Chapter 33
Jia Ke asked people to go around outside the village, and then returned to the entrance of the village. Jia Ke said to Lin Zhixiao: "After entering the village, go directly to the village to find a wide open space and stop."

Lin Zhixiao asked Jia Ke for instructions: "There is a stage in the village, the front is very wide, and all matters in the village are discussed there, why not go to that stage?"

Jia Ke said, "Then go to the stage."

Lin Zhixiao hurriedly led the way, led the team into the village and stopped in front of the stage in the village.

Jia Ke got out of the car and let the guards rest where they were. He looked up at the stage.The stage is made of rammed earth, with bricks and stones on the side, and square bricks on the floor. It is a large platform surrounded by wooden railings. There are four pillars on its four sides, supporting a large square roof. It is square and open on all sides. There are stairs on both sides for people to go up and down.There is also a couplet on both sides,
The first couplet is: Fang opened the stage, and people came from all directions, watching the world and catering to the world, as if on stage;
The second line is: suddenly close the gong, disappear in an instant, save the wealth and honor in the world, and the end is like this.

The horizontal batch is: Zhuanzheng Qiankun.

Jia Ke looked at this couplet and found it intriguing. The characters on the stage are nothing more than life, beauty, ugliness, benevolence, loyalty, etiquette, and shame. After watching these operas, people can be deeply inspired. When doing things, you must be considerate, learn from the role models in opera, and distinguish between loyal and evil.But how many people take him seriously?However, I am afraid that some people will know today that the truth of the ending is like this.

After watching the stage, Jia Ke went up the stairs. Lin Zhixiao hurriedly signaled to Zhou Wang. Zhou Wang was also clever and understood immediately.Dare to move up the stool in a hurry and insert it clean with his sleeve.Ask Jia Ke to sit down.

Jia Ke sat down on the stool and told Lin Zhixiao, "Go and call me the head of the village."

Then he said to Liu Yu: "Send a few people to follow Guan Shi and seal Zhuangtou's house for me."

Liu Yu immediately sent two soldiers to follow Lin Zhixiao.

Lin Zhixiao took people to the center of the village, a big house, this is Li An's house, every time he came here before, he was very envious, this house has three entrances, front and back, and a small garden at the back.It is more grand than the average gentry's house.But now this house can become Li An's ready-made crime.

Lin Zhixiao stepped forward to knock on the door, and after a while, he heard someone talking inside the door: "Is that it? It's so noisy in the afternoon, why don't we ask people to rest for a while."

Lin Zhixiao said outside: "It's me, Lin Zhixiao, who came to see your master about something."

The people inside knew Lin Zhixiao, and knew that he was the steward of the Rongguo Mansion. Lin Zhixiao used to collect the rent, and his master was very respectful to him.Don't dare to neglect now, open the door immediately.

As soon as he opened the door, Lin Zhixiao waved his hand, and immediately a soldier came forward and pushed the door open.Two men held the door firmly.

The person who opened the door was stunned on the spot, he had never seen such a formation before.

Lin Zhixiao ignored him and walked directly into the front hall. At this time, some servants had already noticed something was wrong and reported it to the master later.

Lin Zhixiao came to the front hall and sat on the main seat, with his own soldiers lined up on both sides.

For a moment, a sound of chaotic footsteps was heard from behind, and a middle-aged man came out with two servants.This middle-aged man looks so good-looking, this is Li An.

As soon as Li An entered the front hall, he saw Lin Zhixiao sitting in the main seat, and he felt displeased for a while, but he still smiled and said: "I don't know who opened it, it turned out to be the housekeeper Lin, sorry, sorry. Please forgive me." Seeing that Lin Zhixiao didn't talk to him, he sat down on the guest seat next to him.

Seeing him sitting down, Lin Zhixiao said to him, "I'm here for nothing else, but someone wants to see you."

Li An said: "I don't know who is here. It's such a big air to ask Brother Lin to come to me."

Lin Zhixiao gave him a disdainful look: "I heard that Wangjiatun summoned disaster victims, and my uncle is in trouble day and night, so why don't you come to condolences to the victims in person, and now you are on the stage, waiting for Manager Li to answer."

Li An heard that Lin Zhixiao's tone was not kind just now, and now he heard that the uncle is coming, and asked Lin Zhixiao to call him. At this time, he didn't know what happened, and it might be bad.

Li An immediately got up and went to Lin Zhixiao's side, bowed to salute, and handed over a bank note from his sleeve, saying: "Brother Lin, the younger brother's work has been a bit poor this time, but the younger brother can't help but look at Brother Lin." Say a few kind words in front of the uncle. The younger brother is very grateful."

Lin Zhixiao knew that when he said that he couldn't help it, he was implying that there was someone behind him, and everyone would be better off after taking the money, as long as the above was full, everything would be fine.

Lin Zhixiao couldn't help laughing, this Li An is really naive, it's really reckless to dare to threaten him at this time.

Seeing a smile on Lin Zhixiao's face, Li An thought that Lin Zhixiao agreed to help, and was overjoyed.Just about to go forward and confess with Lin Zhixiao.Lin Zhixiao yelled: "What kind of polluting thing, dare to bribe me, and the left and right won't take it down with me."

As soon as Lin Zhixiao finished drinking, he saw two soldiers coming up, holding Li An together and kneeling him on the ground.

Li An struggled and called out.Li An's servant outside had already been notified to Li An's family, and she was eavesdropping outside the hall at this time, and heard Li An calling for help inside.Immediately rushed in with a few servants, trying to snatch Li An.

Seeing this, Lin Zhixiao was furious, and shouted: "You are a woman who dares to meddle in the important affairs of this mansion. You will die." Immediately ordered the soldiers to drive these servants aside, and pulled Li An's family away.

Lin Zhixiao scolded Li An's family: "Idiot woman, dare to do this at this time, you really think Lai Nanny is the old lady in charge of Jia's house."

At this time, Li An's family also knew that something was wrong, so they could only sit on the ground and cry bitterly.

Lin Zhixiao ignored her after finishing speaking.He ordered one of the corporal leaders who led the team to guard the mansion and not let anyone in or out.After instructing him to take two of his own soldiers, he wanted to suppress Li An and go to the stage to ask Jia Ke to return.

But at this time Li An was already limp on the ground, unable to walk, so Lin Zhixiao had to order two soldiers to drag Li An away.

As soon as Lin Zhixiao and the others left the house, they were discovered by the villagers.

The villagers were all discussing and guessing who the official Li had offended. He was dragged away like this, and he was in a mess.Out of curiosity, he followed Lin Zhixiao and the others to the stage.

As soon as I arrived on the stage, I saw dozens of servants in front of the stage, all of them were burly and sturdy, standing motionless like pillars under the stage.

And there was a little boy sitting on the stage.At this time, the young man was sitting on the stage with a gloomy expression, which made people afraid just looking at it.

Lin Zhixiao ordered someone to push Li An off the stage, and went up to report to Jia Ke himself.

Two personal soldiers pushed Li An off the stage, and pressed him to kneel down. Li An knew that the one above was the second master's eldest son, so he didn't dare to resist and knelt obediently.Peeking at Jia Ke's face on the stage, seeing Jia Ke's gloomy face, he knew something was wrong.This is to expose the truth.

Originally, he didn't want to do this job this year, but his uncle said that Jia Ke was young and ignorant, and he grew up in a wealthy family so he didn't know the sufferings of the world. They did it this time and they had the income of the previous five or six years.If Jia Ke grows up in a few years, it won't be easy to fool her. It depends on these few years to get rich.He sounded reasonable, so he followed Lai Da's arrangement, and it went smoothly at first. The mansion not only waived this year's rent, but also released grain and silver.He sold the grain and the rent collected this year, plus the government's disaster relief money, there were 3000 taels, and he divided nearly 1000 taels.I thought it was all right, but I didn't expect Jia Ke to bring someone here.It seems that this posture is not good.

(End of this chapter)

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