The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 179 Countermeasures

Chapter 179 Countermeasures
Jia Ke stared at Xuanfu Town for a long time, finally got on his horse, left Xuanfu Town and headed straight for Kaiping Town.

It took Jia Ke only two days to return to Kaiping Town. The first thing she did after returning was to summon Fan Kang and ask him to meet her in the study.

When Fan Kang heard Jia Ke summoned him, he immediately put aside his other affairs and came immediately, and came to his Commander's Mansion (it will be called the Commander's Mansion after it was upgraded). There were already servants waiting for him at the door, seeing him coming, Welcome him into the study immediately.

Fan Kang entered the study and saw Jia Ke sitting there leisurely reading a book.Regardless of other things, Fan Kang still greeted Jia Ke with a serious face as usual. When Jia Ke saw him coming, he smiled and said, "I told you a long time ago, don't always be so serious. Like a wooden man .”

Fan Kang said solemnly: "Etiquette cannot be discarded. This is also the long-term way for monarchs and ministers. If you lose etiquette, you will suffer disaster."

Hearing what he said was so serious, Jia Ke quickly changed the topic and said, "Have you heard about my affairs? Now I have supervised Xuanhua and Kaiping towns."

Fan Kang asked happily: "How is this possible? How could Wang Tao give such a great power to the adults alone."

Jia Ke laughed at himself and said, "If we were counting on Wang Tao, we would have died long ago. This is the emperor's order. I went to Xuanfu Town this time to receive the order."

Fan Kang heard Jia Ke's lack of anger, and immediately asked him, "My lord, is it true that Wang Tao disrespected and oppressed my lord a lot?"

Jia Ke said with a smile: "I really let you guess, this Wang Tao is like a child playing house now, and he left me at the gate of the mansion for more than an hour. If the eunuch who delivered the order hadn't come, I wouldn't have known about it." How long will it take?"

After hearing his words, Fan Kang said sadly: "My lord, I'm afraid that Gao Hong I told you about is no longer known where he has sent him. The birds are gone, the good bows are hidden, the cunning rabbits are dead, and the lackeys are cooking." .But Wang Tao drove away his counselors before he got through the pain. How unwise.”

When Jia Ke heard him talking about Gao Hong again, she became interested and asked him, "Is this Gao Hong you mentioned really so powerful?"

Fan Kang said solemnly: "Gao Hong is talented and loyal to Wang Tao. It's just that this man is scheming, vicious, and selfish at the expense of others, so he offended many people. I'm afraid it was for this reason that he was demoted this time, so that he could Each general in Xuanfu Town will explain to each other."

Fan Kang's guess was not wrong at all. Although Xuanfu Town was besieged this time, Gao Hong played a lot in it. If he hadn't been full of tricks, Xuanfu Town would have been breached long ago.But this time he used He Tong as a bait to attract the enemy's attention, and then sent a messenger to Kaiping Town to report to Jia Ke.Such a hot method made the generals in Xuanfu Town feel suspicious, and many people even started to stay away from Wang Tao.

After Wang Tao discovered this situation, he felt that the situation was serious. Although Wang Tao and these generals were superiors and subordinates, they were all officials in the same dynasty after all, and there was no distinction between master and slave.If these generals are alienated from him, I am afraid that his role as Jiedushi will be meaningless in the end.

In the end, Gao Hong also saw that the situation was not good, so he belittled Wang Tao himself. Seeing that Gao Hong was willing to come out and take responsibility, Wang Tao immediately agreed.He was directly demoted to a small county town in Xuanfu Town as a county lieutenant.

When Jia Ke heard that Fan Kang had such a high opinion of Gao Hong, she asked him, "Is it possible to recruit him to use for me?"

Fan Kang shook his head and said: "I'm afraid it's impossible in this life. Gao Hong's loyalty to Wang Tao is unmatched. Your Excellency is now hostile to Wang Tao. It is absolutely impossible for him to join Your Excellency's command, and he will even be your enemy in the future."

Jia Ke couldn't help becoming serious when he heard this, and after thinking about it, it seemed that he would send someone to get rid of this hidden danger early.

When Fan Kang saw that Jia Ke stopped talking, he knew that Gao Hong was more dangerous than good. After following Jia Ke for a while, Fan Kang also knew Jia Ke's character. He would never leave anyone who threatened him.Based on his understanding of Jia Ke, Jia Ke is a wise man, but he is a traitor. All he can keep are those who are not a threat to him, or even beneficial. People like Gao Hong are a threat to him. The people in the end did not end well.

Jia Ke paused for a moment, then changed the subject, and asked Fan Kang: "How many defeated soldiers have we gathered in the north this time. Wang Tao will not photograph me this time. He wants me to recruit myself. The most hateful thing is They didn’t give me a penny.”

After hearing this, Fan Kang understood that this condition was probably given to Wang Tao by Gao Hong before he left, and it was a borrowed knife to kill someone.Xuanhua, Kaiping Jiangzhen is located in the fortress, if the Tatars continue to use troops next year.And Jia Ke didn't have enough troops to defend the two places. At that time, whether it was the Tatars who killed Jia Ke, or the emperor who lost the city and land, dealt with Jia Ke.In the end, Wang Tao was able to take back all the rights in Xuanfu Town.

But Fan Kang didn't dare to say it now, otherwise, with Jia Ke's heart, he would immediately send someone to deal with Gao Hong. Fan Kang sometimes thought that his lord didn't look like a young man at all.It looks like a middle-aged man who has suffered a lot.

Fan Kang took Jia Ke's words and said: "Don't worry, my lord. This time we went north and recruited more than 1 defeated soldiers. As long as we recruit another 9000 or [-] people, we will be able to gather enough troops. The cost of recruiting is a bit troublesome. "

After hearing what he said, Jia Ke said with satisfaction: "I don't have anything to fear now, and I still have to pay close attention to the training after that. When the time comes, I will put down my personal soldiers and let them be hundreds of households. Then give me some training. As for the money, you don’t have to worry about it. First allocate [-] silver from my internal treasury to recruit new soldiers and train soldiers.”

Fan Kang understood what Jia Ke meant when he heard that Jia Ke was going to devolve the guards again.But he didn't seem to hear it at all.Then he asked Jia Ke, "My lord, we have captured [-] to [-] Tatars this time, what do you think we should do?"

Jia Ke thought for a while and said to him, "I have my own arrangements for these things? You don't have to worry."

"For the next period of time, our task is to train recruits. Mr. Fan will trouble you during this period, and recruit the remaining eight or nine thousand soldiers."

Fan Kang said: "My lord, whether it is troublesome or not, this is my job. It only takes one month to recruit all the soldiers. Now the people in Xuanfu Town are grateful to you. I am afraid that as soon as you hear that you are recruiting soldiers, you will come immediately." Take effect."

Jia Ke said, "That's it, I'll leave this matter to my husband."

The two chatted a few more gossips, and Fan Kang left.

Jia Ke paced back and forth in the room. He was thinking about the captive Tatars. The more than 1000 Tatars who were captives before had been tamed after this year.The living conditions here are much better than those on the grasslands, and now they are Jia Ke’s slaves, herding sheep and horses near Kaiping Town. These people can even fight for Jia Ke when necessary, and they have inherited the pride of the grassland people. Tough, the combat effectiveness is probably no worse than the elite cavalry trained by Jia Ke.

Jia Ke saw the value of it, so he decided to put the two to thirty thousand Tatars near Kaiping Town to graze sheep and horses.

Jia Ke wanted to emulate the Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty and manage these Tatars, but they only had one master, and that was him, Jia Ke.

After the matter was decided, Jia Ke went back to the inner house with ease. As soon as she entered the door, Lan Xiang greeted her with a smile on her face, and said happily: "I just heard that the uncle is back, but I never see anyone. Now I can see you." Here we are, during this period of time we are on tenterhooks, afraid that you will be in danger."

Chuncao and Qiaolian came in from the outside at this time, holding copper basins filled with warm water.As soon as Jia Ke entered the inner room, he felt drowsy all over his body, and he sat down on the chair and didn't want to move anymore.

Chuncao and Qiaolian felt distressed when they saw him, so they held the copper basin and washed him alone.

Jia Ke just sat there and was manipulated by them. In the past month of fighting in the north and south, there was hardly a moment of rest.Now that I'm home, I just want to lie there and not move.

Jia Ke rested overnight in the inner house, and regained her spirit the next day.He immediately summoned Liu Yu, who was not only serving as his captain, but also in charge of the management of the Tatars.

As usual, Jia Ke met Liu Yu in the study. Although the house Jia Ke lives in is exquisite, it is still small.There is no living room, garden or other places to meet, and the lobby in front is an important military site, not a meeting place, so Jia Ke usually discusses things with people in the study.

Liu Yu saluted Jia Ke first when he saw him, and Jia Ke asked after he saluted, "How about the more than 1000 Tatars you manage for a year?"

Liu Yu said with a serious face: "Master, now they have been completely tamed and fully agree that you are their master. I have dealt with all the thorns in it. It is okay to let them die for you now."

Jia Ke was very happy when he heard this, and said with a smile on his face: "It seems that the methods I gave you are still very useful. In less than a year, they all agree with us."

Listening to Jia Ke's words, Liu Yu couldn't help but shine his eyes on the method of taming those captives, "Master's method is really ingenious. It didn't take long for these people to completely re-acquaint themselves with their new identities. Their loyalty to the master is completely There is no problem."

Jia Ke has no doubts about this matter at all. The method he used is a successful case of modern pyramid schemes and cult brainwashing.With the advanced information in modern society, how many high-level intellectuals have been brainwashed within a few days, not to mention these ancient people who have not experienced the knowledge explosion.

Jia Ke said to him slowly: "This time we captured another 3 to 3 people. These people will be my slaves in the future. They must be trained carefully, and the Tatars we trained last time will be assigned to these people." Among the people, each person manages [-] or [-] people, and according to the method I gave you, I will train the [-] or [-] people."

Liu Yu said respectfully: "Master, don't worry, as long as it is done according to the method you gave, I think they will become your loyal slaves within a month."

Every time Jia Ke explained to him: "You can't blindly rely on these methods. You must give these people room to improve and set a few examples. Let them know that following me will have a better future than staying on the grassland."

Liu Yu couldn't keep up with Jia Ke's thoughts, and asked in a daze, "Master, what do you mean?"

Jia Ke gave Liu Yu a look of hatred, this Liu Yu is a little too dull, if you give him a clear order, he will definitely handle it for you, but if you let him solve the problem by himself, he will be completely helpless .

(End of this chapter)

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