Chapter 288 Visit
Less than a month after Jia Lian got married, a major event happened in Rongguo Mansion that no one thought of.That is, Mother Jia decided on her own to let Wang Xifeng assist Mrs. Wang in managing Rongguo Mansion, and arranged the courtyard of Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng in a small courtyard directly behind Rongxi Hall. Although this courtyard has only a dozen rooms, it is beautifully decorated. Most importantly, this courtyard is on the same central axis as Rongxi Hall.

In this way, Mrs. Wang's courtyard seems to have become a side courtyard, and Wang Xifeng has officially started to take charge of the Rongguo Mansion. Therefore, Mrs. Wang withdrew from the position of a stone's throw. Except for major matters, everything else was handed over to Wang Xifeng, so Wang Xifeng has actually become the chief steward of the Rongguo Mansion.

Mother Jia made this decision after careful consideration. Mrs. Wang said she was a lady, but she was actually a bit narrow-minded, and she was really not good at housekeeping. Her housekeeper had been empty of Rongguo Mansion over the years.If it wasn't for Jia Zheng's sake, Mother Jia would have pushed her aside long ago.

During the period when Wang Xifeng came in, Jia's mother secretly inspected him and her, and this daughter-in-law really lived up to her reputation outside.

Wang Xifeng is a person with exquisite faces. She tries her best to curry favor with Jia Mu in the Rongguo Mansion, and she also respects Mrs. Wang very much.And she acted neatly. After investigating for a while, Mother Jia felt that she was still much better than Mrs. Wang.

At least Wang Xifeng still has calculations in mind, if she is allowed to be the housekeeper, at least she will be much stronger than Mrs. Wang.

So when Mrs. Wang and others visited Jia Mu, Jia Mu suddenly issued an order to seize the power of Mrs. Wang's housekeeper and handed over her rights to Wang Xifeng.

After Wang Xifeng suddenly received the power of housekeeper, instead of panicking, she became happy instead.She originally had the ambition of a man, but as a daughter, she couldn't go out and wander around. This time she got the right to be a housekeeper, so she naturally wanted to show her ambitions and let others see her ability.

Mrs. Wang suddenly lost the right to be a housekeeper, and she was very depressed. Although she still has some rights in her hands, except for some important matters, she can still intervene, and she is almost not allowed to intervene in other matters.

Fortunately, Wang Xifeng still respected Mrs. Wang very much, and had to go to report to her about any matter, big or small, which made Mrs. Wang feel less disappointed.

Although Wang Xifeng has taken over the housework, Mrs. Wang's former subordinates don't respect her very much. After all, these people have been veterans for decades. It is not easy for a teenage girl like Wang Xifeng to suppress them.

Besides, it is not easy to manage Jia's mansion well. "There are more than [-] people, and there are [-] or [-] things a day, which is like a mess." Jia's mansion is not easy!The extravagant life in the mansion, the extravagant consumption, the dispatch and restraint of the powerful and powerful servants, etc.; outside the congratulations and entertainment of the emperor's relatives, the weddings and funerals of old relatives and friends, the celebration of birthdays, the sending and welcoming of the Houmen mansion, the red tape Wait, this big mess of complicated, trivial, and intricate matters must be handled, interrogated, and decided by her.And now there is one more thing in the mansion, that is, officials from all over the country come to send ice tributes, carbon tributes, and gifts to entrust them to handle errands.Each of these matters is of great importance. If you don't get things done after receiving the gift, you will not only offend people, but also make it difficult for you to go in the officialdom in the future.

Madam Wang was responsible for all these things, but Madam Wang only knows how to make money, and dares to agree to anything. After receiving the gifts, she directly sent Jia Zheng's posts to various places, relying on his reputation and Jia Ke's prestige. , most things can still be done, so it has been able to maintain until now.

But now it's Wang Xifeng's turn, these things may not be able to be done.After all, she couldn't use Jia Zheng's post, and she could only use Jia Amnesty's if she wanted to.In this way, the deterrence of officials everywhere is much less.This allows her to carefully consider what can and cannot be done.

All the slaves at home were waiting to see her jokes, thinking that as a new daughter-in-law, she was in charge of such a big family when she first came to Rongguo Mansion, and she would definitely make jokes, but Wang Xifeng gave everyone a loud slap in the face.

This Wang Xifeng took care of the house, no matter how big or small it was, inside and out, everything was orderly, proper and thoughtful.Moreover, in Jia's mansion, she handles the intricate interpersonal relationships of seniority, superiority, closeness, concubine, master-slave, etc., carefully and clearly.

Officials from all over the country came to give gifts, and Wang Xifeng sorted out all kinds of connections, and even used Jia Ke's reputation to get her to win a group of useful officials to work for her.Many things don't need her to ask, and the officials below will do it for her naturally, so now she is no less powerful than Mrs. Wang in the officialdom.

In this way, Wang Xifeng praised this "old ancestor" all over the place, loved her and loved her, and couldn't leave her for a moment. With this backing, she became even more unscrupulous in holding power in the Rongguo Mansion. Even his husband Jia Lian was also afraid of her. three points.

Although Wang Xifeng became the housekeeper of the Rongguo Mansion, she knew very well in her heart, knowing who the Rongguo Mansion relied on to support it until now.So apart from rectifying the Rongguo Mansion, cleaning up those useless servants, and pleasing the old lady, he decided to visit Qin Keqing in Wuyanghou Mansion in person.She knows that as long as she pleases Jia Ke, her position in the Rongguo Mansion will be as stable as Mount Tai in the future. Sixth, the officials she wooed will not dare to resist in Jia Ke's face.

So on a clear morning after the snow, Wang Xifeng took her four dowry maids, sitting in a soft sedan chair carried by two people, and came out from the side door of Rongguo Mansion.Go west along Ningrong Street, and walk a stone's throw to the gate of Wuyanghou Mansion.

Wang Xifeng watched the Wuyanghou Mansion carefully in the sedan chair, and saw that the size of the gate was no worse than that of the Rongguo Mansion. The only difference from the Rongguo Mansion was that the ones who opened the door were not the servants of the family, but eight people who licked their chests and folded their bellies. Helmets and crown armor, and soldiers with swords across their waists, this alone shows the difference between Wuyanghou Mansion and Rongguo Mansion.

As soon as they arrived at the gate of the Marquis of Wuyang's mansion, several soldiers came forward to inquire, and Wang Xifeng's dowry maid hurriedly explained her purpose.

The soldier knew that it was the grandma who was in charge of the nearby Rongguo Mansion who was visiting his mistress, so he didn't dare to neglect to send someone in to report.

At this time, Qin Keqing's belly was already very big, and she just walked a few steps casually in her room every day and did not go out, and the nuns around her were also more careful about it, and usually did not dare to casually eat food without knowing its origin Giving her food is completely treating him like a concubine in the palace.

Aunt Zhou is the only person Qin Keqing can contact every day.Aunt Zhou now talks and chats with her twice a day, morning and evening, without interruption.

Today, the two women sat on Qin Keqing's bedside as usual, chatting about gossip about the Ningrong Second Mansion without saying a word. Among them, the most talked about was how Wang Xifeng managed the house, and how to rule the arrogant and domineering slaves in the Rongguo Mansion. Submissive post.

At this time Ruizhu came in from outside the house and came to Qin Keqing's side, "Grandma, the Second Mistress Lian from the nearby mansion is asking to see you outside the gate."

As soon as Qin Keqing heard that Wang Xifeng asked to see her, she couldn't help but become very interested. She had long wanted to meet this hero in the makeup pile, but she was only walking with a bad pregnancy, so she didn't meet each other.Now that Wang Sishun came to visit her in person, he immediately sent someone to meet her.

Wang Xifeng waited outside the mansion for a while, when the side door of Wuyang Hou's mansion was opened, a group of servant girls walked out from it, the leader came to Wang Xifeng's soft sedan chair, gave her a blessing, and said: "Slave servant Rui Zhu, send my regards to Second Grandma Lian. The slave servant was ordered by our grandma to come to greet Second Grandma Lian, but because our grandma was pregnant, she couldn’t greet her in person, so she asked Second Grandma Lian to forgive her.”

"Your grandma has a heart. They are all your own sisters-in-law. It's too outrageous to say whether to forgive or not." Wang Xifeng said crisply in the soft sedan chair.

So Ruizhu led the way, and a group of servant girls surrounded Wang Xifeng's soft sedan chair, and entered Wuyang Hou's mansion through the side door.

Wang Xifeng was able to walk through the side door this time because Qin Keqing admired her ability, so she let him in through the side door of the main entrance, which was already an extra standard of courtesy.Under normal circumstances, if Wang Xifeng wanted to enter, he had to enter the Marquis of Wuyang Mansion, or he had to go through the Moon Gate connected to the Marquis of Rongguo, or he had to go through the corner gate outside Marquis Wuyang.

The soft sedan chair made by Wang Xifeng directly entered the outer courtyard of the Marquis Wuyang Mansion.There are Jia Ke's outer study, the rooms of various staff, as well as various office places such as housekeepers and accountants.

Going forward is a Yimen, and after passing through the Yimen is a five-bay hall, which is the place where Jia Ke receives guests. On both sides of the hall are corridors and greenhouses.

Wang Xifeng's sedan chair passed through the hall, and then went further to the Neiyi Gate. After passing through the Neiyi Gate, he came to Wuwei Hall, the center of Wuyang Hou's mansion.They passed by the Wuwei Hall, and then arrived at the main courtyard where Qin Keqing lived.

In the Rongguo Mansion, there is also such a main house compound, but it has been closed and no one lives there. Even Mrs. Wang only lives in the courtyard next to the Rongxi Hall.

When Wang Xifeng came here, the sedan chair stopped. Wang Xifeng got out of the sedan chair with the support of Ping'er. Looking ahead, he saw a row of five or six large main houses in front of him. At the door of one of the houses, there was a man standing She was pregnant with a beautiful woman. Although she was pregnant, she was so gorgeous. Wang Xifeng fell in love with it when she saw it, and knew that this was Qin Keqing, the hostess of Wuyang Houfu.Next to her was a middle-aged woman with an ordinary complexion in gorgeous clothes, followed by four or five women, and seven or eight servant girls.

Wang Xifeng quickly took two steps, came to Qin Keqing's side and saluted her, "Wang Xifeng saluted my sister-in-law."

"Hurry up, don't be too polite, sister-in-law, I still want to make an apology to you. I didn't go to congratulate you on your wedding day. It's really a sin." Qin Keqing's voice was very gentle.

After hearing her words, Wang Xifeng laughed crisply, "My sister-in-law understands me, and I find those vulgar etiquettes the most troublesome." After sweeping, she said to the woman next to Qin Keqing: "This must be Is it Aunt Zhou? My niece is here to salute you."

Aunt Zhou saw Wang Xifeng bowing to her, and hurriedly stepped forward to help her up, "I'm just a concubine, how can I bear your big gift?"

"You can't say that. If you want to talk about others, you will definitely not be able to bear my courtesy, but you are a famous person with status. If I don't polite, it will be my fault." Wang Xifeng spoke very flatteringly. Aunt Zhou immediately smiled when she heard her words, and almost regarded her as her own daughter.

This is Mammy Zhang standing next to Qin Keqing speaking, "Grandmas, it's cold outside, Auntie, let's go inside and talk."

Aunt Zhou just came to her senses, she didn't think anything of it, but what about Qin Keqing who made money later?Now Qin Keqing is the treasure in her heart, so she hurriedly dragged Qin Keqing and Wang Xifeng into the house together.

(End of this chapter)

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