Chapter 289

Qin Keqing, Wang Xifeng and the other three entered the room, and Aunt Zhou directly helped Qin Keqing onto the kang by the window and let her lean on the bed.After finishing these things, Aunt Zhou turned around and said apologetically to Wang Xifeng: "I'm really sorry for the second grandma, who left you as a guest in the cold. It's really that she can't sit for a long time now, but I will take care of her first."

Wang Xifeng smiled, and said heartily: "It's boring if the whole family is always so polite. I treat your house as my own." He was not polite, so he sat beside Qin Keqing and chatted with her. Come.

Aunt Zhou sat on the chair next to her with a smile, watching the two of them chatting without interrupting.

When it was almost noon, Qin Keqing asked Wang Xifeng to have a meal in the mansion. In order to get closer to Qin Keqing, Wang Xifeng also enthusiastically agreed.

So all kinds of precious and delicious flowing water styles were put on display. Wang Xifeng looked at this posture, which was more luxurious than what she saw in Jia's mansion.Originally, when she was in Jia's mansion, she felt that she was a bit extravagant and licentious, and she was more ostentatious than her uncle, Wang Ziteng's family.

However, she is only a granddaughter-in-law, and she is powerless to change. Fortunately, the income of the Jia family these years can barely maintain a balance. In addition, Jia Ke has served as the Minister of Military Aircraft this year, and the ice respect and carbon respect in various places have not been cut off, so the family has a surplus. , so I didn't say anything more, and went according to the old calendar Cao Suixiao.

I didn't expect to come to the Marquis of Wuyang's mansion today to know what real luxury is. I can't afford this meal without one or two hundred taels of silver.

Qin Keqing, who was standing next to her, saw Wang Xifeng's surprise, and said with a smile on her face: "We don't dare to be so extravagant. This time, one is that I am pregnant during this period, and my uncle specially makes every meal richer. Second, you It’s our guest, so when we come to our house for the first time, we naturally have to treat them well. If it’s like this every day, who can afford it?”

Even if Qin Keqing said so, Wang Xifeng still felt that the wealth of the Marquis of Wuyang Mansion was indeed a rising marquis's house, and it was different from a family like Rongguo Mansion that was supported by face.

Wang Xifeng asked casually at the dining table: "I heard that your mansion pays 5 taels of silver to us every year, is it true?"

"I know what you said about it. Where is the offering and what is not, the money is for the uncle to honor his parents and the old lady." Qin Keqing smiled without any dissatisfaction.

"Since that's the case, there is no need to give them away in the future. There is nothing missing in the house now, and there is still a balance of 2 taels of silver every year. Why do we need your 5 taels?" Wang Xifeng didn't want the 15 taels of silver. She felt that with Jia Ke's golden signboard, let alone [-] a year, [-] would be easy for her.

Wang Xifeng has attracted a lot of officials these days, relying on Jia Ke's reputation, she has some businesses in various places with these people, and with these, she can also get tens of thousands of taels of filial piety to the mansion every year.

"Sister, don't dare to do this. This is something the uncle told me. How dare I disobey it. The money is nothing to us. You just accept it." Qin Keqing was dealing with Wang Xifeng for the first time, and she didn't know what she was thinking, but she thought Remembering Jia Ke's instructions, the 5 taels of silver must be given no matter what.

Wang Xifeng declined several times, but Qin Keqing just refused, and after several delays, Wang Xifeng stopped arguing.

After lunch, the two chatted for a while, and the more they chatted, the more speculative they became. The two met each other now, and both of them are the housekeeper's wife, so the topics were very similar, and they chatted until it was dark before they knew it.

Wang Xifeng saw that the lights started to be lit in the house, and then realized that it was getting late, so she hurriedly said goodbye to Qin Keqing. Qin Keqing wanted to keep her for dinner, but this time Wang Xifeng refused anyway.So I had to send her to the door.

When Wang Xifeng was about to get into the sedan chair, Qin Keqing suddenly told Wang Xifeng: "Don't go through the gate this time. There is a moon gate next to our house, which leads directly to your house. If you want to come in the future, go there. Wouldn’t it be better to be safe again.”

After Qin Keqing said this, she looked at Wang Xifeng with a half-smile. She knew that Wang Xifeng had just taken charge of the Rongguo Mansion, and those people under him were not convinced by her yet, so this time, some expert sent her a message. Get off your horse.

Wang Xifeng was surprised when she heard her words. She had never heard this from her family before, and then her face became gloomy. No one told her about such a simple matter when she left the house. It seems that these slaves still Less training.

At this time, Wang Xifeng turned around a few times in his heart, and then with a smile on his face, he said to Qin Keqing as if nothing had happened: "Thank you sister-in-law for telling me, otherwise I don't know how many wrong roads I would have run."

After Wang Xifeng thanked Qin Keqing, she got into the sedan chair, and then left the Wuwei Hall. Once out of the Wuwei Hall, Wang Xifeng said to the maids next to her, "Tell the two sedan chair bearers to go through the Moon Gate." bad.

At this time, following Wang Xifeng was her most proud servant girl, Ping'er, who knew her master's temper very well.Now hearing her bad tone, one knows that these people will not end well today.

Ping'er walked a few steps to the front, and the person who carried the sedan chair said to him, "Did you hear what Second Mistress said? Go through the Moon Gate. I think you are from the mansion, so you should know the way."

The servant woman carrying the sedan chair in front had heard Wang Xifeng's words a long time ago, and now she was sweating profusely, and she didn't know what to do. You must know that she only collected a few taels of silver this time, so she didn't know that she would cause such a catastrophe Come.

Now after hearing Ping'er's words, he didn't dare to make any rebuttals, so he could only turn around, and instead of going to the gate of Wuyanghou's mansion, he turned around and came to a moon gate.

Besides, Qin Keqing watched the soft sedan chair made by Wang Xifeng and went back to the house.As soon as she came back, Jia Ke came in.

"You came back late today, and I wanted to introduce someone to you." Seeing Jia Ke coming in, Qin Keqing wanted to go up and help him pack his clothes.

Where can Jia Ke let her do it?He hurriedly supported her, helped her back to the bed, and replied: "I have been back a long time ago, but I heard people say that you have female guests here, so I didn't come in."

"It's Jia Lian's daughter-in-law. I said she was the one I introduced to you. You don't know that she is really good-looking, smart and agile, and a top-notch person." Qin Keqing kept praising Wang Xifeng in front of Jia Ke.

Jia Ke didn't intend to stop Qin Keqing and Wang Xifeng's relationship. After all, in the Dream of Red Mansions, the two were congenial, and they were extremely opposite-tempered. As well as congenial personality, what reason does he have to stop it?

But Jia Ke felt that it was not good for him to meet Wang Xifeng alone, because Wang Xifeng had not one or two romantic affairs.And Jia Ke and Jia Lian grew up together like brothers, he didn't want any scandals with Wang Xifeng to spread, so he didn't meet Wang Xifeng just now.

"It's nothing if you want to hang out with her, but you must be careful, persuade her more, and eat as much food as you want with a big bowl. Otherwise, something will go wrong in the future, and no one will clean it up for her." Jia Ke saw Qin Keqing and Wang Xifeng like this speculate.So I said these words, I want Qin Keqing to persuade Wang Xifeng more, not to do those unreasonable things.

After hearing Jia Ke's words, Qin Keqing kept wondering, "What are you talking about? I see that Lian's second daughter-in-law is very shrewd, what could go wrong?"

After hearing Qin Keqing's words, Jia Ke sneered, "She's just too shrewd, that's why she's so smart that she was mistaken by her cleverness."

Seeing this situation, Qin Keqing knew that there was something she didn't know, so she came to Jia Ke's side, leaned on Jia Ke's shoulder, and asked softly in his ear: "Master, what's the matter?" Tell me about it, otherwise I will be betrayed, and I will lose your face in the end."

Jia Ke couldn't resist being so charming and coquettish by Qin Keqing, so she hugged her immediately, lay on the bed and said, "You don't know that Lian's second daughter-in-law is really bold, she has only been in charge of the Rongguo Mansion for a few days, and she started to court her. Officials from other places, if I hadn't supported her behind, how could these people listen to her transfer?"

Qin Keqing's face changed a little now, she didn't expect Wang Xifeng to be so bold, a female class would start to win over officials, even she, as the hostess of Wuyanghou's mansion, did not dare to do such a thing.It seems that in the future, you have to be careful when talking to Wang Xifeng, or you may really suffer from her.

Besides, Wang Xifeng returned to Rongguo Mansion from the Moon Gate, and it was really close to where she lived, and she didn't leave the mansion all the way, so it couldn't be safer. With this Moon Gate, the two families seem to be in the same mansion.

Wang Xifeng didn't have a seizure all the way, and when she got back to the yard, she entered the house with a livid face, and without saying a word, ordered someone to beat the two strong women who were carrying the sedan chair with thirty sticks.

The maidservants next to her knew why Wang Xifeng beat her, so none of them dared to step forward to intercede.

The two strong women were beaten up in Wang Xifeng's courtyard and cried for their father and mother. When the time came, Jia Lian came back from outside.

Now Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng are in charge of the Rongguo Mansion together, but he has been in charge of foreign things. During this period of time, he has been patrolling the shops in central Beijing and often comes back very late, but every time he comes back he smells of alcohol. During a period of time, the shopkeepers in the shop took turns to invite him to dinner, just to let him show his noble hand and wipe out all the previous accounts, otherwise they would not be able to escape alone if they really checked the accounts.

But Jia Linglian agreed on the surface, but in fact she hated these people to death in her heart, and now she is just playing tricks on them, and when the time comes, she will kill them all.Because he still remembers the scene of copying Nanny Lai's house back then, and after that time, their Jia's house completely got rid of the dilemma of making ends meet.And what Jia Lian is thinking now is to do it again like a cat and a tiger, and bring back all the money these people have been greedy for all those years.In this way, although most of them have to be handed over to the public account, he can also reap a lot of benefits from it.

Wang Xifeng didn't have any objections to Jia Lian, as long as Jia Lian didn't mess around outside, it wouldn't be a big deal for the gentlemen to drink some wine. The two of them kept planning at night these days, thinking about how to give These minions have a little color.

After Jia Lian came back, he saw two servants who had been beaten to pieces. Jia Lian had never seen such a scene since he was a child. It’s not a big deal, let’s just spare them this trick, it’s pretty pitiful.”

Upon hearing Jia Lian's words, Wang Xifeng raised her eyebrows, her almond eyes widened, and her anger was full of charm, "Why do you feel distressed? If you are willing to put the two of them in the room, it is not impossible."

Jia Lian laughed angrily at Wang Xifeng, "Where are you thinking? As for the two guys outside the house, can I still pay attention to them? I just asked you a casual question because I saw how pitiful they were being beaten."

"They pity you, knowing how ugly I was today. I went out through the main entrance of our mansion, and then entered through the main entrance of the next mansion. Only then did I see Mrs. Qin. These two people who carried the sedan chair didn't tell me that our two mansions It's interlinked. You say whether you should fight or not." At this moment, Wang Xifeng thought of Qin Keqing's expression of smiling to himself just now, and he still felt a little fever on his face, and he was actually tricked by a few servants in his hands. This is still his first time here , because of not establishing prestige in the mansion, it seems that the following people should be dealt with severely, and let them know that grandma is not easy to mess with.

When Jia Lian heard what Wang Xifeng said, she knew that someone was tripping her up, and she felt a little bit ruthless. I don't know which lady in the house did it?Presumably it should be his mother, who is more likely to give Wang Xifeng a blow.

(End of this chapter)

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