn't work at all.

Fortunately, Jia Ke stopped within an arrow's distance from them.This stop of the army formation seemed to have never moved, and all the soldiers seemed to have turned into wooden figures.

Jia Ke rode forward alone on the pegasus, and saw a general in iron armor in front of him, and he thought it must be He Tong.So he rode his horse to the front of He Tong's horse, bowed his hands and saluted: "Could it be that this is Commander He, it's reasonable for the young general Kaiping to guard Jia Ke's place."

He Tong looked at the fifteen or sixteen-year-old general in front of him, and couldn't help being a little jealous. When he was fifteen or sixteen, he was still practicing martial arts at home and learning the art of war.And the young man in front of him has become a general in command of 1 horses.

But he is not a fool. When he was looking at Jia Ke just now, he didn't look at anything else but the weapon in Jia Ke's hand. The Fang Tian painted halberd probably weighed [-] to [-] catties.There are only two or three people who can use such weapons throughout the ages.It seems that this Jia Ke is not in vain, he must be a warrior on the battlefield.

When He Tong was thinking, he came to his senses when he heard Jia Ke's greetings to him.Hurriedly cupping his fists on the horse, he said in disrespect: "This is He Tong. This time, under the order of the Jiedu Envoy, he led the troops to Kaiping Town. I didn't expect to meet General Jia here. I heard about General Jia's name in Xuanfu Town. , I saw you today, and it really lives up to its reputation."

When Jia Ke heard him speak politely, she also smiled and complimented him: "I am young and lucky to have made some achievements, but it is only because of the emperor's heavenly power and the blessings of my ancestors, how can I be like Mr. He for decades? Conquer the battlefield. The credit is real."

He Tong originally thought that Jia Ke would be domineering if he became famous at a young age.It was only when I saw it today that I knew what it means to be young and mature. This Jia Ke not only speaks like a spring breeze, but also has no proud attitude. Only such a person can become a master.

Regarding Jia Ke's praise, He Tong hurriedly said modestly: "General Jia is over-reputed. I just have some minor achievements. Compared with the general's two big defeats against the Tatars, it is nothing at all."

(End of this chapter)

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