Chapter 20 Human Heart
After Jia Ke went back, Jia Zheng thought about what happened today, and felt that although it was a little out of control, the overall goal was achieved.

Jia Zheng originally wanted Jia Ke to practice duel with the young people from Xiacaozhuang, but he did not expect that Jia Ke would challenge other people on the field, and Zhao Jie also ended regardless of his status, so that the duel turned into a duel.Jia Ke won all three games, and Megatron was on the spot.Although there were some conflicts with Nan'an County King because of this, the goal was generally achieved and exceeded expectations.

After thinking about it, Jia Zheng still felt uneasy, thinking that he would discuss with Jia Mu tomorrow when he greeted her. In Jia's mansion, only Jia Mu could give him advice.And his eldest brother, Jia She, hadn't seen anyone for almost a month. Even at home, he only knew how to drink and play with women, so he seemed useless.

Besides, Jia Ke didn't go back to his room right away, but went to the Military Academy. He felt that what Jia Zheng said was right, those who achieve great things must know how to buy people's hearts. Lu Bu didn't know how to buy people's hearts back then, so that everyone betrayed their relatives in the end.And Liu Bei can rise again after several downturns, because Liu Bei knows how to buy people's hearts.Isn't there such a saying on the earth: the heart of the people is the heart of heaven.

Jia Ke came to the residence of the soldiers again, and saw that Lin Zhixiao had already arranged the banquet. Although there were no exquisite dishes, it was full of fish and meat, which was in line with the appetite of this group of young people.Everyone was eating happily, when they suddenly saw Jia Ke coming, they all stood up separately.A few veterans also came out of the battle and led the team to salute Jia Ke. These people will be Jia Ke's people in the future.

Jia Ke hurriedly stepped forward to stop several old people, and respectfully helped the eldest among them, old man Liu, to sit down, and then asked everyone to sit down. Seeing that everyone was stiff, he wanted to say a few words to ease the atmosphere.So the wine glass of someone beside me was filled with wine, and he raised the wine glass and said to everyone: "Everyone is older than me, so they are all my elder brothers. I will rely on the elder brothers to take care of my younger brothers after I die. Do it first as a respect. Let me thank you brothers first." After speaking, he drank it down.Everyone saw that he had no airs, and the atmosphere became active.

Before crossing over, Jia Ke was like a grassroots person among this group of new recruits, and he became one with everyone in a short while.There was no distinction between master and servant, and they fought with each other, and the relationship between Jia Ke and all the soldiers became intimate at once.The crowd kept making noises until it was almost dark. They were all young people. After they got to know each other well, they came to Jia Ke to toast one by one. The capacity for drinking is also light, so it was not until Jia Ke passed out at the banquet.

Jia Ke had Lin Zhixiao send someone back to Aunt Zhou's courtyard, while several veterans gathered together to talk.

"I think the uncle is a good person. Not only did he not dislike us, but he also drank and ate with us. It is worth selling his life to him." Old man Xiao Liu said.

Old Man Qian did not confront Old Man Xiao Liu this time, and said, "It's not that I'm disrespectful. In my opinion, Grandpa treats us better than Duke Rong. Previously, Duke Rong only regarded us as his cronies, but Grandpa treated us like a confidant." People look at it. I just drank from the wine glass I used, and I didn't dislike it."

The young people below also kept saying good things about Jia Ke, admiring Jia Ke's martial arts, and admiring Jia Ke's personality.It's like treating Jia Ke as an idol in life.

Only old man Liu kept silent, looking at the excited people, he couldn't help but think of the past, when the old Rong Guogong was born in an ordinary way, he treated them as brothers, so the brothers could block the enemy's swords and guns for him, that's why Keep the old Rong Guogong safe in the tragic war in the founding of the country.And the uncle was born rich and noble, but he can still act like this, which is even rarer than the old Rong Guogong, and it is a big deal.It's safe to hand over the boys from the village to him, but I don't know how many of these young people will be able to return after success.

Old man Liu was sighing, and couldn't help being fascinated.Unexpectedly being pushed, I heard old man Qian say: "Boss, please tell the younger ones too."

Old man Liu looked up and said: "Since you have become the uncle's personal soldier from now on, you have to follow the uncle. From now on, you only have one master, who is the uncle. The uncle is capable, and you will not be able to get along with him in the future." It’s good to stand out. But remember, once you join the personal army, you will be branded with the uncle’s brand for the rest of your life, which will never be washed away. You must not have two minds in the future.”

One of the boys below said loudly: "Grandpa, don't worry, my life is my life in this life. I have no second thoughts." He said it firmly, and all the boys agreed together.This person is old man Liu's grandson named Liu Yu. He was trained by old man Liu himself since he was a child, and he is quite capable. He is the leader of the young people in the village.

Old man Liu looked at his grandson, and couldn't help but regret bringing him.My grandson is good at everything, even if he has a naive energy, he will not be able to pull back what he believes in, and he doesn't know whether it will be a blessing or a curse in the future.

Besides, it was already dark when Jia Ke was sent back to the room. When Aunt Zhou saw that Jia Ke was drunk and unconscious, she felt distressed and complained non-stop: "You are so young, you can learn to drink, and you can't drink wine." I don't take care of my body. What can I do in the future." While beckoning Chuncao and Xia Mai to wash Jia Ke up and help him fall asleep.

Jia Zheng came when everyone was panicking. During this time, Jia Zheng listened to Jia's mother and often came to Aunt Zhou's place to spend the night. Today, because Jia Ke performed well, he came tonight to praise Jia Ke and told him not to be complacent.When I didn't want to come here, I saw Jia Ke drunk and unconscious, so I was furious and asked someone to bring the board.

Aunt Zhou dared to hug Jia Zheng's leg and cried, "My lord, please forgive me this time. Maybe I drank a few more glasses because I was happy to see many noble people today. He has never drank this before, and his alcohol capacity is light." I just got drunk."

Jia Zheng didn't believe it, and asked who brought Jia Ke back, and the servant replied that it was Lin Zhixiao.

Jia Zheng yelled angrily: "Bring me that slave quickly, you dare to instigate the master to drink, it's really against the sky."

Now everyone knows that Jia Zheng does not dare to neglect Aunt Zhou and Jia Ke's favor.Someone will call immediately.

After a while, Lin Zhixiao ran over scrambling.Seeing that Jia Zheng was still angry in the room, Aunt Zhou knelt beside her and begged Jia Ke for mercy.Lin Zhixiao didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately knelt down to Jia Zheng. When Jia Zheng saw Lin Zhixiao coming in, he was furious. He stood up and kicked Lin Zhixiao to the ground, shouting: "Where did you instigate my brother to go for a drink?" , don’t hurry up and tell me.”

Lin Zhixiao knelt down again and reported to Jia Zheng: "My lord, I dare not lie. I was ordered to clean up the dust for the soldiers. As soon as the banquet was served, my lord went there. First I toasted the old people, and then drank with the young people. Everyone They all toasted the uncle, and the uncle did not refuse, and he became drunk in a short while."

When Jia Zheng heard that he was drunk with his own soldiers, he couldn't help being taken aback, and then thought that Jia Ke's routine is not enough to drink, and when he invited all the princes and lords today, if someone came to toast, he would only take a sip of wine, which is impossible A little bit of drinking.How to go to drink with these servants (in Jia Zheng's heart, the soldiers are also servants), Jia Zheng is even more angry when he thinks of this.Just when I was about to get angry, I suddenly thought of the words "buying people's hearts", and I couldn't help but suddenly realized.I understand Jia Ke's intention, this is to buy the hearts of the soldiers, so that they only have Jia Ke as the commander in their hearts, and no one else.

Jia Zheng couldn't help but feel palpitations. Jia Ke was only ten years old with such scheming, which made people chill.At the same time, I thought of what Taoist Zhang said about the Qianlong in the abyss. Now that I think about it, although Qianlong is in the abyss and does not show his figure, he is also unconsciously increasing his scales and minions.

Knowing the reason, Jia Zheng no longer blamed them, and told Lin Zhixiao and the others to go down.Also let Aunt Zhou get up.

Aunt Zhou looked at Jia Zheng with a guilty conscience, and said softly, "Master, don't you blame elder brother?"

Jia Zheng said in a smooth manner: "This time, for your sake, I will go around him once, and next time I will make him know how powerful the family law is."

Aunt Zhou was overjoyed when she heard that, and happily served Jia Zheng back to the house to rest.

 For Xiaoyao Rakshasa, Mo Yanhan, I called my three book friends, Master Bao, to add more.I don't have many manuscripts, I can only write so much.Thank you both for your rewards, which have given me great encouragement.Thanks again.Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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