Chapter 30 Training 2
As soon as Jia Ke thought of a way, he implemented it immediately, and asked people to find cloth strips, and tied each soldier's left arm as a mark.

Then carry out the training of turning left and right, and the situation will immediately improve. Although some people still make mistakes, most people can already distinguish left and right.

In the next few days, the training of the guard team improved rapidly, and in the queue practice, it was already possible to synchronize.Folding the quilt also fulfilled the goal. When I woke up in the morning, I could see the barracks, neat and tidy, neatly packed, and the quilt on the bed was placed there like tofu.

After finishing the training in formation, Jia Ke started the training of walking in formation, which is the most important thing.Walking in formation in modern times is only displayed during military parades. No one would charge in formation in a foolish manner during a battle, but it was different in ancient times. Marching in formation is the basis of the formation, and the formation advanced a certain distance above the ancient battlefield. The team was scattered, and the whole team was stopped again.Otherwise, it is easy to be defeated by the enemy.Especially if the opponent is cavalry, if your own formation is complete, you can effectively fight against the cavalry and bring a lot of casualties to it. If the formation disperses, it will be defeated by the cavalry. very important.

Jia Ke divided the marching queue. The basic marching steps are divided into step, step and running, and the auxiliary steps are divided into step, step and shift.

Queue training is the most difficult. Only after passing this level can the guards look like an army.

During this period, Jia Ke conducted strict drills on the soldiers, including the team's marching and turning, etc. The specific form is similar to today's, but if you turn in the wrong direction and go in the wrong queue, you will not only be pulled out and punished to stand , That was to hit the board. This is the first time Jia Ke has given physical punishment to the soldiers, and there is no infirmary for you to go to the infirmary after the fight, so you have to continue to practice.

In the following days, the guards trained under the cruel environment arranged by Jia Ke.The appearance of the personal soldiers has changed completely, and the individual seems to have completely changed.

The personal team can constantly change the formation during the formation practice.Such as circle, semicircle, triangle, square, figure eight, cross.The whole team is like one person, and their movements are uniform.

One month has passed, but it is a completely new one for the personal soldiers. This month has promoted the formation of good habits of the personal soldiers!The awareness of teamwork has been improved, the self-discipline of the team has been exercised, the cooperation ability of the personal team has been improved, and the willpower of the personal team has been honed.

If the former personal soldiers were considered elite, then the current personal soldiers are the best of the best.For the current personal army, the previous personal army was a crowd of black and white, vulnerable to a single blow.

And Jia Ke also selected the captain from the personal team, Liu Yu, the grandson of old man Liu. Although Liu Yu is a bit straightforward, this character is an advantage for the captain of the personal team. Jia Ke believes that the personal team does not need to be flexible. Changeable, it would be nice if Jia Ke could execute Jia Ke's orders meticulously.

After more than a month of training, the current bodyguard team has been firmly branded with Jia Ke's brand. Jia Ke's authority has reached its peak, so Jia Ke is no longer afraid of threats from old man Liu and the others.Therefore, Jia Ke asked people to invite these veterans back to teach the personal soldiers the experience of killing the enemy.

When old man Liu returned to the personal army, he was already stunned. Is this still the personal army they led?

I saw that the current guards are commanding and prohibiting, their posture is correct, and their spirits are high. Every movement is fast, accurate, and coordinated. The formation is neat and quiet. in life.

After reading it, old man Liu sighed: "There is no elite in the world better than this." From then on, he completely admired Jia Ke.

In the days to come, Jia Ke, with the help of veteran Liu and other veterans, began to train the soldiers in martial arts. All of them were practiced in actual combat, without showing off their skills.

And Jia Ke conducts regular assessments of the personal soldiers, and the assessment method is actual combat.The rules are as follows: the two sides fight, if you win, you will be upgraded, and you will be rewarded with one point for upgrading to a higher level. If you lose, you will be downgraded.

This is embarrassing. The rules are simply summarized as: If you don’t hit me, I’ll hit you. Anyway, if you can’t beat your comrades, you will be beaten by Jia Ke. You will be beaten anyway. It’s better to beat your comrades desperately, and you can earn some pocket money by the way. money.

Therefore, under this almost inhumane training method, the recruits lived in dire straits and were covered with cuts and bruises every day. However, it was in this cruel environment that they practiced extraordinary martial arts and achieved extraordinary careers in the future.

For this special army, people in later generations have a popular title-Jia Jiajun.

And Jia's army's training method has also become the tradition of Jia's army. The recruits just folded the quilt, stood in the military posture, walked in the queue, and then practiced martial arts.

Just when everyone thought that the training of the personal soldiers had been completed, Jia Ke started another training, the formation training, and Jia Ke did not train ancient Chinese formations, but very simple and practical ancient European formations. Macedonian square.

The Macedonian phalanx has a large gap between soldiers and soldiers. Macedonian spears are usually held 3 to 6 feet (4-6 meters) from the handle end, and the spearheads of [-] to [-] rows of soldiers at the head of the phalanx are aligned. The postures of the soldiers holding the spears in the front and rear rows are different, some are inclined, some are perpendicular to the ground.The first three men and the last man in each column belong to the key positions, so brave and highly skilled soldiers are selected.When fighting, the entire phalanx often runs forward in a solid dense formation, like a battering ram violently hitting the enemy's team.They mainly rely on dense formations and the weapons of their opponents to protect their own safety, because few enemies can rush through the layers of guns to kill them.

It’s not that Jia Ke worships foreigners, but rather, most of the ancient Chinese formations are comprehensive, and there are many types of weapons used in them. However, in the court law, there is a rule that "the family of the common people should not store weapons privately". Jia Ke now Also dare not offend.Therefore, other ancient formations are not suitable for the current personal army. When there are no other weapons, bamboo poles can only be used instead of spears, and the most simple but powerful Macedonian phalanx is used.

When practicing the Macedonian phalanx again, the effect of the marching formation that was trained before showed its effect. The soldiers marched forward slowly with their bamboo spears upright, and the formation was neat and fast.A little bit of meaning was quickly practiced.

It only took more than a month for the personal soldiers to practice the Macedonian phalanx from the slow step at the beginning, to the fast step, and then to the running. It can be said that the progress has been rapid.

Old man Liu and the other veterans thought that it was all right, that the bodyguards were ready to go to the battlefield, even if they faced off against the elite cavalry of the prairie barbarians, they would be able to win.

But Jia Ke thinks that there is one thing missing, which is to practice courage. Although the personal soldiers have undergone rigorous training, they have not seen blood. They may flee on the battlefield because they are afraid of escaping, which is prone to chain reactions. , causing the army to collapse, so at the end of the training, Jia Ke decided to let the personal soldiers see blood, but they couldn't kill people, so they could only kill pigs.

As a result, from the second day onwards, one pig was driven into the camp every day, and from the first five onwards, one five every day, no one could pull them out. Everyone had to stab the pig a few times, otherwise they were not qualified, and came back the next day. until the task is completed.

In this way, it took a total of three months from the beginning of training to the completion of courage training, and finally completed the training of the personal soldiers. The personal soldiers were also baptized and became a real soldier.

 I have never been a soldier, and I have no similar experience, so the writing in these two chapters is relatively blunt, please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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