The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 141 Information

Chapter 141 Information
Jia Ke had a long talk with Fan Kang all day, until late at night, Fan Kang had dinner in Jia Ke's residence, and then he said goodbye to Jia Ke.

Jia Ke reluctantly grabbed Fan Kang's hand and said, "Where is there any place to live when you first arrive, why don't you stay for a day first, and leave tomorrow at no later time."

Fan Kang shook his head and said: "Now I have found an abandoned government office in the city. Although it is dilapidated, it can still be lived in. I will clean it and find three classes of government servants, and then I can work. I am in the lord. I'm afraid people will criticize me if I live here, if my lord has something to do, just call me. Don't lose the big because of small things."

Jia Ke reluctantly let him go, and returned to the study only when Fan Kang was nowhere to be seen.

As soon as Jia Ke returned to the study, he ordered someone to call Wei Kun who was monitoring Fan Kang.

Wei Kun actually returned to the Garrison Mansion yesterday, but at that time Jia Ke was drunk and did not have time to summon him.

I chatted with Fan Kang for another day today, and only now have time to see him.

When Jia Ke saw Wei Kun this time, he still looked like an honest man, but the clothes on his body had turned into silk.

Jia Ke looked him up and down. He looked like a small businessman with integrity, and no one would have thought that he was Jia Ke's personal soldier.

Wei Kun felt a little uncomfortable being looked at by Jia Ke, so he quickly kowtowed to Jia Ke.

Jia Ke didn't make things difficult for him, but directly asked him, "What is Mr. Fan doing these days? Who is he in contact with?"

Wei Kun replied honestly: "On the second day after you left, Mr. Fan went to the home of Gao Hong, the Jiedu envoy's sacrificial wine. He stayed for about an hour and then went home. He stayed at home for the next few days. He didn’t go either. Then one day he was summoned to the Jiedu Envoy’s Mansion and appointed as the county magistrate of our Kaiping Town. After that, he waited at home until the army was dispatched, and followed the army to Kaiping Town. Other than that, there was nothing something special."

Jia Ke didn't care about other things, and when he heard the name of Gao Hong, the military sacrificial wine, his expression became serious.

You must know that the military sacrificial wine is not an ordinary official position. The full name of the military sacrificial wine is the military division sacrificial wine, which is equivalent to the current chief of staff of the military region, and now it is only the confidant of the Jiedushi.

Is there any relationship between Fan Kang and Gao Hong?It is still related to Jiedushi.Are the strategies you said to yourself deliberately guiding yourself?Let yourself go astray.Or directly lead yourself to rebel, and then be wiped out by the court.

When I came here, Wang Tao was the only one who had conflicts with me. What was the relationship between Fan Kang and Wang Tao's military advisor?What else is there that I don't know.

After listening to Wei Kun's words, Jia Ke couldn't help but feel puzzled. It seemed that he wanted to be suspicious of people and employ people, because now he was walking on the edge of a cliff with every step, and he couldn't tolerate any mistakes.

Jia Ke turned around and said to Wei Kun: "Those of your partners are all a hundred households now. You know this, right?"

Wei Kun thought that Jia Ke would also let him become a hundred householder, so he nodded excitedly. If he became a hundred householder, this would be the first time his family's ancestors became an official.

Seeing his excited appearance, Jia Ke couldn't bear to say the following, but there were still some things to say, "Cough, cough, that Wei Kun, you know, I'm a smear to the surrounding people now. You are the most talented in intelligence among us people. So, I think you should stop being a hundred householder. I will arrange another errand for you. What do you think?"

Wei Kun is a very smart person, otherwise it would be impossible for him to follow Fan Kang for such a long time without him noticing. After hearing Jia Ke's words, he understood that Jia Ke wanted him to continue to do intelligence work.

Wei Kun thought for a while, being in charge of intelligence matters is no less powerful than being a hundred householder, and he will be the uncle's confidant in the future, so why would he not want to?So in front of Jia Ke, he said: "If the master doesn't let me become a hundred householder, I won't be. I will do whatever the master asks me to do."

Jia Ke saw that this kid was still very smart, why was there such a big gap with his appearance?

Jia Ke said: "I won't let you become a hundred households, but I won't let you go back to be a leader. From now on, you will be directly responsible to me alone. Let's set up a department to inquire about intelligence and hunt down spies. Name I have already thought it out for you, called the Dark Guard, and you are the first leader of the Dark Guard. From today onwards, I will give you 200 taels of activity funds every month. You can recruit people to work now, and if the money is not enough, you can do it again. Tell me."

When Wei Kun heard it, there was no reason for his reluctance. How much power did he have to let him monitor all the officials in Kaiping Town and the spies of the Tatars?

At this time, Wei Kun's eyes flashed vividly, and he firmly assured Jia Ke: "Don't worry, sir, I will take care of this matter now. I must organize this unit in the shortest possible time and let him invest in it as soon as possible." action."

Jia Ke nodded in satisfaction, and said to him with a smile at night: "You don't have a lot of personnel or funds. Your main task is to monitor the entire Kaiping Town. Report to me immediately if there is any trouble."

Wei Kun repeatedly assured that there would be no mistakes. Jia Ke was very satisfied and let him go down. After Wei Kun went down, he looked at his back and smiled mysteriously.

After Wei Kun left, Jia Ke thought about it carefully in the room. In this way, he had two sources of intelligence, Wei Kun's secret guard, and Tang Kuai's intelligence organization.

These two lines should make them restrict each other, even fight each other.Only in this way can Jia Ke control the situation.Just like how Bald Jiang manipulated the military and central government back then.

Jia Ke is very satisfied with this arrangement, and these two people will be his two dogs in the future.Guards are by his side at all times.

Early the next morning, Jia Ke sounded the Jujiang Drum again, summoning officials from more than a thousand households in Kaiping Town to the lobby of the Garrison Mansion.

Before the three-way drum was over, everyone had already arrived. The lobby was full of uniformed generals, and there were only two civil servants. One was the new county magistrate of Kaiping Town, Fan Kang, and the other was the chief secretary of Kaiping Town, Chen Xi.

After the three-tone drum was played, Jia Ke came from the back hall to the lobby of the Garrison Mansion, where he was sitting in the middle.All the generals paid homage together, Jia Ke looked down at them, it was just that those people were generally promoted to a higher level.There used to be hundreds of households, but now there are thousands of households, sub-thousand households.

Jia Ke said to the generals below with no expression on his face: "Yesterday, the new soldier took a day off, and I think it's about the same. This man, the more he rests, the more lazy he becomes. Besides, the weather is getting colder and colder now. I am afraid that I will not be able to start training until next spring. This is not possible. From tomorrow, everyone will train together. According to the method I will give you, start training bit by bit from the beginning, and make these The new recruits are trained to be the same as the old veterans."

As soon as Jia Ke finished speaking, Chen Xi stepped forward impatiently and said, "Your Excellency, if we start training in winter, the consumption of our soldiers will inevitably increase. According to the food provided by the court, I am afraid that we will not last until the next time." Let the food go."

Jia Ke frowned and asked, "Why is it not enough? How is our food distributed now?"

Chen Xi quickly replied: "My lord, because we are at the border, the food is distributed in full. The ration of each soldier is one and a half liters per day (40 people in the division, about 1.5 shi of solar eclipse rice is an average of [-] liters per person) l), if the whole army is training together in winter, such a small amount of food is not enough for the soldiers to consume.”

Jia Ke felt like asking, "Then why didn't this happen when we had 2000 people last time?"

"My lord, last time we still had a lot of food in the warehouse, a large part of which was stored privately by the previous thousand households."

This sentence refers to learning. It is said to be privately reserved, but it is actually secretly deducted.

(End of this chapter)

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