Chapter 29 Training 1
On the night before Jia Ke went to the west of the village, Chun Cao complained to Jia Ke while she was tidying her clothes: "Master, you really insist on training with those rough people. Isn't it different at home?"

Before Jia Ke could reply, Qiao Lian retorted: "What do you know, sir, this is to train soldiers, and he will do big things in the future. Don't let him hold you back."

"I'm slowing down? You didn't know where I was when I was serving the uncle?"

Seeing that they were about to quarrel again, Jia Ke couldn't help but frowned, the two of them were never quiet for a day, so Jia Ke said: "Stop arguing, I have a reason for going there, don't ask too much. "Speaking, I went to the outhouse to read a book.

Chuncao and Qiaolian saw that Jia Ke was a little angry, and they gave each other a hard look, then they extinguished their anger, and obediently gathered tomorrow's clothes for Jia Ke.

Early the next morning, Jia Ke came to the west of the village with his clothes. At this time, all the soldiers came, even old man Liu.Everyone chatted in groups of three or four, which looked like an army.

But I think it was an elite army in ancient times, and it was probably the same when they were not practicing, so I won’t say it.

Jia Ke first gathered several veterans to prepare for a meeting.In a specially arranged room, everyone sat down separately.

Jia Ke spoke first: "I've thought about it for the past few days, and the discipline of our personal soldiers is still too lax. I decided to train them myself, starting with discipline training. Only with discipline can the army have combat effectiveness."

Old man Liu frowned and said: "We train soldiers well, there is nothing wrong with it, and it has been like this since ancient times. We haven't learned how to practice this kind of discipline before, so I can only think of it by myself." Already." His tone was a little bad.

Jia Ke could see that Old Man Liu was a little annoyed, but Jia Ke was not prepared to give in. Old Man Liu's prestige in the personal army was too high, surpassing the leader of his own team. After all, Jia Ke was not familiar with him, and he didn't want his first army to have two leaders.So before he came, he had already thought about depriving old man Liu and others of their power. Although this meant killing a donkey, Jia Ke decided to do it anyway.

Jia Ke said to old man Liu and the other veterans: "Well, I will train them in my own way for a month, and then I will see after a month. If it doesn't work, I will send some old men back." Jia Ke made up his mind.

According to old man Liu and the others, Jia Ke was determined to train himself, so he had nothing to say, but wanted to see Jia Ke's jokes in January.

So old man Liu said first: "Master, I am getting old and have no energy. I feel unwell these days and want to rest at home for a few days. What do you think, sir?"

Jia Ke wasn't angry when he saw that old man Liu wanted to tease him. Isn't that what he wanted?Immediately said: "Several old people have worked hard, and it is too much work to get up early and late at such an advanced age. How about it, the old people only need to come over when they have time in the future, and they don't have to follow the team to get up early and late."

Then Jia Ke said: "The old ones still have a lot of experience in the battlefield. Come every three days to pass on the experience to the soldiers, so that the boys will suffer less on the battlefield in the future."

Jia Ke was beating and dragging, not only taking away their power, but also using their people.Jia Ke was not afraid of their obedience, because the members of the personal army were their children, and they were also afraid of bad or bad things in the future.

After the meeting, the veterans left angrily. Jia Ke came to the courtyard and gathered all the soldiers.Count the number of people first, there are 51 people in total.

According to the ancient military system, Jia Ke divided them into two teams, and each team was subdivided into five teams, each with five members.There was one more person, and Jia Ke randomly assigned the extra person to a team, thinking that after the training, one of them would be selected as the captain.

After dividing the military system, each of the five had a room, and An was allocated barracks from the first to the tenth. Jia Ke did not do anything special.

On the first day, it was still early, and Jia Ke gathered the members of the guards.

First teach them how to make quilts, and the people in the quilt making team laughed when they said that they are all so old, who can't make quilts.

Jia Ke didn't speak, but unfolded her own quilt in front of everyone, and then folded it into a neat row like a tofu block in about 2 minutes. Everyone was surprised, but also puzzled. What's the use of doing this.

Knowing their doubts, Jia Ke explained to them: "The discipline of recruits is still very loose. If obedience, discipline, self-control, and hierarchical concepts have not been established, the effect of blindly carrying out military-related training will be extremely poor. It's extremely inappropriate for myself. What's the point of folding the quilt? It's just one aspect to look neat and tidy."

Jia Ke paused, looked at them, and then said to them seriously: "Folding the quilt is definitely not for the sake of face, it is a great exercise for people's discipline, obedience, and self-control. So you If you become a chief officer in the future, the training of soldiers will start with folding quilts."

Jia Ke explained this to them, just to let them know why they did this.Jia Ke's goal is not only to train them into qualified soldiers, but also to train them into qualified officers.Just like what the modern Japanese country did, soldiers were trained as lieutenants, lieutenants were trained as school officers, and school officers were trained as generals.

Jia Ke wants to use each of them as a fire, and each of them can become an officer when needed.

In the following time, Jia Ke asked every member of the personal army to practice, and he personally guided by the side, and he also took the trouble to demonstrate to some soldiers who always made mistakes.Jia Ke's performance quickly won the favor of the soldiers.

When eating at noon, Jia Ke also ate with the soldiers, and did not specialize.In the afternoon, I continued to learn how to make quilts. Most people have already started to look good. Then people have confidence and look at the neatly made quilts, which makes people feel comfortable.

In the evening, when everyone had dinner, Jia Ke did not let them move freely, but told them some past battle history, and mobilized everyone to express their opinions, what should they do if they were the leader.Then we discuss together.

The next morning, after waking up, everyone tried their best to fold their quilts into tofu cubes, and then put them neatly on the bed, making people look so comfortable.

After breakfast, Jia Ke summoned everyone to the open space and began to teach everyone to line up. Everyone must stand at attention and not waver in the slightest.Practicing all morning made the lively boys very uncomfortable, feeling more tired than working all morning.

In the next few days, the daily training of the guard team will be to fold quilts and practice lining up.

Several veterans came to visit every day, they wanted to see how this baby Jia Ke trained soldiers.But after watching it for a few days, I still don't understand what it is for.

Every day is to make a quilt, and then stand still in line. Is this training?This is just a joke, I want to see how this little doll will invite them a month later.

But Jia Ke didn't care about the thoughts of the veterans, and he started to run into trouble. During the left-right turn training, most of the soldiers couldn't tell the left and right, and the scene was once very chaotic.

After another chaos in the personal army, Jia Ke thought that this could not go on, and had to find a way.

Jia Ke thought about it carefully. It seems that in the late Qing Dynasty on the earth, when the imperial court was performing foreign exercises, there was also a situation where they could not distinguish between the left and the right. In the end, the foreign instructors came up with a way, that is, to use the left or right arm of the soldier. Help with cloth strips, so that soldiers can quickly distinguish left and right.Jia Ke decided to try this method.If not, think of other ways.

(End of this chapter)

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