Chapter 19
Jia Ke was galloping around in the teaching field, but the lieutenant generals and guards in the colorful shed did not dare to respond.

The servants and servants of Jia's mansion watching all around were all excited, and cheered for Jia Ke loudly, and they all shouted: "Young master is mighty, young master is mighty."

But Wei Tong was defeated and returned to the tent, got off his horse, Jia Zheng hurried forward, saluted Wei Tong in front of everyone, and said, "Thank you, General, for being merciful and saving face for the dog. The government will repay you generously in the future."

Although Wei Tong was angry just now because Jia Ke is a son of a noble family, now that he is defeated, he knows that the descendants of a noble family also have heroes.Now facing Jia Zheng with a look of shame on his face, he bowed deeply to Jia Zheng and said, "It's Wei Tong Menglang. The young master is very skilled in martial arts, and he is also a brave and brave man. Rong Guogong has a successor."

After a while, seeing no one answered, Jia Ke went back to the colorful shed to meet everyone.

Seeing Jia Ke coming to the stage, Jia Zheng yelled angrily: "You are only a child, all the generals, the guards gave you three points, but you are so arrogant. You haven't stepped forward and apologized to all the adults."

Hearing that Jia Zheng was angry, Jia Ke didn't dare to hesitate, went forward to bow down to the princes and lords and said, "I'm young, I don't know what's good and what's wrong, there was something inappropriate just now, I ask all uncles and elders to recite it for the sake of our ancestors." Please forgive me. The boy is being polite here." After speaking, he knelt down on one knee and saluted.

Before the others could speak, the King of Beijing stepped forward to help Jia Ke up just as he knelt down to accompany the ceremony.He said in his mouth: "You are still young and don't know the depth. If you have made this small mistake, you must not commit it again." When everyone saw that King Beijing said so, they stopped talking.

Jia Zheng saw that it was already past noon, so he invited everyone to a banquet in the mansion, but they refused, so they came to eat wine in Rongxi Hall.After drinking three times, looking for vegetables and eating five flavors, the banquet dispersed and they went back to their homes. Jia Zheng and Jia Ke saw each other off at the gate of Rongguo Mansion.

When King Beijing left, he took Jia Zheng's hand and said, "Your man, you are a genius in the world. You should train him carefully and not let it go to waste. When he grows up, he will be invincible in the world." Looking back at Jia Ke before, he said with emotion: "I wish I could be my son."

And just when the crowd dispersed, General Zhenwei Wei Tong came last, stepped forward to hold Jia Ke's hand and said, "My lord is a god, he is so good at such a young age, Wei is convinced." He shook Jia Ke's hand.Then he bowed his hands to Jia Zheng and left.

Since then, it has been spread in the capital that although Mr. Jia Ke of Rongguo Mansion is only ten years old, he is brave and good at fighting, with outstanding martial arts skills and the courage of a king.There are those who think it is absurd, and those who believe it, but since then Jia Ke has become a child of other people's family with a great reputation.

After the banquet was over, Jia Zheng took Jia Ke to a courtyard, and saw some young young people sitting and chatting there, and when Jia Zheng came in, he immediately stood upright, saluted Jia Zheng together, and called him master .Then stand on both sides, waiting for Jia Zheng's order.

Seeing that they were so well behaved and polite, Jia Zheng couldn't help but lament that this is the style of aristocratic families. Compared with the servants in the mansion, it is really different.He also wanted to rectify the servants in the mansion, but firstly, Mother Jia often said that Jia's mansion was a benevolent family, and secondly, these servants were born and worked for Jia's mansion for several lifetimes, so it was difficult to rectify, which made these people even more unscrupulous.

Seeing them standing on both sides, Jia Zheng entered the courtyard and went straight to the middle hall without saying a word.A few old people have been greeted in the middle hall, they are just a few old soldiers from Xiacaozhuang.

Seeing Jia Zheng, several old people knelt down on one knee and said, "All the guards have seen the master."

Seeing this, Jia Zheng hurriedly ordered Jia Ke to step forward and help them one by one.He said to them: "Everyone has lived and died for my Jia family. I don't know how many years. They are all close friends of two generations of Dukes. Don't be so polite. Let's go into the house and talk."

Then Jia Zheng was in front, Jia Ke followed, and several veterans followed, and entered the main room.There are no fine decorations in this hall, it is full of bulky objects, in the center is the Eight Immortals table with Taishi chairs on both sides, and four chairs on the left and right below.

Jia Zheng sat down on the upper chair, Jia Ke stood beside Jia Zheng, and several veterans came in and stood on both sides. Jia Zheng hurriedly asked them to sit down, but the veterans refused to sit down.

Seeing that everyone was sitting down, Jia Zheng said to the veterans with nostalgia: "Old people, Jia Zheng met him when he was young. His father was still alive at that time, and you often sent troops and released horses with him. My Rongguo The Duke's Mansion is also famous, but it was only because of my unfilial sons and grandsons in my life that the family business fell." After finishing speaking, he could not help but sigh.

All the veterans are also very sad.

Everyone then lamented for a while that Jia's mansion used to be greeted by guests and dignitaries, but now it is deserted in front of the door and there are few cars and horses.

After talking for a while, Jia Zheng finally entered the topic, and said: "Everyone in the teaching field saw it today. I, this dog, do you still have some talent? For example, is it feasible to win fame in the army? You are all ancestors and fathers. My personal guard, please tell the truth, don't flatter or lie."

All the veterans looked at each other, and in the end it was Old Liu who spoke on their behalf: "The master asked me, and I said it as I said, the young master's martial arts is nothing to say, it's not that I said disrespectful words, I just looked at Shao Guo The young master grew up, but he has only started to practice martial arts for a few years at this age. When the young master was the most powerful, he was similar to the young master now. The young master's martial arts talent is so high, maybe someone in ancient times had such Such ability, but now I have lived at this age, I have never seen it."

Other veterans also praised together.

Jia Zheng smiled all over his face. Although he really wanted to look serious, he still couldn't help but said with a smile: "Don't praise too much, the child can't stand this, I'm afraid he won't be able to control it, he's a little proud now, and I'm afraid he will be defiant in the future." ?”

Jia Zheng went on to say, "But what shortcomings does he have?"

Old Liu turned back to him and said: "If I say it's not enough, it means that I haven't actually been on the battlefield, and I don't know the danger. I'm still young and not tall - but when I go to the battlefield, there are people everywhere, and the weapons in my hands may not be stretched. open."

Hearing what he said, Jia Ke couldn't help being enlightened. In the teaching field just now, in the three matches, he always felt that it was inconvenient to swing the halberd in his hand up and down. This was the reason.Sure enough, it is true to pass on a sentence, but false to pass on thousands of books.If the old man hadn't told him just now, he could understand it, but it would take a lot of time.

Seeing that the veterans understood what Jia Zheng said, he said to them, "So you think, big brother, you can join the army?"

Liu Tou said affirmatively: "Big brother will definitely have a great future if he joins the army."

Jia Zheng was overjoyed, and said to Old Liu: "Since this is the case, then I will trouble a few old people to build up the Jia family's personal army, so that they can personally protect the elder brother. I don't know how?"

The old men all showed smiles on their faces. After decades, they finally looked forward to this day again.

After that, Jia Zheng and several old people decided to build Jia Ke's personal army based on these young men outside the house. After Jia Ke joins the army, they will be the last line of defense in front of Jia Ke.And Jia's family will bear their burial and take care of them at home.

Jia Zheng also hired several old people to be the instructors of the personal soldiers, and this yard will be used as the station of the personal soldiers, and the personal soldiers will train in the teaching field in the future.

And let Jia Ke take time out every day to train with the personal team and cultivate feelings.

After the discussion, Jia Zheng and Jia Ke returned to Meng Pozhai, and Jia Zheng ordered someone to call Lin Zhixiao.Not long after Lin Zhixiao came to Mengpozhai, Jia Zheng told him, "You prepare wine and vegetables in the courtyard of the soldiers, and cleanse them up. After that, the veterans will be ranked first, and the other soldiers will be second." Wait." Lin Zhixiao agreed one by one, and went out to do it.

Afterwards, Jia Zheng asked Jia Ke to keep in contact with the soldiers to win his heart.To regard the children of the personal soldiers as siblings, the personal soldiers will be able to go through life and death for him in the future.

Jia Ke listened to Jia Zheng's tireless instructions, and was moved in her heart, her face could not help showing it, and she respectfully agreed one by one.

Seeing that Jia Ke knew what he wanted, Jia Zheng nodded in satisfaction and let him go back.

(End of this chapter)

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