The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 269 Arrangement

Chapter 269 Arrangement
In the early morning of the next day, after Jia Ke and Qin Keqing washed up and had breakfast, Jia Ke asked someone to take the account book of Wuyanghou Mansion. Since Jia Ke had just arrived in Wuyang Hou Mansion not long ago, all the account books were only a thin one.

Jia Ke took out another bunch of keys from the cabinet, and handed them to Qin Keqing together with the ledger. Qin Keqing didn't refuse, and took the ledger and keys directly.

Jia Ke was finally able to separate himself from these trivial matters. These days, Jia Ke not only has to deal with important affairs in the court, but also manages his own various properties, which makes him very annoying.

Qin Keqing was also very satisfied with Jia Ke's willingness to hand over the power of housekeeper. She originally thought that she would mention it to Jia Ke in two days. She was not greedy for power, but wanted to get the dignity and power that a hostess should have.This time, Jia Ke satisfied her request.

Qin Keqing then put on a hostess posture and summoned all the housekeepers and women in the mansion to Wuwei Hall.

In the Wuwei hall, Qin Keqing sat in the middle, next to his personal servant girl Ruizhu, and at the bottom of the hall stood the housekeeper and housewife headed by Lin Zhixiao.

Because Jia Ke's housekeeper, Qian Mao, was still in Xuanfu Town, Lin Zhixiao managed Wuyanghou's Mansion temporarily.Moreover, he is Jia Ke's earliest housekeeper, and he can be regarded as Jia Ke's confidant, so Jia Ke does not hide many things from him.

"It's okay for me to ask everyone to come today. I just want to tell you that from now on, the inner house of Marquis Wuyang Mansion has been handed over to me." Qin Keqing looked down when she said this.

As the big housekeeper, Lin Zhixiao was the first to stand up, knelt down to Qin Keqing and said, "Grandma, if you have anything to do, just tell me, and the younger ones will definitely obey."

After Lin Zhixiao finished expressing his attitude, the housekeeper and the steward's wife also knelt down and expressed their loyalty to Qin Keqing.Everyone has long realized that such a day will come, so there is no resistance.

Qin Keqing saw that they all expressed their surrender, so she didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "Since that's the case, everyone must stick to their own positions in the future, and don't make mistakes. Everyone knows our Lord Hou's temper. When the time comes, something goes wrong. I can't protect you either."

After listening to Qin Keqing's words, Lin Zhixiao, the housekeepers and the mother-in-law began to feel awe-inspiring. During this period of time, people in the capital killed people at Caishikou every day. I heard that these people were personally approved by their own Lord Hou, and they killed people like this without blinking an eye. People, once they start a fire, I am afraid that no one can really save them.

Qin Keqing saw that the people below had been suppressed, so she stopped embarrassing them and let them return to their respective positions.

After everyone left, Qin Keqing called Lin Zhixiao to him, "Please tell me how much silver is in the warehouse in our house."

Lin Zhixiao knew a long time ago that Jia Ke would hand over everything in the mansion to Qin Keqing, so a few days ago, he had recounted all the accounts and was waiting for Qin Keqing to come to check the accounts.

When Lin Zhixiao heard Qin Keqing asking about the deposit in the mansion, he hurried over and said in a low voice: "Grandma, there are nearly 150 million taels of silver in our mansion."

Qin Keqing was very surprised when she heard this number. She had already prepared herself and knew that Jia Ke had some money, but she never expected that there would be so much.It took Jia Ke from a thousand households to his current official position, that is, a few years, and he did not expect to accumulate so much money.In addition, the current annual growth rate of 40 million taels, and 30 million taels of ice and carbon.There is nothing impossible even with fine clothes and fine food.

It was only now that Qin Keqing was relieved. Although she got the general situation of Wuyanghou Mansion from Jia Ke last night, she was still a little uneasy. Now she can enjoy the life of rich clothes and good food with peace of mind.

"What's the situation with Aunt Zhou in the Rongguo Mansion next door? Did our uncle send monthly money or anything before?" Qin Keqing asked Lin Zhixiao who was next to him.

"Back to Grandma, Grandpa has never given you any additional monthly money, but Aunt Zhou is in charge of one of Grandpa's farms, and there are thousands of taels of income every year."

"That's the uncle's care for my aunt. Now that I'm in charge of the Wuyanghou Mansion, I can't help but say that from this month on, we'll send another monthly payment to Aunt Zhou's place. Aunt Zhou will be counted as 16 taels. The monthly money of the maids will be given another share according to their current share." Qin Keqing said after a moment of pondering.

Although Aunt Zhou is Jia Ke's biological mother, Mrs. Wang's monthly payment is only 20 taels, and Aunt Zhou plus the two or two months' money that the Rongguo Mansion gave to Aunt Zhou, this is already 18 taels. More than Mrs. Wang.

In the next few days, Jia Ke didn't take a rest because of the marriage leave. He went to the Infantry Commander's Yamen every day, and at the same time sent his confidant Ma Zuo to the Infantry Commander's Yamen as his deputy, presiding over all the official duties of the Infantry Commander's Yamen on his behalf.

Then he went to the Xishan Camp and the newly formed Ruijian Camp, sending his confidants Luo Cen and Xiao Kun to lead the two camps respectively.He also told them to retrain the infantry commanding yamen soldiers and the Xishan camp according to the method of training in Xuanfu Town.So that Jia Ke can fully grasp these two soldiers and horses.

As for the imperial guards, Jia Ke planned to shave off all the officers, leaving only the soldiers and leading them himself. As for the backbone of the army, he would be selected from ordinary soldiers.

Jia Ke now understands a truth, only by mastering the military power can he guarantee his wealth, life and wealth.Don't look at the fact that civil servants are suppressing military generals now, that is military generals don't know how to resist, as long as military generals dare to resist a little, those human officials are all ghosts under the knife.

Jia Ke has been busy these past few days, and Qin Keqing has not been idle either. She has gone through the Wuyanghou Mansion in the past few days, especially the warehouse and the bank. These two places are the most important.She ordered someone to open the bank, and counted it herself to see if it was the same as the number in the account.

When Qin Keqing entered the bank for the first time, she was shocked by the mountains of gold and silver.It's one thing to look at it from the ledger, but it's another thing not to know that so much gold and silver were seen on the spot.

And Ruizhu next to her, seeing so many silver taels, her legs were so weak that she couldn't stand up at all.If it wasn't for Bao Zhu, who was still young and didn't know much about Yinliang, to help her desperately, her new clothes would be ruined.

Qin Keqing did a final count of the silver in the treasury, and there were more than 150 million taels of silver in the treasury. Just counting the silver made her so tired that she didn't want to move for several days.

But what surprised her was still behind. When he opened the other storerooms, he was dazzled by all kinds of treasures inside, among which there were countless treasures that were rare in the Central Plains.These were all plundered by Jia Ke from Arslen Khan's king's tent, and each piece was priceless.

In other warehouses, she also found that there are various precious medicinal materials, ginseng that has been hundreds of years old is only the lowest in it, and there are countless medicinal materials that are more than a thousand years old.

If Qin Keqing was still mentally prepared for the rare treasures ahead, then for these medicinal materials, Qin Keqing was completely shocked.Speaking of which, in the Marquis of Wuyang's Mansion, these medicinal materials are the most precious now.I'm afraid that adding up all the other things is not as valuable as the medicinal materials in this warehouse.

Up to now, Qin Keqing can be regarded as knowing the wealth of the Wuyanghou Mansion.Qin Keqing once asked Jia Ke, how did she get so many treasures?But Jia Ke only prevaricated for three years and [-] snowflakes of silver to prevaricate her.

When Jia Ke’s marriage leave was coming to an end, Feng Mo received the emperor’s decree to serve as the Jiedu envoy of Liaodong. On the way to Liaodong, he passed by the capital and came to meet Jia Ke. Make Huang Baifeng's letter.

At the same time, he brought news of his family members in Xuanfu Town. They were on the road together.It's just that Feng Mo was going to take up his post in the army, so he rushed to the capital first along the way.

And Jia Ke's three concubines, housekeeper Qian Mao, and his intelligence chief Wei Kun led them to arrive at the capital in a few days.

Jia Ke and Feng Mo stayed in the study for a whole day, and they didn't know what they were talking about.It just seems that when Feng Mo left Wuyanghou's mansion, he was more respectful to Jia Ke.

After Jia Ke sent Feng Mo away, she obviously felt more relaxed.Unknowingly, he has controlled nearly 50 million horses, not counting the Manchu Eight Banners he personally formed.

At this time, Jia Ke felt that he had nothing to fear, and now as long as he gave an order, the world might change color.It's just that in the capital, there are still some people who are not controlled by him.Although it is said that Wang Ziteng and Jia's family prospered together, and both lost, but after all, Wang Ziteng is not his person, and how he chooses at a critical moment is also a problem.

Jia Ke arranged this way because he saw that the current emperor's health is not good. According to the Dream of Red Mansions, the emperor will abdicate soon and become the Supreme Emperor. He is not going to sit still, when the Supreme Emperor dies, it will be his new emperor's showdown time, because the emperor has a natural advantage, so he has to prepare in advance.

Over the years, Jia Ke has never relaxed for a while. Ever since he joined the army, he has purposefully won people's hearts and controlled the army.Now that he has finally achieved something, as long as Feng Mo can gain a firm foothold in Liaodong, then the most elite and largest army of the dynasty will be under his control, plus the troops in Xuanfu Town and Jingzhong, who else in the world can How can I get him.

Before the new emperor was confirmed, he began to make arrangements, and no matter who was the emperor, he would be able to deal with it calmly.If the new emperor could bear it until Jia Ke died, that would be his skill.Otherwise, he doesn't mind being Cao Mang's generation.

In the next few years, what he had to do was to push Prince Teng away quietly, and then take over his army.At that point, nothing is lost.

He didn't want to rebel, but he didn't want to entrust his fate to the benevolent heart of the emperor, because he knew that none of the emperors was kind.For the sake of their throne, they can even spare their own sons.What's more, in the eyes of the emperor, Jia Ke was his dog.

After Jia Ke took her wedding leave, she returned to the military plane.At this time, there were three more ministers of military aircraft in the military aircraft department.They are Lei Ying, Secretary of the Ministry of War, Shi Tianye, Governor of the Left, Liu Yu, Secretary of the Ministry of Officials, plus Jia Ke and Pan Yong. There are now a total of five Ministers of Military Aircraft in the Military Aircraft Department.

Except for Jia Ke, these people are all civil servants, and it can be seen that the power of the civil servants in the court is strong.Jia Ke was able to serve as the foreman of the Minister of Military Aircraft, but it was the emperor's decision, and the three were newly selected.They were all those who abandoned the emperor some time ago. If it weren't for Jia Ke, he would still be the minister of military aircraft and control more than half of the troops in Beijing.I'm afraid the emperor now even sleeps with his eyes open.

Jia Ke also felt more and more grateful for his advance arrangements. At this time, Jia Ke already had the capital to compete with civil servants.

As the head minister of the Military Aircraft Department, he is naturally the head of the Military Aircraft Department. The three new military aircraft ministers also had to salute him, and Jia Ke also took it for granted that these three salutes could be his grandfather and old man. In the officialdom, seniority is never ranked according to age, only the size of the official position and the size of the power.

(End of this chapter)

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