Chapter 199
Jia Ke and the eunuch Qin chatted for a while, and Jia Ke got a lot of news about the capital from the eunuch Qin, especially the attitude of the officials in the capital this time when Jia Ke was ennobled.

Jia Ke is very eager for news about the capital now, but he kept asking questions. Finally, the eunuch Qin saw that it was getting late, so he said to Jia Ke with a big smile on his face: "Commander Jia, it's getting late. Let's go first." It's not too late to talk after finishing business."

Jia Ke felt that this was also the case. After all, he was also looking forward to his next official position. Now that he heard his words, he immediately ordered the housekeeper Qian Mao to prepare the incense case.Not long after the incense case was prepared, the housekeeper Qian Mao immediately came over to report to Jia Ke that the matter had been settled.

Only then did Jia Ke say to Eunuch Qin: "Eunuch, the incense table has been prepared, just to see when it can start."

Eunuch Qin knew that he was bound to make a windfall, and he was very easy to talk to Jia Ke. When Jia Ke asked, he said, "Since we have already prepared, let's start now."

Hearing what he said, Jia Ke hurriedly led the way.He led the Qin eunuch to the lobby of Kaiping Town Commander.The incense table has been set up here, and there are flowers and candles on it.But Jia Ke felt that something was wrong when he saw it. If he wanted to put an incense burner on the order, it would be enough to put a few sticks of incense in it.This shows what many tributes look like.

Seeing this, Jia Ke gave Qian Mao a hard look, and Qian Mao next to him looked at Jia Ke innocently, not knowing what mistake he had made.

Jia Ke ignored Qian Mao, but turned to Eunuch Qin and said, "Eunuch Qin Haihan, the people here in the backcountry have never seen the world. It made Eunuch Qin laugh."

Eunuch Qin had a strange expression on his face, seeing that Jia Ke was going to give him a generous gift, he tried his best to hold back his laughter, "Don't be angry, Mr. Jia, who hasn't had the first time yet. After a few times, they know the rules."

After that, Jia Ke came to the incense table and knelt down on the ground. After the eunuch Qin came to the incense table, the little eunuch who followed immediately handed over a sandalwood box with both hands.Eunuch Qin opened the box, took out a roll of yellow silk from inside, and then came to the incense table again holding it in both hands.

The Qin eunuch opened the yellow silk, and read to the bottom: "The emperor is in charge of the heaven, and the imperial edict said: Since ancient times, the emperors have pacified the world, and they have relied on the power of their teachers and military officials! Jia Ke used a small brigade to go deep into the barren, and attacked the enemy chiefs twice. The grassland shook. Welcome back the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, and bring the treasures of the heavens back to their homeland. Lead the Jiedu Envoy of Xuanfu Town, Jiedu the military and political power of Xuanfu. The Wuyanghou Mansion was built by imperial decree, and 3 mu of land was granted. This is my honor."

Jia Ke was overwhelmed with excitement when she heard the reward for herself from below.Although he expected that he would be rewarded heavily, he didn't expect that the reward would be so generous. From now on, he could be said to have become a member of the imperial court.And I got the coveted position of Jiedushi. From now on, the sea is wide and the sky is high.

When Jia Ke was still excited, Eunuch Qin, who was standing behind the incense case, said, "Your Majesty, accept the order."

Only then did Jia Ke wake up, and he still said excitedly, "My minister, Jia Ke, accept the order." As he spoke, he raised his hands high, and the eunuch Qin turned the incense table and put the imperial edict into Jia Ke's hands.

Jia Ke took the imperial decree with both hands and stood up, but he was still a little excited, and his expression was still a little dazed. Seeing him like this, the eunuch Qin didn't have any dissatisfaction. It would be strange if someone could stay awake at this time Woolen cloth.His appearance is the most normal.So he didn't urge him, just stood by and waited with a smile.

After a long time, Jia Ke seemed to wake up. She was so embarrassed that she said to the eunuch Qin, "I made my eunuch laugh. I didn't expect the emperor to award such a generous reward. I felt a little dazed for a moment. Don't take offense to my eunuch."

Eunuch Qin said with a smile at this time: "What's so strange? This is all human nature."

After Jia Ke recovered, he immediately ordered people to hold a banquet in the mansion, entertaining the eunuch Qin and others, and invited all the officials from more than a thousand households under his meeting to drink and have fun together as a celebration.

This meal of wine only ended late at night. When Eunuch Qin was sent back to his room, he found an extra wooden box in the room.When Eunuch Qin saw this box, he became a little sober from his drunkenness.He knew that this was the souvenir Jia Ke gave him.

He went over to open the box, and saw dozens of silver ingots neatly arranged inside. Eunuch Qin stared at the silver infatuatedly, and stretched out his hand to stroke the silver incessantly.In the end, he couldn't help laughing, and he felt a little more fond of Master Jia in his heart.After going back, I can give him a few good words in front of the emperor, and it is not in vain that he has spent so much money.

You must know that he is not the emperor's trusted eunuch in the capital, and he was able to make this trip this time because he bribed Dai Quan, the chief eunuch of the Liugongdu, to serve under his sect.

Now it seems that this trip was really worthwhile, the silver in this box is at least 2000 taels, this time not only recovered all his investment, but also made a lot of money.

After saying that Jia Ke sent the eunuch Qin back, he went back to the study alone, opened the imperial edict again, and read it carefully.There was a sneer in his mouth, how could a little Marquis satisfy him?It turned out that his excitement just now was all just pretending to be seen by others, and now he has a bigger ambition in his heart.Otherwise, there would not be so many Eight Banners people working for themselves.

Early the next morning, Eunuch Qin came to bid farewell to Jia Ke. Jia Ke tried to persuade Eunuch Qin to stay several times, but he always refused on the grounds that he couldn't stay for a long time because he had something to do in Beijing. In fact, he was in this remote village and couldn't stay any longer.Accustomed to the prosperity of the capital city, he felt that it was too hard to come here to the frontier town. Now he wanted to take the money and return to the capital city as soon as possible.

Jia Ke saw that he couldn't keep him, so he had to send him out of Kaiping Town in person.Eunuch Qin just took the carriage and returned to the capital with the money that Jia Ke had given him.

After the eunuch Qin left, Jia Ke returned to the Commander's Mansion in Kaiping Town, and immediately ordered someone to find Fan Kang, Huang Bofeng, Feng Mo, Zheng Kai and several other confidantes of his own.

Jia Ke met them in the study, and immediately said to them straight to the point: "The emperor has issued an imperial decree to let me take over as the Jiedu envoy of Xuanfu Town. What do you think about this matter?"

Everyone has known the news for a long time, and they were also excited all day yesterday. If Jia Ke becomes Jiedushi, then all boats will rise, and everyone will be promoted to rank.

Fan Kang first said: "It is expected that my lord will take over as Jiedu envoy. Wang Tao has offended civil servants several times, but this time he failed to accomplish anything. This time, your lord has made an indelible contribution. Only when your lord sits in Xuanfu Town can he do it." Shock the Tartars."

Zheng Kai didn't have much to say, but asked excitedly, "My lord, when are we going to Xuanfu Town?"

Jia Ke said: "Let's discuss the matter of Kaiping and Xuanhua first, and then go to Xuanfu Town to take over."

After Jia Ke finished speaking, he asked Fan Kang again: "Sir, what do you think I should do, how should I arrange the two towns of Xuanhua and Kaiping?"

Fan Kang smiled and said, "Are you trying to teach me, sir?"

"What are you talking about to test the teacher, just to see if the husband and I think the same." Jia Ke said with a smile.

"Since my lord wants to ask, let me tell you something. Now Xuanhua and Kaiping towns have tens of thousands of elite soldiers, and there are Manchu Eight Banners outside. As long as the Tatars don't attack with all their strength, they will naturally be as stable as Mount Tai. Sir, you only need to choose two generals to guard it. The two places are intimidated by the prestige of adults, so it’s okay to think about it.” After Fan Kang said this, he looked at Jia Ke, waiting for his evaluation.

Jia Ke pondered for a while. Although Fan Kang's plan was plain and nothing surprising, it was well-arranged and there was nothing dangerous about it.It is completely in line with his own ideas. Jia Ke's use of soldiers most hopes to see real skills in the ordinary.It's probably best to never use some cunning trick?It is a last resort to use tricks.Isn't there such a sentence?All conspiracies and schemes are futile in the face of absolute strength.

After thinking about it, Jia Ke said, "Mr.'s plan is exactly what I want. I want to set up a commander in Xuanhua and Kaiping towns."

After Jia Ke finished saying this, he looked down. After hearing what Jia Ke said, everyone knew that he was going to choose a commander, so they all looked forward to it.

Jia Ke didn't let them down, "Huang Bofeng, you will be the commander of Kaiping Town from now on and be responsible for the defense of Kaiping Town."

When Huang Bofeng heard this, he was so excited that he couldn't make a sound. Huang Bofeng is a stubborn person, and he doesn't have so much flirtatiousness.Master Jia valued himself so much, so he would sell his life to Master Jia from now on.

So Huang Baifeng stood up from the chair, walked in front of Jia Ke, knelt down on one knee and said, "Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely guard Kaiping Town for you."

When Jia Ke heard him change his name to his lord, she knew that she had completely subdued him.In ancient times, the word "lord" was not easy to shout, but it was the title of the monarch by the ministers.Huang Bofeng had already regarded himself as Jia Ke's servant.What is feudal society?This is a representative of feudal society.

Jia Ke was very satisfied with this, but left his seat quickly, stepped forward to help him up, and then encouraged him and said to him, "Work hard, you will be indispensable to the town's feudal officials in the future."

Huang Bofeng was even more moved when he heard Jia Ke's encouragement, and said excitedly with tears in his eyes: "My lord, you can rest assured. As long as I have breath, there will be no mistakes in Kaiping Town."

Jia Ke nodded and asked him to return to his seat.Then he said, "Xuanhua Town will be defended by Feng Mo."

When Huang Baifeng was named the commander of Kaiping Town just now, Feng Mo knew that it was time to make a choice.At this time, when Jia Ke asked him to defend Xuanhua Town, he didn't hesitate at all. He knelt down in front of Jia Ke and said, "Feng Mo sees the lord. Rest assured, the lord will not let the lord down." As for disappointing Jia Ke? He didn't say it, but Jia Ke knew it in his heart.

Feng Mo and Huang Baifeng, as the first group of people who followed Jia Ke, it took Jia Ke several years to switch their roles.Originally they were just Jia Ke's subordinates, but from now on they can be said to be Jia Ke's servants.

But Jia Ke didn't fully trust them yet. Wei Kun's intelligence agency monitored these people day and night, coupled with Jia Ke's other means, this was the only way to ensure his absolute authority in Xuanfu Town.

(End of this chapter)

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