Chapter 25 Preparation
When Jia Mu saw that Jia Ke had chosen the bright light armor and the painted halberd, she ordered Mammy Lai to be carried to Jia Ke.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Jia Zheng, Jia Ke said goodbye and came back. In the study, Jia Zheng asked when he was going to leave. Jia Ke replied that he planned to leave for Xiacao Village in three days.

Jia Zheng was silent for a while and said: "You are still young, although you are in the suburbs of Beijing, you still need someone to take care of you. I will let your aunt's brother Zhou Wang be your long-term follower. His family used to be in Xiacaozhuang and I know him well. "

Jia Ke is actually not familiar with Zhou Wang, but since Jia Zheng arranged for him, he has no choice but to accept it.

Jia Zheng said again: "You are a child outside, and you need an experienced foreigner who handles foreign affairs. I have arranged Lin Zhixiao for you, and I can rest assured that he will help you. You and your aunt will not be here for a few days. , talk more."

Jia Ke waited for Jia Zheng to finish speaking, and said, "I don't know what other instructions my father has? My son must remember."

Jia Zheng thought for a while and said, "It's nothing, just come back to see me and your aunt more often."

Jia Ke agreed one by one, Jia Zheng waved him back, and Jia Ke respected Jia Zheng's order to leave.

When Jia Ke returned to his residence, he saw Aunt Zhou and Chuncao were preparing various things for Jia Ke, wishing to vacate the house.

Jia Ke hurriedly dissuaded her, and told Aunt Zhou what Jia Zheng had said. Aunt Zhou was very surprised and said, "Master really asked your uncle to take care of you?" After receiving Jia Ke's affirmative answer, she became happy.Then he said to Chuncao: "Chuncao, clean up the rest of this. This is what your young master often uses. There is no shortage of it. After you clean it up, take it to your house. Don't forget it when you leave." Then he said to Jia Ke: "I'm going to report to the master so that I can go to your uncle's house and tell him to do his best." Then he left in a hurry.

Only Chuncao and Jia Ke were left in the room, and Chuncao became active in an instant.

"Uncle, you don't know. My aunt hasn't given me a good face since this morning. It scared me to death."

Then he chatted with Jia Ke about gossip: "My lord, you don't know that something happened to your lord."

Jia Ke knew that it was about Jia Amnesty yesterday, and couldn't help but think of who said it in the red building. Jia's mansion is a wall with leaks everywhere. If there is a little trouble, everyone in the whole mansion will know.But Chuncao never left Aunt Zhou's house in the morning, how did she know?
Jia Ke asked, "How do you know about the Elder Master?"

Chuncao said: "Now everyone in the house knows about it. I heard about it when Xia Mai went to the kitchen to pick up the meal this morning."

Then he said: "I heard that it is the elder who brought a woman back from outside. Once she enters the door, she will be a good concubine. She is one level higher than ordinary aunts."

"Our aunt, I asked Xia Mai to inquire about it. I don't know if there is another story?"

As soon as Jia Ke heard it, she understood that Aunt Zhou was jealous. You must know that a good concubine is a concubine married from a good family. After death, if Jia Amnesty agrees, she can be buried with him. Aunt Zhou is a child of a family and a slave. , she will never have this treatment.So the more you can't get, the more you want to get.Aunt Zhou is jealous of others.

But Jia Ke thinks it is unnecessary, because in most cases, the child is more expensive than the mother, but sometimes the mother is more expensive than the son.And he, Jia Ke, was destined to make a career when he came to this world.

Not to mention Jia Ke's conversation with Chuncao, but also Lin Zhixiao's family. Ever since Jia Zheng informed Lin Zhixiao that he should go with Jia Ke to Xiacaozhuang, the family has never stopped.

"I said you were the head of the house, but you said why you were the one to go, and this made people die. Good things happen without you, and whenever bad things happen, you go. If you go and talk to the master, let someone else go." Lin Zhixiao's family The reaction was violent.But it's true, no one wants to live in the capital properly, and be sent to the countryside by the master with just one word.

Lin Zhixiao's family has heard a lot these days, gossip, and those who used to frequent her, now ignore her.The gap is so large that it is unexpected.

But Lin Zhixiao at home is as stable as Mount Tai, not in a hurry, which makes Lin Zhixiao's family anxious and angry. I don't know how many times I have quarreled with Lin Zhixiao in the past few days.

"Boss, you are dumb, so you should talk."

Lin Zhixiao gave him a disdainful look, "You are usually a smart person, why do you get confused when it comes to critical moments?"

"I'm confused? You're smart, why do you think I'm confused?"

"Let me ask you, who is the chief executive in this mansion?"

"Of course it's Lai Da."

Lin Zhixiao asked again: "Do you think it is possible for me to surpass Lai Da in this mansion?"

Lin Zhixiao's family said in a hurry: "Say what you have to say quickly, don't go around the bush."

Only then did Lin Zhixiao tell her the whole story: "Now the mansion is no better than before. The few masters in the mansion are far worse than the old man. No matter how things go on, there is no guarantee that it will collapse at any time. Even if it can be maintained, it is impossible It's up to the next generation. Among the next generations of masters in the mansion, the second master Lian can't be counted on, that is, the uncle Ke and the second master Zhu are promising. And the second master Zhu is regarded as dead by the second wife. Then there is room for us to get closer, Lai Nanny and Zhou Rui are watching. The only one we can rely on to take pictures is Uncle Ke. Now we are going to Xiacaozhuang with Uncle Ke, and we can be regarded as Uncle Ke’s people It's time for Uncle Ke to flourish, and it's time for our family to flourish."

Lin Zhixiao's family asked him, "Are you so sure that Uncle Ke will be successful?"

Lin Zhixiao replied to her: "You have never seen Uncle Ke's martial arts, let alone the time in the study room, just the time in the teaching field. I went to see it. Uncle Ke at that time was really majestic. The old commander of the family, defeated three young generals in a pair of three, and finally defeated the generals of the court. Do you think Uncle Ke has the ability? I tell you that when the uncle is appointed as an official, separate the family Now, I want my own person to be the housekeeper, so besides me, an old man, who else will I have?"

Only then did Lin Zhixiao's family turn their worries into joys. There is a saying that one would rather be a chicken head than a cow's queen.

"Master, can it really work?"

"Can it work? You can take it for me. I'll tell you, Mr. Ke, I think he has great skills. Hurry up and pack your luggage, don't use it when it's short."

"Okay, I'll go right away as the head of the family, and I won't delay anything." Said it was Lin Zhixiao's family, and went outside.

"Wait," Lin Zhixiao stopped her at this moment, "I still have something to say."

Lin Zhixiao's family said: "Speak quickly if you have something to say, don't you see that I still have a lot of work to do?"

"I can tell you, we will only have one master in the future, and don't associate with those who have or don't."

Lin Zhixiao's family also knew what was good and what was bad, so they replied, "I know." Then they went to work.

Besides, at night, Aunt Zhou came back and told Jia Ke a lot of good things about Zhou Wang, and she also said that she would use her own people to let Zhou Wang take care of things and rest assured.

Jia Ke agreed with all her heart, and Aunt Zhou would do whatever she wanted, but when they got to Xiacao Village, it was up to Zhou Wang to see if he could use it.

At this time, Mammy Lai brought seven or eight young servants to carry a box and wrapped it in a strip more than ten feet long.

Jia Ke knew that it was Mother Jia who had sent the treasure-faced Qilin Mingguang armor and Fang Tian's painted halberd, and quickly asked them to put them in his room.Thank you Nanny Lai, and sent them out before returning.

Aunt Zhou asked what it was, and Jia Ke only said that it was a weapon and armor sent by Jia Mu.Aunt Zhou was not interested in these things, so she threw away her hands after asking, and discussed with Chuncao what to bring and what not to bring.

Jia Ke just opened the box in the room, took a look at the package, and sealed it as it was after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, and was going to wait until Xia Caozhuang opened it.

 There is another chapter at eight or nine o'clock in the evening

(End of this chapter)

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