The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 28 Miscellaneous

Chapter 28 Miscellaneous
Jia Ke said to all the veterans: "All of you are my great-grandfather, my grandfather's personal soldiers. I have rich experience. I am an ignorant boy, so I will entrust the training to you."

Old man Liu immediately replied: "Master, please rest assured that I will not disappoint you."

Jia Ke thought for a while, and felt that he didn't have any good methods for training now, but he also thought that some aspects still need to be improved.His idea is, just like he did in high school military training, stand in the queue first, then turn left and right, walk in unison, etc. This will not only improve the discipline and obedience of the soldiers, but also imprint his brand on the soldiers.

Jia Ke then said: "I think the discipline of the personal soldiers is still a little loose. I plan to train them for a period of time to make them disciplined, and then let them learn the method of joint attack from everyone. What do you think?"

Old man Liu didn't hesitate at all: "I will obey my uncle's orders for everything."

Jia Ke was quite satisfied with his answer. His question just now was probably a test. It seems that Old Man Liu still knows what is good.

"After a while, I will come to the scene in person and start the basic training first. Now you will lead them to train first." Jia Ke ordered them.

Old man Liu left when he saw that Jia Ke had finished giving orders.

Jia Ke called Lin Zhixiao to ask him about the surroundings of Caozhuang, the landscape of mountains and rivers, and wanted to see some strange places nearby, so that he could have an adventure. After all, he is also a time traveler, so he should have some luck.
Although Lin Zhixiao said that he often came to Caozhuang, he was not a local, how could he tell.So he recommended Zhou Wang to Jia Ke, because he grew up in Xiacao Village and knew the surrounding terrain very well, so Jia Ke asked Zhou Wang to come in and answer.

Soon Zhou Wang came in, and Jia Ke asked him: "You grew up in Xiacaozhuang, you know the neighborhood very well, tell me about it."

Although Zhou Wang looked tactful, he was very honest in front of Jia Ke. After listening to Jia Ke's question, "Returning to my uncle, the younger one grew up in Xiacao Village, and he is very familiar with the surrounding area. There are plains all around here. , there is only the small mountain of Caoshan behind the village, but this Caoshan is a branch of Yanshan, so there is a lot of game in the mountain, and people have heard the roar of tigers in the mountain before. There are some caves in the mountain, and there are hot springs in some caves.”

After listening to his introduction, Jia Ke felt that there was nothing strange nearby, it was just an ordinary small mountain village, and it seemed that there were no adventures for her to pick up.There is no interest in asking.

Jia Ke asked Zhou Wang to go out and asked Lin Zhixiao to come.Jia Ke wants to distribute the staff in the family and let them perform their duties.

After Lin Zhixiao arrived, Jia Ke said to him: "We are also a small family now, let's distribute the errands first to avoid confusion."

Lin Zhixiao respectfully said, "My lord, please give me your orders."

Jia Ke said: "There are not many people in our family, you are the manager. By the way, what is Chuncao's father's name?"

Lin Zhixiao replied: "Miss Chuncao's surname is Wu, and her father's name is Wu Zhong."

"Then let Wu Zhong take care of the door and clean the yard by the way. Wu Zhong's family will manage the kitchen at home, and Zhou Wang's family will help."

"As for your daughter-in-law, take care of the inner house and let her suppress the spring grass and Qiaolian, so that nothing will go wrong."

"Zhou Wang will be my long-term follower. I think he is still smart, so I will run errands with me first."

Lin Zhixiao agreed: "Yes, sir, I will arrange it right away."

Seeing that he was about to go out, Jia Ke said, "Call me the Zhuangtou when you go out, I have something to explain."

When Lin Zhixiao went out, he first arranged Wu Zhong as the concierge, and then asked Zhou Wang to wait outside the hall to take care of him in case something happened to the uncle.

Then let Wu Zhong's family and Zhou Wang's family go to the kitchen, and ordered the supervisor of Wu Zhong's family.

Then he found his daughter-in-law and said to her: "The uncle asked you to manage the inner house. When you go, just say what you want. Don't be polite. Don't let Chuncao and Qiaolian make too much trouble."

Lin Zhixiao's family agreed, and then said: "I've seen it for a long time, and those two are not fuel-efficient lamps. Qiaolian looks cute, but in fact she has a big heart. Chuncao looks honest, but in fact she also has hidden thoughts in her heart. Neither of them is worrying."

Lin Zhixiao took her words: "So the uncle asked you to suppress them, and I will go to Liu Hong if I don't talk about it." After saying that, he was discharged from the hospital.

Lin Zhixiao found Liu Hong and asked him to go there, saying that the uncle had something to do with him.

Liu Hong didn't dare to be negligent, so he went to Jia Ke's courtyard and saw Zhou Wang waiting outside the hall, so he stepped forward and asked Zhou Wang to inform him, and Zhou Wang entered the hall without delaying, and came out to greet Liu later. Hong said, "Master let you in."

When Liu Hongjin came to the living room, he saw Jia Ke, reading a book in a chair, and hurriedly stepped forward to greet Jia Ke.

Seeing Liu Hong coming, Jia Ke let him lie down first, and then asked him, "Is there any space outside Caozhuang that we don't need?"

Liu Hong replied: "There is a gravel field at the west end of the village. It should be because it can't be cultivated, so it has been empty."

Jia Ke then said, "Okay, there is an open space, take me to have a look, it may be useful." Then he got up and walked out.

Liu Hong dared to rush forward a few steps to lead him the way, so Liu Hong led the way, Jia Ke followed behind, and Zhou Wang Jia Ke followed closely.A group of people came to the west of the village.

I saw that this piece of land was close to a small river, and it looked like twenty or thirty acres.Jia Ke was very satisfied, so she said to Liu Hong, "How much would it cost to build fifteen or six houses on this side of the village near the village?"

Liu Hong secretly calculated and returned: "If you want to build an adobe house, a dozen taels of adobe is enough. If you want a brick house, you need at least five or sixty taels."

Jia Ke's idea is to build a brick house, otherwise the adobe house will have hidden dangers whether it is thermal insulation or safety.Although I don't have much money, the purpose of Jiagaifang is to use the second place as a barracks, so it can't be sloppy.

Jia Ke thought it over and said to Liu Hong: "Build a brick and tile house, build three rows of five rooms at the end of the village, and put up a shop. I will give you 60 taels, and you can do it. It can be built in a few days. Heaven can live in people."

Liu Hong said: "If the uncle is in a hurry, I will go to the contact person in the afternoon, and the work can start about the day after tomorrow. After a rush, it will take ten days to build it. After burning the kang, the moisture will be removed in a few days. People can live in about fifteen days."

Jia Ke said: "Okay, you can go to Lin Zhixiao for money, and it must be built within fifteen days."

Jia Ke gave Lin Zhixiao 200 taels of silver when he arrived at Xiacaozhuang, plus the food expenses for the soldiers who were given by the Jia family when he came, the monthly bill was about 250 taels of silver that Lin Zhixiao was in charge of.

From the second day on, Xiacao Village became busy. The soldiers began to train every day under the supervision of old man Liu. At noon, the peasant women from the village hired by old man Liu cooked for them, and they didn't leave until the afternoon.

And Liu Hong went to find craftsmen and helpers, and began to build a house in the west of the village.Because of Jia Ke's urgency, Liu Hong recruited all the strong laborers available in the village.So the house changed every day, and old man Liu knew from his son that the future barracks was built in the west of the village, and he cared very much about it, so he came to have a look almost whenever he had time.

Liu Hong complained about his father coming over from time to time, thinking that the old father didn't believe him because the two had argued several times at home, but Liu Hong was still strongly suppressed by the old man Liu.

For the past ten days or so, Jia Ke has not been idle, and has spent every day practicing halberds and reading military books (the military books were taken from Jia's study, and they are all treasured by two generations of Duke Rong).

In her spare time, Jia Ke would also fight with the two maids, watching Chuncao and Qiaolian's fighting skills, living a very happy life.

However, such a good life soon passed away. After the house in the west of the village (it cannot be called a barracks, a taboo) was built, Jia Ke notified all the members of the pro-military team to live together in the west house of the village.And Jia Ke also decided to live with the soldiers for a period of time in the past.

One is to cultivate a relationship with the soldiers, and the other is to test whether the basic training he learned during the half-month military training in high school can be used.You must know that the discipline of our Communist army is notorious. When the phalanx marches and the orders are executed, there is no need to say that it is right to move closer to our Communist army.

(End of this chapter)

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