The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 180 Eight Flags

Chapter 180 Eight Banners
Jia Ke instructed Liu Yu very carefully: "You go and choose the eight most loyal Tatars and bring them to me. I want to meet them in person, but you must remember that these people must be from the lowest herdsmen. , must not be an aristocrat."

Liu Yu immediately nodded in agreement, but continued, "Master, do you want to see them now, or when will you see them again?"

Jia Ke thought that there was nothing to do now, so it would be good if we see each other now, and arrange things early, so that he can handle other things with peace of mind.So he said to him: "You bring the people now, and I will see them when I have time."

After listening to Jia Ke's words, Liu Yu went out immediately. In addition to training his own soldiers, Liu Yu also conducted enslavement training for captured Tatars after the Chinese New Year, so he was very familiar with these more than 1000 people.And Jia Ke can only leave it to Liu Yu to handle this matter. What he wants is not only a slave who can herd for him, but a slave who can fight for him.

Jia Ke leaned back on the chair with her eyes closed, thinking about how to place these Tatars, but in the end she was not very satisfied after much deliberation. In the end, she decided not to bother thinking about it. Move over the Manchu Eight Banners system, divide these people into eight parts, distribute them according to the Manchu Eight Banners system, and let them become their permanent slaves. You must know that according to the Manchu Eight Banners system, there are no free people among the Manchus. They are all slaves of the flag owners.

An hour later, Liu Yu came in with eight people. When they saw Jia Ke, these eight people prostrated themselves on the ground and called them "Master".

Jia Ke is very satisfied with their performance, and it seems that her brainwashing method is still very effective.Jia Ke didn't let them get up, and without a smile on her face, she still asked Liu Yu who was standing beside her with a serious face, "What are the names of the eight of them?"

Liu Yu replied respectfully: "Master, they are Jirigla, Jiya, Meng Jiakehe, Muren, Mandu Latu, Menggen, Menggenqiqige, and Mozhigen."

Jia Ke sat on it and said seriously to the eight people: "The eight of you are all the best of my servants. You work for me with your heart. I can't let you waste your credit without rewarding you. You have also heard about it." , this time we captured another [-] to [-] Tatars, sent the eight of you to these people, and trained them to be my loyal slaves. Can you do it?"

Jirigla climbed a few steps forward first, and then said to Jia Ke: "Don't worry, master, the slaves will do their best. The slaves know the steps of training, and they will live up to the master's hope after they go."

Jiya knelt on the ground, and after listening to Jirigala's words, she also knelt forward a few steps, and humbly said to Jia Ke: "Master, there are only a few slaves now, which is really too few. I'm afraid after I go, It will delay the work of the master."

Jirigla said unhappily at the side: "Jia, how can you say that? The things arranged by the master, we slaves will do it even if we die. It can be done for the master."

Seeing that they had been completely brainwashed, Jia Ke was very happy, but said seriously: "I didn't just let the eight of you go just like that. Didn't I still have more than 1000 well-trained slaves? They took it with them, and after they went there, they were divided into eight tribes, and then there were eight tribes. They were Zhenghuang, Zhengbai, Zhenghong, Zhenglan, Xianghuang, Xiangbai, Xianghong, and Xianglan. They were collectively called the Eight Banners. I am The patriarchs of these eight tribes. Each of you should be the ruler, and temporarily replace me to manage these eight tribes."

The eight people kneeling below were very happy when they heard Jia Ke's words.They used to be the most inferior herdsmen in the tribe. After taking refuge in Jia Ke this time, they stood out among more than 1000 people because of their active performance and hard work in learning Jia Ke's brainwashing knowledge. Now they are finally entrusted with important tasks. Now they Their loyalty to Jia Ke is unbreakable, even if they are asked to die for Jia Ke, they will not hesitate at all.

Sitting on the chair, Jia Ke saw their expressions very clearly. This time, he tamed them all, and then he only needed to tame the rest of the Tatars, then his retreat would be settled.

Looking at their grateful faces, Jia Ke continued to say to them, "Since you are my slaves, you are no longer Tatars. From now on, you are a new In my opinion, it is called Manchu, from now on you Manchus will all be my slaves.”

The eight people kneeling on the ground heard that Jia Ke had changed their ethnicity without authorization, not only were they dissatisfied with no meaning, but they all looked excited.This time they were completely cut off from the Tatars. They were no longer the lowest slaves of the Tatars, but the upper-class figures of the Manchus.

Jia Ke said to Liu Yu again: "I have already thought about the structure of the Eight Banners. There are two deputy capital commanders under the capital commander, and five assistant leaders, and five assistant leaders under each assistant leader. , I am preparing for each leader to lead 300 people. Now our number is not enough, but the shelf must be set up first. You are responsible for this matter yourself, let eight of them assist you, I want you to form within half a year Combat power. Can you finish it?"

Liu Yu replied respectfully: "Master, don't worry, I'm already very experienced in training them. According to the method of the uncle, with the help of these people, I will train the uncle within half a year."

Jia Ke nodded in satisfaction and said, "After you finish training their eight parts, I will personally go and present the flag to them."

Liu Yu has always been very quick in handling affairs, and said to Jia Ke: "Master, I will take people to the prison camp today, and try to set up the shelf in a day or two."

Jia Ke pondered for a while, then said, "Pick out the nobles among them and detain them alone, don't be with these ginsengs. These nobles are all die-hards and cannot become our people."

After Jia Ke finished speaking, she stood up, walked to the eight people who were kneeling on the ground, helped them up one by one, then patted their shoulders, encouraging them: "Work hard, follow me and you won't be wronged." There are still temporary difficulties, until next year, I will take you back to the grassland, and then the wealth and women are yours to ask for."

The eight people were flattered for a moment when they heard Jia Ke's gentle words to them.Several of them couldn't help but shed tears. They were treated like this in the original tribe.All of them made up their minds to work hard for Jia Ke after returning home.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong, Jia Ke asked Liu Yu to take them down, and finally told them to put up a shelf as soon as possible and establish the Manchu Eight Banners.The eight servants kept backing away, assuring Jia Ke that they would tame these Tatars in the shortest possible time and make them become Jia Ke's most loyal slaves.

Jia Ke watched them go out, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up, revealing that mysterious smile again.After thinking about it, the Manchu Eight Banners were established by myself, and the loyalty of these Dutongs doesn't have to worry about it. As long as these eight people can control the Manchu Eight Banners, I can sit back and relax.

The purpose of Jia Ke to gather these Tatars is to establish a nation that completely obeys him as soldiers in wartime and herds in leisure time. When he has children in the future, he will put these children in the Eight Banners as banner owners and control them forever. This nation works for its own family.

Let this new nation become a sharp blade in your hands, which can not only attack the Tatars, but also enter the Central Plains when necessary, providing new protection for yourself and your family.

(End of this chapter)

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