The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 24 Fang Tian Hua Ji

Chapter 24 Fang Tian Hua Ji
As soon as Jia Ke arrived at the door, she heard the chaos outside, and a maid said that the old man had come.As soon as he finished shouting, the door curtain was lifted, and a man in his thirties came in with a domineering look in his eyes. This must be Jia She.Jia Ke stepped aside hurriedly and bowed to salute, but Jia Amnesty didn't seem to notice, and went directly to Mother Jia to salute her.

When Jia Mu saw it was him, she said angrily, "You have been there these few days, why are you not at home?"

Jia Amnesty suddenly fell to his knees and said, "Mother, my son wants you to be the master."

Jia's mother said: "You have been lawless since you were a child. If you have anything to do, let me decide."

Jia Amnesty said to Jia's mother: "Son, there is an outer room outside. Now this woman is pregnant. The son thinks that after all, he is the flesh and blood of my Jia family and cannot be born outside, so he asks his mother to agree to bring this outer room into the house." Come."

Jia Ke and Jia Yuanchun didn't bother to leave at this time, and it was embarrassing to stay, a little confused.

Fortunately, Mother Jia said, "Brother and sister, go out, this is not your business."

Jia Ke and Jia Yuanchun hurriedly backed out, and when they came out, they looked at each other, shook their heads, saluted and left.

When Jia Ke returned to the courtyard, Chuncao had already packed all kinds of clothes into packages and put them away separately so that they could be carried easily when leaving.

Just how one day passed, and the next day Jia Ke didn't have to go to school, but she couldn't sleep too much. She still had to pay her respects to Jia Zheng and Mrs. Wang. You can't make mistakes.

When Jia Ke went to pay his respects, Mrs. Jia Zhengwang was having breakfast, and Aunt Zhou was waiting on her as usual. At this time, Jia Zhu also came to pay her respects.

When Jia Zheng saw the two of them coming, he said, "Sit down too. If you want to come here early in the morning, there is no food, so you can eat here before going back."

So Jia Ke and Jia Zhu sat down and began to eat in silence. After eating, they waited for the table to be removed.Then Jia Zheng said: "Zhu Er, go to class, don't miss the time." Jia Zhu then quit.

Jia Zheng then said to Jia Ke: "When I came back yesterday, the old lady sent a message asking me to go to her place with you again, saying that there is still something to explain. Now you go with me."

The father and son went out together and arrived at Jia Mu's yard.

When Jia Mu saw them coming, she said, "Yesterday, I had something to say. I didn't want to be disturbed by the boss, so I forgot it. I will tell you today."

Jia Zheng said from the side: "Brother didn't report back home for a long time. When I came back yesterday, I don't know what was going on to upset my mother."

Jia Mu said angrily: "Don't ask about these pickle matters, I have my own reasons. Let's talk about the eldest brother today."

So Jia Zheng stopped talking and listened to Jia's mother.

Jia's mother said to Jia Zheng: "Our family has not known martial arts for many years since your father left. You are studying articles, and your elder brother is not a good person. The things left by your father are probably in the warehouse. It's all dusty."

Jia Zheng hurriedly laughed and said, "It's our brother's fault, it made my mother worry."

Mother Jia smiled helplessly: "Is there any way to do this? What do old people say when they have something to say? Raising a child for a hundred years is always a worry. This is what parents do."

Mother Jia couldn't help being in a daze after she said this, and there were tears in her eyes, but she recovered quickly and said, "Let's not talk about that, let's talk about the eldest brother. Your father collected a lot of weapons, Armor or something. Now you go to open my warehouse and let the elder brother choose some armor, and let him have a use for the weapon."

After speaking, he took out the key from his body, called Madam Lai in, told them where the things were, and asked her to take Jia Zheng and his son there.

Led by Nanny Lai, Jia Zheng and Jia Ke entered Jia Mu's storeroom, and saw dozens of folded wooden boxes inside.There are dozens or hundreds of weapons and armors in the corner of the warehouse.

As soon as Jia Ke saw it, she stepped forward to check it out. Among them, a pair of armor was the most outstanding. I saw that the whole set of armor was completely gold-plated, with countless pieces of armor all over the body. And the round guard on the back is made of metal such as copper and iron, and it is polished very brightly, resembling a mirror.It is equipped with shoulder pads and knee pads, among which there are several shoulder pads.The body armor is long to the hips, and the waist is fastened with a belt.The helmet is a purple gold crown with phoenix wings, the shoulder pads are a unicorn with the head of a beast, and the body armor is a gold-plated piece of armor connected by iron rings. Its strength can be called the king of armor.The front body armor is decorated with a golden-bellied beast in the shape of a unicorn, which is used to protect the abdomen and buckle the belt.

When Mammy Lai saw Jia Ke looking around the armor, she knew that he liked this armor, so she went up to introduce it: "This is the best armor in our mansion. Wearing this armor, he dispatched troops and released horses, and thanks to it, he saved his life. This armor is also called "Baoxiang Qilin Mingguang Armor".

When Jia Ke saw the treasure armor, he couldn't move. Seeing that Jia Ke looked like this, Jia Zheng didn't understand, so he said, "Just this one. Ke'er can use it as her father's inheritance."

Now that the armor has been selected, it depends on the weapon.

Next to the armor are dozens of weapons, most of which are broadswords. It seems that the usual weapons of the two generations of Duke Rong are broadswords.

Jia Ke didn't look at these knives, but went directly to the area where the halberds were placed. There were Fangtian Halberds, Qinglong Halberds, and trident halberds. Three or forty catties.It is a little heavy to use now, but it will be too light in a few years.

Jia Ke is still regretful, after a few years he has digested Lu Bu's bravery, and these halberds will be too light.Jia Ke was regretting, and inadvertently glanced to the side, and saw a halberd leaning on the corner of the wall, covered with dust.Jia Ke stepped forward and grabbed it with her hand, only to feel the heavy pressure on her hand, after grabbing and waving it a few times, her arms felt sore, and she couldn't move at all.

At this moment, Nanny Lai spoke from the side: "This artifact is not a weapon. It was originally enshrined in a general's temple, but later the temple collapsed, and the artifact was sold by the villagers. By chance, I thought it was a treasure, but when I brought it back, I found it was a decoration. But no one could use it. Later, I weighed it with a scale and it was more than 120 catties. But the Duke still put it in this warehouse, no matter how many years No one moves it anymore."

When Jia Ke got the halberd, she felt that it was very pleasing to the eye, and felt that it might be useful when Lu Bu's courage was fully absorbed.He wiped the head of the halberd with his sleeve, and saw that the halberd had three fronts and two blades, the inner length was four and a half inches, the beard was six inches long, and the back was seven and a half inches long. The handle is one foot and two feet long.There are paintings and threads on the halberd for decoration. This is a real Fangtian painted halberd.

Jia Ke couldn't put it down, turned around and said to Jia Zheng, "Father, that's it."

Nanny Lai wanted to dissuade him and ask him to take another halberd, but at this moment Jia Zheng said: "Since we have chosen, we will report back to the old lady."

They went out of the warehouse and went back to Mother Jia's room. Mammy Lai told Mother Jia, "Brother, I chose the old Duke's "Baoxiang Qilin Mingguang Armor" and the halberd that no one can use."

Mother Jia thought for a while and asked, "What kind of halberd is it? I don't remember it."

Nanny Lai replied: "The old lady can't remember? It's the halberd that the Duke said was a "treasure" but was never used, and was used for worship in the temple."

After thinking about it for a while, Jia's mother remembered, glanced at Jia Ke and said, "So it is it."

Mother Jia knew about this halberd. Jia Daishan once mentioned it to her back then, saying that it was not a sacrificial vessel, but a truly peerless treasure, but it was too heavy for ordinary people to use. He is an invincible general.It's just that at the time she only thought that Jia Daishan had misunderstood the baby's resignation, but now that Jia Ke chose this halberd, she believed Jia Daishan's words [-] to [-]%.

(End of this chapter)

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