Chapter 201
When Jia Ke heard the words similar to those a few years ago, instead of being angry, she felt a little kind.Thinking about how he was reprimanded by the guards at the gate when he first came to the gate of Jiedushi Mansion a few years ago.But now that he is about to become the owner of this mansion, he feels a strange feeling in his heart.

Jia Ke looked at the terrified expressions of the people kneeling on the ground, and didn't blame them, but said to them: "You don't have to be afraid, the inquiry just now is your duty. What's wrong with you? Get up quickly and get back to your normal positions. Don't mess around." The rules of the Jiedu Shifu."

When these soldiers heard what Jia Ke said, they dared to stand up, and then quickly stood on both sides of the Jiedu Envoy's mansion, each with their chests and belly folded, trying to pretend to be more majestic, so as to stay in front of the Jiedu Envoy. a good impression.

Seeing that they were all back to their original positions, Jia Ke got off his horse and ordered the people to open the main gate of the Jiedu Mansion, and then went straight into the Jiedu Mansion from the main entrance. When he entered the Jiedu Mansion back then, he used the small side door. Now As the master of the Jiedu Envoy's Mansion, when entering this gate for the first time, he must go through the main entrance.

Liu Yu and other soldiers followed Jia Ke into the Jiedu Mission's Mansion. The Jiedu Mission's Mansion was already in chaos at this time, and Wang Tao's servant was preparing to move.

When these people saw Jia Ke and others entering the Jiedu Envoy's mansion, they all looked at the leader Jia Ke with curious eyes, but immediately understood that this person was the new Jiedu Envoy.So many people showed expressions of indignation on their faces.I don't care about them any more, and go to work.

Jia Ke could see the expressions of these servants clearly, but he didn't get angry. After all, this is human nature. These people work as servants in Jiedushi Mansion, and they can almost walk sideways in the one-third-acre land in Xuanfu Town. But once he returns to the countryside, he is just a servant of an ordinary wealthy household, and Jia Ke understands the gap.

Not long after Jia Ke entered the main hall of the Jiedu Envoy, Wang Tao came over from the back house. It was a bit embarrassing for the two to meet each other at this time. The relationship between the two has changed from friend to enemy over the years, and I don't know whose fault it is.

Jia Ke still spoke first and said, "Master Wang, we meet again."

"Yes, we met again, but the position of host and guest is reversed. Now you are the owner of this mansion, and I am the guest." Wang Tao said with resentment.

Jia Ke was not angry at his sarcasm, but said flatly: "Since ancient times, kings have been kings and enemies have been defeated. Over the years, Wang Jiedu has forgotten his bravery. How can he be undefeated? If Wang Jiedu Even if you still enter the grassland a few times like in the past, I am afraid that you will be the one who will be named Marquis now."

Wang Tao sneered disdainfully and said: "You are still too young to know the danger. You really think the grassland is so easy to go. The 8000 cavalry who followed me into the grassland back then only had [-]. You this time It's just a chance to win by taking advantage of the emptiness, if you treat this victory as normal, you will suffer in the future."

Jia Ke said to him calmly: "What's the use of talking about it now? It's better to hand over the Great Seal as soon as possible and save trouble for each other."

Hearing what Jia Ke said, Wang Tao didn't say anything more. He just pointed to the table in the lobby and said, "All the things you want are there. Would you like me to bring you the account book? I heard that you just arrived When Kaipingwei killed the chief bookkeeper because of the account book, will he also kill me today?"

Jia Ke ignored him, but went to the big case and examined it carefully. On it were the great seal of the Jiedu envoy of Xuanfu Town and eighteen command arrows.These things are evidence that Jia Ke knows Xuanfu Town.

As soon as Jia Ke waved his hand, Liu Yu came up from behind, took all the big seal and token, and put them close to his body.

And Wang Tao watched Jia Ke's men put away all the big seals and tokens, and the muscles on his face couldn't help twitching a few times.These things have been kept by his side for more than ten years, and now they suddenly belong to others, the pain in my heart is beyond the comprehension of others.

Jia Ke put away the big seal and token, turned around, cupped his hands to Wang Tao and said, "Your Excellency is quite busy with housework these days, so I won't bother you. Your Excellency will stay here first, so don't be too anxious to move." .When the new house is ready, it’s never too late to leave.”

After Jia Ke finished speaking, he walked out. At this moment, Wang Tao said, "Wait a minute, I want to ask what is wrong with me? Why did my good future be ruined in just a few years?"

Jia Ke didn't look back, and just said behind his back: "Your biggest problem is that you can't be single-minded. If you could have followed Gao Hong's instructions wholeheartedly, although you offended civil servants, there are our Rongguo Mansion and the Jingying Jiedu. Mr. Wang, it would be nothing if you think about it, but you are blinded by your interests, and you compete with me for a small profit. Then, for the sake of our relationship with our Jia family, Mr. Wang will not help you. Then the whole court is your enemy, Does this speed make you work longer?"

After listening to Jia Ke's words, Wang Tao was silent for a long time and finally said: "I regret that I didn't listen to Gao Hong's words so I am today, and fortunately I didn't listen to Gao Hong's words so I can be today, otherwise I am afraid that I will die in the future without a place to hide."

Hearing this, Jia Ke remembered Fan Kang's evaluation of Gao Hong. He was good at tricks, and those who were counted hated him deeply, and he might not be able to save himself.If Wang Tao had always followed Gao Hong's strategy, although he could stay in the position of Jiedushi for the time being, more and more people would hate him.When it erupts, it will be irresistible. At that time, it will not be a matter of demoting officials and losing their posts. I am afraid that countless people want his life.

Jia Ke couldn't help sighing, wondering whether Wang Tao's choice was right or wrong.

Jia Ke didn't stay any longer, and went straight out of Jiedu Shi's mansion, and returned to the barracks outside the city with all his soldiers.

Jia Ke lived in the military camp outside the city for three days, and someone came to report that Wang Tao had left Xuanfu Town with his family and returned to his hometown.

Only then did Jia Ke bring people back to Jiedushi's mansion again, and the place was already in a mess.Except for the house that has not been moved, everything that can be moved has been moved.Those who could not be moved were all smashed.

Jia Ke stood there with a helpless wry smile, the two sides didn't seem to have such a big hatred.As for making it like this?

But Jia Ke was thinking from the perspective of the winner. In Wang Tao's view, Jia Ke and him had a deep hatred.If it wasn't for Jia Ke, he would still be in the position of Jiedushi right now.

Seeing that the house was not liveable yet, Jia Ke had no choice but to order Qian Mao to clean it up as soon as possible, as long as it didn't need to be luxurious enough for people to live in.Otherwise, he would always live in the barracks, unable to do many things.

Moreover, the barracks were full of men, and it was inconvenient for the maids in his mansion to live in it. Although no one harassed them these days, every time they went out to do errands, there were always a bunch of strong men watching.Let these maids be on tenterhooks.

The Qianmao housekeeper is still very reliable, and coupled with the flattery of people from all walks of life in Xuanfu Town, it took almost only one day. Not only the sundries everywhere have been cleaned, but all the furniture has been replaced with new ones, saving money. Dushifu has been completely new.

This is the benefit of power. There is no need to speak about many things. As long as there is a hint, many people will rush to help you get things done.

Jia Ke didn't choose any auspicious day, but moved in the Jiedushi mansion the next day after packing up, and became the real Jiedushi of Xuanfu Town.

On the second day after Jia Ke moved into the Jiedushi Mansion, he began to call all the civil and military officials in Xuanfu Town to discuss matters, the commanders and envoys in Xuanfu Town and its nearby passes, as well as the county prefects in Xuanfu Town. They were all recruited to the Jiedu envoy's mansion.

When Jia Ke came to the lobby of the Jiedu Mission Mansion, there were already more than a dozen commanders standing below, and the deputy commanders were already the highest level in Xuanfu Town. all civil servants.

Jia Ke sat on the big tiger leather chair in the center, looking at all the unfamiliar faces below.Suddenly he thought of one person, that is, He Tong, the commander who sent him recruits the year before last, and found that he was not among these people.

Jia Ke immediately asked, "Why didn't Commander He come?"

After Jia Ke asked this sentence, none of the people below knew how to answer.In the end, Wang Wei, He Tong's friend and deputy commander, stood up and cupped his hands and said to Wang Ke, "My lord, He Tong died for the country last year."

Jia Ke was surprised when she heard this, and asked, "When did it happen?"

Wang Wei continued to bow and salute and said: "It was when the Tatar soldiers surrounded Xuanfu Town last year. In order to attract the attention of the Tatars so that the dead soldiers could stand out from the encirclement and ask for help from the adults, He Tong, the former Jiedu envoy Wang Tao He took a small number of soldiers and horses to attack the Tatar camp at night, but he never returned. The body was sent back the next day by the Tatars. At that time, dozens of arrows had been shot in his body, and even the intestines had flowed out. He was wrapped around his waist and still fought to the death. The Tatars admired his bravery and sent his body back to the city."

Hearing these words, Jia Ke also felt a lifetime of sadness in his heart, and he also admired He Tong very much in his heart. If Jia Ke had encountered such a situation, he would have single-handedly broken out of the siege and escaped for his life.Where would you buy time for others and hurt your own life.

Jia Ke admired He Tong's experience, and then continued to ask Wang Wei: "Where are his family members now? Is there any compensation from the imperial court?"

Wang Wei replied respectfully: "He Tong's wife, Mrs. Li, has taken his body back to her hometown for burial. The court's pension for him has been issued. The former Jiedu envoy Wang Tao collected another 3000 taels and sent it to his home."

Jia Ke heard that Wang Tao was involved, and Wang Tao didn't seem to be such a generous person. Why would he give him another 3000 taels of silver? I'm afraid he felt guilty towards He Tongxin.

Jia Ke had already guessed about it, so she didn't continue talking about this matter, but directly gave orders to the people below: "I already know everything about you drinking the blood of soldiers and eating empty wages, and I don't care about other places, but in This kind of thing must not happen in Xuanfu Town. From now on, you go back and make up for all the missing troops, and I will pretend that nothing happened. After one month, all soldiers and horses must be retrained .Who will have a shortage of people at that time, don't blame me for turning my face and ignoring people if you continue to eat empty wages and drink blood."

Jia Ke has always believed that the main reason for the low combat effectiveness of the soldiers in Xuanfu Town is that they were beaten to the bone by these superiors.In this way, no one is willing to fight to the death.And if these generals finally encounter a strong enemy, they can only let their own soldiers go up to resist.

In this way, it is almost exactly the same as at the end of the Ming Dynasty on earth. At that time, only a few servants around the generals could fight in the army.

Since Jia Ke knew the dangers involved, he couldn't let them continue to develop. He couldn't control other places, but in his own Xuanfu Town, this situation must not happen.

(End of this chapter)

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