Chapter 32
The next day, Jia Ke practiced Fang Tian's painting of a halberd in the morning, and then practiced the Spring and Autumn Daoyin technique.

Then after having breakfast served by Chuncao and Qiaolian, she asked Qiaolian to call Lin Zhixiao and Zhou Wang, and asked them to notify Liu Hong, the steward of the village, and Liu Yu, the guard of the personal army, to come over. He had something to do to order.

After a while Liu Hong and Liu Yu came, and Lin Zhixiao was about to leave when he saw the people coming. At this moment, Jia Ke stopped him and said, "Boss Lin, you stay too."

Sitting on it, Jia Ke first said to Liu Yu: "The training of the soldiers is almost done, but the long-distance training is missing. Today I will make up for it. Now you go back and let the kitchen make cakes and distribute them as dry food for the soldiers. One Gather outside my courtyard gate after hours."

Liu Yu didn't say much, and only replied to Jia Ke in a muffled voice, "I guarantee it will be completed, and there will be no delay."

Jia Ke waved him to go down, and then said to Liu Hong: "I'm still worried about my Zhuangzi, I still want to go and have a look, Liu Hong, you are the old Zhuangtou, you can go and have a look with me, in case If there is anything wrong with me, please remind me. This trip will take a few days, so prepare yourself." After saying this, Liu Hong was asked to go down and prepare without waiting for a reply.

When we arrived at Lin Zhixiao, Jia Ke said, "You are familiar with all the villages in the house, so just be a guide and arrange carriages, horses, board and lodging. Go down and get ready, and leave on time in an hour." After speaking, she dismissed Lin Zhixiao. Zhixiao went directly to the back house.

Lin Zhixiao went out of the hall, walked into the yard, looked at the sky, thinking that the sky was about to change.He had doubts about Jia Ke's incident at Zhuangzi, but firstly, he relied on the general trend, and secondly, he didn't dare to imagine that they would be so bold, and then there was no evidence, so he didn't report it to Jia Ke, but judging by Jia Ke's appearance today, He was afraid that he had seen a flaw, and he was afraid that something would happen this time, but he went to do what Jia Ke told him.

When Jia Ke returned to the back house, Chuncao immediately served tea. While drinking tea, Jia Ke said to Chuncao, "Prepare some clothes for me. I will go out soon, and it may take a few days."

Chuncao said: "Master, I'm going there, I just took a break. Why are you so busy, you can't stay at home for a while."

Jia Ke looked at Chuncao and thought, this girl has taken care of him wholeheartedly since he crossed over, and Chuncao is different from others in his heart.So don't worry about her.

"Something happened to Zhuangzi, I'm going to have a look." Jia Ke said.

"Isn't the master already paying the pension? Do you want the master to see it?"

"I suspect that there is something wrong with Zhuangzi. So I have to find out the truth. Don't tell anyone else about this, go and prepare clothes for me."

Chuncao then went to prepare things for Jia Ke, because she didn't go there for a long time, and there were only a few changes of clothes, which were packed in a while.

Jia Ke went over to take a look. Although it was much less than the last time he came to Caozhuang, there were still several big bags.He smiled and said, "It's just going out for a few days, do you need all these clothes?"

"This is not only the uncle's, but also mine."

Jia Ke immediately understood that Chuncao was going together, so she said, "I'm going to get down to business, why are you going to join in the fun?"

"Master, you go to Zhuangzi by yourself. I don't worry if there is no one to serve you for a few days."

"I used to be in the personal army, and I was alone, so don't worry." Jia Ke said.

"Can it be the same? It's just the same way in the personal army. I'll go and have a look when I think about it. It's the same as at home. But I can go outside for a few days, so I don't worry." After finishing speaking, Chuncao pestered Jia Ke , asking him to promise to let her go with her.

But Jia Ke thought that all the people who went there were men, and it would be inconvenient for only a girl in Chuncao, so she disagreed no matter what.

Seeing Jia Ke, Chuncao made up her mind not to let her go, so she had no choice but to stop pestering her. Instead, she had to show Jia Ke the packages one by one, and explain to him carefully what it was and what it was.

An hour later, Lin Zhixiao came in to report that he was ready, and Jia Ke was sent out by Qiao Lian's reluctance in the spring grass.

I saw the personal soldiers lined up neatly at the gate of the courtyard one by one in a row, each holding a five-foot-long wooden stick in his hand, dozens of them were like one person, standing there motionless like wooden figures.

There were two carriages in front of the guards. Jia Ke saw that the preparations were complete, and she was about to get into the carriage. Just as she was about to step on the stool, she suddenly remembered something, turned around and entered the house again. After a while, she pulled out a green-maned horse, holding a horse in her hand. Fang Tian painted a halberd.

He asked someone to tie the green-maned horse to the back of the car, and he got into the car with Fang Tian's painting halberd, and ordered Lin Zhixiao to go.

This group of people walked out of the village in a mighty manner. I don't know how many villagers came to see them off along the way. Among them, some family members were in the guard team, and they called each other's name loudly from a distance, but the guard team didn't look sideways. If you didn't hear it.Old man Liu was also among the seeing off crowd, and he was very proud to see the performance of the personal soldiers.This is to his credit.

Jia Ke led the troops out of Xiacao Village, and Lin Zhixiao led them straight to Jia Ke's village.

Since Jia Ke was given this Zhuangzi by Jia Mu, he didn't pay much attention to it. He didn't think it would be a big deal, at most it would be that the stewards deducted some rent from it, but he never expected these people to be so bold.

On the road, Jia Ke was sitting in the carriage, while Lin Zhixiao and the coachman were sitting on the left and right sides of the front of the carriage.Liu Hong and Zhou Wang sat in the car behind, followed by the guards.

In the car, Jia Ke asked Lin Zhixiao, "How far is our village from Xiacao Village? When the old lady gave it to me, she only said it was not far from Xiacao Village. I don't know the exact distance."

Lin Zhixiao was afraid that Jia Ke could not hear clearly outside the car, so he replied loudly: "Our village is about [-] miles away from Xiacao Village, which is closer to the capital than Xiacao Village is to the capital."

Jia Ke asked again, "What's Zhuangzi's name, and how many families does he have?"

Lin Zhixiao still said loudly: "Our Zhuangzi is called Wangjiatun, and there are more than 100 households."

Jia Ke asked again: "Did Wang Jiatun not pay the rent on time before?"

Lin Zhixiao replied: "No again, but there was a year of waterlogging and a lot of rain, and Wangjiatun paid the rent on time. I remember that the old lady said at the time that the stewards of Wangjiatun took care of things and were able to plan ahead. .” Lin Zhixiao kept calm and told Jia Ke what he knew.

Jia Ke now understands why Mother Jia bestowed Wang Jiatun on him.This is because Jia's mother believes that Wangjiatun's stewards are capable and reliable, and can relieve Jia Ke's worries.Anyway, for now, Mother Jia treats his grandson very well, even surpassing his legitimate son Jia Zhu.

Jia Ke asked Lin Zhixiao again, "What's the name of the steward of Wangjiatun?"

Lin Zhixiao replied: "Li An, the steward of Wangjiatun, married Madam Lai's daughter." This was Lin Zhixiao's reminder to Jia Ke.

Hearing what he said, Jia Ke said lightly, "I mean, so it's her son-in-law." Then she stopped talking.

At noon, the team asked for some water and rations in the passing village. Originally, the elders in the village saw that Jia Ke was the son of a wealthy family and wanted to invite Jia Ke to have dinner at home, but Jia Ke declined.He also ate solid food with the crowd.

After lunch, everyone set off immediately without delay.At about three o'clock in the afternoon (for the sake of everyone's convenience, the modern time will be used in the future), Lin Zhixiao said to Jia Ke: "Master, Wangjiatun is ahead."

Jia Ke said to him, "Don't go into the village yet, just walk around the village."

Lin Zhixiao agreed, and led the team around Wangjiatun.

Jia Ke lifted the curtains of the car and looked out, only to see a lush green area outside the village. The wheat fields in the field were almost finished harvesting, but there was still a small part that had not been harvested, and some crops that were probably sorghum had not yet begun to be harvested.

Looking at the crops that are growing well, no matter how you look at it, you don't think it looks like it has been hit by a drought.

Jia Ke's face became gloomy, and Lin Zhixiao felt Jia Ke's anger from the side, and immediately held his breath, not daring to disturb him, for fear that he would take his anger on him.

(End of this chapter)

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