Chapter 200 Leave
When Jia Ke heard Feng Mo's declaration of allegiance, he still stepped forward to help Feng Mo up, and said to him: "You will never let me down, and I will never let you down." This was a response to him just now, and then let him Get back to your seat.

Seeing that they were ready, Jia Ke ordered again: "Each of you will bring 1 soldiers and horses, of which you will have 1 infantry and [-] cavalry to defend the two towns. Xuanfu Town, Zheng Kai will let you lead the [-] people, and go to Xuanfu Town with me, so that we can deter those people."

After Jia Ke ordered the military matters, she turned around and said to Fan Kang, "Mr. Fan, don't be the county magistrate here. From now on, you will be my military officer Jijiu in Xuanfu Town."

Sitting on the seat, Fan Kang cupped his hands and said to Jia Ke with emotion: "Thank you, my lord, for your kindness. I've thought about this position for a long time. I thought it would take a few years to get it, but I didn't expect to get it so soon."

Jia Ke smiled and said to Fan Kang: "Sir, where is this going? One day in the future, Mr. will be in the court class and have power."

"Since the lord said so, then I will write it down. When the time comes, the lord should not regret it, just send me away casually." Fan Kang laughed haha ​​after speaking.

"Since Mr. said so, you have to keep it in mind. When I forget it, you have to remind me, otherwise what I said will not count." Now the atmosphere is relaxed, and Jia Ke also joked with Fan Kang Come.

Jia Ke made a few jokes to brighten up the atmosphere, then returned to the topic and said to them: "You all go back and prepare. I will set off for Xuanfu Town in three days."

After Jia Ke finished ordering them, his eyes were a little blurred, thinking about what happened to him in Xuanfu Town a few years ago. At that time, he even had to curry favor with a small soldier guarding the gate, but now he wants to take charge of Xuanfu Town. The change is really amazing. Thinking of this, I couldn't help but sigh: "I haven't been to the Jiedu Mansion for three years. I don't know if it has changed."

In the daytime of the next day, Jia Ke sent his own soldiers to the Eight Banners tribes to gather the leaders of the tribes, and he wanted to arrange things for the future.After all, these eight tribes are his own private soldiers, and their status is no different from that of the soldiers in Xuanfu Town.

Jirigla, Jiya, Menghe, Muren, Mandulatu, Menggen, Menggenqiqige, and Mozhigen, these eight people, heard Jia Ke's call, and immediately rushed to the command from various tribes. the embassy.

Jia Ke was still meeting them in the study. When the eight people saw Jia Ke, they immediately fell to their knees and said, "Slaves send their greetings to the master."

Jia Ke didn't make them stand up. These people are different from Feng Mo and others. These people are completely Jia Ke's slaves. After this period of cultural education, they have fully adapted to their new identities. Jia Ke is strict with them. They take it for granted, but if Jia Ke treats them too well, they will feel uneasy instead.

Sitting on it, Jia Ke looked at the eight people kneeling on the ground and said, "I'm going to Xuanfu Township to take over as Jiedu envoy soon, and this will be our world from now on. You don't have to worry about the lack of tea and salt from now on. The condition is prepared for you, but you can't let me relax. Every tribe must go north to expand, plunder the population to expand its strength, and if it encounters danger, it must support each other. I will know who dares to kill each other. Look at me How to deal with you."

These people are now the top few people in the Eight Banners of Manchuria, they are now loyal to Jia Ke, and they are meticulous in implementing Jia Ke's orders.Now after listening to Jia Ke's instructions, they said together: "Master, don't worry, the slaves will not forget the master's instructions."

After listening to their reply, Jia Ke was noncommittal. After all, where there are people, there are fights. Now the Eight Banners Tribe also has some obvious or hidden conflicts. Jia Ke is well aware of these things.But he didn't make it clear, as long as they didn't act out of line, Jia Ke was not going to interfere.

Jia Ke said again: "I'm afraid our place has been relatively peaceful in the past two years, but you should not take it lightly. Although Arslen Khan was scared by us, he is the overlord of the grassland after all. You must be careful when expanding. , You can use force, but it is best not to use force. You must learn to buy with material and money. You all know the hard life on the grassland. Sometimes money is more powerful than swords and guns."

Jia Ke was also afraid that the eight of them would expand and annex the grassland in a flash of enthusiasm, which would annoy Arslen Khan. If this sweat came out of Xuanfu Town and the Manchu Eight Banners, he would suffer a huge loss.And now Jia Ke is not ready for a decisive battle with Arslen Khan. Jia Ke's main task now is to accumulate strength for the future.

The eight people had already understood Jia Ke's meaning, and said again: "We must be careful, master don't have to worry, it will definitely not change the master's important affairs."

Only then did Jia Ke feel relieved, and said to them: "In this case, you should go back. Develop the tribe well, and I will be of great use to you in the future."

Jia Ke then ordered the eight people to be sent out of the room.These eight people went out of Jia Ke's command and envoy's residence, mounted their own horses, and returned to the tribe without mentioning it.

In the next day or two, Jia Ke's back house was busy. Lan Xiang, Qiao Lian, and Chun Cao were mainly responsible for Jia Ke's personal clothing and supplies.These things are the patents of the three of them. Although the three of them are constantly fighting with each other, they will never use other people's affairs in Jia Ke's room. On this point, the three of them are surprisingly consistent.

However, Qian Mao was in charge of other matters in the command and envoy's mansion. As the general manager, almost all the relocation matters were handled by him alone.Qian Mao is in pain and happiness now, and his current status is different from the past.He has been appointed by Jia Ke as the head of his Houfu and Jiedushifu.Now that you have become the manager, you must take this responsibility.So if you say busy, he is the busiest.He has hardly slept in these days.Although it looks like red silk eyes, but the spirit is very strong.

On the morning of the third day, Jia Ke put on his helmet and crown and came to the teaching ground fully dressed.This place is already full of [-] soldiers who will follow him to Xuanfu Town. These people have a total of [-] cavalry and [-] infantry.In addition to these soldiers, there are many young men escorting food and grass.When these people saw Jia Ke coming, they all showed fanaticism.Jia Ke's invincibility and record have conquered these simple people.

Seeing Jia Ke's arrival, Zheng Kai rushed to Jia Ke's horse to hold Jia Ke's horse, and said embarrassingly, "My lord, I'm bringing you a horse."

It turned out that Zheng Kai went back and thought about it all night, and he regretted that he didn't recognize Jia Ke on the spot yesterday, so he hurried over when he saw Jia Ke today, led Jia Ke's horse, and changed his address by the way.

Jia Ke was very happy to see him like this, but she didn't show any expression on her face, she just said "hmm" to him, which was her agreement.

As soon as Zheng Kai heard that Jia Ke had agreed, he immediately happily led the horse for Jia Ke to the general's platform in the teaching ground.And Feng Mo, Huang Baifeng and Fan Kang were already waiting here.

Jia Ke got off her horse and came to the general platform. Looking at the soldiers lined up below, she was filled with pride, and said to Zheng Kai, "It's getting late, let's go."

When Zheng Kai heard Jia Ke's order, he immediately came to the general platform and shouted to the people below: "The Jiedu Envoy Jia has an order, let's go immediately."

As soon as Zheng Kai delivered the order, the troops from left to right moved in turn.Row by row, they walked to the outside of the teaching field.

Jia Ke led the troops out of the teaching ground, and went straight to the gate of Kaiping Town, where Qian Mao and three maids waited for him with all the servants in the mansion.

Jia Ke joined the crowd at the gate of the city, and then left Kaiping Town and went straight to Xuanfu Town.

After Jia Ke left Kaiping Town, he looked back and saw that this small town was more than ten times more prosperous than when he first came here. He has lived here for nearly three years, and he doesn't know if he will come back after this trip.

After seeing this last glance, Jia Ke led the people towards Xuanfu Town.There are new challenges for him, and another rise in his power.

The army spent the night at Xiaoxing along the way, and when they arrived at Xuanfu Town, all the civil and military officials of Xuanfu Town, large and small, had gathered at the gate of the city. These people came to welcome Jia Ke. How dare these subordinates not come to greet them?Because the Xuanfu Town Jiedu envoy is on the horse to manage the army and dismounts to manage the people, his power has completely surpassed the officials in the interior.

The first thing these people saw was rows of horses and horses advancing in order, and these people made no noise during the march.

Immediately afterwards, they saw a fiery red war horse walking at the front of the team, immediately a young general with an ordinary appearance, although his face was still childish, but his eyes seemed to have endless vicissitudes.Looking at his clothes and being admired by the people around him, he knew that this was Jia Ke.

This is a horse flying out of the team, and a general sitting on it immediately came to the civil and military personnel and said to them: "Master Jia said that he is not a Jiedushi today. When the handover is made today, it will be a few days later." See you in the Jiedushi hall. Everyone, please go back first."

When everyone heard that Jiedushi refused to meet each other, they felt very helpless.They just came to greet them in accordance with the unspoken rules of the officialdom, and they were slapped down by the new Jiedu envoy, but they didn't dare to have any complaints, so they could only go back one by one dejected.

Jia Ke saw that all the men and women had gone back, so he said to Zheng Kai beside him, "Zheng Kai, take your troops and set up camp outside the city. Liu Yu, take your soldiers and follow me into the city."

Zheng Kai listened to Jia Ke's order and did not dare to neglect, so he immediately stationed his troops outside the city.

As long as Jia Ke brought Liu Yu and hundreds of soldiers into Xuanfu Town and came to the gate of Jiedushi's mansion, seeing the same stone lion at the same gate as a few years ago, he couldn't help feeling that things were different.A few years ago, he was just a small thousand households, but now he is about to become the owner of this mansion.

Jia Ke was feeling emotional in front of the door when he heard someone shouting: "Who? Dare to stay at the gate of Jiedushi's Mansion."

Hearing this, Liu Yu looked to the side and saw that it was the guard at the gate of Jiedushi's Mansion, so he immediately scolded: "Shut up, this is the new Jiedushi, Master Jia Kejia, where are you talking?" place?"

It turned out that the people who shouted were a few soldiers standing guard in front of the Jiedushi's mansion. When everyone heard that it was the new Jiedushi, they were scared out of their wits.They all rushed over and knelt down to apologize to Jia Ke.

(End of this chapter)

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