Chapter 21 Arrangement
The next morning, Jia Ke woke up feeling a splitting headache, sat up and rubbed her temples with her hands.Chuncao watched over him all night, and now he is crawling on Jia Ke's bedside to take a nap.As soon as Jia Ke moved the spring grass, she woke up. Seeing Jia Ke waking up and rubbing her head, she hugged Jia Ke's upper body from behind and let him lean against her.And massage his head with your hands.

While massaging, Chuncao said: "I don't know how much wine I had yesterday, and some people brought it back. My aunt and the others worked for a long time before I helped you to sleep. I don't want the master to come and watch you get drunk and lose your temper." You got very angry. It was Auntie who begged, butler Lin explained the reason, and the master went around and beat you up. Let's see if you dare to do it again in the future."

Jia Ke leaned against her body, and smelled a girl's fragrance in her nose. While enjoying her massage, she listened to her nagging.I feel that this is life in a feudal society.

When Jia Ke was enjoying life in the feudal society, Xia Mai suddenly heard Xia Mai shouting outside Jia Ke's room: "Sister Chuncao, sir, are you awake?"

Ever since Xia Mai came, Chuncao didn't let her enter Jia Ke's room casually, and regarded this room as her territory.He took very strict precautions against Xia Mai. Once Xia Mai entered Jia Ke's room by himself, and was caught by Chuncao, so he was scolded as a bloody sprinkler. Aunt Zhou knew what they meant. Whatever you say, let them make trouble.Since then, Xia Mai has never dared to enter Jia Ke's room without the orders of Aunt Zhou and Chuncao.

Listening to Xia Mai's shout, Chuncao got angry at her for ruining the atmosphere just now, and said bluntly, "Where is the soul called early in the morning? Come in and talk."

Xia Mai came into the room and said aggrievedly: "Didn't you let me in? Now you are blaming me."

Seeing the spring grass, Jia Ke was about to get angry, so she hurriedly changed the subject and asked Xia Mai, "What's the matter?"

Xia Mai hurriedly said: "The master said, if the master gets up, he dares to go there quickly."

Jia Ke listened to Jia Zheng's call and hurriedly asked Chuncao to dress him.It has been less than a month since Jia Ke came here, but she has learned the bad habits of feudal landlords, and now she has to be served by someone to dress and eat.

At that moment, Jia Ke was fully dressed and hurried to Aunt Zhou's room.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw Jia Zheng sitting upright in the middle.Immediately knelt down and confessed his mistake, saying that he shouldn't have been drunk yesterday.And promise not to do it again in the future.

Jia Zheng didn't make things difficult for him, but he just said these words to him: "In ancient times, when a general wanted his soldiers to use their lives, he had to undress them and push them to eat. This is normal. But pay attention to proportion. Chaos will ensue. You have also read the book, why don't you ask Confucius: "It is difficult to raise a woman and a villain. If you are close, you will not be inferior, and if you are far away, you will complain. You must grasp this degree."

Jia Ke quickly said, "Thank you for your father's teaching. My son must understand it carefully." Jia Ke was also a little strange at this time, seeing that Jia Zheng was still shrewd at this time, and he didn't make any mistakes, so why did he become a fatuous hypocrite in the red building? image.The current Jia Zheng is not fatuous at all, he not only manages the family well, but is also a good official.Now he has been promoted to Yuanwailang.Don't underestimate Yuanwailang, this is not a small official who is insignificant in many Red Chamber novels. On the contrary, in the Tang, Song, Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming, and Qing systems, Langzhong and Yuanwailang were the chief and deputy heads of the six departments. official.That is to say, it is equivalent to the deputy directors of the various departments under the various ministries and commissions.It can be considered a high position and weight.

Jia Zheng’s transformation may be due to the fact that Jia Zhu died of illness at that time, and Jia Baoyu was incompetent and a disaster (I think Jia’s mother made Jia Baoyu a waste on purpose), and there was no hope for the revival of Jia’s family. A day is a day.

Seeing that Jia Ke was respectful and modest, Jia Zheng was very happy and felt that the effort was worthwhile. Then he said to him: "You can't stop studying now. As for your martial arts practice, I will make a decision after discussing with the old lady. Go to the study now." Go read."

Jia Ke agreed one by one, exited the room and returned to her own room, and asked Chuncao to prepare things for herself so that she could go to class.

When Jia Ke came to the study, Mr. Li had already arrived and was checking yesterday's homework.Jia Zhu naturally finished it perfectly, but Jia Lian didn't even have half of it.Just as she was stretching out her hand to give her husband a hand-slap, when she saw Jia Ke coming in, Jia Lian grinned at him bitterly, as a greeting.

Jia Ke stood outside the study door, waiting for Mr. Li to speak.Mr. Li finished beating Jia Lian step by step, then he looked at Jia Ke at the door and asked him to come in and sit down.When Jia Ke passed by Jia Zhu, she noticed that Jia Zhu's eyes were red today, and the circles around her eyes were dark, as if she hadn't had a good rest.

When Mr. Li saw Jia Ke sitting down, he taught him a lesson: "I heard what happened yesterday. It seems that you are destined to join the army in the future, but no matter what path you take, you must study. In the army, if you don't know The book is just a reckless man, look at those generals who stand alone, who don't know the book?"

Jia Ke stood up and saluted, "Thank you for your teaching, sir. Students will never forget. No matter where they go, students will never forget to read."

Mr. Li nodded and began to lecture.

Besides, after Jia Ke let go of school, Jia Zheng went to Jia's mother's room to say hello.When I arrived at Jiamu's room, I saw Mrs. Xing and Mrs. Wang there.Mother Jia had already eaten, and Mrs. Xing was crying in front of Mother Jia, saying that Jia Amnesty had not seen anyone for a few days.It was only then that Jia Zheng realized that it was no wonder that he didn't see Jia Amnesty yesterday. One must know that Jia Amnesty was bound to attend such important events in the past.

But Mother Jia has nothing to do with this son. Ever since his father passed away, he has been like a runaway horse. He has no proper conduct, but he is still filial. It is this advantage that Mother Jia does not dislike him too much.

When Mrs. Xing saw Jia Zheng coming in, she wiped away her tears and stopped talking.

Jia Zheng greeted Jia Mu, and Jia Mu gave her a seat.Jia Zheng told Jia's mother that Jia Ke's performance in the teaching field yesterday, Jia's mother also listened with a smile on her face.Jia's mother was old and smart, and she knew from his words that he wanted to discuss Jia Ke's affairs, so she asked Mrs. Xing and Mrs. Wang to go back to have dinner, euphemistically saying, "Don't be hungry."

At this time, Mrs. Xing and Mrs. Wang saw that their mother and son were talking happily, so they left.

Only then did Jia Zheng tell Jia Mu about the arrangement of the personal army, depending on what Jia Mu meant.

Mother Jia thought for a while, and said to Jia Zheng: "The family hasn't used weapons in these years, and now I'm too old to listen to this. Besides, our mansion is in the capital after all. If the performance is not good, it will be bad for the mansion and him."

Jia Zheng suddenly realized, "It's all because the son didn't think well enough to make the mother worry."

Jia's mother said: "These things would be nothing if they were a few years ago, but now our family doesn't have to repeat the past, it's better to be careful."

Jia Zheng said, "Mother is worried."

Jia's mother said to Jia Zheng again: "Since you can't stay at home, you can go outside. I think Caozhuang is good. Those people are locals and don't pay attention. Letting my brother go is also training him. When I go, I send a reliable person." Let someone take care of him, don't wrong him."

Jia Zheng replied: "What mother said is that if you go down there, you won't be missed. As for the candidate, I think Lin Zhixiao is a good person. He is a responsible person, reliable in his work, and familiar with the place."

Jia's mother said: "It doesn't matter. I just left like this and let the people in the house gossip. How about this? I have a small village near Xiacaozhuang, so I gave it to my eldest brother. Go back and talk to your wife. It was my grandmother who gave it to my eldest grandson, and it is not considered a divided family property."

As soon as Jia Zheng heard this, he immediately said, "Don't dare, the Wang family definitely didn't dare."

"Since that's the case, let's do it like this." After Jiamu finished speaking, she ordered the maid to bring the things she had prepared.It turned out that Jia's mother had already prepared, just waiting for Jia Zheng to come.

(End of this chapter)

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