Chapter 22 The Oath
Mother Jia asked Jia Zheng to give the things to Jia Zheng. Jia Zheng saw it as a title deed for [-] mu of land.

Jia Zheng quickly refused, and Jia's mother said: "Don't refuse, this is not for you, this is for the elder brother, he is outside alone, without family to take care of him, if he doesn't have some money to support him, how can he die a miserable death? "

Then Jia's mother said: "The proportion you promised to the soldiers will remain the same. Sending people to Xiacao Village every month is indispensable."

Jia Zheng agreed one by one.The mother and son talked again, and Jia Zheng left and went to the Yamen.

In the evening, when Jia Zheng came back from Xiaya, he went to Mrs. Wang and told her that Jia Ke would move to Xiacao Village soon.And Lin Zhixiao will follow.Let her get ready, and don't make trouble.After speaking, I went to Aunt Zhou's place.

Mrs. Wang was very happy when she heard that Jia Ke was going to go to the countryside, because she had a hard time during this time.Jia Zheng went to Aunt Zhou's place almost every day, and took good care of Jia Ke. Even those servants who didn't know much said in private that Jia Ke would be promising in the future.This made her both annoyed and worried, worried that Jia Ke would be promising in the future as people said, would there still be a place for their mother and son?It's all right now, that evildoer is finally about to be driven to the countryside.

It is true that when Jia Zheng came to Aunt Zhou's place, he saw that their mother and son hadn't eaten yet.Then he said to her: "Let's set dinner together today, and you don't have to wait on us anymore, just eat with us. After eating, I have something to say to you mother and son."

When Aunt Zhou heard what he said, she dared to tell Chuncao quickly, and Xia Mai went to the kitchen and said that the master was serving dinner with her today.

After a while, the food was brought and put on the table. Jia Zheng, Aunt Zhou and Jia Ke ate a meal like a family.

Aunt Zhou cried several times during the dinner. This was the first time he had dinner with Jia Zheng. Before, it was Jia Zheng who had dinner, and she waited on him.According to the rules, among all Jia Zheng's wives and concubines, the only one who can eat at the same table with him is Mrs. Wang.The others had to wait on the sidelines. Although she was Jia Zheng's concubine, she was also Jia's servant girl and could only be regarded as half the master.Jia Zheng asked her to eat at the same table today, which meant that in Jia Zheng's heart he regarded her as a family member, not a concubine like a plaything.How can this not move her.

After dinner, the leftovers were removed, and the spring grass and summer wheat also withdrew.That's when they spoke.

Jia Zheng first said to Jia Ke: "You practice martial arts, and the matter of training your own soldiers has changed."

Jia Ke was shocked, and hurriedly asked, "Can't you practice martial arts and join the army?"

Jia Zheng said: "Don't worry, it's not that you can't practice martial arts, but you have to go to the countryside to practice. It's okay to practice martial arts alone in the capital, but if you are training your own soldiers, you will be taboo. The current Jia's mansion is not when your grandfather is here. Jia's mansion."

When Jia Ke heard it, he didn't want to give up, but just changed places.He quickly stated: "Father, my son is not afraid of suffering, as long as he can practice martial arts, as long as he can stand out, his son will not be afraid of no matter how much hardship he endures."

Jia Zheng said happily: "Good boy, this is the ambition of the children of our Rongguo Mansion. It's not like going to go to Caozhuang elsewhere. It's the hometown of the guards. That's right, you're getting older, so it won't be difficult to find a real vacancy." Then he said proudly, "My Jia family still has some connections in the army."

Aunt Zhou next to her couldn't intervene, and she didn't dare to intervene, but she could still tell that Jia Zheng wanted to send Jia Ke to the countryside. The village in the village is richer, but it can't compare with Fuli?Thinking about how Jia Ke has never left her side since she was born, and now she wants to go to an unfamiliar place alone.She couldn't help feeling sad from her heart, but she knew she couldn't cry, so she bit her lip with her teeth to keep herself from making a sound, but tears fell down involuntarily.

At this time, Jia Zheng took out a piece of paper from his bosom and handed it to Jia Ke, saying, "The old lady took it out from her private room and gave it to you. It seems that the old lady still loves you. In our house It's the first."

Jia Ke took it and saw that it was a land deed, covering as much as [-] mu.You can say a lot about what is the most valuable in ancient times, but if you want me to say that the land is the most valuable in ancient times, many officials, gentry and landlords would sell all their gold and silver treasures rather than land if they needed money urgently if something happened to their family. Farmers need money to save their lives when they are sick, but they would rather die than sell their land.Because they know it's lifeblood.

In the Red Mansion, Jia's mother was so kind to Jia Baoyu, she would give him any good things, but she didn't give him an acre of land.Because Jia's mother knew that the land was the last reliance of the Jia family.

But now he was given [-] mu at once, which was for a ten-year-old child.Although Jia Ke didn't travel for a long time and only met Jia's mother once or twice, he felt that Jia's mother was not the culprit in the destruction of Jia's family in the novel of the Red Chamber.At least for now he is a competent grandma.

Aunt Zhou was also shocked when she saw the title deed nearby.She hadn't even thought about how quickly Jia Ke could grow up. She had thought that when Jia Ke was old enough, Jia's mansion would just give Jia Ke a small house with one or two hundred acres of land and then dismiss it.At most, Jia Zheng gave a few hundred taels of private money.Unexpectedly, the old lady would give Jia Ke such a large piece of land.From then on, their mothers had something to rely on.

Jia Ke held the land deed and knelt on the ground and said to Jia Zheng: "The old lady has shown great kindness to Jia Ke. In the future, I will never forget the old lady's kindness to her grandson."

Jia Zheng looked at him and said, "You can go to the old lady's place tomorrow and tell her your thanks. I have something to tell you. When you go to Caozhuang, you should think of the veteran and ask for advice. Don't regard yourself as the master and be arrogant. , You must know that there are some truths and experiences that are not in the book. If you know more, you will not be able to save more lives in the future. Also, after you go, you can only live in Xiacaozhuang. The old lady gave you Zhuangzi and let Lin Zhixiao help you look He is going to go to Caozhuang with you, he was wronged this time, don’t forget your achievements in the future.”

Jia Ke immediately said that he would repay him ten times in the future.

Seeing that the instructions were almost finished, Jia Zheng said, "You will be leaving in a few days. I won't be here today. You mother and son have a good talk." After speaking, he took out a few banknotes from his pocket and handed them to him. Without waiting for Jia Ke to speak, she left.

Jia Ke looked at the bank notes in his hand, a total of five, 100 taels each.This is also quite a lot, equivalent to the current 70 to [-] RMB.

After Jia Zheng left, Chuncao and Xia Mai came in to serve her, but after Aunt Zhou recovered from the shock just now, she remembered that Jia Ke would be leaving home soon, and couldn't help crying again.

Jia Ke hurried forward to persuade her, told her that she would come back every month, and imagined the future to her, how capable she was, what a beautiful daughter-in-law she married, and when the time came, she would be taken out from the family to become the old lady. Enjoy like an old lady.

Aunt Zhou was caught in tears by his smile, and said to him: "Auntie doesn't ask you to be more promising, as long as you are well, and you are free from illness and disaster. Until I become an old lady, I am afraid that I will not be able to do this in my life." This is a blessing." Those who are concubines may become the old matriarch, and there will always be the wife of the royal family who will always suppress her.But Jia Ke knew that there was a possibility that the side clan could overwhelm the Zheng clan, and that was the mother of the founder of the country. If one day Jia Ke became the emperor of the Taizu, he would only make his biological mother the queen mother. At that time, Mrs. Wang met Aunt Zhou. Also salute.This is the heaven, earth, ruler, relative and teacher of feudal ethics, and the ruler is kissed.I think back when Liu Bang proclaimed himself emperor and made his father the Supreme Emperor, when Liu Bang went to visit him, he had to wait at the gate of the palace.At this time, a seed called ambition was planted in Jia Ke's heart.

This is Jia Ke's vow that she must let Aunt Zhou overwhelm Mrs. Wang.For this he can do anything.

What Jia Ke didn't know was that just when he vowed to let Aunt Zhou dominate Mrs. Wang, the sky changed.

(End of this chapter)

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