137 Handover
Jia Ke and He Tong started exchanging pleasantries before the battle. The two had some signs of disagreement at first, but later they became more and more speculative. When they chatted before the battle, the two armies showed different states.

On Jia Ke's side, the 2000 people didn't eat lunch.But now they are still standing straight, and the army formation has not wavered at all.

But the soldiers brought by He Tong couldn't do it anymore. After standing for a while, they started to stagger around, and the formation also started to appear chaotic. They had already started whispering to each other and became a mess.

He Tong realized that the way he was leading the troops was really bad, but he had nothing to say. Although these soldiers were said to be soldiers from the Nine Sides, they were actually all eliminated by various ministries.It is impossible to ask them to be like Jia Ke's troops.

He Tong said to Jia Ke: "You have also seen the situation of General Jia, now we should go back to Kaiping Town first, arrange board and lodging for them, and settle down these soldiers, let's talk again."

Jia Ke looked at the soldiers at the back. They were far worse than the soldiers in Taiping Town when he first came to Kaiping Town. This is what the rear troops look like.Unexpectedly, only a few decades after the founding of the country, the army has become so corrupted.

It was not easy for Jia Ke to rectify them immediately, so he had to order the soldiers from Kaiping Town to advance to the barracks in Kaiping Town with the 8000 new arrivals behind.

More than 1 horses entered Kaiping Town, which has attracted the attention of the people in Taiping Town. Seeing the mighty and disciplined soldiers in Kaiping Town, the people cheered bursts of cheers.

Looking at the more than 8000 people in the back, the team was extremely chaotic, whispering to each other, and some people ran back and forth, and they couldn't help but feel contemptuous and talked about each other.

"Brother, I said, are these people supporting us?"

"It should be?" Another person frowned and said uncertainly.

"Just like them, they are worse than our strong men when we fought against the Tartars. Are they here to support us or to fight?"

An old lady next to her also spoke up: "I thought at first that the soldiers in Kaiping Town are the same as ours. Now I know that the soldiers are also divided into three, six or nine ranks, and our Kaiping Town is the first class. The Xiong Bing who came this time is probably the worst."

"Ma'am, you can't say that. Although the soldiers who came here are a little bit worse, they are still individuals. They can always help you when you encounter a battle in the future." A person who looked like a student next to him comforted himself.

The aunt was not happy when she heard someone refute her. She raised her brows, put her hands on her hips, and yelled at the scholar: "You are blind, and you can't tell who is right. Open your eyes and look. Take a look, do the group of people who came here look like soldiers? I think they are a group of ruffians who come to Kaiping town to eat and drink for free and abuse people.”

The scholar who spoke just now was robbed by this aunt for a while, and he was speechless.In the end, he could only blushed and remained silent.

That aunt, a scholar, did not dare to say anything, and she immediately became proud, and stood in the crowd and said proudly: "My son is a soldier in our Kaiping town. This time, he beat the Tatars and killed several barbarians with his own hands. The imperial court rewarded him for his military achievements." More than a dozen taels of silver. Is there anything else I don't know about it?"

When everyone heard this, they all envied her. This time the soldiers in Kaiping Town suffered very little damage in the battle against the Tatars, but they achieved brilliant results, and the imperial court rewarded them very happily.So all the soldiers who participated in the war got some taels of silver more or less, but it was very rare for his family to get more than a dozen taels of silver. I feel that his son is very brave.

Jia Ke led everyone into the barracks, and the original soldiers in Kaiping Town naturally returned to their barracks in order.

As for the newcomers, they piled up in a chaotic pile on the teaching ground, looking more like refugees than soldiers.

Jia Ke gathered the one hundred hundred households who were about to be promoted, ordered them to be selected one hundred soldiers each, and then asked them to stand up in batches. It took an hour of tossing like this before they could barely form a team.

Then Jia Ke started roll call, and every time he called the name of a hundred households, he ordered the hundred households to lead the soldiers into the barracks one by one, eliminating the confusion just now.It was not until dusk that all the soldiers were arranged properly.

After arranging the soldiers, Jia Ke ordered Huang Baifeng next to him to arrange dinner immediately.Let the soldiers have a good meal, then rest for the night today, and start training tomorrow.

And Jia Ke and He Tong came to the current Defensive Mansion (that is, the original Qianhu Mansion, but the plaque on the gate was changed), and set up a sumptuous banquet in the flower hall of the Defensive Mansion. He Tong.

He Tong did not go to the banquet right away, but said to Jia Ke: "General Jia, we haven't finished the handover yet. If we drink now, I'm afraid we will miss the military."

As soon as Jia Ke heard his words, he immediately respected him. Commander He Tonghe, although he didn't know his ability to lead troops, but with this serious mind to carry out military affairs, he would not be far behind.

Even He Tong wanted to hand over first, and Jia Ke didn't disagree.

So the two returned to the lobby of the garrison mansion, and He Tong took out the Jiedushi's military order from his arms, and handed it to Jia Ke for him to watch first.

Jia Ke took a look at the military order, and it read: Upgrade Kaiping Guard to a town guard mansion, mobilize [-] soldiers to live in Kaiping Town, under the unified command of Kaiping Town Garrison Jia Ke.

Seeing that Jia Ke had finished reading it, He Tong took out the transfer order from the Ministry of War and asked Jia Ke to check it again. Jia Ke saw that this document was similar to the transfer order of the Jiedushi, except that there were some differences in the number of people.

After reading these two documents, Jia Ke couldn't help but have some doubts.At this time, you can’t hide it, and you must ask in detail, “Commander He, the document of the Ministry of War said that 8000 troops will be transferred, but the commander’s transfer order is 300. What’s the explanation for the difference?”

When He Tong heard Jia Ke say this, he couldn't help but smiled wryly, "Jia Shoubei didn't know something. Now the generals commanding the army in the interior are no longer like when the country was founded. That one didn't have a full salary, and the military salary from the Ministry of War is only [-]% of the original salary." I, the leading generals, did not dare to deduct the soldiers' salaries too much to prevent a mutiny. So this time, after hearing that the Jiedu Envoy mobilized troops to support Kaiping Town, these generals stuffed their soldiers as much as possible, In order to reduce the number of soldiers. There is no way for Jiedushi to send all these people."

Jia Ke hesitated and said, "So if the Ministry of War checks, what should I do?"

He Tong laughed at this, and said: "This is a trivial matter. The Jiedu Envoy has already reported it to the Ministry of War. In addition to the manpower you lost in this war, there will only be a few hundred extra people. The Ministry of War will not take this Take the little things to heart."

After hearing this, Jia Ke was relieved, wrote a reply receipt, stamped her own garrison seal, and handed it over to He Tong, and the handover was considered complete.

Jia Ke once again invited He Tong to the flower hall for a banquet, but He Tong didn't go in this time, and the two talked and laughed all the way to the flower hall.

At that time, the banquet in the flower hall had already been set up. In fact, these dishes had been replaced by Lan Xiang. After all, Lan Xiang was born in a wealthy family.I heard family members say, Jia Ke and He Tong, you didn't come directly to the flower hall, but went to the lobby first.Then they knew that they had to finish their official business before they could come to the banquet.

So they removed all the food and wine that had just been served, prepared the ingredients as they were, and waited until the family members reported that Jia Ke and others had finished their work and came to the flower hall.He immediately practiced the chef and started cooking.In a short time, the hot food and wine were placed on the table.

If Chun Cao and Qiao Lian came to discuss this, how would they know this?I am afraid that what Jia Ke and He Tong are eating now is the leftovers that have been reheated in the kitchen.

(End of this chapter)

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