Chapter 198
After Qin Ye explained to Qin Keqing, he didn't keep her anymore, so he let her go back to Xiulou.

Qin Keqing bowed to Qin Ye and left the study.But Qin Ye stood up and was still half-respected by her.The scenes in it are so weird to watch.

Qin Keqing came out of the study, Rui Zhu had been waiting anxiously for a long time, seeing Qin Keqing coming out, she immediately greeted Qin Keqing, and asked anxiously: "Miss, have you talked to the master?"

Qin Keqing was already smiling all over her face at this time, she could no longer maintain her dignity when she was in the study, looked at Rui Zhu, a silly girl, and asked deliberately: "What do you want to say to the master?"

Seeing Qin Keqing's appearance, Ruizhu said with hatred, "Of course I asked the master to withdraw from this marriage. How can a little bastard be worthy of such a fairy as young lady?"

After hearing this, Qin Keqing felt a little displeased for some reason, but knowing that Ruizhu was doing it for her own good, she explained a few words to her: "The order of the parents, the words of the matchmaker, how come Can you go back on your word? Besides, Mr. Jia is now the Marquis of Wuyang, so what's not worthy of me?"

After hearing what Qin Keqing said, Ruizhu realized immediately, and asked Qin Keqing in surprise, "Miss, do you think our uncle is already a Marquis?"

Qin Keqing smiled and nodded to her, then walked towards Xiulou, Ruizhu hurriedly followed happily, and kept saying: "I knew that someone like Miss Tianxian, God will bless you .”

After Jia Zheng returned from the Qin Mansion, the next day he invited an official matchmaker to deliver Jia Ke's birth date and marriage letter, as well as a betrothal gift.Qin Ye accepted the dowry and returned Qin Keqing's date of birth and the signed marriage letter to Jia Zheng, after going through a series of complicated procedures.The marriage was settled, and from then on, the two families became close friends and could move around as relatives.

After Jia Zheng finished this matter, he wrote a letter and sent someone to rush to Xuanfu Town to Jia Ke.Tell him the latest things, and tell him because he has arranged a marriage and the situation of the bride's family.

Besides, after Jia Ke sent away Liu Yu and others last time, the next step was to resettle the plundered 10,000+ population.If these populations are resettled and can be trained.It is one of the capitals that he will rise in the future.

Jia Ke evenly distributed these populations among the Eight Banners of Manchuria, and brainwashed them into enslavement. Jia Ke has done this job many times, and he is familiar with it.Therefore, it went smoothly, especially for the women among them. Since these women have never had a status on the grassland, the shocking brainwashing was particularly smooth.The men quickly assimilated into the new tribe and took up housekeeping for the men they had assigned.

After brainwashing, both the number and cohesion of the Manchu Eight Banners have been greatly improved. Now they have adapted to the new tribal life and have gradually forgotten the original tribe.And have begun to like the current life.

Because in the new tribe, there are not so many nobles to exploit them.The most important thing is that the goods are very rich, and cattle and sheep can be exchanged for all the living materials they need.

After Jia Ke completed the brainwashing, he ordered the Eight Banners to unify to Xuanhua and expand on the grassland north of the two towns of Kaiping, trying to reduce the living space of the Tatars in this area as much as possible.

This expansion laid the foundation for Jia Ke on the grassland, and at the same time made Jia Ke the leader of a new nation with a population of 20.At this time, if Jia Ke mobilized to the extreme, he could even gather [-] cavalry in a few days, and this nation was completely Jia Ke's private soldiers.

And this force is actually very powerful in the grassland. I am afraid that only Arslen Khan can mobilize [-] cavalry on the grassland.

Jia Ke let these Manchu Eight Banners live in the north of Xuanhua and Kaiping towns as ordinary herdsmen.As the first barrier of Xuanhua and Kaiping.If the Tatars dare to invade from here, they will find that they will first face tens of thousands of brave Manchu Eight Banners.

The Manchu Eight Banners took advantage of the power in Jia Ke's hands to trade with merchants from the inland unscrupulously, and exchanged their cattle, sheep and horses for grain, salt and tea in the inland. Jia Ke, as their leader, gained huge benefits from it.If you help Jia Ke, you can earn at least 20 taels of silver every year.

In fact, not only Jia Ke, but also the military officers in Xuanhua and Kaiping towns, big and small, all benefited greatly from it.Almost every one of the generals opened a shop, and these shops specialized in doing business with the Manchu Eight Banners, and each of them made a lot of money.

There are also smart people among the Manchu Eight Banners. They use the materials they exchanged in Kaiping and Xuanhua to trade with other tribes of the Tatars. Although they are no longer the same ethnic group, their language is still interlinked.Therefore, it was relatively smooth to start a business. In this way, more than a dozen nearby Tatar tribes were communicated through the Manchu Eight Banners, which made the business of the generals in Xuanhua and Kaiping more prosperous.

These benefits brought the officers and soldiers of Xuanhua and Kaiping together, forming a new interest group headed by Jia Ke.

On the surface, this group is an enemy of the grassland, but in fact it is very active, and frequently uses the current Manchus and the former Tatars to go deep into the grassland to trade with various tribes, thus obtaining a lot of money and information.

And all of this is led by Tang Kuai, and his performance has been recognized by Jia Ke, and the scale of the intelligence agency under his command is getting bigger and bigger.It has even surpassed another intelligence agency led by Wei Kun.

Although Wei Kun has a large number of people, there are not as many as Tang Kuai.But his men are better at concealment and spotting the enemy's tracks.In nearly a year, the intelligence agencies led by Wei Kun have wiped out all the Jinyi Army, the intelligence agencies of the Kaiping and Xuanhua towns.

Since there are a large number of Manchus among them, the imperial court has always believed that they were killed by the Tatars, so the intelligence contest between the two sides has never stopped.However, due to Wei Kun's geographical advantage, the intelligence personnel of the imperial court were quickly expelled from this place.In the end, it was only with the help of Jia Ke that a stronghold was barely kept, but it also indirectly let the court know the ferocity of the Tatars.So these intelligence personnel also expressed their sincere admiration for Jia Ke for being able to repel the Tatars several times.

After Jia Ke resettled the Manchu herdsmen and various people.Back to the original peaceful life, apart from dealing with official duties and waiting for the imperial court's reward every day, the rest of the time is basically spent in the various ministries of the Eight Banners.These people are his personal soldiers, and can even be said to be the source of half of his strength, so he can't help but pay attention to them.

Every time Jia Ke came among these Eight Banners people, he would let go of his gentlemanly appearance in Kaiping Town and become dissolute, which was also a kind of relaxation for himself.

On this day, Jia Ke was in Zhenglan Banner, having a discussion with Zhenglan Banner Dutong and others on tribal issues, and set up a banquet during the checkout. The fine wine exchanged from the Central Plains is also placed around the whole altar.

While drinking and having fun with them, Jia Ke also asked them how much food, tents, cotton clothes, etc. they needed.Make statistics so that Jia Ke can send people to exchange them.

Everyone was drinking happily while discussing things. When it was in full swing, the tent door was opened, and a gust of cold wind blew in. Everyone turned their heads to look at the tent door.I saw Feng Mo come in hurriedly.

As soon as Feng Mo saw Jia Ke, he immediately said, "My lord, the imperial court has sent someone to announce the decree, and I want you to go back quickly to receive the decree."

When Jia Ke heard this, she couldn't help but feel happy. It seemed that the court's reward had come down, but she didn't know how much benefit she could get this time.But in Jia Ke's mind, at the very least, his title should be raised.

So Jia Ke immediately put down everything at hand, and hurried back to Kaiping Town with Feng Mo and his own soldiers.

When Jia Ke returned to the Commander's Mansion in Kaiping Town, the eunuch who delivered the decree was already a little impatient. He was walking up and down in the Commander's lobby. After leaving Jia Ke, he immediately said to Feng Mo, "Where is Commander Jia? Why hasn't he come out to receive the order? How long will our family have to wait here?"

Feng Mo knew that the eunuch didn't know Jia Ke, and he wouldn't think that Jia Ke was so young, so he hurried forward and introduced, "Eunuch Qin, the person next to him is our commander. Hurry up and come back."

Jia Ke also hurried forward, cupped her hands to the eunuch and said, "I think this is Eunuch Qin. I am patrolling outside, but I failed to come back in time to meet Eunuch. I hope Eunuch will forgive me."

The eunuch's face softened a bit, but he still said expressionlessly: "It's nothing to waste our family's time, it's a great sin to waste the emperor's time."

Seeing his expression, Jia Ke immediately understood what was going on.Which of these eunuchs didn't get into the eyes of money?Now this appearance is probably extorting bribes.As the saying goes, the king of hell is easy to see, but the little devil is hard to deal with.Especially for these eunuchs, they did not succeed enough and failed more than they did. If they were not dealt with properly, it would be enough for them to say a few bad things in front of the emperor in the future.Such lessons abound in history.Naturally, Jia Ke couldn't make such a mistake, but it wasn't a big deal to get him some money.

So Jia Ke immediately put on a smile, stepped forward to his side, and said quietly: "Eunuch Qin, I know that Kaiping Town is remote, and there is nothing good to honor your father in the backcountry. But there are also some local products. I will let you know later. People sent it to the father-in-law's room. Let the father-in-law take it back to the capital and give it to the family to taste."

The eunuch Qin is also a knowledgeable person, after hearing what Jia Ke said, he immediately understood what he meant.The seriousness on his face immediately disappeared, and turned into a smile, "Commander Jia is too polite, we are all serving the emperor, how can I get your souvenirs?"

"My father-in-law's words are wrong. I came to Kaiping Town from the capital to serve the emperor. It is really hard work. I just gave some local products for my father-in-law to take home to taste. It's not considered a bribe. What's wrong? "Jia Ke quickly pretended to persuade from below.

When Mrs. Qin heard his words, she laughed until she lost her eyes, and said happily to Jia Ke: "Commander Jia is indeed a clever and transparent character, no wonder he can occupy a high position at a young age. Since Commander Jia said so , our family reluctantly accepts it.”

Jia Ke said flatteringly: "Then thank you father-in-law for giving me this face. We will see each other often when we have the opportunity. Then father-in-law will know who I am."

The eunuch Qin said with a smile: "Okay, then we will visit each other often in the future, and we will take care of each other in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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