Chapter 155 The Decree
The emperor walked back and forth in the hall for a few times, finally made up his mind, stopped and said: "King Zhongshun's behavior is perverse, and there are many violations of the rules. I ordered you not to step out of the palace."

As soon as the emperor finished speaking, Dai Quan wrote the imperial decree, then dried it gently, and showed it to the emperor for review.

The emperor glanced at it and found that there was no problem, so he said, "Use the seal."

Dai Quan asked softly: "Which treasure does Your Majesty use?"

The emperor thought about it for a while, although his face was gloomy, but there was still a look of unbearable on his face, and finally made up his mind and said: "Use the imperial edict to rectify the treasure of all peoples."

Dai Quan's heart trembled when he heard this sentence.This treasure is different from other jade seals. This is the jade seal used to announce to all people in the world. If it is used as the emperor's treasure, it can be taken back in the end.Because this is the seal used by the emperor to give orders to officials at all levels. Although it still has a great blow to King Zhongshun, it has much less impact than the imperial treasure. If the emperor repents in the future, it will only be a matter of one sentence .But once the treasure of the people is used, it will be announced to the world, even the emperor, and cannot be easily changed.

This seal will completely kill King Zhongshun's hope of succeeding to the throne in the future.From then on, I can only be a prince of Taiping, eating, drinking and having fun.For an ambitious prince, this is more uncomfortable than killing him.

Dai Quan usually received a lot of gifts from King Zhongshun, and now he felt that he should do his last bit of heart for him, and it was not a waste of his filial piety.

So Dai Quan took courage, as if he didn't hear clearly, and asked again: "What kind of seal does Your Majesty use? The slave didn't hear clearly, the emperor will spare the slave this time."

The emperor didn't care, and said it again: "The treasure of all peoples."

Dai Quan gave up completely this time, and didn't dare to have any other thoughts. He took out this Fang Yuxi from a sandalwood treasure box. Panlong Niugao made two inches and three points.

Dai Quan took out the seal, dipped it in ink pad, and stamped it on the imperial decree.

After Dai Quan finished building the jade seal, he took the imperial decree to the emperor again, knelt down on the ground and unfolded the imperial decree for the emperor to look at again.

The emperor looked at it carefully this time, did not speak, and walked around the hall a few more times, as if he could not make up his mind, but in the end he remembered something.So he turned his back and waved to Dai Quan, motioning him to pass the decree.

Only then did Dai Quan carefully roll up the imperial decree and lift it over his head, then stood up gently, and slowly retreated to the door.Just as he was about to turn around and go out, the emperor suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

When Dai Quan heard the emperor's words, he thought that the emperor had changed his mind, so he immediately came back and knelt down on the ground, holding the imperial decree in front of the emperor again.

The emperor didn't even look at the imperial decree, but said to Dai Quan: "If the ministers are all here, let them come to Dongnuan Pavilion and tell them: I invite them to discuss military and state affairs. I will ask them to go ahead to discuss their drinking. Let it go." After the emperor finished speaking, he seemed to think of something angry again, and said angrily, "Just tell them that, and tell them the exact words."

This time, Dai Quan knew that King Zhongshun was completely hopeless, and those ministers who went to Prince Zhongshun's mansion were also hated by the emperor.I couldn't help thinking in my heart, should I pack all kinds of antique jade wares that I received from King Zhongshun before sending them back?In the future, I will never dare to associate with this prince again.

Dai Quan knelt on the ground and waited for a while. Seeing that the emperor had no other orders, he stood up again and retreated to the door before he dared to turn around and go out.

Dai Quan left Dongnuan Pavilion, feeling his back was drenched with sweat.What happened today really scared him to death, no wonder the ancients said that accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger.The emperor just got a little suspicious casually, and stepped into the dust with a son who was quite capable and well-known. It turned out that there was no father and son in the Tian family, only monarchs and ministers.

Dai Quan brought a few young eunuchs to the Zhongshun Palace on horseback. How could the eunuch at the gate of the palace not recognize Dai Quan? He sent someone in to inform him, but he quickly went up and knelt down to greet him, and even said compliments "Grandpa Dai, why are you here? I thought you were busy and our master didn't bother you. Our prince must be very happy when you come."

Dai Quan didn't get off the horse to greet him as the little eunuch thought, but said to the little eunuch with a frosty face: "I tell you, the prince, there is an imperial decree. Tell him to come out to greet him."

The little lady listened to Dai Quan's tone of voice and felt a little cold in her heart. Seeing that Dai Quan's face was not good, how could she dare to neglect, she ran inside and reported to King Zhongshun.

At this time, King Zhongshun was drinking and chatting with the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty in the hall of the palace.I saw that the banquet was extremely extravagant, flying in the sky, running in the ground, swimming in the water, everything that one expects to find on this dining table.The century-old Fenjiu is calculated by the altar.Rows of singers in the center of the hall are dancing seductively.

Among the ministers who came to the banquet, the three grand scholars who went to the study room all came, three chief officials from the six ministries came, and besides that, there were also some junior officials of the third and fourth ranks.

Although King Zhongshun took a concubine today, he organized such a big event.The main purpose is to win over the courtiers and spy on the crown prince.

King Zhongshun has been appreciated by the emperor in the past few years, and the emperor took him with him several times when he went south, and said in public that King Zhongshun was "like me".It made him have unreasonable thoughts, so in the past few years, he has attracted courtiers and cultivated power.The emperor turned a blind eye to these things before, which further fueled King Zhongshun's arrogance.

Today, it is not just an excuse to gather the ministers together to win over their feelings. When they go backwards, each of them will give a heavy gift. It is best to let them join their ranks. Even if they fail, they can also let them speak for themselves in the court. good words.

King Zhongshun and all the ministers were having a drink, when they suddenly saw a young eunuch rushing in, completely ignoring the rules of the palace.King Zhongshun immediately said angrily: "Where is the servant who doesn't understand the rules, didn't see me and the adults around me having a banquet? Drag him down and beat him to death."

The little eunuch had already collapsed when he heard such words, but no matter whether he was paralyzed or not, a few strong guards came up and dragged him out.

At this time, the little eunuch came to his senses and shouted loudly: "My lord, this slave has been wronged. The slave is the one who reported to the lord. Dai Quan, Eunuch Dai, the governor of the Six Palaces outside, is here."

After hearing this, King Zhongshun waved his hand at the bottom, and several guards put down and retreated towards the eunuch.

King Zhongshun asked carefully: "Are you serious about what you said?"

The little eunuch knelt on the ground and said tremblingly, "Even though the slave is so courageous, he dare not lie to the master. Eunuch Dai is still waiting outside the gate of the palace."

After King Zhongshun heard this, the displeasure on his face just now disappeared.In my heart, I felt that Dai Quan, the head of the six palaces, came to the banquet to save face, and my previous management was not in vain.

"I just married a concubine. I didn't expect Eunuch Dai to come to congratulate him in person. Although he is a servant of the royal family, he is serving the emperor after all. I still want to give him this face." King Zhongshun was full of joy, A little proud again, he said to the civil and military ministers who came to the banquet below.

When Wenwu below heard this, he also began to compliment King Zhongshun.

"It's still the prince's face. Eunuch Dai never participates in these wedding banquets. Only the prince can make him condescend." A minister said flatteringly.

"What you said is a little off. Although Eunuch Dai is honorable, he is a servant of the royal family after all. The prince is also his master. In short, he came to congratulate him on happy events. This is what he should have meant." Another minister next to him, seeing The previous minister had exhausted his good words, and quickly added two more sentences.

King Zhongshun felt so beautiful in his heart when he heard the compliments below, but he said very politely: "Don't dare, dare not, after all, Eunuch Dai is serving the emperor. How can I have such a blessing."

After saying these words, King Zhongshun will order someone to welcome Dai Quan into the hall.

At this moment, another eunuch hurried in from the outside. When King Zhongshun saw this, he was the eunuch Zhao who he sent to the gate today to welcome and escort him. He usually waited by his side.

Eunuch Zhao also ignored the etiquette, so he trotted to King Zhongshun, lowered his head and whispered in King Zhongshun's ear, "Master, Dai Quan is waiting outside the door, saying that he came with an imperial edict, let the prince go out and meet him quickly."

King Zhongshun confirmed that it was not a fake, and was a little surprised.He just married a concubine today, and did not marry Yudie, why did the emperor go to such lengths to make an order?Could it be that this concubine should be canonized to show his favor.Thinking of this, King Zhongshun is in a good mood.

He said to the ministers as if showing off: "I am just taking a concubine. It is a bit too much for my father to mobilize people like this. However, we cannot refuse my father's grace. Please come with me to welcome the imperial edict, my lords." .”

All the ministers present felt that this was the reason, so they went out together with the honorable King Zhongshun.

As he walked, King Zhongshun ordered the Chief of the Palace, Shi: "Immediately open the middle door and prepare the incense table."

After Dai Quan waited outside for a short time, he saw the gate of Zhongshun Prince's Mansion rumbling open.King Zhongshun came out of the gate together with all the court ministers, and they all saluted Dai Quan together.Dai Quan didn't return the gift, but got off his horse, held the imperial decree aloft, and went straight into King Zhongshun's hall from the main entrance.

At this time, the incense table was already arranged in the main hall of King Zhongshun's mansion, and there was a beautiful woman in a pink wedding dress, who was already waiting there, probably the concubine of King Zhongshun Gangna.

Dai Quan was taken aback when he saw her, and then he understood what they were thinking?Dai Quan curled his lips, but he didn't stop him.

Soon King Zhongshun and all the ministers arrived, but Dai Quan did not greet King Zhongshun first as he had done before.Instead, he stood directly behind the incense table and held up the imperial decree. King Zhongshun immediately gave the woman a wink.The woman's face was full of joy, but she knelt down at the head of King Zhongshun with some trepidation, and all the ministers knelt behind King Zhongshun, almost filling the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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