The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 142 Winter Training

Chapter 142 Winter Training
Jia Ke was a little embarrassed when he heard Chen Xi's words, but the military training had to go on.After thinking about it, he just had tens of thousands of taels in the account this year, so he might as well make up for it.Otherwise, if the training is delayed until next year, what should we do if the Tatars come in spring?

After Jia Ke figured it out, she asked Chen Xi, "If each soldier gets half a liter of food, do you think it's enough?"

Chen Xi calculated carefully, and then said to Jia Ke: "My lord, half a liter of food is enough for each soldier. But if the 1 people are counted, it will cost an extra 50 taels a day. Our training must at least Three months."

Jia Ke interrupted him: "Based on one hundred days, that means I have to make up another 5000 taels, right?"

"Yes, my lord must make up another 5000 taels of silver."

Jia Ke hesitated for a moment. Although he has some money now, he still needs to give Wei Kun 200 taels of silver every month.Calculated in this way, he will have to pay 7000 taels out of his own pocket this year.It would be a lie to say that you don't feel bad, but at this time, you have to grit your teeth and stick to it.

Jia Ke then said to Chen Xi without hesitation: "Then each person will make up half a liter of food every day, and the money will be raised from me to make up for the food gap and guarantee a hundred days of training."

At this time, Chen Xi's eyes shone with admiration. He had never seen chief officers making money, but he had never seen Jia Ke pay for the training of soldiers.

After Jia Ke finished ordering the food, she said to Chen Xi: "Your task is still very heavy. The problem of food has been solved, and there is also the problem of our armor. Tell me, when will you hand over [-] pieces to me?" Paper armor."

Chen Xi didn't pay much attention to this matter, and thought about it: "My lord, make [-] pieces of paper armor. I thought about it for a while. Before my lord finishes training, I can make [-] pieces. The rest It will take three months to complete [-] pieces. It will be completed in April next year."

Jia Ke was very happy when he heard his words. At least after the training, all soldiers can wear paper armor, so they don't have to be afraid even if they hit the Tatars.

Seeing that the logistics had been arranged, Jia Ke said to the generals below: "You have heard that, I have tried my best to raise supplies for you. The rest is up to you. I want you for three months Inside, train these 1 people the same as our original soldiers. Can it be done?"

The generals below shouted together: "Yes."

Hearing their neat answers, Jia Ke was very satisfied that these people already had the appearance of some modern soldiers, and at the same time they had stamped their own brand. Jia Ke was very satisfied with this phenomenon.

Jia Ke said: "Since that's the case, let's separate the teams today, and everyone will take care of their own thousands of households. Don't make a mess during the formal training tomorrow."

After Jia Ke finished speaking, she looked up and down again, found Huang Bofeng in the crowd, and said to him: "You can take care of Huang Bofeng, work hard today. Let's organize them according to their dormitories. Then insert our [-] soldiers into it. Let them be the commanders of the corps, what do you think?"

How can everyone have any opinions?Jia Ke thought of everything he could think of.All they had to do was follow Jia Ke's orders.

Seeing that there was no response from the following, Jia Ke said: "In that case, let's follow this method and start formal training tomorrow. Anyone who cheats on me and doesn't train seriously will be beaten to death. We can fight with those bears in Kaiping Town. Soldiers are different."

After hearing Jia Ke's words, the officers below all raised their heads proudly.They were the only ones in Kaiping Town in the entire border, and they won the battle against the Tatars.How can they not be proud.

Jia Ke explained everything that should be explained, and finally said: "Do you have anything else to do? If not, we will all break up. Let's do our own things."

The generals below are naturally fine, so today they dispersed and went back to prepare for tomorrow's training.

Seeing that everyone had left, Jia Ke left Fan Kang and Chen Xi behind, and said to them, "The affairs in the military are too busy for me to handle alone. From now on, I will only take care of military matters. All government affairs and logistics are handled by Fan Kang, and Chen Xi cooperates."

Fan Kang quickly refused, saying: "Sir, such a major matter should be decided by the general. It is not good for me, a county magistrate, to interfere in such a matter."

In fact, Jia Ke had already planned to ask Fan Kang to help her with government affairs, and Chen Xi would assist her.And concentrate on handling military affairs.As long as he holds military power in his hands, he is not afraid of anything.

So now seeing Fan Kang resigning, he waved his hand generously and said to him: "I let you be responsible, you just concentrate on being responsible, and I will take care of other things naturally. What taboos are you afraid of? Besides, there is Chen Xi by your side assist you."

Seeing that Jia Ke trusted him so much, Fan Kang entrusted him with important matters as soon as he came.I was also moved in my heart, so I no longer declined, determined to do my best to handle government affairs well, and solve Jia Ke's worries for the future.

After Jia Ke settled the government affairs, he sent Fan Kang and Chen Xi away.Then in the lobby, he began to deal with the official affairs of the garrison. There are some things that others cannot touch.

The next day, Jia Ke came to the teaching field early. Although the teaching field is large, it can't accommodate 1 people to train at the same time. There are only 5000 people training here.And the rest, most of them are training outside the city.

Soldiers on the teaching field, under the leadership of their respective corporal leaders, started the most basic training, standing in a military posture, turning left and right, walking in unison, etc. Although these movements seemed simple, they were useless.In fact, this is the foundation and soul of an army.Only when there are new benefits and foundations can we talk about combat effectiveness.And most of the time, this foundation itself is combat effectiveness.

As for many problems encountered in training, Jia Ke had already solved them when he left Caozhuang.For example, the problem of not being able to tell the left from the right is to tie a cloth strip on the arm to distinguish when training in Caozhuang.Now, just like cats and tigers, a cloth strip is tied around each person's left arm.

When the officer yells to turn left, it is like turning in the direction of tying cloth strips, and when he yells to turn right, it is like turning in the direction without tying cloth strips.

In this way, after a week of training, the troops slowly formed a habit.At first it looked like an army, but it was not enough. The most basic training would take at least one month.And this month is something they will never forget in their lifetime, and they will be engraved in the bones of every soldier.It is a proud feeling to make them feel different from ordinary people.

After the basic formation training is completed, it is to listen to the sound of drums to advance, and to retreat in accordance with the different flags.

Because the battlefield is too big, it is impossible to convey orders by shouting.Only loud drums, crisp gongs, and bright flags can convey orders.

So after the queue training, the second training is to memorize various commands, and then perform various queue changes when the queue is neat.

In the first two training sessions, people often made mistakes, and the first time they made a mistake, their corporal chief just warned them that if they persisted in repeated admonitions.Nothing to say, pulling it out is a meal of army sticks.

Many of the people who came this time were veterans in the army. These people had a slippery air and didn't train seriously at first, but they became honest immediately after being beaten up.During the continuous training, the slickness on his body became less and less, and finally disappeared completely, becoming a real soldier.

This change was completely reborn. These more than 9000 stragglers who were not needed by other troops really became soldiers after they came to Kaiping Town.

This is only the first step in their training, and it is not a transformation of their souls.The next step is to improve their combat effectiveness.

(End of this chapter)

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