Chapter 154
This military report was reported by Jia Ke, the garrison of Kaiping Town. The content was: 10,000 Tatar cavalry invaded a few days ago, but they neither fought nor left, but just watched nearby.He used tricks to force the Tatar general to fight him decisively, won a big victory and wiped out the Tatars, and obtained important information from the Tatar captives.Now Arslen Khan, the Great Khan of the Tatars, has led [-]+ people to surround Xuanfu Town, and all the passes around Xuanfu Town have also been lost.He sent out scouts and found that the traffic to Xuanfu Town had been blocked by the Tatars, so he leapfrogged his superiors and issued a document of [-] miles to report to the Ministry of War.

After reading the memorial, the emperor was shocked.As one of the important towns on the nine borders, Xuanfu Town is only a few hundred miles away from the capital, and there is no critical pass in the middle. Once the Tatars break through Xuanfu Town, 10,000+ Tatar cavalry can reach the capital within three days. And he has only now received the report, so it has been so long since no one found out that something is wrong?

The emperor had already decreed this summer to let all the borders pass to prevent the Tatars from invading again this year.I received some reports a while ago, saying that although there was an invasion, the various places could still resist, and the relevant residents did suffer some losses, but nothing serious happened.

Unexpectedly, he had only been stable for a few days, so a basin of cold water was poured on him.

After reading the military report sent by Jia Ke, the emperor trembled with anger.Dai Quan who was next to him quickly came over to support him. Unexpectedly, the emperor was already impatient at this time. He thought that everyone was lying to him, so he pushed him away, and asked Dai Quan with wide eyes: "Do you people treat me like this?" As a fool, you can fool around as much as you want. If it weren’t for someone at the border to inform me, I’m afraid I won’t know how to die.”

The emperor's question was very serious, how could Dai Quan dare to answer?He only dared to kneel down on the ground and kept saying to the emperor: "This servant's loyalty to the emperor can be seen every day, and I dare not hide anything from the emperor."

After the emperor said these words, he became somewhat sober.Lu He, who was kneeling at the bottom, asked: "Shouldn't the urgent military situation at eight hundred miles be submitted to me by the Minister of the Ministry of War? Where is Huo Tu, the Minister of the Ministry of War?"

Seeing the emperor's furious anger, Lu He dared to hide it for Huo Tu, Minister of the Ministry of War, and said honestly: "Today there is a banquet in Prince Zhongshun's residence, and all the officers of the Ministry of War have gone to the banquet."

The emperor suspected that all the ministers in the court were lying to him. Hearing Lu He's reply, he couldn't help becoming suspicious. A prince invited all the chief officials of the Ministry of War to the banquet. Could there be something strange about it?
From ancient times to the present, the emperors are the most suspicious. Those who have no doubts and easily believe in ministers are either foolish or near death. In the ancient times of the earth, Tang Taizong Li Shimin, who was regarded as a holy king, was not because he suspected that Wei Zheng participated in the prince's rebellion. , and dug Wei Zheng's grave.What's more, today is a very suspicious person.

Now that the emperor became suspicious, he was worried about those few people.So he asked Lu He, "Who sent the letter? You can ask clearly about the cause and effect."

Lu He replied truthfully: "Chen, the official has a small position, how can a humble minister dare to ask about such a big matter. However, I have already brought the soldiers who delivered the letter to the gate of Qianqing. If you have any questions, you can ask him."

As soon as the emperor heard this, he immediately said to Dai Quan who was still kneeling: "Take me to Dongnuan Pavilion quickly, I want to ask in person."

Dai Quan didn't dare to be negligent, and ran out immediately. When Dai Quan ran outside the Qianqing Gate, Little Six was still kneeling there.The little eunuch next to him was sitting on a chair next to him, hugging Erlang's legs very comfortably.

Seeing Dai Quan approaching, the little eunuch hurried up to meet him and said with a smile, "Old Ancestor, this man has been here all along. I've been very strict with you. We can't let him go."

Before Dai Quan could finish listening to his words, he slapped the little eunuch down, knocked the little eunuch to the ground, and kicked the little eunuch rolling on the ground.

If it wasn't for the fear of delaying the emperor's affairs, he would have personally skinned this ungrateful little eunuch right now.

As soon as the messenger arrived, he knelt outside the gate of Qianqing. He sent Lu He to Dongnuan Pavilion, and reported to the emperor. This time, he came out to pick up the messenger again. How long did it take?That little soldier is still kneeling here, because he can endure such a long time of tossing, if this delays the emperor's affairs, who will be responsible?

Dai Quan came to Little Sixth Son, lowered his head and said to him, "Get up, boy, the emperor wants to see you now, can you still stand up?"

"My lord, it's okay, the little one can persevere." At this time, the little six gritted his teeth, squeezed these words out of his mouth, then supported the ground with both hands, and slowly got up from the ground.As a result, as soon as I stood up, my legs couldn't move. Coupled with the fatigue of the day and night, I fell to the ground all at once.

Dai Quan saw that this kid really couldn't hold on any longer, so he hurriedly called two eunuchs who were watching the excitement, "Go, you two take this man and follow me. Hurry up, don't delay the matter .”

These two eunuchs dared not disobey Dai Quan's words, they immediately supported Little Six, Dai Quan trotted in front, and these two men supported Little Six and followed closely behind.

After a while, Dai Quan took Little Six to Dongnuan Pavilion, this time he didn't let Little Six wait outside the door, but let two eunuchs help Little Six to enter Dongnuan Pavilion with him.

At this time, in the Dongnuan Pavilion, the emperor had already calmed down, sitting on the throne, closing his eyes and recuperating.And Lu He stood by with his hands down.

Dai Quan asked the two eunuchs to put Xiao Liuzi down, and then let them back out.And where did Xiao Liuzi usually see such a formation?As soon as he entered the East Nuan Pavilion, he felt his whole body go limp. When the two eunuchs let him go, they immediately collapsed to the ground.

Seeing this situation, the emperor was not only not angry, but a burst of joy rose in his heart.I feel that this person's awe of him has reached his bones.I don't know how many are better than those ministers. Those ministers in the court said they were loyal to him, but secretly did many things to deceive the emperor. dream of success.

The emperor sat on the throne, slowed down his voice, and said to the little six sons lying on the ground: "Don't be afraid, I am not a cannibal monster. You can answer truthfully whatever I ask you."

Little Six lay on the ground, tremblingly said: "Small... small one, I must... answer truthfully." He couldn't utter a word now.

The emperor asked him: "When did your lord let you go out to send the letter?"

After the little six calmed down a bit, he spoke slowly and fluently, "Reporting to the emperor, the little one set off overnight last night, changing horses and not changing people along the way, and just arrived in the capital."

The emperor thought about it, and according to what he said, he traveled more than 300 miles in one night.It seems that their defense is really urgent.

The emperor asked again: "How many troops do you have in Kaiping Town? Can you defeat 5000 Tatar cavalry?" Although the emperor did not understand military affairs, he still knew that the Tatars were braver than the Central Plains people.

Hearing the emperor's question, the little six sons could only feel very proud, and they could not help but speak louder: "If you return to the emperor, we have a total of 1 horses in Kaiping Town. Our lord has defeated the Tatars several times in a row. Last year even The Great Khan who defeated the Tatars." Their uncle said it, and in the entire Nine Sides, only Kaiping Town defeated the Tatars.

When the emperor heard what he said, he felt a little puzzled. He had never heard of such a brave general at the border. Could it be that this person emerged from a crack in the ground?
Dai Quan, who was next to him, saw that the emperor seemed to have forgotten this, and quickly reminded him: "Your Majesty, the garrison in Kaiping Town is called Jia Ke. Last year, he was a sixth-rank Qianhu. Make an exception and promote him to guard."

Hearing what Dai Quan said, the emperor seemed to have remembered such a thing.Last year, all the barriers in the Nine Frontiers Town were conquered. Only Jia Ke, who was young, guarded the Kaiping Guards. There was nothing he could do to make the Tatars sweat profusely. In the end, they could only retreat before winter came.Unexpectedly, he defeated five thousand Tatar cavalry this year, and he was indeed a young hero.

The emperor felt that the name was very familiar, and it seemed to be related to a certain prince in the capital, so he asked Dai Quan next to him: "Is this Jia Ke related to any father-in-law in the capital? It sounds so familiar to me."

Dai Quan was well aware of these things, and immediately replied: "Your Majesty, this Jia Ke is the grandson of Jia Daishan, the former Duke of Rong."

The emperor suddenly realized when he heard it, and said: "So it's the queen of the general, no wonder." Then he remembered that Jia Daishan had always been loyal to him, if he hadn't had a son who was not up to date, he would not have left so early.Thinking of this, I can't help but sigh a few times.

After the emperor finished asking, he stopped making a sound, but paced back and forth in the hall.

After wandering around for a while, he turned his head and said to Lu He Xiaoliuzi, "Go down."

Lu He and Little Six hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed, then backed away from Dongnuang Pavilion.

As soon as they exited the hall, the emperor's face darkened and he asked, "Where are the three grand scholars now?"

Knowing that the emperor was asking him, Dai Quan immediately replied: "The three college students are also in Zhongshun Palace now."

When the emperor heard his words, he closed his eyes, and then asked: "King Zhongshun, what's the matter today?"

"Report to the emperor, King Zhongshun took a concubine today." After a pause, he added: "I didn't go to Yudie."

The emperor was really unhappy this time, not only unhappy, but also more and more suspicious. Although King Zhongshun was one of the better sons, there was no need for so many people to curry favor with him.It's just that little concubine, just a plaything that didn't go to Yudie, does it need such a big fanfare?

There were so many important court officials who went to congratulate him, even ignoring important military affairs.

What is King Zhongshun going to do?It seemed that they wanted to beat them, otherwise they thought that the emperor was deaf and dumb, and was just a decoration sitting on the golden palace.

Thinking of this, the emperor said to Dai Quan with a gloomy face, "Draft the decree."

Dai Quan took out a blank imperial decree from the large cabinet standing next to it, and then there was a little eunuch next to him, carrying a small desk.

Dai Quan took the imperial decree and knelt behind the desk, and another eunuch brought pens, ink, paper and inkstone.Dai Quan picked up the pen and dipped it in some ink, then stopped and waited there.

(End of this chapter)

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