Chapter 268
Qin Keqing glanced at Jia Ke next to her, Jia Ke nodded to her gently, Qin Keqing took the silver bracelet, got up and blessed Aunt Zhou (an ancient etiquette - ten thousand blessings), Aunt Zhou Seeing Qin Keqing accepting the silver bracelet, she immediately smiled.Qin Keqing had this thing, and then passed it on to future generations.Then the children and grandchildren will not forget her grandma who has no title.

From the sidelines, Jia Ke could see how much Aunt Zhou valued this thing, and knew that she was worried that no one would remember her as a grandma in the future.So he said beside him: "Since I accept this thing, then I will make a rule. From now on, all the grandma's tokens in the Marquis of Wuyang will be this silver bracelet."

After listening to Jia Ke's words, Qin Keqing naturally understood what he meant, so she also said with a smile on her face, "Then I will be the first grandma who takes charge of Wuyanghou Mansion with this token."

Aunt Zhou sat beside her, listening to the words of the two of them, she couldn't help showing a look of surprise and joy on her face.If it is really like what Jia Ke said, in the future, the line of the Marquis of Wuyang will know where their true roots are.

It was getting late, and soon it was time for lunch, so Jia Ke simply didn't leave, and told Xia Mai to let the big kitchen deliver the meals to Aunt Zhou.Today he will bring Qin Keqing to have a reunion dinner with Aunt Zhou.

Qin Keqing didn't have any dissatisfaction because of Aunt Zhou's low status, but started to make a fuss as a daughter-in-law.Whether it was the maid she brought or Aunt Zhou's original, they were all circled around by her command.

After a while, the living room was cleaned up, and the tables and tables were set up. At this time, the little maids who went to the kitchen to pick up the dishes also came back.Originally, Aunt Zhou's food was already very good, but this time the food was even richer.Set the big round table in the living room full.

Qin Keqing personally came down to support Aunt Zhou and asked her to sit in the middle, while Jia Ke and Qin Keqing accompanied her on both sides.

Aunt Zhou looked at her son and daughter-in-law sitting on both sides, the joy in her heart could not be described in words, and only in this small courtyard could she justly enjoy the courtesy of her son and daughter-in-law.

In the middle of the banquet, Qin Keqing kept serving Aunt Zhou with vegetables and rice. This was treating Aunt Zhou as a serious mother-in-law.Aunt Zhou had never felt this way before, it was completely different from eating with Jia Ke before.The time for a personal meal made me feel the dignity of Jia's mother.

Although Aunt Zhou enjoyed this feeling very much, she didn't embarrass Qin Keqing, she kept persuading her to sit down and have a meal, "We're all from our own family, how can we be so particular about it," Aunt Zhou said.

Finally, under Aunt Zhou's repeated requests, Qin Keqing sat down again, and the family had a reunion dinner together.

After the meal, Jia Ke and Qin Keqing took their leave and went back to the Marquis of Wuyang.

However, during the noon period, Jia Zhen prepared a generous gift in Ningguo Mansion, and asked her family to take her directly to Rongguo Mansion to see Jia Mu.

Jia Mu had just had lunch and was taking a nap in her room when she suddenly heard mandarin ducks calling softly in her ears.

Mother Jia opened her eyes unhappily. Elderly people usually sleep less and wake up early at night, and they never let others disturb their nap at noon.

When Yuanyang saw her mother coming, she quickly whispered in her ear: "Old lady, Mr. Zhen from Ningguo Mansion is asking to see you."

Mother Jia frowned after hearing this, and then said, "Then let him in."

After speaking, a little girl came up to change Jia Mu's clothes, and the mandarin duck went out and ordered Jia Zhen to come in.

After Jia's mother was fully dressed, she came to see Jia Zhen in the main room.

When Jia Zhen saw Jia Mu, she went up and kowtowed, and then she cried bitterly and refused to get up.

"What's the matter? Who made you wronged?" Mother Jia asked inexplicably who lived above.

"Old lady, nephew and grandson, I have made a big mistake. I beg the old lady to save me." Jia Zhen knelt down and cryptically told what happened in Ningguo Mansion this morning, and then knelt down again. Kowtow stopped.

After listening to Jia Zhen's words, Mother Jia was a little annoyed, but reason still made her suppress her anger, and she finally thought for a while before saying: "I know about this, and from now on, take care of your thoughts. If there is another Once, I'm afraid I won't be able to save you."

As soon as Jia Zhen heard it, she knew that Jia's mother had agreed to help him with the matchmaking, she was relieved, and then ordered her servants to bring in the gift.

When Jia Mu saw the gift being brought, she didn't want to accept it, but she couldn't stand Jia Zhen, so she insisted on giving it.It was only with difficulty that he accepted it.After finishing the work, Jia Zhen left happily.

After Jia Zhen left, Jia's mother looked at the box on the ground with disgust.

"Yuanyang, if you have time, send someone to send this box to the Marquis of Wuyang, and talk to your elder brother about what happened this morning, and let him not take it to heart. After all, peace is the most important thing in the family, so let's let it go this time." If you pass him by, it won’t be too late to punish him next time.”

Hearing what my mother said, she nodded her head in agreement and asked someone to carry the box to the next room, ready to send it to Wuyanghou's mansion in a while.

Besides, when Jia Ke and Qin Keqing returned to the main courtyard of the Marquis of Wuyang, Qin Keqing sat paralyzed on the big kang under the window. She was exhausted every day, as if she had walked more than her whole life. the way to go.

Jia Ke took advantage of the situation and lay down next to Qin Keqing, holding her in his arms.Qin Keqing slept on Jia Ke's arm like this all afternoon.

After dinner, the two get up and wash up separately. Marquis Wuyang's Mansion naturally has its own kitchen, and it doesn't need to be like the original big kitchen where people eat what they do.

Jia Ke immediately called the steward of the kitchen and asked her to write down all the dishes that could be cooked on a list, and then sent the list to Qin Keqing for her to choose.

Qin Keqing chose a few at random, and then threw away her hands.Jia Ke then added a few more things, and then told the manager to do it quickly.

After a while, the table in the main hall was covered with a table full of dishes. Jia Ke helped Qin Keqing and the two of them to the table, and the husband and wife sat opposite each other and began to eat dinner.

Qin Keqing pressed the table full of dishes, and said to Jia Ke with some complaints: "There are only two of us in this room, how can we eat so much. Although there are not too many of them in our house, it is not good to always be so extravagant." of."

Listening to her complaints, Jia Ke didn't get angry, but kept adding more food to her.Qin Keqing couldn't afford to eat so much, she just ate a few mouthfuls, and she was full for two.

After the meal, the two returned to the bedroom and entered the Babu bed.And only Qin Keqing's personal servant girl, Rui Zhu, is sleeping on the small bed outside Babu's bed.

On the bed, Qin Keqing complained to Jia Ke again about the extravagant dinner, "I know you have a high position and power now. Some people give you gifts, but our family is still weak and inferior to Rongguo Mansion. Such extravagance makes people Learning to go, I don't know how much I have to spend every month. When the time comes, I can't make ends meet, what do you do?"

"My lady, I started worrying about the family business as soon as I got married. Well, let me tell you how much our family's property is. It will also let you know." Jia Ke put her arms around Qin Keqing and said to her gently. He said.

As soon as Qin Keqing heard that Jia Ke was going to tell her about her family business, she immediately cheered up, turned over and lay down next to Jia Ke to listen to him in detail.

"Although our Marquis of Wuyang's Mansion has been knighted not long ago, you and I have accumulated some family property." Jia Ke said quite proudly.

Qin Keqing blinked her big eyes and looked at Jia Ke carefully, with admiration in her eyes.This made Jia Ke very useful.

"Don't talk about the capital city, just talk about Xuanfu Town, where I started. I have been there since I became an official. From an ordinary Qianhu Gan to Jiedushi, I have invested nearly [-] mu of land in Xuanfu Town. "Jia Ke is quite proud of saying this, and now his thinking is getting closer and closer to that of the ancients, and buying a house and land is his top priority.

After hearing what Jia Ke said, Qin Keqing opened her eyes wide. Although she knew that she had an extraordinary background, the dowry brought by her marriage this time was not a small amount.She originally thought that although Jia Ke was Marquis of Wuyang, after all, he has not been a knight for a long time, and his inner pocket must be shallow. She also wanted to take out her dowry to buy some land for the family, but she did not expect Jia Ke to be in Xuanfu Town. Set aside such a family business.Not to mention other things, relying on these fields alone, as long as the descendants are undefeated, the family is enough to last for 200 years.

Looking at Qin Keqing's surprised face, Jia Ke became even more proud, "Where is this? Then listen to me, besides the fields, I also have some contacts in Xuanfu Town, and I send my servants to do some business. There is also a profit of one hundred thousand taels."

"Besides this, we don't have nothing in the capital. When I was ennobled, the emperor rewarded me with [-] mu of land, but these lands cannot be moved. In the future, only the descendants of the prince can inherit it." "Jia Ke said to Qin Keqing in the formation.

Qin Keqing nodded seriously to Jia Ke's warning.

"Besides this, the rest are a bit strange."

"Tell me about anything strange, and I'll give you a detailed look." Qin Keqing said playfully.

"This time I got married, the emperor rewarded me with a lot of property, including 8 mu of land, and many shops in Beijing. I have had people inspect them, and the annual income of these shops can also be [-] to [-] taels of silver. Although I did some credit for rescuing you this time, and the emperor loved me quite a lot, but this time the reward is a bit too much." Jia Ke finally expressed all the doubts she had during this period of time to Qin Keqing, and there were many of them Jia Ke is testing Qin Keqing.

Qin Keqing's heart trembled when she heard Jia Ke's words, but she understood the key point immediately.Perhaps the emperor already knew her identity, but Nian was an orphan girl and was not a threat, so he let her go gently.And it is nominally a reward for Jia Ke's marriage, but in fact it should be a dowry for herself.

Thinking of this, Qin Keqing felt relieved, as if she had let go of a thousand gold burdens. This secret had been buried in her heart for more than ten years. She planned to take this secret to the grave for the rest of her life. Even Jia Ke would never will tell.Jia Ke wants to know, only when the two meet again underground.

Even though she thought so, the pressure in her heart did not relax for a day.Now that the emperor already knew the secret, she originally thought that she would panic, but she did not expect to breathe a sigh of relief, because depending on the situation, the emperor no longer pursued it.As long as she keeps her name safe and secure, she can spend her life safely.

After thinking about it, Qin Keqing finally replied to Jia Ke: "Since it was rewarded by the emperor, you can go on with it. The emperor's reward naturally has his reasons."

After hearing Qin Keqing's words, Jia Ke seemed to have thought about it, "Yeah, what am I thinking about? The emperor's reward, it's a favor for me, I can continue with peace of mind."

Qin Keqing was completely relieved after hearing Jia Ke's words, the burden in her heart had disappeared.She fell asleep in Jia Ke's arms.

But she didn't see that although Jia Ke hugged her, his eyes flashed brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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