Chapter 31 Drought
The training of the soldiers team lasted for more than three months. Jia Ke stayed in the camp and never went home. Although Chuncao and Qiaolian often came to visit, Jia Ke didn't want to do anything special, so he went to the camp in a short time. drove them back.

Now the training of the personal soldiers is finally completed, and the rest is the daily maintenance training. Jia Ke asked Liu Yu, the captain of the personal soldiers, to lead the training every day. Liu Yu is loyal to Jia Ke and is meticulous to his orders. Jia Ke was relieved by the execution.

And Jia Ke can also take a break. After returning to the small courtyard where she had been away for more than three months, after being taken into the inner room by Chuncao and Qiaolian and others, it seemed like a lifetime away. Jealousy, now I don't find it bothersome, but it's pleasant to listen to.

In the evening, Jia Ke ate a delicious meal specially prepared by Mrs. Chuncao, and then she sat in the bathtub contentedly, enjoying the first hot bath in more than three months.In the barracks, Jia Ke took a cold bath in the small river with the soldiers.That's comfortable taking a bath at home.

The next day, Jia Ke got up in the morning and began to practice Fang Tian's painting halberd for more than three months. During these three months, he had made great progress in absorbing Lu Bu's courage. It's a little easier than before.

After breakfast in the morning, Jia Ke rode a green-maned horse for a few laps outside the village, and practiced halberd techniques a few times on the horse, but Jia Ke found that although the green-maned horse was also a good horse, he danced squarely on it. When drawing a halberd, he felt a little weak, not to mention that his running speed slowed down, and he was also inflexible when slowing down. This was because he didn't wear that pair of armor.It seems that in the future we still have to get a thousand li horse.

Jia Ke didn't practice martial arts after lunch. After all, he should take a rest after working so hard for so many days.

In the afternoon, I managed to take a nap, but was disturbed. Chuncao came in to report, saying that it was Lin Zhixiao who asked to see her.Lin Zhixiao was still very steady, and he was afraid that something might happen if he asked to see him at this time.While letting Lin Zhixiao in, Jia Ke wailed, why can't he let him rest.Lin Zhixiao didn't know what was going on as soon as the matter with the soldiers was over.

Jia Ke received Lin Zhixiao in the living room of the inner house.

As soon as Lin Zhixiao saw Jia Ke, he greeted Jia Ke and said, "The little one pays my respects to the old man."

Jia Ke waved his hand and said, "Get up, if you have something to say, hurry up, I still have something to do."

Lin Zhixiao hurriedly said to Jia Ke: "Master, something has happened. Your Zhuangzi has a drought this year, and I'm afraid the harvest will be lost."

Jia Ke was a little confused when he heard that, and said, "My village is suffering from drought, and the harvest will be zero this year? How do you know?"

Lin Zhixiao replied to Jia Ke and said: "Master, the young man who came to deliver the case a few days ago passed the words to him on behalf of the second master. I thought I would report back to you a few days ago, but you don't want people to disturb you in the barracks. I just dragged it down. It’s not that the uncle has no time to practice in the morning, so I’m here to report now.”

Jia Ke sat on it and thought for a while, he is not a real dandy and a rich man who doesn't know the sufferings of the world.If this is a failure, people will starve to death.As a landlord, he also has responsibilities.

When he thought of his Zhuangzi dying of hunger, he couldn't sit still, and wanted to go and have a look right away.But he has never been in touch with rural affairs in his two lifetimes, so he needs a knowledgeable colleague.Looking at Lin Zhixiao, this person used to stay in the capital all the time except collecting rent, so he might not be much better than him.In the end, I thought of Liu Hong. Liu Hong had been in charge of Xiacao Village for decades, so he must be very familiar with rural affairs, so I might as well ask him.

So Jia Ke asked Zhou Wang to find Liu Hong, and said that he had something to ask him.

In a quarter of an hour, Liu Hong came.After meeting Jia Ke and asking for peace, Liu Hong asked Jia Ke, "Master, did you call me here, I wonder if there is anything I can do for you?"

Jia Ke was not polite to him, and went straight to the point: "One of my villages has suffered a drought this year, and I'm afraid it will have to be harvested. I grew up in the mansion, so I don't know about the family, so I came to ask you. What should be done to help the people.”

Liu Hong is also an old manager. He has worked in Xiacaozhuang all his life and has experienced various disasters several times. He is no stranger to drought, so he calmly replied to Jia Ke, "The most important thing in a drought is to dig a deep well to solve the problem of drinking water for humans and animals. The next thing is to transport grain into the disaster area. Just after the drought, everyone still has a certain amount of grain in stock. This is the second. Then there is epidemic prevention. You have to keep up. There is one more thing you must pay attention to, because the drought-stricken area generally has a large area, you must send more people to transport grain to the drought-stricken area, or you will be robbed by the victims of the disaster area if you don’t reach the uncle’s village.”

After Liu Hong finished speaking, he comforted Jia Ke and said, "My lord, don't worry too much. Every time there is a disaster, the imperial court will preside over the disaster relief. Usually, it will distribute food and relief to the disaster area. After the disaster, it will take measures to exempt and defer rent collection." Waiting for measures to restore people's livelihood."

Jia Ke was relieved now, but she was still going to have a look, since it was her own Zhuangzi after all.

When they were discussing how much food to bring when they went, Zhou Wanglai reported that Jia Zheng had sent someone to deliver a letter.Jia Ke hurriedly asked someone to come in, and saw that it was one of Jia Zheng's servants.The young man came in and saw Jia Ke, knelt down and saluted Jia Ke, and then delivered Jia Zheng's letter.

Jia Ke asked Zhou Wang to arrange the messenger in the front yard and let him rest overnight. After he wrote a reply, he would go back tomorrow.

Jia Ke watched the boy go down, opened the letter, and told Jia Ke in the letter that he already knew about the drought in his village, so he didn't have to worry about it. He had asked Lai Da to send someone to send 300 taels of silver, and there were five hundred taels left. Take food.Zhuang Zishang also replied that the villagers have been resettled, so that he can practice martial arts with peace of mind and don't have to worry about it.And said that Aunt Zhou is also very good, so he can rest assured at home.

After reading Jia Zheng's letter, Jia Ke was really relieved, put down the letter and told Lin Zhixiao and Liu Hong that the second master had already taken care of the affairs of the Zhuangzi, and the food and money had been delivered.Then let them go.

After dinner in the evening, Jia Ke took out Jia Zheng's letter and wanted to read it again so that he could reply to Jia Zheng's letter, but Jia Ke's brows frowned.

Jia Zheng's letter said that the money and food had been sent, and Zhuangzi also replied that the victims had been resettled.But in the past few days, Jia's mansion and Zhuangzi had several phone calls, and Jia's mansion sent all the food and called him back, which was too fast.This shows that Zhuangzi is not far from the capital city. He was also in the suburbs of Beijing when he was in Xiacaozhuang. He did not hear Liu Hong say that the harvest in the village was not good. Moreover, Liu Hong also said that the drought-affected area is generally very wide. It is impossible that only his village suffers from drought. , the rest of Beijing is fine.

It seems that either there is something wrong with Jia's mansion or there is something wrong with Chuang Tzu.It is impossible for Jia Zheng in Jia's mansion to lie, that is, there is a problem with Zhuangzi, and he may even be in collusion with the housekeeper of Jia's mansion.

This is because he is young, so come to trick him. When Zhuangzi was in Jiamu's hands, the weather was good every year, but once in his hands, disasters would happen.Not only does this year's grandfather not have to give it, but he also gets the money and food from the mansion for free.This matter cannot be concealed by a manager in the village no matter what, and the only one in Jia's mansion who can accomplish this matter is Lai Da.

Around this time, at least 3000 taels of silver can be obtained, which is not a small sum there.

When I saw the Red Mansion before, it was said that Lai's family also has pavilions and pavilions, and there is a big back garden. I also asked Jia Mu to visit it. Where did he get his money?It's all from the corrupt government.

Jia Ke never thought of embarrassing Lai, after all Lai Nanny is Jia Mu's confidant.But when he stretched his hand to his head, I'm afraid it's not just greed, it's because he didn't take himself seriously at all, and played Jia Zheng in his hands.

Jia Ke's economy is tight now (subsidized a lot of food expenses for the soldiers), and he thought that renting out the house would ease the relief, but he never thought that something like this would happen, and he would never let it go.

(End of this chapter)

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