Chapter 27 Placement
But it was said that Jia Ke and his party came out of the city, went straight north, passed through villages and towns along the way, stopped at the passing town at noon, had lunch, and arrived at Xiacao Village at dusk, because someone had come to inform them, So the manager of Xiacaozhuang, that is, Liu Hong, the grandson of old man Liu, had already asked the people in the village to clean out the two-entry house in the center of Xiacaozhuang.

This house was originally the house where Duke Rong came to Caozhuang to condolences and meet with old soldiers for entertainment. It has been empty for decades.But small and exquisite, there are about ten houses, complete with front hall and back house.

Jia Ke will clean up the house and wait for them to move in.

Jia Ke and the others entered the small courtyard, and lived directly with Chuncao in the backyard, and let Lin Zhixiao arrange the housing allocation in front.

When Jia Ke entered the backyard, he saw that there were three main rooms, and two side rooms on each side, each connected by a verandah.

The corridors and rooms are very plain, without any carvings.

Jia Ke lived in the main room, and Chuncao chose a room close to Jia Ke in the side room.

After a while, Lin Zhixiao came in to report, saying that arrangements had been made.It's just that there is one thing that needs to be decided by Jia Ke.

Jia Ke asked, "Is there anything that must be decided by me?"

Lin Zhixiao said, "It's about Zhou Wang's family."

"Whatever happens to him, I have to decide"

Lin Zhixiao replied: "Zhou Wang said that Aunt Zhou promised her daughter to be the uncle's maid before coming here, so I came to ask the uncle how to arrange it."

Jia Ke thought about it, but she didn't remember that Aunt Zhou had mentioned this matter.But thinking about it, Zhou Wang dared not lie to himself. He thought it was Aunt Zhou who wanted to say it, but he forgot because of the many things these few days. He regarded Aunt Zhou as his mother, and such a trivial matter was nothing.Then he said, "You bring her in and leave it to Chuncao."

Not long after, Lin Zhixiao brought in a well-behaved little girl, who was quite colorful, and somewhat resembling Aunt Zhou.

Jia Ke asked her, "What's your name? How old are you?"

The girl replied obediently: "My name is Qiaolian, and I am twelve."

Jia Ke looked pretty good, the first impression was good, and I can't deny that this is inseparable from Qiaolian's beauty.

At this time, Chuncao came in with an unhappy face, it seemed that she knew that there was an extra competitor.

Jia Kexiang didn't see it and said to Chuncao: "Arrange a room for Qiaolian in the backyard and let her live in it. From now on, she will serve me with you in the backyard."

Chuncao said unhappily: "Understood, how many grades should we give?"

Jia Ke thought for a while and said, "Let's give it the third class first, and I'll watch it later."

Only then did Chuncao lead Qiaolian out, and as soon as she left, Chuncao said to Qiaolian: "From now on, you will only be responsible for the affairs outside the uncle's house, and you don't need to take care of the rest."

Qiao Lian reversed her obedient appearance just now, and said tit for tat: "Why, it's because you came early, my cousin and I met when we were young."

Chuncao was not weak and said: "Cousin? My uncle's cousins ​​are the young ladies of the Jinling royal family. What are you?"

Qiaolian took a look at Chuncao and said: "From now on, we will each rely on our own abilities, and don't interfere with each other, otherwise no one's face will look good." After finishing speaking, she walked proudly to the door opposite Chuncao

When Qiaolian was about to enter the door, Chuncao said to Qiaolian: "The uncle promised me a share of two taels of silver, you are still early." After finishing speaking, she went back to the house.

Qiaolian was so angry that she slammed the door hard and closed it.

During dinner at night, both Chuncao and Qiaolian were extraordinarily attentive, serving Jia Ke very comfortably.

The next day, Jia Ke got up early and took out the Fang Tian painting halberd.The Fangtian painted halberd and the Baoxiang Qilin Mingguang armor were put in his room by Jia Ke himself, and the Baoxiang Qilin Mingguang armor was still in the box that Jia Mu had given him, while Fang Tian's painted halberd could only be leaned against the corner of the room. Yes, Jia Ke plans to make a shelf for Fang Tian's painting halberd, so it will look better in the room.

Jia Ke came to the yard, put on a posture, and began to practice the halberd. This is the first time Jia Ke has formally practiced the halberd. The previous few times he performed in front of people, and he couldn't help but include a lot of fancy moves.

But what is being practiced now is the real killing field halberd technique.Fang Tian's painted halberd is complicated to use and has many functions, requiring great strength and skill. It integrates the functions of light weapons and heavy weapons.Those who use Fang Tian's painted halberd must have great strength and exquisite halberd skills to take advantage of the weapon.

Jia Ke's halberd technique was instilled by Lu Bu Zhiyong, and he was proficient, but his strength was still lacking before Lu Bu Zhiyong transformed his whole body.When he fought Wei Tong before, Jia Ke clearly understood that many moves cannot be used, and although some moves can be used, they cannot exert their due power.

Now that Jia Ke no longer has any scruples about being in Jia's residence, she can let go of her martial arts training.

Jia Ke held Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand and used the 36-step halberd technique to practice, but the reality was cruel. Because Fang Tian's painted halberd was too heavy, he couldn't hold on after more than ten moves.

Jia Ke only felt weak all over and his arms were sore, but Jia Ke did not rest, but began to practice the Spring and Autumn Daoyin technique in Lu Bu's Bravery.

This Spring and Autumn Daoyin Technique is one of the incomplete skills obtained by Lu Bu. It is matched with the method of internal energy operation, which can double people's strength and prolong their endurance.It can be said that Lu Bu is invincible in the world with this set of exercises. You must know that Lu Bu's strongest record is not the three-hero war against Lu Bu. At that time, Lu Bu had already fought against several people in a row.Lu Bu's strongest record was against Xu Chu, Dianwei, Xiahou Dun, Xiahouyuan, Li Dian, and Le Jin at the same time. It can be said that Cao Cao sent all his fierce generals together to repel Lu Bu.It can be seen that this practice is powerful.

Jia Ke regained her strength after practicing Chunqiu Daoyin a few times, so she picked up Fang Tian's painting halberd to practice moves, and when she was tired, she practiced Chunqiu Daoyin, and so on.It's not over until daylight.

At this time, the well-behaved Qiaolian had already put in the water, and after Jia Ke took a bath, the spring grass had been placed for breakfast in the hall of the back house.

This made Jia Ke feel like the head of the family, and the whole family revolved around him alone. It felt so good, and this is the benefit of power.This made Jia Ke feel intoxicated, gave Jia Ke the idea of ​​wanting more power, and a seed called ambition began to germinate.

After dinner, Lin Zhixiao came to report that old man Liu was talking back and forth, Jia Ke told them to wait in the front hall, and he would go right away.Jia Ke returned the clothes, went to the front hall, and saw several veterans coming.

Seeing Jia Ke came in to beat Qiang and salute together, Jia Ke took the main seat and they got up and separated the two sides.

Seeing that they were standing still, Jia Ke asked them to sit down, and then several veterans sat on the hatchback.

Seeing that they were seated, Jia Ke asked, "Guys, what can I do for you?"

It was old man Liu who said, "Master, I don't know when we will start training, every few days, and whether we will eat at home or the master will provide meals."

When Jia Ke heard him ask about the meal, she knew it was not a trivial matter.It is only natural for soldiers to eat food, and there is no reason for soldiers to go home to eat.

So Jia Ke said to old man Liu: "We have to practice every day, and take a rest every ten days. I will solve the problem of eating during training. Let the young man rest assured."

Jia Ke thought for a while and said, "What do the old people say about our training method?"

Old man Liu said: "The method of training is to use what the old Duke left behind. The main purpose of the personal soldiers is not to face the enemy head-on, so it is necessary to practice small formations of four or five people, and then put each small formation together. Form a large formation and protect the main general in the center to prevent the enemy. This is an old practice."

In Lv Bu's memory, Jia Ke didn't have any training methods for guards. Every time Lv Bu was at the front of the battle, his personal soldiers were all warriors in the army, and they followed closely behind Lv Bu, smashing the enemy like cutting through the waves.He has never used personal soldiers to protect himself, otherwise, if the personal soldiers were by his side, Fang Tian's painting halberd would not have been stolen by his subordinate Song Xian, and Song Xian and Wei Xu took advantage of their unpreparedness to bind it and dedicate it to Cao Cao.

Therefore, Jia Ke decided to leave the training of the soldiers to the elders before there was a good method.

(End of this chapter)

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